मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri
सृ. 04.01.9117. बियफे [International Bhojpuri Daily: 16.03.2017 CE Thursday]
अंक Ank: 004.01.9117.
खास बात Khaas Khabar Special News
** EDD: Earth Direct Democracy > Dynamic:
(Democracy => 'Lincolnion Democracy' or 'Janatantra'
not British or Indian type which is 'Party-tantra')
EDD: पृथ्वी सीधा जनतंत्र > चलत
EDD: Prithvi Seedhaa Janatantra > Calat:
EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank' 90 sab se jaadaa Janasankhyaa ke deshan me`or LD, 'Lincolnian Democratic Rank': ... among 90 most populated countries of the World,
DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' ... % of the
'Achievement' to 'Democratic Capability of the country'.
With Women Power 4 countries have A+ Grade at 'EDD: Democratic Ranking' of 80 most populated countries of the World, Scoring over 7 on 10 points > in which
Bangladesh became the "Super A+ Democratic" country in 2016
Sri Lanka, India, Peru and S. Korea have
'A+' Ranking with 'Women Power'.
*** Bangaali Sanskriti: me` sab Stri log 'Maa' caahe 'didi' holi:
Maa, Pisi Maa, Maasi Maa, Kaaki Maa, Bau Maa, didi, Bau di, ... aadi. ***
Sanatanarya Vlaadimir Yilyic Lenin-o kahat rahan:
"Ladies are Mothers > respect them."
Eehe Sanaatanaarya Kalcar ha.
Banglaadesh, Sri Lankaa aa Bhaarat ke ehee
'Sanaatanaaarya Sanskriti' se, ee teeno desh aaj
'EDD: Democratic Ranking' ke Top pa aagail baaRe.
[Sanatanarya Vladimir Yilyic Lenin also used to say:
"Ladies are Mothers > respect them."
This is the "Sanatanarya Culture", with which the trio-countries of Indian Sub-continent: "Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India" are presently in 2017 at the Top of
'EDD: Democratic Ranking' in its Series-5 of most populated 90 Countries of the World with 'Women Power';
Among Top 3 > 3 Countries of Indian Sub-continent;
Top 5 > 4 Asian and 1 South American Country;
Top 10 > 6 Asian, 3 South American and 1 African
including 3 BRICS countries.
Top 15 > 6 Asian, 6 South American, 2 European and 1 African
including 4 BRICS countries. :
Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot.
Bangladesh 1 10.34 Super A+ 11.34
Sri Lanka 2 8.405 A+ 8.655
India 3 7.655 A+ 8.655
Peru 4 7.65 A+ 8.65
S. Korea 5 7.575 A+ 8.575
S. Africa 6 6.905 A 7.905
Philippines 7 6.825 A 8.4
Vietnam 7 6.825 A 6.825
Brazil 9 6.55 A 7.55
Bolivia 10 6.505 A 7.505
Argentina 11 6.48 A 7.48
Cuba 12 6.28 A 6.28
Chile 13 6.265 A 5.38
Russia 14 6.21 A 7.21
Portugal 15 6.065 A 6.91
Greece 16 5.91 B 6.91
N. Korea 17 5.865 B 8.655
Taiwan 18 5.835 B 8.65
Poland 19 5.82 B 6.82
Rwanda 20 5.695 B 6.695
Somalia 21 5.685 B 6.6
Colombia 22 5.675 B 6.675
Haiti 23 5.605 B 8.65
Indonesia 24 5.6 B 6.6
Equadore 25 5.56 B 6.56
Kazhakastan 26 5.525 B 6.525
Mexico 27 5.495 B 6.495
Belarus 28 5.485 B 6.56
Nepal 28 5.485 B 5.855
Venezuela 28 5.485 B 5.82
Burundi 31 5.475 B 5.855
Rumania 32 5.45 B 7.21
Malawi 33 5.45 B 6.45
Chad 34 5.44 B 6.44
Mali 35 5.425 B 6.425
Madagaskar 36 5.36 B 6.82
Uzbekistan 37 5.33 B 5.645
Zimbabwe 38 5.1 B 6.1
Benin 39 4.89 C 6.1
Myanmar 40 4.855 C 5.855
Tanzania 41 4.82 C 5.82
Guina 42 4.795 C 5.795
Angola 43 4.715 C 6.145
Cameroon 44 4.645 C 5.82
Kenya 45 4.645 C 5.645
Zambia 46 4.53 C 5.53
Czec Rep 47 4.465 B 7.67
Senegal 48 4.38 C 7.67
Ukraine 49 4.375 C 6.375
Berkina Faso 50 4.245 C 5.645
Tunitia 51 4.17 C 6.17
Nigeria 52 4.14 C 5.14
Gautemala 53 4.09 C 5.09
Niger 53 4.09 C 5.09
Gautemala 53 4.09 C 5.09
Dom rep 56 3.98 D 5.645
Netherland 57 3.955 D 6.45
Mozambique 58 3.955 D 6.145
China 59 3.945 D 6.145
Iran 60 3.9 D 5.4
Ghana 61 3.69 D 5.855
DR Congo 62 3.675 D 4.675
Syria 63 3.56 D 4.675
