Sunday, 15 January 2017

Human born First before > 92 947 100 BCE, सृ 1 880 000 000 in Himalayas, Arkatic cicle. मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri सृ. 04.11.9116

Human born First before > 92 947 100 BCE, सृ 1 880 000 000 in Himalayas, Arkatic cicle.
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri
सृ. 04.11.9116. एतवार [International Bhojpuri Daily: 15.01.2017 CE Sunday]
अंक Ank: 308.11.9116.

Khaas Khabar Special News
First Human got born before > 92 947 100 BCE, सृ 1 880 000 000 in Himalayas, Arkatic cicle bscientifically and according to Vedas, not in Africa as many Western Historians.say. 
In fact History has no means to decide such old matters since they mainly depend on 
Written maatters, Anthropology, fossils, Archeological findings.
On the other hands, Science depends on 'Carbon Dating' which matches with 
EK (Eternal Knowledge), UK (Ultimate Knowledge) the basis of Vedas.

** "हिमालय क्षेत्र pahilaa मानव ke janam bhail 'मानसरोवर ke तट' pa तिब्बत क्षेत्र me`, 
aa 'लद्दाख-हिमाचल-उत्तराखण्ड' भारत ke क्षेत्रन ", 
नI ki अफ्रिका me`, jaisan ki  Pacchimi Itihaas ke vidvaan kahele,  je ekdam avaigaanik baa: aa amaanya baa, aa amaanya baa. 

Baakir, baad me` अफ्रिका o me` dusar मानव ke janam bhail, je khaas ka ke Dher dinan tak Afrike me` rahalan.  
  [Around the Himalayas and on the 'Banks of Mansarovar' in Tibbet and 'Laddakh-Himachal-Uttarakhand' areas of India Human Being evolved first, not in Africa as the Western Historians say, being totally unscientific, thus rejected.
Still later, in Africa too different type of Human evolved who, for long, remained confined in Africa only.

Baakir, je मानव हिमालय क्षेत्र me` janamale, uu karib pooraa pooraa यूरेसिया aa अमेरिका क्षेत्र me` अलास्का ke jamal baraf ke raastaa se, aa 
इंडोनेशिया-मलयेशिया-पोलिनेसिया  aa ऑस्ट्रेलिया ke raastaa se d.Amerikaa gaile.  
However, those Human who devloped around the Himalayas, spread to whole of Euresia and America either through frozen Alaska route and through Indonesia-Malaysia-Polynesia and Australia routes by ship.
Adhikam: sthaane
[More at above link.]

EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank' or 'Lincolnian Democratic Rank': ... among 160 most populated countries of the World,  
DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' ... % of the 'Democratic Capability of the country'.
** SRA [USA]:  EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 157th, DCU: -102%
* [Before President Obama: 
EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 154th, DCU: -30%. when Libya and Syria were peaceful.
Barak Hussain Obama's Presidentship is credited with 
> the destruction of Libya with Ms Hillary Clinton, 
> the destruction of Syria.
> Continued donating billions of dollars to the country 'training terrorists'!!!
=> Democratic Rank gone down by 3 Ranks, DCU gone down from -30% to -102% i.e. gone down by 72% 
* Well done Mr. Obama.]
SRA Adhyax Obamaa ke pahile: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 154th, 
DCU: -30%, tab Libiyaa aa Siriyaa me` shaanti rahe.
Barak Hussain Obama ke Adhyaxataa ke sringaar bhail: 
> Libiyaa ke vidhwans Smt Hillai ji ke saath,
> Siriyaa ke barbaadi,
> Oh desh ke Kharbo Rupiaa daan, je Aatankiyan ke deexaa delaa!!!
=> Janataantrik darjaa ghaTal 3 Sthaan, DCU ghaTal -30% se -102% = 72% Neece.
* Neeman kailan Obamaa ji.
  ** Bartaaniyaa [UK]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 160th last, DCU: -364% 
* Bartaaniyaa ke Rank 160 sab se jaadaa janasankyaa waalaa deshan sab se neece kaahe baa?
This is because in UK: 
> the 'rrp': 'really ruling person' say: PM etc, are not elected by the people,
>  Every body does not have the same 'right',  
On top of this the goverment is still expansionist going for avoidable   wars in diffrent countries.]

