मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri
सृ. 18.10.9116. शनीचर [International Bhojpuri Daily: 31.12.2016 CE Saturday]
अंक Ank: 293.10.9116.
"मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक" Sansaar ke sab logan ke 2017 ke Nyaa Saal ke subhakaamanaa deta, khaas ka ke neece likhal deshan ke logan ke:
SRA, Fraans, Bhaarat, Jarmani, Hong Kong, Rus, ITali, PolaenD, Beljium, Braazil, Filipaain, Cin, NadarlaenD, Turki, Paakistaan, Banglaadesh, ThailaenD, Nepal, Yukrena, Bosniyaa Hazagobinaa, Rumaaniyaa, Spe~n, Kyubaa, Bartaaniya aadi
"Mitram Global Bhojpuri" is wishing to all a very happy New Year 2017, particularly people of the following countries:
USA, France, India, Germany, Hong Kong, Russia, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Brazil, Philippines, China, Netherlands, Turkey, Pakiistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Nepal, Ukrena, Bosnia & Harzgobina, Spain, Cuba, UK etc.
Sri: 9116 ke Kawano Khaas Khabar: [Some Major Events of 2016 CE]:
** Cin: Raenk 96m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[China: *At 96th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* G-20 ke Netaa ke Melaan Cin me` pahile ber. [G-20 Submit 1st Time held in China]
* Cin ke RaasTreey Jan Kongres > Nayaa 5 Saalaa Plaan.
[Chinise National People's Congress: New 5 Year Plans.]
* Cini AntarraasTreey Hawaai Jhalak 2016.
[China International Air Show 2016.]
** Bhaarat: Raenk 55m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[India: At 55th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Bhaarat Iraan ke Cabaahar Po~rT ke caalu kari binaa paakistaan gaile Afgaanistaan jaaye khaatir.
[India to make operational strategic Chabahar Port of Iran to access Afghanistan by-passing Pakistan.]
* Goaa BRICS Netaa ke Milaan. [BRICS Summit in Goa: 22.10.2016.]
* Bhaarat 8 Navambar 2016 ke aapan staayi R500 aa R1000 ke No~T band ka delas 'Karyaa dhan', 'Jaali No~T' aa 'Aatanki No~T' ke khaatmaa khaatir. Ekar asar ta~ abahee` dekhe ke baa, baakir ee, desh ke aarthik haalat ke jhakjhor ke rakh delas, khaas ka ke bhrasTaacaar ke calate..
Jehoo hokhe eh se logan ke anusaasan aa PM pa biswaas jhalakataa.
[India demonetized her fairly strong R500 and R1000 Currency Notes on 8th Nov. 2016 to curb 'Black Money', 'Fake Money' and 'Terror Money'. The effect of this is yet to be seen, but it jolted the entire economic system of the country due to prevailing corruption.
Whatever it may be, but it showed peoples discipline and support on PM.]
** SRA: Raenk 147m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[USA: At 147th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* SRA DonaalD Tramp ke aapan 45m Adhyax Cunalas, jabaki Adhyax Baraak Obamaa Siriyaa ke Adyax ke haTaawe me` jaagal rahan, uhe Iraak aa Libiyaa jaisan, baakir safal naa bhailan Rusi Adhyax Plaadimir Putin, 21m Shataabdi ke Krishna ke calate.
SRA ke aajo ego Mahilaa Adyax mile se rahal. Baakir SRA ke log Sansaar ke khaatmaa se bacaa dele.
Jaya ho SRA ke Janataa ke DonaalD Tramp ke le aa ke.
[USA Elected 45Th President Donald Trump while President Barak Obama was strugling in Syria for removal of its President something like Irad, and Libya, but could not succeed in front of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the 21st Century Krisna.
USA couldn't get a Lady President. However, the people of USA could save the World and particularly Europe from sever Migrants problem.
Jai ho! For the people of USA for bringing Donald Trump.]
** InDonesiyaa: Raenk 61m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[Indonesia: At 61st Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* 2nd International Conference on Water Technology: ICWT 2016.
** Braazil: Raenk 9m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Brazil: At 9th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Rio 9116 Olampik safal bhail pacaaso udheR-bun ke saat, aa Braazil ke caheti Adhyaxaa Dilmaa ke Mahaabhiyogo ke baad.
[Rio 2016 Olympics held successfully in Rio de Janeiro even under a host of controvercies and Impeachment of Brazilian popular President Dilma Rousseff.]