Afghanistan 64 3.505 D 6.375
Uganda 65 3.43 D 4.43
Syria 66 3.56 D 4.675
Cambodia 67 3.41 D 4.41
Ethiopia 68 3 D 4
Sweden 69 2.835 D 4
Hungary 70 2.825 D 4
Sudan 71 2.825 E 3.825
Thailand 72 2.65 E 3.65
Japan 73 2.64 E 3.64
Malaysia 74 2.235 E 4
Yemen 75 2.075 E 3.825
Egypt 76 2.455 E 3.455
Austrelia 77 1.825 E 2.825
Algeria 78 1.825 E 2.825
Spain 79 1.595 E 4.595
Iraq 80 1.45 E 2.45
Italy 81 1.385 E 6.885
Turkey 82 1.2 E 5.2
Morocco 83 0.92 E 1.92
Canada 84 -0.85 aJanatantric 4.15
Germany 85 -4.475 aJanatantric 8.025
Saudi Arabia 86 -5.975 aJanatantric 8.025
USA 87 -7.07 aJanatantric 6.93
Pakistan 88 -7.435 aJanatantric 6.565
France 89 -8.605 aJanatantric 5.895
UK 90 -9.765 aJanatantric 5.235
** बंगलादेश Banglaadesh: [Bangladesh]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' 'Janatantrik Rank': 1st , DCU: 91.2%. Sheikh Hasinaa Wazed (anCunal rrp) ke. of Sheikh Hasina Wazed (unelected rrp).
* Bangalaadesh 9116 me` 90 deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke ~95% log rahele 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa "Atyucc A+ Janataantrik desh" banal.
[Bangladesh became the "Super A+ Democratic Country" among 90 countries in 2016 with Women Power where ~ 95% people of the World live.]
** चीन Cin [China]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': 50th, DCU: 64.2%. सनातनार्य क्षि जिं पिंग Sanaatanaarya Xi Jinping (चुनल cunal) ke > of Sanatanarya Xi Jinping (elected):
** युक्रेन Yukren: [Ukraine]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': 42nd, DCU: 66.5 %. > (चुनल cunal) Parshenko ke je Sarkaar ‘takhtaa palaT ke banal rahe’. () : (elected) of Parashenko of Highjacked Ukraine Govt.
* दनेत्स्क-लुहांस्क रिपब्लिक DPR-LPR: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': th, DCU: %. Alexedar Zakhaarcenko ke aa , of Alexedar Zakhaarcenko and ...
* DNR Rus keehaa` 'Kariyaa Heeraa' bhejataa. [DPR suplying 'Black Diomond' to Russia.]
** भारत Bhaarat [India]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': LD Rank: 3rd, DCU: 88.4%. Narendra Modi (ancunal rrp) ke. of Narendra Modi (unelected rrp).
* Bhaarat ke Sri: 03.01.9117 tak ke Salaanaa Sarvaangeen Vikaas karib 68% baa. Ee kawano Sarkaari aa`kaRaa naa ha. Bhaarat ke 11 maheenan ke Upalabdhee kawano niman naa bkahal jaa sake.
Kendra Saasan ke alaawe ab ta Bhaarat ke adhikaans Pradeshan me` BJP aa NDA Saasit ho gail baa, eh se aashaa baa ki 2016-17 ke kami 2017-18 me pooraa ho jaai.
[Tha overall annualised performance of India as on 15.3.2017 is about 68%: EDD. The GOI figure may be different.
Now since over 50% Provinces are ruled by BJP / NDA, we hope the deficits of 2016-17 may be compensated in 2017-18.]
** Not the largest party, but jo~R to~R ke bhrasT raajneeti se Goaa aa Manipur me` BJP ke Saasan suru. [BJP started Ruling in Goa and Manipur with 'Nehrubian Corrupt politics of make and break'.]
** रूस: Rus: [Russia]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank 14th, DCU: 86.1%. Vlaadimir Putin ke (anCunal rrp). of Vladimir Putin (unelected rrp).
* Siriyaa baat aage naa baD*al, virodheian ke asahyog se. [Syria talk derails due to non-cooperation of rebels.]
* Ab jab Sansaar Eka Dhrubeey naa rahal, ta Rus ke kaam auru jaadaa mahatva poorna ho gail baa. [Now when there is no Supreme Power in the World and it has become Multi-Polar , the role of Russia has become very important.]
** ब्राजिल Braazil [Brazil]: 'EDD: Democratic Rank: 9th, DCU: 86.8%. Maaikel Temar ke (Cunal Adhyax ke takhthaa-palaT ke) Michel Temer (hijaiked from the elected President)
* Zikaa, Dengu, Cikonguniyaa Brazil me` ab ghaTal laagataa. [Zika, dengue and Chikungunya cases reduce now.]
