Monday, 28 August 2017

About 6 Major Religions vs Human Rights AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल InBho 28.08.2017

About 6 Major Religions vs Human Rights
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool: 
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल
                  InBho 28.08.2017 CE  सोमार  Monday, Sri: 21.06.9117.  
[International Bhojpuri eSkool > 5m Baris, Suruaat: 23.07.9112 
                     >10.2012 AD, 5th Year of Establishment]

खास बात Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]:   
पाठ PaaTh - 092.06.9117:  [Lesson - 92.06.9117]: 

सुचि Suci-1: संसार के मत - मतांतर Sansaar ke Relijan 2 Laakh se Jaadaa Anuyaayi ke.
For Table-1: Religions with over 0.2 million followers.

Suci-1: Religan jekar Anunaayi 2 Laakh se jaadaa baa. Table-1: Religion over 0.2 M Followers.   
Sl. No. Name Started in Sristyabd By Place M Followers now Region Doctrine   
1 Sanatan Dharm of Mankind Hinduism Time immemorial 1 900 000 000 Earth Sanskriti Rishis Afrika, Arabia, Tibbet, India, China 900 World Ancient Religion of India as developed to present day   
2 Scinto Time immemorial Scintio Japan 3.5 Japan Ancient Japanese religion   
3 Judaism 1300 BCE 1 972 945 800 Religion of Hebrews, specially after destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 CE Israel 14 Hebrew One God   
4 Zoratrianism 600 BCE 1 972 946 500 Based on Teacing of Zoroathrust Persia 0.2 India One God , Ahura Mazda but a dualistic world view   
5 Jainism Jain Mat 550 BCE 1 972 946 550 Mahaveer Tirthankar India 4 India The Univese is eternal,  many gods exists. Gods, Human and all living things are classified in a complex heirarchy   
6 Taoism 550 BCE 1 972 946 550 by teachings of Lao-Tzu China 20 China Teachings of Lao-Tzu   
7 Buddhism Baudh Mat 520 BCE 1 972 946 580 Siddhartha Gautam,The Buddha India 360 World Life is journey. Death is return to Earth   
8 Confucianism 551-479 BCE 1 972 946 549 -621 Kong Qiu China 5.5 China Morality, Social order and proper action for peace, justice and Brotherhood.   
9 Christianity Isaai 4 BCE 1 972 947 096 Jesus Christ Palestine under RomanRule 2000 World Based on the life, teachings, and death of Iesus of Nazareth   
10 Islam Musalmaan 622 CE 1 972 947 722 Islam based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad Saudi Arabia 1300 World One God (Allah in Arabic), the same God revealed (Imperfectly) in the Jewis and Christian Bibles.   
11 Druze 1100 CE 1 972 948 200 By Al-Daraziin, thro Shia Islam 0.5 Lebnan Shiya Islam   
12 Sikhism Khalsa 1500 CE 1 972 948 600 Guru Nanak … Guru Govind Singh India 23 World One God: Ik Onkar. Overcome the self, align life with the will of Godand become "Sain Soldier" fighting for good.   
13 Mormonism 1830 CE 1 972 948 930 By Josef Smith NY, USA 12.2 USA God, the Father; the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghostare 3 separate individual being   
14 Communism Samyavad 1848 CE 1 972 948 948 by Karl Marks, VI Lenin Germany, Russia 1521 World Humanism, all Humen equal   
15 Spiritualism 1850 CE 1 972 948 950 Modern movement 11 USA, UK, France Christian World view. Focus on Spirits of deceaed humans.   
16 7 Days Adventure 1868 CE 1 972 948 968 by Ellen White,  etc 25 Rooted in Millariate Movement in 25   New England by Ellen White,  etc   
17 Arya Samaj 1875 CE 1 972 948 975 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati India 5 World Vedas > only source of Truth, No Idol Worship, No God Incarnation and pilgrimage, Veda Recitation, Performance of Hawan, Yajna; Faith in Female education, No Child marriage & Pligamy, Propagation of Hindi and Sanskrit Languages. No animal Sacrifice, No Polyetheism, No Heaven or Hell and fatalism   
18 Jeovah darshan 1879 CE 1 972 948 979 Pitsbourg, Russia 6.5 Russia Jeovah's  Witnesses   