** Paakistaan: Raenk 148m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Pakistan: At 148th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Bachaa Khaan Vishwa Vidyaalay pa Aatanki hamalaa se 21 log muale.
[Terrorists attach in Bacha Khan Univerity killing at least 21 people.]
** Naaijeriyaa: Raenk 86m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Nigeria: At 86th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
** Banglaadesh: Raenk 77m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Bangladesh: At 55th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
** Rus: Raenk 3-sar "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Russia: At 3rd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Eka-dhrubeey Sansaar > go, went, gone!!!
Rusi Adhyax Vlaadimir Putin ke 30.09.2015 ke 4-5 Saal se 'Aatankiyan aa Pacchimi sahaayataa se calat SRA ke aguaai waalaa Siriyan Yuddha' pa hastaxep bhail.
[Uni-polar World > bye!! bye!!!
Russian President Vladimir Putin intervened in Syria on 30.09.2015 to save Syria and end 4-5 yr war of terrorists, rivals supported by the Wests lead by USA.
This resulted into developing a "Multy-Polar World" predicted by InBho saving 'Syria' and even "Palmyra, the non-living being".]
** Jaapaan: Raenk 118m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Japan: At 118th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Osaakaa Prakaash ke utsava 2016 [Festival of Lights in Osaka 2016.]
* Akita: Namahage
[Folklore demons that do frightening visits to children.]
** Siriyaa [Sirya]:
** Pacchimi Palmeera me` IS ke baRa nuksaanbhail. [In West Palmyra IS has lot of loss.]
** Rus aa Turki Siriyaa me` laRaai roke pa sahmat bhaile aa virodhio log. [Russia, Turkey and Rebels agree for Cease fire in Syria.]
** Iraak [Iraq]:
** Mosul:
> Mosul ke antim pulo dhwast bhail Hawaai Bam se. [The last bridge has also collapsed due to Ari Strike.]
** Libiyaa [Libya]:
** SRA Cayanit Adhyax ke pahilaa meeting Libiyaa pa bhail Kongo ke Sass0u Nguesso ke saath.
** Siriyaa me` jeet ke baad ab President Putin ji Libiyaa ke Balashaali ke aapan sahagaami banaa sakelan.
[After Syria victory Prsident Putin likely to made Libyan Strong man his ally.]
** Kyubaa: [Cuba: At 2nd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* The Great Cuban Communist Leader Sanatanarya Fidel Castro is laid to reat on 6.12.2016, due to whom Cuba is at 2nd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* SRA, Kyubaa me` 5 dask baad ghusal Sri: 9116 me` Addhyax Obamaa ke kaal me` je Libiyo me` ghusal rahe Sri: 9111 me okar barbaadi le ke.
[USA entered into Cuba in 2016CE, after 5 decades under President Obama who had also entered into Libya in 2011CE after 3 Decades just to destoy it.]
* AntarraasTreey Axin Amerikan Cinemaa Utsav Pus 9116.
[International Festival of Latin American Films Dec. 2016]
>> "EDD ke Janataantrik Raenk" pa Kyubaa ta~ 2-sar Raenk pa baa 100% DCU aa LDG: A ke saath; jabaki SRA 147m Raenk pa baa DCU (-)102% aa LDG: - ive. Duno me` toolanaa kahaa`?
[On "EDD: Dynamic Democratic Ranking" Cuba is at 2nd Rank with 100% DCU and LDG: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade: A', where as USA stands at 147th Rank among 150 most populated countries of the World having (-)102% DCU: 'Democratic capacity Utilisation' and LDG: - ive. How to compare!!! Let us try:
Parameter Cuba Kyubaa USA SRA Neibours:
1. Land area> very small vast
2. Population, M 11.4, 323
3. Socio-Eco. System Communist Capitalist
4. Lincolnion Democr. LD 6.27, -7.07
LD Grade: A (-)tive, Anti- LD
Janatantra EDD Score 6.27 / 10 Pt, -7.07 /10 Pt.
5. Democratic Capacity Rnk 6.27 / 10Pt, 5.66 / 10 Pt
6. EDD Rank in 150 countr 2nd 147th
7. Demotic Capcity Utlistion 100% -102%
DCU: "Demotic Capcity Utlistion" shows how much a country has used its 'Potential' or Capacity for the good of the Human Being (not restricted to the people of the country).
** Venezuelaa [Venezuela]: EDD Rank: 14, DCU: 85%. LDG: B.
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End] _________________________________________________________
18.10.9116 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 31.12.2016
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
सृ. 18.10.9116. शनीचर [International Bhojpuri Daily: 31.12.2016 CE Saturday]
अंक Ank: 293.10.9116.
"मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक" Sansaar ke sab logan ke 2017 ke Nyaa Saal ke subhakaamanaa deta, khaas ka ke neece likhal deshan ke logan ke:
SRA, Fraans, Bhaarat, Jarmani, Hong Kong, Rus, ITali, PolaenD, Beljium, Braazil, Filipaain, Cin, NadarlaenD, Turki, Paakistaan, Banglaadesh, ThailaenD, Nepal, Yukrena, Bosniyaa Hazagobinaa, Rumaaniyaa, Spe~n, Kyubaa, Bartaaniya aadi
"Mitram Global Bhojpuri" is wishing to all a very happy New Year 2017, particularly people of the following countries:
USA, France, India, Germany, Hong Kong, Russia, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Brazil, Philippines, China, Netherlands, Turkey, Pakiistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Nepal, Ukrena, Bosnia & Harzgobina, Spain, Cuba, UK etc.
Sri: 9116 ke Kawano Khaas Khabar: [Some Major Events of 2016 CE]:
** Cin: Raenk 96m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[China: *At 96th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* G-20 ke Netaa ke Melaan Cin me` pahile ber. [G-20 Submit 1st Time held in China]
* Cin ke RaasTreey Jan Kongres > Nayaa 5 Saalaa Plaan.
[Chinise National People's Congress: New 5 Year Plans.]
* Cini AntarraasTreey Hawaai Jhalak 2016.
[China International Air Show 2016.]
** Bhaarat: Raenk 55m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[India: At 55th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Bhaarat Iraan ke Cabaahar Po~rT ke caalu kari binaa paakistaan gaile Afgaanistaan jaaye khaatir.
[India to make operational strategic Chabahar Port of Iran to access Afghanistan by-passing Pakistan.]
* Goaa BRICS Netaa ke Milaan. [BRICS Summit in Goa: 22.10.2016.]
* Bhaarat 8 Navambar 2016 ke aapan staayi R500 aa R1000 ke No~T band ka delas 'Karyaa dhan', 'Jaali No~T' aa 'Aatanki No~T' ke khaatmaa khaatir. Ekar asar ta~ abahee` dekhe ke baa, baakir ee, desh ke aarthik haalat ke jhakjhor ke rakh delas, khaas ka ke bhrasTaacaar ke calate..
Jehoo hokhe eh se logan ke anusaasan aa PM pa biswaas jhalakataa.
[India demonetized her fairly strong R500 and R1000 Currency Notes on 8th Nov. 2016 to curb 'Black Money', 'Fake Money' and 'Terror Money'. The effect of this is yet to be seen, but it jolted the entire economic system of the country due to prevailing corruption.
Whatever it may be, but it showed peoples discipline and support on PM.]
** SRA: Raenk 147m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[USA: At 147th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* SRA DonaalD Tramp ke aapan 45m Adhyax Cunalas, jabaki Adhyax Baraak Obamaa Siriyaa ke Adyax ke haTaawe me` jaagal rahan, uhe Iraak aa Libiyaa jaisan, baakir safal naa bhailan Rusi Adhyax Plaadimir Putin, 21m Shataabdi ke Krishna ke calate.
SRA ke aajo ego Mahilaa Adyax mile se rahal. Baakir SRA ke log Sansaar ke khaatmaa se bacaa dele.
Jaya ho SRA ke Janataa ke DonaalD Tramp ke le aa ke.
[USA Elected 45Th President Donald Trump while President Barak Obama was strugling in Syria for removal of its President something like Irad, and Libya, but could not succeed in front of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the 21st Century Krisna.
USA couldn't get a Lady President. However, the people of USA could save the World and particularly Europe from sever Migrants problem.
Jai ho! For the people of USA for bringing Donald Trump.]
** InDonesiyaa: Raenk 61m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
[Indonesia: At 61st Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* 2nd International Conference on Water Technology: ICWT 2016.
** Braazil: Raenk 9m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Brazil: At 9th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Rio 9116 Olampik safal bhail pacaaso udheR-bun ke saat, aa Braazil ke caheti Adhyaxaa Dilmaa ke Mahaabhiyogo ke baad.
[Rio 2016 Olympics held successfully in Rio de Janeiro even under a host of controvercies and Impeachment of Brazilian popular President Dilma Rousseff.]
** Paakistaan: Raenk 148m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Pakistan: At 148th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Bachaa Khaan Vishwa Vidyaalay pa Aatanki hamalaa se 21 log muale.