** Bhaarat [India]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 60,  DCU: 82.3% 
* Khaadi Graamodyog ke jhanDaa se Gaandhi ji ke haTaa ke Modi ji rakhaa gail, ehee baat pa Bhaarat ke Modi Saasan ke ego Mantri 2 -1 din pahile kahlan ki ab NoTavano se Daandhi ji jaihe` (kaado ee unkar aapan vicaar ha.). 
Baakir, aaj Sri: 04.11.9116 ke Door-darshan pa ego ba~R dukhad khabar sune ke paRal: "'NIT GhaaT' pa diyaraa pa tilangi uRaa ke 2 go naav pa karib 80 kog lautat rahan, jekar durghaTanaa ho gail 'NIT GhaaT' ke niyare paani me`, je se kam se kam 20 logan ke laas milal ..."   
Ab "Gaandhi GhaaT", Patnaa  ke naav Doordarshan khaatir "NIT GhaaT" ho gail. Ehuje se kaa 'Gaandhi ji' ke Modi Sarkaar ke 'Doordarshan' haTawalas, 'Khaadi Graamodyog ke jhanDaa jaisan.? 
Aage dekhee` kaa kaa hotaa!!! 
[Now, has "Gandhi Ghaat" Patna for 'Doordarshan'  become "NIT Ghat"?   
Has Modi Govt.'s "Doordarshan' also replaced 'Gandhi' by 'NIT', like 'from the flag of  Khadi Gramodyog?] 
* Sarvasaadhaaran: Modi ji ke Bhaarat Sarkaar logan ke Rupayaa cup-caap cheenataa 'digital takneek' se, aa Udyogpatian ke, BaRa BaRa Kampanian ke, aa Bijness men ke detaa:
Vox Populi: Modi Goverment of India is snatching money from the people secretely forcing people to use 'digital tech' resulting into transfering money of common persons to Industrialists, Corporates, Business-Agencies:
e.g. 1: For booking LPG Cylinder: 
> R 1.6 is deducted for Modi ji talk, then gas is booked, earlier it was R 0.2 => R 1.4 loss
> LPG subsidy not tranferred to account, stated to complain on a number,
> On complain R 5.6 cut as a loss of the complainant, with total loss of R 7 in addition subsity loss of about R 100,
> Total loss about 107 > further complain further loss
>> This is just 1 example of 'digital Technology' 
=> Loss of a common person: R 107
> Gain of Mobile Company by digitalisation: R 7 / action 
> Gain of Corporate: ~ R 100 * 10 = R1000/yr-consumer.
>> This is merely 1 example, possibly out of millions. This concerns to HP.
People keep on telling their plight of 'digitalisation'. 
>>> Ehee se मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक pahilahee` kahale rahe 'Demonetisation' ke baad 'Kaesles' baat pa: 
"Atisarvatra Varjayet" 
je Modi Sarkaar karataa, jahaa` 'Saaxarataa maatra 70% baa'.
[Considering all these 'Mitram Global Bhojpuri' has said 
"Excess of every thing is bad"
First demonitisation, followed by compelling people to go 'cash less' is  snatching money secretaly from the common persons in various manners is undesirable.
(look at just 1 example out of many as shown above)]

* Panjaab aa Goaa me` Cunaaw: [Election in Punjab & Goa: 
** 'Bhaarat ke Nirvaacan Aayog' 5 Praantan me` Cunaaw kare ke ghosanaa kailas 23.11.9116 se 26.12.9116 ke beec. Sab le ke 16 KaroR VoTar baaRan eh Cunaaw me`. Ee Rus ke janasankyaa baraabar baa, caahe kahee` ki Jarmani ke dugunaa.
Vo~T ke ginati 29.12.9116 ke Hori ek din pahile, jekaraa baade fal pataa cali.  
[Election in 5 states of India is declared by the Election Commission including Punjab, Goa, UP, Uttaranchal, and Manipur starting from 04.02.2017 to 08.03.2017. There are about 160 Million Voters in this election > population of Russia or double of the population of Germany.
Counting is on 11.03.2017 followed by the results.]

 ** Siriyaa [Sirya]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 111, DCU: 78.1%.
* Senaa ISIS ke gaaReeyan ke toRalas Dier, Ezzor aa Homs me`. 
[Army destroys ISIS Vehicles in Dier Ezzor and Homs.]

* Ego Amerikan media kahlas: Assad ke Siriyaa me` jeet, baakir Siriyaa ke astitwe kahaa baa? 
[An USA media said: Assad hhas won in Syria, but where does Syria exists?]