** Peru [Peru] 'EDD: Democratic Rank: 4th, DCU: 88.4 %.
* Badhaai Peru:
Peru ab Raenk: 4 pa 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa 90 deshan me` jahaa` ~ 90 % log rahele Sansaar ke.
[Congratulation Peru:
Peru at 4th Rank on 'EDD Democratic Ranking' of 90 most populated countries where ~ 90% people live of the World live.]
** Yunaan [Greece]: 'EDD: Democratic Rank': 15th, DCU: 85.5%.
* Yunaan ke Lesvos me` sansaar ke sab se sunar saRak milal. [ The most beautiful street was found in Lesvos in Greece.]
* Yunaan se ego Bom Jarmani ke Viita Mantraalay me` lifaafaa me` milal. [A bomb was found in German Finance Ministry originating from Greece possibly.]
** SRA [USA]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD 77th, DCU
-102%. Adhyax डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प के DonaalD Tramp (cunal) ke > of Donald Trump (elected):
* SRA, Rus ke saath Siriyaa me`. [USA cooperation with Russia in Syria.]
** फ्रांस Fraans [France]: EDD: ' जनतांत्रिक रैंक : Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 79th, DCU: -146%. Francois Hollande (cunal) ke. > of Francois Hollande (elected).
* [When M/s Merin Li Pen wins France presidential election, is very hopeful.] Jadi Merin Li Pen jeetihe` Fraansisi Adhyaxeey Cunaaw. Pen khoob aashaavaan baaRee.
* Socialist aa Republicon PaarTi 9058 se Fraans pa raaj karataa ek ek ka ke, Ab laagataa Marine Le Pen; aa Emmanuel Macron ke calate Fraans me` dusar Kraanti hoi.
[The Socialist and the Republicon Parties are sharing power since 1958, could get out in 1st round itself on 23.4.2017 > Credit National Front Leader Marine Le Pen; and Emmanuel Macron leader of the Liberal Movement.]
* Fraans Adhyaxeey Cunaaw 9117: [2017 French Presidential Election: 1st Round 23.4.2017, 2nd 7.5.2017.]:
* Fraans Adhyaxeey Pratyaasi: Frankois Fillon, Merin Li Pen, Emmaenuel Maekron, Jeen-Lus Melemcol, Benoit Haemmon.
[France Presidential Condidates: Francois Fillon, Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Lus Melenchon, Benoit Hammon.]
* M/s Merin Li Pen Fraans ke Adhyax Pratyaasi ke 144 Bindu ke Adhyaxeeya Yojanaa: Fraans ke "swatantra,suraxir, unnat, saaf, sagarva, taagatwar..." banaawe khaatir. [Marine Le Pen, a French Presidential candidate likes Franc back and out of NATO, and a referendum for coming out of EU. She presented a 144 Point Plan for France to make it "free, safe, prosperous, fair, proud, powerful, and sustainable.]
** ज़र्मनी Jarmani [Germany]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 75th, DCU: -56%. Anjelaa Markel ke (anCunal rrp). of Angela Merkel (unelected rrp).
* "Burkaa / nikaab kalcar" Jarmani me` naa cali. "Muh dekhaawahee` ke paRee", kahali Caanslar Markel. [Germany German Chancellar Merkel said for Burka ban whereever legally possible. She said, "Show your face, the full covering is not possble for the Good of Germany".]
** रोमानियां Romaaniyaa: [Romania]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: th, DCU: %.
** पाकिस्तान Paakistaan Pakistan EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 78th, DCU: --113%.
** विएतनाम Vietnam [Vietnam] EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik EDD LD Rank': 7th, DCU: 100%.
** फिलिपाइन Filippaain [Philippines] EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik EDD LD Rank': 7th, DCU: 81.2%.
** बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 80th last, DCU: 50th%. DCU: -186.5%. Theresaa Me (ancunal rrp) ke > of Theresa May (unelected rrp).
* Karib aadhaa Bulgaaryaa aa Romaaniyaa UK me` Brexit se pahile ghus jaai: Kahli PM May. [UK PM May: Half of Bulgaria and Romania may come to UK before Brexit.]
** सीरिया Siriyaa [Sirya]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 54, DCU:76%. Bashar Al-Assad (cunal) ke. of Bashar Al-Assad (elected).
* Turki ke Adhyax ArDgan aa Rusi Adhyax Putin ke beec baat bhail. President Ardgon caahataaran Rus ke saath mil ke Siriyaa me` laRaai kare ke caahataare Raqqa and Manbij me` jahaa` 'Manbij Military Council' ke 'SDF' aa 'YPG' saamil baa.
[Tukey President Ardgan met President Putin in Kremlin on 10.03.2017. Ardgon said to cooperatewith Russia in the fight against terrorist IS, particularly in Raqqa and Manbij controlled my 'Manbij Military Council' of 'SDF' and 'YPG'.]
