मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri
सृ. 18.11.9115 बियफे Beeyafe [Date: 11.02.2016 AD Thursday]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri, and all lovers.
English is in [...]. Iternational Bhojpuri Language]
अंक Ank: 337.11.9115.
*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** 'Janatantra' 'Democracy' what?
Is it 'Divide & Rule'?
Divide people in different 'Parties' opposing each other, often calling the same as 'Civil War' at one stage. >>> Support some of the factions and impose own Rule, some way or other, in other countries .
Does it mean 'Capitalism'?
'Earn money' by hook and by crook, by fair or faul means: to wage wars, create WMD (even permitted by world bodies like UNO). Let majority of people suffer and die. So what? It is Democracy.
** "पच्छिम के बाँट आ राज़ क़र के जनतन्त्र" "Pacchim ke Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~ ke Janatantra",
[Possibly the "Divide and Rule type of Democracy", is fully established in Iraq and Libya, and presently it is in full swing in Syria where every body is Opposition to the Other, to such an extent that even UNO is not able to determine who are in Oppositins, and who are terrorists!!!]
Jadi SRA aa NATO caahit, ta~ 'IS / ISIL' ... aadi sab aatankian ke cuTki me` masal ke rakh deet. [Had USA and NATO really wished to finish 'IS / ISIL' and other terrorists, they could do so in no time.]
Laagataa asal laRaai jekaraa beec baa uu ha:
>>> "पच्छिम के बाँट आ राज़ क़र के जनतंत्र Pacchim ke Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~ ke Janatantra" <> "असल जनतन्त्र Asali Janatantra" binaa 'Paarti-Politiks' ke.
>> जनतन्त्र Janatantra ke naav pa
"पूँजीवाद Poonjivaad" ke laRaai. <> "असल जनतन्त्र Asali Janatantra" se.
>> "Dhan Shakti ke nangaa naac' <> "Manusyataa, Vishwa Shaanti".
'Pacchim' ke ee laRaai ta~ 'Soviet Sangh' ke toRale se suru bhail rahe 9089 - 90 se uuhaa` ke Adhyaxe ke bahalaa fuslaa ke; feru Iraak, Libya, Siryaa ..... ke. Jaadaa khaatir dekhee` www.earthsanskriti.blogspot.com pa 'Gharbacaao Effect'.
[The rial fight is between:
"Devide and Rule Democracy" <> "Real Democracy" without Party- Politics".
"The War of Capitalism' in the name of 'Democracy" with earning by hook and by crook, by fair or faul means" <> "Real Democracy"
"Money Power Naked Dance" <> "Human Values, World Peace".
This War was started in 1989 - 90 by the Wests by deceiving the past President of USSR to destroy it cunningly, followed by wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria.... using "divide and Rule" policy.]
1. यूरेशिया Yuresiaa [Euresia]
1.1 Siriyaa Yuddha: [Syria War]:
** Ego mini Shaanti Baat SRA, Rus, Jarmani aadi me` Siriyan sharnarthi Samasyaa pa, Myunik me`. Laagataa ab Saudi Arabio eh aag me` gheev daale ke caahataa. [A mini peace talk on Syrian refugee crisis, in Munic between USA, Germany, Rassia and others. Possibly now Saudi Arabia also wish to jump in Syrian war.]
** Siriyan Sarkaar Iraan, Rus ke sahaayataa se majboot ho gail laagataa:
Siriyan Sarkaar LaTakiyaa se aaj 'Aatankiyan' ke bhagaa delas, aa Aleppo ke Uttar ke kuch gaavan pa kabjaa ka lelas Iraan aa Rus ke sahaayataa se. Aleppo caaro o~r se gheraa gail laagataa. Log Turki ke o~r bhaagataare.
[Syrian Govermant supported by Russia and Iran has become stronger.