** Iraan [Iran]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 104,  DCU: 72% 

** Iraak [Iraq]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 140,  DCU: 59.2% 
Atanaa dinan je baad Iraaki Val 'Masul Vishwavidyaay' me` ghusal, ISIS ke gaD*a me`. [After so many days Iraqi forces could enter into 'Mosul University', the center of IS using Lab for making Bombs.]

** Libiyaa [Libya]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 143, DCU: 54.6% 
** Sri: 30.10.9116 ke 'EU Planted, UNO backed Libiyan Sarkaar'  ke saal bhar ke asfalataa ke calate, Khalifa Ghwel ke anusaar ab uu Suraxaa, Shram aa "Martyers & wounded" pa adhikaa jamawalas, je apanaa ke 'Libiyaa ke PM'  kahle. >
> Eehe ha Libiyaa je SRA aa NATO banawalas, sab Libiyan ke baa`T aa baa`T ke, aa laRaa ke. "Divide & Rule" > Eehaa ta~ 'Rulo' bhail!!! 

* ITali [Italy]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 144, DCU: 20% 
Du baris baad ITali aapan dootaabaas kholalas 'tripoli' Libiyaa me` je palaayan ro~ki. [After 2 years Italy is going to open its Ambassy in Libya, particularly to stop migrants' flow to Italy.]

* Libiyaa me` ab laagataa ki 'EU Aropit Libiyaa Saasan' ke asar khatame` baa Libiyaa me`.
Purub me` LNA, 'Libiyan National Army' FilD Marshal Khalifaa Haftaar ke, jekaraa peeTh pa Fraans ke 'Spesal Forsa'  aa Rus laagataa, jor pa baa 
> Khaas baat baa ki Tabruk Libiyaa ke 'House of Representative' 'National Assembly' ke sapport baa Khalifaa ke; aa Misr, UAE, aadio inkaa peeTh pa baa. Ruso ta Kalifaa ke mahatva delaa. [The support of the 'House of Representative' of Libya and Kremlin to Khalifa is of prime importance. After all it is the people of Libya who have to rule themselves, not a 'Planted Govt' by foreighers.]

** Kyubaa: [Cuba: At 2nd Rank on "EDD: Democratic Ranking" of 160 most populated countries of the world, DCU = 100%]:
** Ke kahataa, "Tillarson Kyubaa ke feru se oh deshan Daal deehe` jahaa` se aatankvaad suru holaa".
Aage aage dekhee` hotaa kaa.
[Who says,"Tillerso offered the possibility of putting Cuba back on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism".
Let's wait and see what really happens.]

* SRA, Kyubaa me` 5 dasak baad ghusal Sri: 9116 me` Adhyax Obamaa ke kaal me` je Libiyo me` ghusal rahe Sri: 9111 me` okaraa ke barbaadi le ke. 
Kyubaa: Saawadhaan!!!
[USA entered into Cuba in 2016 CE, after 5 decades under President Obama who had also entered into Libya in 2011CE after 3 Decades just to destoy it. 
Cuba: be careful!!!]
** Venezuelaa [Venezuela]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 15th,   DCU: 84.6%
* Venezuelaa 'Assembly' ghosit kailas: Adhyad Nikolas Maduro aapan Pade ke 'khatam' ka delan 28.10.9116 ke: Jekaraa ke 'Uccatam Nyaayaalay asamvaidhaanik bataa delas.
[Venezuela Law makers, controlled by opposition parties said on 10.1.2017: President Nicolas  Maduro has 'abondoned his post': The Supreme Court said the same uncostitutional.]
* Venezuelaa Saasan logan ke talab 50% baD&aa delas mahangaai ke calate. [venezuela Govt. has increased salaries by 50%.]

** ArgenTinaa [Arjentina]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 71st, 
DCU: 82%.
* Ab Ubharat Baazaar me` ArjenTinaa: 2001 me` ekaraa ke eh Baazaar se bahari ka diaail. Jab se Maurisio Makri Adhyax banale in 9115, ArjenTinaa agaaRee baD*e laagal. Ab MCSI jaano ki ekar 'Share', 'emerging market share' me aai ki naa.  
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
 ‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
**  'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]  
ओरा गइल  Oraa gail [The End]   _________________________________________________________   
04.11.9116 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 15.01.2017

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार  सोमार  मंगर    बुध    बियफे    शुक  शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन

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