* Siriyaa Siriyaa baat 13.12.9116 ke Jenewaa me` suru bhail SRS ke Mistura ke saamane. Aage ke baat ke aadhaar banaawe khaatir. [Syria - Syria diologue opened on 23.02.2017 in Geneva with UNO's Stafande Mistura. Format for further talks were made.]
** ईरान Iraan [Iran]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 51st, DCU: 72%. Hassan Rouhaani ke (cunal). of Hassan Rouhani (elected)
** ईराक Iraak [Iraq]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 70 th,
DCU: 59 % .
* Mosul me` hazaaro log khaaye-peeye binaa chachanat baaRe. Laikaa - likian ke ta~ haalat mat puchee`. [Humaniterial aspect is needed badly in outskirts of Mosul.]
** लीबिया Libiyaa [Libya]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': , DCU: %. Kekar? Whose?
* Sharanaarthi naari, Lalanaa, laikaa laikiyan ke maaral, durvyavahaar, bhookh sab log kahataa > dhanyavaad Obamaa ji ke, NATO aa EU ke je Libiyaa ke aisan gat banawale Gaddaafi ke baad..
[Refugee women, children, beaten, raped say all in Libya. > Thanks to Mr Obama, EU and and NATO who made Libya so prosperous after Gaddafi.]
* Purabi Libiyaa se 18 se 45 baris ke logan ke baahar jaaye pa ro~k laagal: MaliTari ke Ceef Abdelrazzak Al- Naduri kahlan. Purabi Libiyaa "EU Aaropit Libiyaa Saasan" je SRS sahaayataa pa baa; okara a ke Saasak na maane.[Those between 19 and 45 yrs age are banned to go out of East Libya without permission: said Military Chief Abdelrazzak Ai-Naduri. Eastern Libya do not recognised "EU Planted Govt of Libya" supported by UNO.]
** Sri Lankaa [Sri Lanka]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 2nd, DCU: 97%. (cunal) ke. > of (elected).
* Srimaao Bandarnaaike Pahili Mahilaa PM Sri Lamkaa ke aa Sansaar ke. [1st Woman PM of Sri Lanka and of the World.
** इटली ITali [Italy]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 71nd, DCU: 20.1%. Paaolo Jentiloni (ancunal rrp) ke. > of Paolo Gentilani (unelected rrp).
* ITali 100 Senaa aa 100 MeDikal logan ke Libiyaa me` bhejataa. Dher log kahelan: ITali Ashtra shastra ISIS se becelaa aa artifact lelaa. [Many say: Italians provide weapons to ISIS in Libya to take artifacts. Itali is sending 100 Fighter Forces and 100 Medical staffs to Libya.]
* * क्यूबा Kublai: [Cuba]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 12th, DCU: 100%. Raul KaasTro (cunal) ke. of Raul Castro (elected
** वेनेजुएला Venezuelaa [Venezuela]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 26th, DCU: 94%. Nikolaas Maduro (cunal) ke > of ikolas Maduro (elected).
** अर्जेटीना ArgenTinaa [Argentina]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 11th, DCU: 86.6%. Maurisio Makri (cunal) ke. of Mauricio Macri (elected).
* Sansaar ke pahili Mahilaa Adhyax aa ArjenTinaa ke Adhyaxaa Isaabel Peron banali 9074 me`. [Isabel Peron: 1st Woman President in the World in 1974 wife of Argentenian President Juan Peron.]
** Daxin Korea [South Korea]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 5th, DCU: 88.3%.
* Daxin Korea ke Padacyut Adhyaxaa Park Geunhye 'Neel Ghar' Sioul choR ke gaili 29.12.9116 ke. Unkaa pa 29.11.2016 CE se Mahaabhiyog calawe jor del gail rahe.[South Korean President Park Geunhye left 'Blue House' Seoul in disgrace on 11.03.2017. She was impeached from the post of President in 2016 CE.]
** Rus [Russia] EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 14th, DCU: 86.1%. Vlaadimir Putin (cunal) ke. of Vladimir Putin (elected).
* RiuTar ke JhooTh khabar ki 'Rus libiyaa me` fors bhejalas' < Rus nakaar delas.
[Russia denies Reuter's fake News 'Russia's sending forces to influence Libya'.]
* Kaa pahile Bhaarateeya log Kaukas me` jaa basalan? Jaroor, tabahee` ta~ Khaarkov Siti me` "Shiva Shanko Paark" baa aa Rumaaniyaa me` "Krishna Kunj Vihar Mountain", ab 'Cluj' baa.
[Did ancient Indians migrated to Russian Caukasus?
Yes, Isn't the greatest Park in Kharkov City is called 'Shiva Shanko Park'. Further one of the main town of Rumania is "Krishna Kunj Vihar Mt.", now 'Cluj'.]
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End] _________________________________________________________
04.01.9117 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 16.03.2017
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
सृ. 04.01.9117. बियफे [International Bhojpuri Daily: 16.03.2017 CE Thursday]
अंक Ank: 004.01.9117.