Latakiaa is now freed from the 'terrorists' of all brands by the Siriyan Forces, and some villages north of Aleppo are captured with the support of Iraan, Hezbulla and Russia. Aleppo appeaers to be encirled by yrian forces. People are fleeing towards Turkey.]
1.3 Bhaarat [India]:
** Dilli AAP Sarkaar kaalhu 1 baris pooraa ka lelas. Eh ghari AAP Dilli Saasan ke Upalabdhi karib 44% baa, LG ke asahyogo ke baad. Jabki Dilli ke Janataa 90 me` se 87 AAP ke MLA ke jitaa ke ee bataa delan ki Dilli ke log Dilli me` "Swaraaj" DDD caahataaran je AAP Netaa Arvind Kejriwal ke asl Bindu rahe.
[AAP Delhi Govt has completed its very struggling 1st Year: Struggling with NDA's Central Govt's approach which is Conventional Goverment of 'Parliamentary Democracy' based on 'Divide and Rule'; where as the former likes to establish DD: Direct Democracy where people are the Supreme.
Delhi CM AK in a TV interview clearly said: "Swaraj Bill" or DD Bill will never be approved bythe Center, they would thus implement it by 'Excecutive Order of the Govt. of Delhi' establishing "3000 Mohalla Sabhas" in Delhi who will be empowered to decide every thing for their localities.
Delhi Citizens whole heartedly voted for AAP: 'Aam Aadmi Party' electing 87 of the 90 MLAs, Law Makers for Arvind Lejriwal led AAP supporting his wish for establishing DD or DDD: Delhi Direct Democracy.]
** "12 Saark Khel 2016": "12th South Asian Games 2016":
Caar dinan ke Khel ke baad 16.11.9115 ke 76 Sonaa Tagmaa ke saath Bhaarat 1m Raenk pa baa, jab ki Sri Lankaa 17 Sonaa le ke 2sar aa Paakistaan 4 Sonaa le ke 3sar Raenk pa aail.
["12th South Asian Games 2016": 10.02.2016 after 4 days with 76 Gold Medals India stood 1st, Sri Lanka 2nd with 17 Gold and Pakistan at 3rd Rank with 4 Gold Medals.]
** Dilli me` KooRaa raajneeti aaj 15 dinan se calataa. Baakir Dilli Ucca Nyayaalaya sab Dilli Nigaman ke 2 dinan me` sab karamcaarian ke talab debe ke Aadesh dele.
[Garbage Politics of Delhi: Over 14 days old.
Hon. Delhi HC has ordered the Corporations to pay the workers within 2 days, and report for review on 10.02.2016.]
** NDA-GOI: ke Upalabdhi darshak: 05.02.2016 [The Performance Rating of GOI]:
Sab Mukhya Binduan ke karib (–) 219% Upalabdhi dar cintaa ke baat baa. Vaarsik Upalabdhi dar - 31%. (-) rinaatmakataa bhail.
[About (-) 219% Performance Rating for essential items is a matter of concern. Annualized overall Performance rating of india about -31%.]
** Bhaarat me` sadhaaran jeevan kharac:
[Normal living Expences in India /person]: ~ 614 Rs/d, 18430 Rs/month. [9 $ / day.
Katanaa logan ke paas ee kamaai baa?]
Normal living Expences in NCR Delhi /person: ~ 722 Rs/d, 21660 Rs/m. [11 $/day. How many earn this in India?]
2. अमेरिका, Afrikaa, ऑस्ट्रेलिआ [America, Africa, Australia]:
2.1 SRA Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw 9116: [USA Presidential Nomination 2016]:
Mukhya dal: Ripablikan, DemokraeT, ...
Ripablikan Pratyaasi:
DonaalD Tramp, ...
Demokraet Pratyaasi:
Hillary KlinTon: ~38% 'New Hampshire' me` > Saaf citt!
Barni Saendars:~ 60% 'New Hampshire' me` > Hurre!!!
[Main Parties: Republicans, Democrats, ...
