Friday, 7 November 2014

Ke jaadaa Bhojpuri paD*elaa Sansaar me`? Who reads more Bhojpuri in the World? 
Sri: Katik maas me`:

Acaraj: [Surprising]:

  1. Bhaarateeyan se jaadaa Garman Bhojpuri paD*elan. [More Germans read Bhojpuri than Indians. Jaya ho!!]
  2. US se jaadaa Bhaarateey, aa PolaenD sa jaadaa US ke log Bhojpuri paD*elan. [More Indians read Bhojpuri than US or Polish.]
  3. Astrelian se jaadaa Polish Bhojpuri PaD*elan [More Polish read Bhojpuri than Australians.]
  4. Speni se jaadaa Astrelian Bhojpuri PaD*elan [More Austrelians read Bhojpuri than Spainish.]
  5. Yukreni se jaadaa Speni Bhojpuri PaD*elan.
  6. UAE vaasi, Bangaldeshi, Brajil, Cini caahe Sjek Janatantra se jaadaa Yukreni log Bhojpuri paD*elan.
>>> Acraj hotaa atanaa log Sansaar me` Bhojpuri paD*elaa!!! ee ta khaali "Mitram global Bhojpuri" ke baat bhail. ji.; aa baaki kitaaban sa, Patra Patrikaa sa!!!

>>> Surprising!!! So many people raed Bhojpuri in the World.  This is onli "Mitram global Bhojpuri" and what about other journals, Magezins, Newspapers and booka of Bhojpuri!!!

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