खास बात Khaas Khabar Special News
** EDD: Earth Direct Democracy > Dynamic:
(Democracy => 'Lincolnion Democracy' or 'Janatantra'
not British or Indian type which is 'Party-tantra')
EDD: पृथ्वी सीधा जनतंत्र > चलत
EDD: Prithvi Seedhaa Janatantra > Calat:
EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank' 90 sab se jaadaa Janasankhyaa ke deshan me`or LD, 'Lincolnian Democratic Rank': ... among 90 most populated countries of the World,
DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' ... % of the
'Achievement' to 'Democratic Capability of the country'.
With Women Power 4 countries have A+ Grade at 'EDD: Democratic Ranking' of 80 most populated countries of the World, Scoring over 7 on 10 points > in which
Bangladesh became the "Super A+ Democratic" country in 2016
Sri Lanka, India, Peru and S. Korea have
'A+' Ranking with 'Women Power'.
*** Bangaali Sanskriti: me` sab Stri log 'Maa' caahe 'didi' holi:
Maa, Pisi Maa, Maasi Maa, Kaaki Maa, Bau Maa, didi, Bau di, ... aadi. ***
Sanatanarya Vlaadimir Yilyic Lenin-o kahat rahan:
"Ladies are Mothers > respect them."
Eehe Sanaatanaarya Kalcar ha.
Banglaadesh, Sri Lankaa aa Bhaarat ke ehee
'Sanaatanaaarya Sanskriti' se, ee teeno desh aaj
'EDD: Democratic Ranking' ke Top pa aagail baaRe.
[Sanatanarya Vladimir Yilyic Lenin also used to say:
"Ladies are Mothers > respect them."
This is the "Sanatanarya Culture", with which the trio-countries of Indian Sub-continent: "Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India" are presently in 2017 at the Top of
'EDD: Democratic Ranking' in its Series-5 of most populated 90 Countries of the World with 'Women Power';
Among Top 3 > 3 Countries of Indian Sub-continent;
Top 5 > 4 Asian and 1 South American Country;
Top 10 > 6 Asian, 3 South American and 1 African
including 3 BRICS countries.
Top 15 > 6 Asian, 6 South American, 2 European and 1 African
including 4 BRICS countries. :
Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot.
Bangladesh 1 10.34 Super A+ 11.34
Sri Lanka 2 8.405 A+ 8.655
India 3 7.655 A+ 8.655
Peru 4 7.65 A+ 8.65
S. Korea 5 7.575 A+ 8.575
S. Africa 6 6.905 A 7.905
Philippines 7 6.825 A 8.4
Vietnam 7 6.825 A 6.825
Brazil 9 6.55 A 7.55
Bolivia 10 6.505 A 7.505
Argentina 11 6.48 A 7.48
Cuba 12 6.28 A 6.28
Chile 13 6.265 A 5.38
Russia 14 6.21 A 7.21
Portugal 15 6.065 A 6.91
Greece 16 5.91 B 6.91
N. Korea 17 5.865 B 8.655
Taiwan 18 5.835 B 8.65
Poland 19 5.82 B 6.82
Rwanda 20 5.695 B 6.695
Somalia 21 5.685 B 6.6
Colombia 22 5.675 B 6.675
Haiti 23 5.605 B 8.65
Indonesia 24 5.6 B 6.6
Equadore 25 5.56 B 6.56
Kazhakastan 26 5.525 B 6.525
Mexico 27 5.495 B 6.495
Belarus 28 5.485 B 6.56
Nepal 28 5.485 B 5.855
Venezuela 28 5.485 B 5.82
Burundi 31 5.475 B 5.855
Rumania 32 5.45 B 7.21
Malawi 33 5.45 B 6.45
Chad 34 5.44 B 6.44
Mali 35 5.425 B 6.425
Madagaskar 36 5.36 B 6.82
Uzbekistan 37 5.33 B 5.645
Zimbabwe 38 5.1 B 6.1
Benin 39 4.89 C 6.1
Myanmar 40 4.855 C 5.855
Tanzania 41 4.82 C 5.82
Guina 42 4.795 C 5.795
Angola 43 4.715 C 6.145
Cameroon 44 4.645 C 5.82
Kenya 45 4.645 C 5.645
Zambia 46 4.53 C 5.53
Czec Rep 47 4.465 B 7.67
Senegal 48 4.38 C 7.67
Ukraine 49 4.375 C 6.375
Berkina Faso 50 4.245 C 5.645
Tunitia 51 4.17 C 6.17
Nigeria 52 4.14 C 5.14
Gautemala 53 4.09 C 5.09
Niger 53 4.09 C 5.09
Gautemala 53 4.09 C 5.09
Dom rep 56 3.98 D 5.645
Netherland 57 3.955 D 6.45
Mozambique 58 3.955 D 6.145
China 59 3.945 D 6.145
Iran 60 3.9 D 5.4
Ghana 61 3.69 D 5.855
DR Congo 62 3.675 D 4.675
Syria 63 3.56 D 4.675
Afghanistan 64 3.505 D 6.375
Uganda 65 3.43 D 4.43
Syria 66 3.56 D 4.675