Republican Candidate:
Donald Trump: ~35%, Others: much less....
Democrats Candidate:
Hillary Clinton: ~38% in New Hampshire > badly flat!
Bernie Sanders:~ 60% in New Hampshire > Hurre!!!]
2.2 SwiTzarlaenD, InDonesiaa, PolaenD: [Switzerland, Indonesia, Poland]:
EDD ke 15.11.9115 ke cintan ke anusaar Sansaar ke 100 sab se jaadaa aabaadiwaalaa deshan me`, "Calat Janataantrik Raenk" uupar ke 10 sthaan me` d. Afrikaa 1m, Vietnaam 2sar, Rus 3sar, ArjenTinaa 4Th, Kolombiaa 5m, d. Koriaa 5m, Mexiko 7m, Filippaains 8m, Switzerland 9m, InDonesia 10m Raenk pa baa. [According to the study of EDD on 04.2.2016 among 100 most populated countries WW, S. Africa at 1st, Vietnam 2nd, Russia 3rd, Argentina stood at 4th Rank, Colombia at 5th, S.Korea at 5th, Maxico at 7th, Philippines 8th, Switzerland 9th, Indonesia 10th Rank on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking".]
2.3 Braazil: [Brazil]:
** Zikaa Ardhajeev: [Zika Virus]:
Laagataa karib pooraa d.Amerike me` Zikaa pasral baa. [Possibly Zika Virus is spread over the whole of S. Amerika]
** Pooraa Saansaare 17.5.9116 se 3.6.9116 ke beec Rio ke o~r TakTaki lagawale rahee uuhe Olampike ke laikaa laikian ke karaamaat dekhe khaatir.
>> Baakir Zikaa Jeevaardh ke kaa asar hoi eh pa. [But how about Zica Virus!]
[The whole World will coverge / observe into Rio during 5.8.2016 se 21.8.2016 to see the boys and girls.]
3-sar Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
18.11.9115 Global Bhojpuri 11.02.2016
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
सृ. 18.11.9115 बियफे Beeyafe [Date: 11.02.2016 AD Thursday]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri, and all lovers.
English is in [...]. Iternational Bhojpuri Language]
अंक Ank: 337.11.9115.
*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** 'Janatantra' 'Democracy' what?
Is it 'Divide & Rule'?
Divide people in different 'Parties' opposing each other, often calling the same as 'Civil War' at one stage. >>> Support some of the factions and impose own Rule, some way or other, in other countries .
Does it mean 'Capitalism'?
'Earn money' by hook and by crook, by fair or faul means: to wage wars, create WMD (even permitted by world bodies like UNO). Let majority of people suffer and die. So what? It is Democracy.
** "पच्छिम के बाँट आ राज़ क़र के जनतन्त्र" "Pacchim ke Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~ ke Janatantra",
[Possibly the "Divide and Rule type of Democracy", is fully established in Iraq and Libya, and presently it is in full swing in Syria where every body is Opposition to the Other, to such an extent that even UNO is not able to determine who are in Oppositins, and who are terrorists!!!]
Jadi SRA aa NATO caahit, ta~ 'IS / ISIL' ... aadi sab aatankian ke cuTki me` masal ke rakh deet. [Had USA and NATO really wished to finish 'IS / ISIL' and other terrorists, they could do so in no time.]
Laagataa asal laRaai jekaraa beec baa uu ha:
>>> "पच्छिम के बाँट आ राज़ क़र के जनतंत्र Pacchim ke Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~ ke Janatantra" <> "असल जनतन्त्र Asali Janatantra" binaa 'Paarti-Politiks' ke.
>> जनतन्त्र Janatantra ke naav pa
"पूँजीवाद Poonjivaad" ke laRaai. <> "असल जनतन्त्र Asali Janatantra" se.
>> "Dhan Shakti ke nangaa naac' <> "Manusyataa, Vishwa Shaanti".
