(Government by 'x', for 'x', and of 'x')
15.10.2017 India MLAs' Elections 2017-18:
Bhaarat Vidhaan Shabhaa Cunaaw
In December 2017 Elections is be held
to elect 68 MLAs in Himachal Pradesh in November 2017 according to the
Election Commission of India.
For 182 MLAs in Gujrat elections will be held in December.
> PM Narendra Modi ke Sarkaar Bhaarat me` MPs aa MLAs ke cunaaw eke ber karaawe ke caahataa.
* Ee so`c baRaa neeman baa, je se desh ke Arabo Rupiyaa aa Jan-ghanTaa ke bacat hoi.
> PM Narendra Modi's GOI wish to hold elections of
MLAs in States and MPs together.
* This is a very good aspect to avoid spending billions of Rupees and man-hours presently being done by holding perpetual elections round the year.
** Bhaarat me` feru ego NauTankee suru bhail
Himaacal aa Gujraat me`.
>Kaahe ki Bhaarat ke Mahaan Netaa Nehru ji (Gaandhi ji ke dularuaa), Mahaan Vidvaan Ambedkar ji ke kandhaa pa bandook rakh ke Uphaar ke roop me` aisan 'Democracy' delan jaha`waa "Janatantra" naav ke cirayi`o ke kawano naav naikhe.
Upahaar ke roop me` Nehru ji aa Ambedkar ji se Bhaarat ke milal
> 'ParTi-tantra', saayad uuho naa;
naa ki 'Janatantra', yaani LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy'.
Aaj Bhaarat ke Cunaaw ke 'NauTankee' me` jadi log Kawano PaarTi ke 'lock stock aa baeral' se naa jitaawe, ta uu Cunaaw:
'NauTankiye' ban ke rah jaalaa.
Kaahe ki Bhaarat me` kawano aadmi 'rrp': PM, CM aa DM ban jaalaa, binaa janata ke cunale?
Bharat ke 'rrp', 'really ruling persons' PM, CM, DM ke
bahaali holaa, naa ki cunaaw.
Baah re Janatantra!!!
Unelected persons become 'rrp', 'really ruling persons': PM, CM and DM in a 'Democracy' of UK type in India, which is really 'Demonstration-Cracy' where people may demonstrate against
the government or appointed persons as 'rrp',
but people can not choose, make their own government.
All should think on this!!!
For a bit of 'Janatantra' or 'Lincolnian Democracy',
people like to know their ‘CM candidate’ before voting.
(Not according to Nehrubian Constitution of India, which has to be modified by the people. How? Think?).
> Himaacal Pradesh me` MLA ke Cunaaw 5.9.9117 me` hoi aa Nateejaa nikali Pus me`.
Elections in Himachal Pradesh is to be held 9th November and Result is to be anounced after counting counting counting counting counting ... on 18th December 2017.
SeeT Praanta Cunaav din NoTis din Nomin Withdrawal
Seat Province Election day Notificn Nomin Withdrawal
68 Himachal 9.11.2017,
Result: 18.12.2017
182 Gujarat: 2017,
>> Declaration for election in Gujarat is not yet done by the "Election Commission of India".
Baakir Bhaarat me` ‘Janatantra’ naa,
adhikaa`s Praantan me` 'x-Tantra' baa:
"Sarkaar 'x' se, 'x' khaatir aa 'x'-e ke":
where x = 'PaarTi', 'PaarTi-Samooh', 'Parivaar' caahe
'ego Vyakti'.
Kaa eehe kahle rahan Sanatanaarya Abraaham Linkan?
However, in India there is no Janatantra, but:
“Government by 'x', for 'x', and of 'x'”:
where 'x' = 'Party', 'Group of Parties', 'a Family' or 'a Person', had Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln said this?
Why to bother about People or the Country,
when the Party or a person is every thing.
When will Janatantra come in India?]
Bhaarat me` Janatantra kab aai?
15.10.2017 MLA Election Gujarat 9117:
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