Cambodia 67 3.41 D 4.41
Ethiopia 68 3 D 4
Sweden 69 2.835 D 4
Hungary 70 2.825 D 4
Sudan 71 2.825 E 3.825
Thailand 72 2.65 E 3.65
Japan 73 2.64 E 3.64
Malaysia 74 2.235 E 4
Yemen 75 2.075 E 3.825
Egypt 76 2.455 E 3.455
Austrelia 77 1.825 E 2.825
Algeria 78 1.825 E 2.825
Spain 79 1.595 E 4.595
Iraq 80 1.45 E 2.45
Italy 81 1.385 E 6.885
Turkey 82 1.2 E 5.2
Morocco 83 0.92 E 1.92
Canada 84 -0.85 aJanatantric 4.15
Germany 85 -4.475 aJanatantric 8.025
Saudi Arabia 86 -5.975 aJanatantric 8.025
USA 87 -7.07 aJanatantric 6.93
Pakistan 88 -7.435 aJanatantric 6.565
France 89 -8.605 aJanatantric 5.895
UK 90 -9.765 aJanatantric 5.235
** बंगलादेश Banglaadesh: [Bangladesh]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' 'Janatantrik Rank': 1st , DCU: 91.2%. Sheikh Hasinaa Wazed (anCunal rrp) ke. of Sheikh Hasina Wazed (unelected rrp).
* Bangalaadesh 9116 me` 90 deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke ~95% log rahele 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa "Atyucc A+ Janataantrik desh" banal.
[Bangladesh became the "Super A+ Democratic Country" among 90 countries in 2016 with Women Power where ~ 95% people of the World live.]
** चीन Cin [China]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': 50th, DCU: 64.2%. सनातनार्य क्षि जिं पिंग Sanaatanaarya Xi Jinping (चुनल cunal) ke > of Sanatanarya Xi Jinping (elected):
** युक्रेन Yukren: [Ukraine]: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': 42nd, DCU: 66.5 %. > (चुनल cunal) Parshenko ke je Sarkaar ‘takhtaa palaT ke banal rahe’. () : (elected) of Parashenko of Highjacked Ukraine Govt.
* दनेत्स्क-लुहांस्क रिपब्लिक DPR-LPR: EDD: 'जनतांत्रिक रैंक' Janatantrik Rank': th, DCU: %. Alexedar Zakhaarcenko ke aa , of Alexedar Zakhaarcenko and ...
* DNR Rus keehaa` 'Kariyaa Heeraa' bhejataa. [DPR suplying 'Black Diomond' to Russia.]
** भारत Bhaarat [India]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': LD Rank: 3rd, DCU: 88.4%. Narendra Modi (ancunal rrp) ke. of Narendra Modi (unelected rrp).
* Bhaarat ke Sri: 03.01.9117 tak ke Salaanaa Sarvaangeen Vikaas karib 68% baa. Ee kawano Sarkaari aa`kaRaa naa ha. Bhaarat ke 11 maheenan ke Upalabdhee kawano niman naa bkahal jaa sake.
Kendra Saasan ke alaawe ab ta Bhaarat ke adhikaans Pradeshan me` BJP aa NDA Saasit ho gail baa, eh se aashaa baa ki 2016-17 ke kami 2017-18 me pooraa ho jaai.
[Tha overall annualised performance of India as on 15.3.2017 is about 68%: EDD. The GOI figure may be different.
Now since over 50% Provinces are ruled by BJP / NDA, we hope the deficits of 2016-17 may be compensated in 2017-18.]
** Not the largest party, but jo~R to~R ke bhrasT raajneeti se Goaa aa Manipur me` BJP ke Saasan suru. [BJP started Ruling in Goa and Manipur with 'Nehrubian Corrupt politics of make and break'.]
** रूस: Rus: [Russia]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank 14th, DCU: 86.1%. Vlaadimir Putin ke (anCunal rrp). of Vladimir Putin (unelected rrp).
* Siriyaa baat aage naa baD*al, virodheian ke asahyog se. [Syria talk derails due to non-cooperation of rebels.]
* Ab jab Sansaar Eka Dhrubeey naa rahal, ta Rus ke kaam auru jaadaa mahatva poorna ho gail baa. [Now when there is no Supreme Power in the World and it has become Multi-Polar , the role of Russia has become very important.]
** ब्राजिल Braazil [Brazil]: 'EDD: Democratic Rank: 9th, DCU: 86.8%. Maaikel Temar ke (Cunal Adhyax ke takhthaa-palaT ke) Michel Temer (hijaiked from the elected President)
* Zikaa, Dengu, Cikonguniyaa Brazil me` ab ghaTal laagataa. [Zika, dengue and Chikungunya cases reduce now.]