'Pacchim' ke ee laRaai ta~ 'Soviet Sangh' ke toRale se suru bhail rahe 9089 - 90 se uuhaa` ke Adhyaxe ke bahalaa fuslaa ke; feru Iraak, Libya, Siryaa ..... ke. Jaadaa khaatir dekhee` www.earthsanskriti.blogspot.com pa 'Gharbacaao Effect'.
[The rial fight is between:
"Devide and Rule Democracy" <> "Real Democracy" without Party- Politics".
"The War of Capitalism' in the name of 'Democracy" with earning by hook and by crook, by fair or faul means" <> "Real Democracy"
"Money Power Naked Dance" <> "Human Values, World Peace".
This War was started in 1989 - 90 by the Wests by deceiving the past President of USSR to destroy it cunningly, followed by wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria.... using "divide and Rule" policy.]
1. यूरेशिया Yuresiaa [Euresia]
1.1 Siriyaa Yuddha: [Syria War]:
** Ego mini Shaanti Baat SRA, Rus, Jarmani aadi me` Siriyan sharnarthi Samasyaa pa, Myunik me`. Laagataa ab Saudi Arabio eh aag me` gheev daale ke caahataa. [A mini peace talk on Syrian refugee crisis, in Munic between USA, Germany, Rassia and others. Possibly now Saudi Arabia also wish to jump in Syrian war.]
** Siriyan Sarkaar Iraan, Rus ke sahaayataa se majboot ho gail laagataa:
Siriyan Sarkaar LaTakiyaa se aaj 'Aatankiyan' ke bhagaa delas, aa Aleppo ke Uttar ke kuch gaavan pa kabjaa ka lelas Iraan aa Rus ke sahaayataa se. Aleppo caaro o~r se gheraa gail laagataa. Log Turki ke o~r bhaagataare.
[Syrian Govermant supported by Russia and Iran has become stronger.
Latakiaa is now freed from the 'terrorists' of all brands by the Siriyan Forces, and some villages north of Aleppo are captured with the support of Iraan, Hezbulla and Russia. Aleppo appeaers to be encirled by yrian forces. People are fleeing towards Turkey.]
1.3 Bhaarat [India]:
** Dilli AAP Sarkaar kaalhu 1 baris pooraa ka lelas. Eh ghari AAP Dilli Saasan ke Upalabdhi karib 44% baa, LG ke asahyogo ke baad. Jabki Dilli ke Janataa 90 me` se 87 AAP ke MLA ke jitaa ke ee bataa delan ki Dilli ke log Dilli me` "Swaraaj" DDD caahataaran je AAP Netaa Arvind Kejriwal ke asl Bindu rahe.
[AAP Delhi Govt has completed its very struggling 1st Year: Struggling with NDA's Central Govt's approach which is Conventional Goverment of 'Parliamentary Democracy' based on 'Divide and Rule'; where as the former likes to establish DD: Direct Democracy where people are the Supreme.
Delhi CM AK in a TV interview clearly said: "Swaraj Bill" or DD Bill will never be approved bythe Center, they would thus implement it by 'Excecutive Order of the Govt. of Delhi' establishing "3000 Mohalla Sabhas" in Delhi who will be empowered to decide every thing for their localities.
Delhi Citizens whole heartedly voted for AAP: 'Aam Aadmi Party' electing 87 of the 90 MLAs, Law Makers for Arvind Lejriwal led AAP supporting his wish for establishing DD or DDD: Delhi Direct Democracy.]
** "12 Saark Khel 2016": "12th South Asian Games 2016":
Caar dinan ke Khel ke baad 16.11.9115 ke 76 Sonaa Tagmaa ke saath Bhaarat 1m Raenk pa baa, jab ki Sri Lankaa 17 Sonaa le ke 2sar aa Paakistaan 4 Sonaa le ke 3sar Raenk pa aail.