19 New Age 1880-1949 CE 1 972 948 980-9 049 by Helona PetrovnaBlawasky and Annie Besant in19th C, Alice A Bailey 5 based on Pagan but modernised Gerald Gardner   
20 Wicca 1900 CE 1 972 949 000 based on Pagan but modernised Gerald Gardner 2   
21 Aladura 1918 CE 1 972 949 018 Various 1 West Nigeria Generally Monoetheist, mix of Anglican, Pentecoastal, and Traditional African believes.   
22 Rastafarianism 1920 CE 1 972 949 020 by Marcus Garvey 1 Jamaica God is Jah who incarnated as Jesus (a black)   
23 Sanatanarya 1920-2015 1 972 949 020- 9 115 by Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, Based on the teachings of Acharya Pt Ambika Dutta Sharma, Bhavani Dutta Sharma and Savitri Devi Sharma. India 4384 *estd. World (Any one) who looks good for all beings (living & non-living) and respects all (crossing the lines of religious)   
24 Cao Dai 1926 CE 1 972 949 026 by Ngo Van Chieu and others Vietnam 5 World God represented by Devine eye. Founders of Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, and Chritianity veneratet Saint inclcluding Viktor Hugo   
25 Scientology 1954 CE 1 972 949 054 by L Ronn Hubbard 2 USA God (s) not specified, reality explained in 8 dynamics. Human consists of Body mind and thetan;   
26 Unification Church 1954 CE 1 972 949 054 by Sun Myung Moon S. Korea 2 S. Korea Monothoism with Duality of God   
27 Eckankar 1965 CE 1 972 949 065 by Paul Witchell Las Vegas 0.5 USA   
28 Falun Gong 1992 CE 1 972 949 092 by Li Hongzi China 10 China Countless gods and spiritual beings . The Falun (wheel)is energy source. Goal is practicing Falun Gong   
10623.9 * The Sum may not be 100% of World Population   
Suci-2: मत मतांतर जेकर कमसे कम 20 करोड अनुयायी बा Relijan jekar kam se kam 200 M Anuyaayi. Table-2: Min.200 M Followers   
1 World Population on 31.12.2016 is taken as about  7540   M 7540   
2 सनातनार्य के अनुमानित अनुयायी के संख्या* No.followers  of Sanatanaryas is Estimated*   
3  अधिकांश सनातार्यन के ईहो पता नइखे कि "ऊ सनातार्य हवन" Most sanatanaryas do not even know that "They are Sanatanaryas".   
4 अनुनाईयन के संख्या के क्रम  प Religions based on number of Followers: % of World Popul. Approx % For total 100% Approx %   
1.Sanatanaryas M 4384 Followers 58.14324 58 41.42857 41   
2. Christians in M 2100 Followers 27.85146 28 20 20   
3. Communists in M 1521 Followers 20.17241 20 14.28571 14   
4. Islamists M 1300 Followers 17.24138 17 12.14286 12   
5. Hindus M 900 Followers 11.93634 12 8.571429 9   
6. Buddhists M 360 Followers 4.774536 5 3.571429 4   
Total would not add to 100% due ro over lappings. 140.1194 140 100 100   
*Estd. Sanatanaryas: 95% of Communists, Shikhs and Jains, 90% Hindus, 85% Buddhists, 80 % Christians, Confucians and taos, 20 % of rest of Mankind on the Earth   
Approx % Approx %   
1. Sanaatanaarya Sanatanaryas in M 4384 Followrs* 58 41   
2. Isaai Christians in M 2100 Followers 28 20   
3. Saamyavaadi Communists in M 1521 Followers 20 14   
4. Musalmaan Islamists M 1300 Followers 17 12   
5. Sanaatani Hindus M 900 Followers 12 9   
6. Bauddh Buddhists M 360 Followers 5 4   
Sab JoR Total 140 100   
Tippani  Remarks:   
1 Sanaatanaarye logan ke calate maanav aaj Sansaar me` aaj baa aa unnati karataa.   It is Sanatanaryas due to which Humanity exists in the World   
2 Isaai logan me` ~ 80% Sanaatanaarya baaRan. Among Christians ~ 80% are Sanatanaryas   
3 Karib 95% Saamyavaadi, Sikh aa Jaen Sanaatanaarya baaRan. About 95% of Communists, Sikhs, and Jains are Sanatanaryas.   
4 Karib 20% Musalmaan aa dusar logan me` Sanaatanaarya baaRe. About 20 % of Islamists and others are Sanatanaryas.   
5 Karib 90% Sanaatani Hindu log Sanaatanaarya hawan. About 90% of Hindus are Sanatanaryas   
6 About 85% of Buddhists are Sanatanaryas.   
Ee sab 'Mitram' ke  guD*a adhyayan pa aadhaarit baa, je log naahio maan sakele. The above is based on the extensive studies of the subject by 'Mitram', which one may or may not agree..  