** Peru [Peru] 'EDD: Democratic Rank: 4th, DCU: 88.4 %.
* Badhaai Peru:
Peru ab Raenk: 4 pa 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa 90 deshan me` jahaa` ~ 90 % log rahele Sansaar ke.
[Congratulation Peru:
Peru at 4th Rank on 'EDD Democratic Ranking' of 90 most populated countries where ~ 90% people live of the World live.]
** Yunaan [Greece]: 'EDD: Democratic Rank': 15th, DCU: 85.5%.
* Yunaan ke Lesvos me` sansaar ke sab se sunar saRak milal. [ The most beautiful street was found in Lesvos in Greece.]
* Yunaan se ego Bom Jarmani ke Viita Mantraalay me` lifaafaa me` milal. [A bomb was found in German Finance Ministry originating from Greece possibly.]
** SRA [USA]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD 77th, DCU
-102%. Adhyax डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प के DonaalD Tramp (cunal) ke > of Donald Trump (elected):
* SRA, Rus ke saath Siriyaa me`. [USA cooperation with Russia in Syria.]
** फ्रांस Fraans [France]: EDD: ' जनतांत्रिक रैंक : Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 79th, DCU: -146%. Francois Hollande (cunal) ke. > of Francois Hollande (elected).
* [When M/s Merin Li Pen wins France presidential election, is very hopeful.] Jadi Merin Li Pen jeetihe` Fraansisi Adhyaxeey Cunaaw. Pen khoob aashaavaan baaRee.
* Socialist aa Republicon PaarTi 9058 se Fraans pa raaj karataa ek ek ka ke, Ab laagataa Marine Le Pen; aa Emmanuel Macron ke calate Fraans me` dusar Kraanti hoi.
[The Socialist and the Republicon Parties are sharing power since 1958, could get out in 1st round itself on 23.4.2017 > Credit National Front Leader Marine Le Pen; and Emmanuel Macron leader of the Liberal Movement.]
* Fraans Adhyaxeey Cunaaw 9117: [2017 French Presidential Election: 1st Round 23.4.2017, 2nd 7.5.2017.]:
* Fraans Adhyaxeey Pratyaasi: Frankois Fillon, Merin Li Pen, Emmaenuel Maekron, Jeen-Lus Melemcol, Benoit Haemmon.
[France Presidential Condidates: Francois Fillon, Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Lus Melenchon, Benoit Hammon.]
* M/s Merin Li Pen Fraans ke Adhyax Pratyaasi ke 144 Bindu ke Adhyaxeeya Yojanaa: Fraans ke "swatantra,suraxir, unnat, saaf, sagarva, taagatwar..." banaawe khaatir. [Marine Le Pen, a French Presidential candidate likes Franc back and out of NATO, and a referendum for coming out of EU. She presented a 144 Point Plan for France to make it "free, safe, prosperous, fair, proud, powerful, and sustainable.]
** ज़र्मनी Jarmani [Germany]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 75th, DCU: -56%. Anjelaa Markel ke (anCunal rrp). of Angela Merkel (unelected rrp).
* "Burkaa / nikaab kalcar" Jarmani me` naa cali. "Muh dekhaawahee` ke paRee", kahali Caanslar Markel. [Germany German Chancellar Merkel said for Burka ban whereever legally possible. She said, "Show your face, the full covering is not possble for the Good of Germany".]
** रोमानियां Romaaniyaa: [Romania]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: th, DCU: %.
** पाकिस्तान Paakistaan Pakistan EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 78th, DCU: --113%.
** विएतनाम Vietnam [Vietnam] EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik EDD LD Rank': 7th, DCU: 100%.
** फिलिपाइन Filippaain [Philippines] EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक : 'Janatantrik EDD LD Rank': 7th, DCU: 81.2%.
** बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 80th last, DCU: 50th%. DCU: -186.5%. Theresaa Me (ancunal rrp) ke > of Theresa May (unelected rrp).
* Karib aadhaa Bulgaaryaa aa Romaaniyaa UK me` Brexit se pahile ghus jaai: Kahli PM May. [UK PM May: Half of Bulgaria and Romania may come to UK before Brexit.]
** सीरिया Siriyaa [Sirya]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 54, DCU:76%. Bashar Al-Assad (cunal) ke. of Bashar Al-Assad (elected).
* Turki ke Adhyax ArDgan aa Rusi Adhyax Putin ke beec baat bhail. President Ardgon caahataaran Rus ke saath mil ke Siriyaa me` laRaai kare ke caahataare Raqqa and Manbij me` jahaa` 'Manbij Military Council' ke 'SDF' aa 'YPG' saamil baa.
[Tukey President Ardgan met President Putin in Kremlin on 10.03.2017. Ardgon said to cooperatewith Russia in the fight against terrorist IS, particularly in Raqqa and Manbij controlled my 'Manbij Military Council' of 'SDF' and 'YPG'.]