["12th South Asian Games 2016": 10.02.2016 after 4 days with 76 Gold Medals India stood 1st, Sri Lanka 2nd with 17 Gold and Pakistan at 3rd Rank with 4 Gold Medals.]
** Dilli me` KooRaa raajneeti aaj 15 dinan se calataa. Baakir Dilli Ucca Nyayaalaya sab Dilli Nigaman ke 2 dinan me` sab karamcaarian ke talab debe ke Aadesh dele.
[Garbage Politics of Delhi: Over 14 days old.
Hon. Delhi HC has ordered the Corporations to pay the workers within 2 days, and report for review on 10.02.2016.]
** NDA-GOI: ke Upalabdhi darshak: 05.02.2016 [The Performance Rating of GOI]:
Sab Mukhya Binduan ke karib (–) 219% Upalabdhi dar cintaa ke baat baa. Vaarsik Upalabdhi dar - 31%. (-) rinaatmakataa bhail.
[About (-) 219% Performance Rating for essential items is a matter of concern. Annualized overall Performance rating of india about -31%.]
** Bhaarat me` sadhaaran jeevan kharac:
[Normal living Expences in India /person]: ~ 614 Rs/d, 18430 Rs/month. [9 $ / day.
Katanaa logan ke paas ee kamaai baa?]
Normal living Expences in NCR Delhi /person: ~ 722 Rs/d, 21660 Rs/m. [11 $/day. How many earn this in India?]
2. अमेरिका, Afrikaa, ऑस्ट्रेलिआ [America, Africa, Australia]:
2.1 SRA Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw 9116: [USA Presidential Nomination 2016]:
Mukhya dal: Ripablikan, DemokraeT, ...
Ripablikan Pratyaasi:
DonaalD Tramp, ...
Demokraet Pratyaasi:
Hillary KlinTon: ~38% 'New Hampshire' me` > Saaf citt!
Barni Saendars:~ 60% 'New Hampshire' me` > Hurre!!!
[Main Parties: Republicans, Democrats, ...
Republican Candidate:
Donald Trump: ~35%, Others: much less....
Democrats Candidate:
Hillary Clinton: ~38% in New Hampshire > badly flat!
Bernie Sanders:~ 60% in New Hampshire > Hurre!!!]
2.2 SwiTzarlaenD, InDonesiaa, PolaenD: [Switzerland, Indonesia, Poland]:
EDD ke 15.11.9115 ke cintan ke anusaar Sansaar ke 100 sab se jaadaa aabaadiwaalaa deshan me`, "Calat Janataantrik Raenk" uupar ke 10 sthaan me` d. Afrikaa 1m, Vietnaam 2sar, Rus 3sar, ArjenTinaa 4Th, Kolombiaa 5m, d. Koriaa 5m, Mexiko 7m, Filippaains 8m, Switzerland 9m, InDonesia 10m Raenk pa baa. [According to the study of EDD on 04.2.2016 among 100 most populated countries WW, S. Africa at 1st, Vietnam 2nd, Russia 3rd, Argentina stood at 4th Rank, Colombia at 5th, S.Korea at 5th, Maxico at 7th, Philippines 8th, Switzerland 9th, Indonesia 10th Rank on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking".]
2.3 Braazil: [Brazil]:
** Zikaa Ardhajeev: [Zika Virus]:
Laagataa karib pooraa d.Amerike me` Zikaa pasral baa. [Possibly Zika Virus is spread over the whole of S. Amerika]
** Pooraa Saansaare 17.5.9116 se 3.6.9116 ke beec Rio ke o~r TakTaki lagawale rahee uuhe Olampike ke laikaa laikian ke karaamaat dekhe khaatir.
>> Baakir Zikaa Jeevaardh ke kaa asar hoi eh pa. [But how about Zica Virus!]
[The whole World will coverge / observe into Rio during 5.8.2016 se 21.8.2016 to see the boys and girls.]
3-sar Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
18.11.9115 Global Bhojpuri 11.02.2016
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
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