Suci-3: Sansaar ke Mukhya Relijan aa Maanavaadhikaar.
Table-3: The Main Religion of the World vs Human Rights.

Kr. Sa. Naav 1. Samaanataa ke Adhikaar Sristyaabd Keh se Xetra Ab Anuyaayi Mat Mataantar Siddhaant Vicaaraadheen 100 M   
Sl. No. Name 1. Right to Equality Sristyabd By Place M Followers now Region Doctrine Considerable 100 M   
1 Sanatan Dharm, Hinduism 1. All are equal like organs of a person. Ladies are 'Devis' 1 900 000 000 Rishis Afrika, Arabia, Tibbet, India, China 900 World Ancient Religion of India as developed to present day **   
2 Buddhism 1.All male and female are equal 1 972 946 580 Siddhartha Gautam,The Buddha India 360 World Life is journey. Death is return to Earth **   
3 Christianity, Isaai 1. All male and female are equal 1 972 947 096 Jesus Christ Palestine under Roman Rule 2000 World Based on the life, teachings, and death of Iesus of Nazareth **   
4 Islaamists 1. Males and females have rights but not equal rights. 1 972 947 722 Islam based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad Saudi Arabia 1300 World One God (Allah in Arabic), the same God revealed (Imperfectly) in the Jewis and Christian Bibles. **   
5 Communism, Saamyavaad 1. All men and women are equal. 1 972 948 948

by Karl Marks, 
VI Lenin Germany, Russia 1521 World Humanism, all Humen equal **   

6 Sanatana rya (Doctrine) 1. All persons male, female, living and non-living beings are respected. 1 972 949 020 - 115 by Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, Based on  teachings of Acharya Pt Ambika Dutta Sharma. India 4384 World (Any one) who looks good for all beings (living & non-living) and respects all (crossing the lines of religions ).   **  

Suci-1 ke 28 Relijan me` se khaali Suci-3 ke 6 deshan pa aage vicaar kail jaai jinkar anunaayiyan ke sankhyaa kam se kam 10 KaroR baa.
Out of 28 main religions of Table-1, only 6 religions having followers over 100 Millions will be considered further as shown in Table-3.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (abbreviated):
Article 1, Right to Equality.
Article 2, Freedom from Discrimination. 
Article 3, Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security. 
Article 4, Freedom from Slavery. 
Article 5 ...

Ab aaj ke Paath khatam.
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
Auru baat khaatir 30.7.2014 ke Post dekhee`. 
[The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S. Email:
For other details one may go to post dated: 30.07.2014 AD]
Caaloo baa: Continued.
 “AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” ke Uddes:
Suruaat Sri: 23.07.9112 > 5m Baris calataa [Since:10.2012 AD: Since last 5 yr]
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho ke uddes:
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Biusiness and other Professions also aiming for 
“Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri, InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri, InBho.]                                                         
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome.]
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosT-o dekhee`.  
 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go also to the post dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD and 12.10.2016.
 devadoot S. Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' Email:]
  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. [The End]
21.06.9117 Bhojpuri eSkool 28.08.2017
>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`:

एतवार  सोमार  मंगर    बुध    बियफे    शुक  शनीचर

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