* Siriyaa Siriyaa baat 13.12.9116 ke Jenewaa me` suru bhail SRS ke Mistura ke saamane. Aage ke baat ke aadhaar banaawe khaatir. [Syria - Syria diologue opened on 23.02.2017 in Geneva with UNO's Stafande Mistura. Format for further talks were made.]
** ईरान Iraan [Iran]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': EDD LD Rank: 51st, DCU: 72%. Hassan Rouhaani ke (cunal). of Hassan Rouhani (elected)
** ईराक Iraak [Iraq]: EDD: जनतांत्रिक रैंक 'Janatantrik Rank': 70 th,
DCU: 59 % .
* Mosul me` hazaaro log khaaye-peeye binaa chachanat baaRe. Laikaa - likian ke ta~ haalat mat puchee`. [Humaniterial aspect is needed badly in outskirts of Mosul.]
** लीबिया Libiyaa [Libya]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': , DCU: %. Kekar? Whose?
* Sharanaarthi naari, Lalanaa, laikaa laikiyan ke maaral, durvyavahaar, bhookh sab log kahataa > dhanyavaad Obamaa ji ke, NATO aa EU ke je Libiyaa ke aisan gat banawale Gaddaafi ke baad..
[Refugee women, children, beaten, raped say all in Libya. > Thanks to Mr Obama, EU and and NATO who made Libya so prosperous after Gaddafi.]
* Purabi Libiyaa se 18 se 45 baris ke logan ke baahar jaaye pa ro~k laagal: MaliTari ke Ceef Abdelrazzak Al- Naduri kahlan. Purabi Libiyaa "EU Aaropit Libiyaa Saasan" je SRS sahaayataa pa baa; okara a ke Saasak na maane.[Those between 19 and 45 yrs age are banned to go out of East Libya without permission: said Military Chief Abdelrazzak Ai-Naduri. Eastern Libya do not recognised "EU Planted Govt of Libya" supported by UNO.]
** Sri Lankaa [Sri Lanka]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 2nd, DCU: 97%. (cunal) ke. > of (elected).
* Srimaao Bandarnaaike Pahili Mahilaa PM Sri Lamkaa ke aa Sansaar ke. [1st Woman PM of Sri Lanka and of the World.
** इटली ITali [Italy]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 71nd, DCU: 20.1%. Paaolo Jentiloni (ancunal rrp) ke. > of Paolo Gentilani (unelected rrp).
* ITali 100 Senaa aa 100 MeDikal logan ke Libiyaa me` bhejataa. Dher log kahelan: ITali Ashtra shastra ISIS se becelaa aa artifact lelaa. [Many say: Italians provide weapons to ISIS in Libya to take artifacts. Itali is sending 100 Fighter Forces and 100 Medical staffs to Libya.]
* * क्यूबा Kublai: [Cuba]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 12th, DCU: 100%. Raul KaasTro (cunal) ke. of Raul Castro (elected
** वेनेजुएला Venezuelaa [Venezuela]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 26th, DCU: 94%. Nikolaas Maduro (cunal) ke > of ikolas Maduro (elected).
** अर्जेटीना ArgenTinaa [Argentina]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 11th, DCU: 86.6%. Maurisio Makri (cunal) ke. of Mauricio Macri (elected).
* Sansaar ke pahili Mahilaa Adhyax aa ArjenTinaa ke Adhyaxaa Isaabel Peron banali 9074 me`. [Isabel Peron: 1st Woman President in the World in 1974 wife of Argentenian President Juan Peron.]
** Daxin Korea [South Korea]: EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 5th, DCU: 88.3%.
* Daxin Korea ke Padacyut Adhyaxaa Park Geunhye 'Neel Ghar' Sioul choR ke gaili 29.12.9116 ke. Unkaa pa 29.11.2016 CE se Mahaabhiyog calawe jor del gail rahe.[South Korean President Park Geunhye left 'Blue House' Seoul in disgrace on 11.03.2017. She was impeached from the post of President in 2016 CE.]
** Rus [Russia] EDD: 'Janatantrik Rank': 14th, DCU: 86.1%. Vlaadimir Putin (cunal) ke. of Vladimir Putin (elected).
* RiuTar ke JhooTh khabar ki 'Rus libiyaa me` fors bhejalas' < Rus nakaar delas.
[Russia denies Reuter's fake News 'Russia's sending forces to influence Libya'.]
* Kaa pahile Bhaarateeya log Kaukas me` jaa basalan? Jaroor, tabahee` ta~ Khaarkov Siti me` "Shiva Shanko Paark" baa aa Rumaaniyaa me` "Krishna Kunj Vihar Mountain", ab 'Cluj' baa.
[Did ancient Indians migrated to Russian Caukasus?
Yes, Isn't the greatest Park in Kharkov City is called 'Shiva Shanko Park'. Further one of the main town of Rumania is "Krishna Kunj Vihar Mt.", now 'Cluj'.]
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End] _________________________________________________________
04.01.9117 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 16.03.2017
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
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