[Terrorists attach in Bacha Khan Univerity killing at least 21 people.]
** Naaijeriyaa: Raenk 86m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Nigeria: At 86th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
** Banglaadesh: Raenk 77m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Bangladesh: At 55th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
** Rus: Raenk 3-sar "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Russia: At 3rd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Eka-dhrubeey Sansaar > go, went, gone!!!
Rusi Adhyax Vlaadimir Putin ke 30.09.2015 ke 4-5 Saal se 'Aatankiyan aa Pacchimi sahaayataa se calat SRA ke aguaai waalaa Siriyan Yuddha' pa hastaxep bhail.
[Uni-polar World > bye!! bye!!!
Russian President Vladimir Putin intervened in Syria on 30.09.2015 to save Syria and end 4-5 yr war of terrorists, rivals supported by the Wests lead by USA.
This resulted into developing a "Multy-Polar World" predicted by InBho saving 'Syria' and even "Palmyra, the non-living being".]
** Jaapaan: Raenk 118m "EDD: Democratic Ranking" pa.
* [Japan: At 118th Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* Osaakaa Prakaash ke utsava 2016 [Festival of Lights in Osaka 2016.]
* Akita: Namahage
[Folklore demons that do frightening visits to children.]
** Siriyaa [Sirya]:
** Pacchimi Palmeera me` IS ke baRa nuksaanbhail. [In West Palmyra IS has lot of loss.]
** Rus aa Turki Siriyaa me` laRaai roke pa sahmat bhaile aa virodhio log. [Russia, Turkey and Rebels agree for Cease fire in Syria.]
** Iraak [Iraq]:
** Mosul:
> Mosul ke antim pulo dhwast bhail Hawaai Bam se. [The last bridge has also collapsed due to Ari Strike.]
** Libiyaa [Libya]:
** SRA Cayanit Adhyax ke pahilaa meeting Libiyaa pa bhail Kongo ke Sass0u Nguesso ke saath.
** Siriyaa me` jeet ke baad ab President Putin ji Libiyaa ke Balashaali ke aapan sahagaami banaa sakelan.
[After Syria victory Prsident Putin likely to made Libyan Strong man his ally.]
** Kyubaa: [Cuba: At 2nd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* The Great Cuban Communist Leader Sanatanarya Fidel Castro is laid to reat on 6.12.2016, due to whom Cuba is at 2nd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 150 most populated countries of the world]:
* SRA, Kyubaa me` 5 dask baad ghusal Sri: 9116 me` Addhyax Obamaa ke kaal me` je Libiyo me` ghusal rahe Sri: 9111 me okar barbaadi le ke.
[USA entered into Cuba in 2016CE, after 5 decades under President Obama who had also entered into Libya in 2011CE after 3 Decades just to destoy it.]
* AntarraasTreey Axin Amerikan Cinemaa Utsav Pus 9116.
[International Festival of Latin American Films Dec. 2016]
>> "EDD ke Janataantrik Raenk" pa Kyubaa ta~ 2-sar Raenk pa baa 100% DCU aa LDG: A ke saath; jabaki SRA 147m Raenk pa baa DCU (-)102% aa LDG: - ive. Duno me` toolanaa kahaa`?
[On "EDD: Dynamic Democratic Ranking" Cuba is at 2nd Rank with 100% DCU and LDG: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade: A', where as USA stands at 147th Rank among 150 most populated countries of the World having (-)102% DCU: 'Democratic capacity Utilisation' and LDG: - ive. How to compare!!! Let us try:
Parameter Cuba Kyubaa USA SRA Neibours:
1. Land area> very small vast
2. Population, M 11.4, 323
3. Socio-Eco. System Communist Capitalist
4. Lincolnion Democr. LD 6.27, -7.07
LD Grade: A (-)tive, Anti- LD
Janatantra EDD Score 6.27 / 10 Pt, -7.07 /10 Pt.
5. Democratic Capacity Rnk 6.27 / 10Pt, 5.66 / 10 Pt
6. EDD Rank in 150 countr 2nd 147th
7. Demotic Capcity Utlistion 100% -102%
DCU: "Demotic Capcity Utlistion" shows how much a country has used its 'Potential' or Capacity for the good of the Human Being (not restricted to the people of the country).
** Venezuelaa [Venezuela]: EDD Rank: 14, DCU: 85%. LDG: B.
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End] _________________________________________________________
18.10.9116 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 31.12.2016
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन