Skool Kaulejez tu eDopt 'MoDarn Inglish Saaintific'.
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक
16.07.2018 International Bhojpuri Dainik सृ. 18.04.9118 सोमार
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
अंक Ank: 148.04.9118 Edition.
खास बात Khaas Baat: Special Talk:
** Skool Kaulejez tu eDopt 'MoDarn Inglish Saaintific'.
*** Hima Das of India: Wins Gold Medal in 400m World Track Event in Finland, the IAAF World Inder 20 Atheletics Champians: first time for any Indian.
She could not stop her tears of pleasure while
Indian National Anthem was on.
Hina Das of Naogaon, Assam, India: Now World Champian.
"मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक" Pariwaar Assaam aa Bhaarat ke eh 18 baris ke beTee "Ding Express" ke
Badhaai deta, aa kahataa: Jug jug jiy e babui.
Now read the above in 21st Centuri
‘Modern English Scientific’:
Himaa Daas auf InDiaa: Wins GolD MeDal in 400m WarlD Traek EvenT in FinlaenD: da IAAF WorlDanDar 20 Aetheleta: FarsT Taaim faur aen InDian.
Shi kuD noT sTaup har Tiars whaail Nasanal Anthem waaz aun.
Hinaa Daas auf Navgaa`va, Asaam, InDiaa:
Naau WarlD Caempian.
** FIFA Vishwa Kap 9118: Luzniki STaeDiam, Moskwaa, Rus: Sri: 17.04.9118 ke Antim Khel: Kroesiyaa - Fraans ke beec.
FIFA World Cup 2018: Luzniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia:
On 15.07.2018 Final Game: between Croetia - France.
Skool Kaulejez tu eDopt 'MoDarn Inglish Saaintific'.
FIFA WarlD Kap 2018: Luzniki STaeDiam Mosko, Rassiyaa:
Aun 15.07.2018 Faainal Ge~m: biTween Kroesiaa - Fraans.
> [ in 21st Sencuri "MoDarn Inglish Saaintific".]
** Cin: China: A Janatantra, LD ade-B,. DCU = 100 % (Kram-10 Series-10).
* Cin "EDD Calat Janataantrik Raenking" pa 5-Th Sthaan pa aa gail baa Vietnaam, Kyubaa, Bhaarat aa Rus ke baad, Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 170 deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.6% se jaadaa log rahele.
China has come at 5th Rank, only after Vietnam, Cuba, India and Russia at "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" among most populated 170 countries of the World where over 99.6% people of the World live.
** भारत: India: "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: A, with Extra Ordinary DCU: 108% with PM Modi (Kram-10 Series-10).
Bhaarat 3-sr Sthaan pa aail Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 170 deshan me` 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa. India at 3rd Rank at 'EDD Democratic Ranking' among 170 most popular countries of the World where over 99.6% people of the World live.
* "Congress Party of India is a Party of Muslims", said Rahul Gandhi, the President of the party.
That is why his Grand-Grand Father preferred to create Pakistan, instead of allowing MA Jinna to be the 1st PM of India as suggested by the Mahatma to avoid division of India in 1947 CE.
· Bhaarat ke Sri: 3.9118 Maheenaa ke sarvaangeen vikaas bhail: ~46.3%
The overall Performance of India for the month of June 2018 is about 46.3%.
** SRA: USA: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation', DCU: -184% (Kram-10 Series-10), at 169 th Rank on EDD among 170 most populated countries
where over 99.6% people of the World live.
Now we come to: ‘21st Century Modern English Scientific’ which USA schools and colleges must cultivate and develop:
Naau wi kam tu 21st Sencuri "MoDarn Inglish Saaintific" whic USA skools aenD kaulejez masT
kalTive~T aenD Develop.
Faur mo~r go tu
** इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa: Indonesia: A Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > is an 'Initial Janatantra'. LDG: Grade C, DCU = 82%. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* InDonesiyaa 69m Sthaan pa aail Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 160 deshan me` 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa.
Indonesia at 69th Rank at 'EDD Democratic Ranking' among 160 most populater countries of the World.
ASIAD 2018
** ब्राज़ील Braazil: Brazil: Presidential System, Federal Republic. 'rrp' elected by citizens > But Brazil's 1st Lady President was removed by a 'Parliamentarian Coup' as believed by many Brazilians. LD G: Grade-B, DCU 84 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* Braazil 12m Sthaan pa aail Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 160 deshan me` 'EDD Democratic Ranking' pa.
Brazil at 12th Rank at 'EDD Democratic Ranking' among 160 most populater countries of the World.
* Adhyaxeey Cunaaw Bhaado-Aasin 9118: Presidential Election, July-October 2018:
Pratyaasi: daxinapanthi Jair Bolsonaaro; .
Candidates: Rightist Jair Bolsonaro, but Lula da Silva is at 1st place.
** Paakistaan Pakistan "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: 'aJanataantrik', DCU - 229 %, je se ee Terroristaan nhail laagataa. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* Sri: 27.4.9118 ke Paakistaa me` nayaa sarkaar bani.
On 25.7.2018 Pakistan to choose new goverment.
** "Boala~ pe~R babool ke, ta aam kahaa` se khaiba~":
Aisan Relijan ke aadhaar pa 'Paakistaan' banal, jekar log Bhaarat ke anek Vishwa Vidyaalayan aa Mandiran ke toRale; aa ant me` uuhe log Bhaarate ke to~R ke 'Paakistaan' banawale.
Baakir uuhe log Sri: 9071 me` Paakistaane ke to~R delan, je me` se nikalal Bangalaadesh.
Ab kaa hoi?
Kaa khelaaRee Imraan Khaan agilaa PM banihe`
Paakistaan ke?
Kaa Paakistaan toRe foRe ke neeti choR ke InDonesiyaa, Banglaadesh, Malaysiyaa jaisan niman desh bani?
Ee ego ba~R prashna baa.
"When thorny plants are planted, how can one get mangoes."
Paakistaan dukhee bhail 17.4.9118 ke 3 bisfoTan se, je me` karib 150 log mualan. Pakistan is maurning 3 blasts in Mastung, ... on 15.07.2018, in which about 150 persons lost their lives.
When will Pakistan become a nice country like Indonesia, Bengladesh, Malatsia?
This is a great question?
** Bhaarat aa Paakistaan Senaa Vrihat-Aatank-virodhi SCO Drill me`
Rus me` bhaag lee Saawan me`.
India and Pakistan Militaries will take part in a Mega-Anti-Terror SCO Drill in Russia in August.
** Naaijeriyaa Nigeria: 'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra', LD Grade: C, 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation', DCU: 80%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
** Banglaadesh Bangladesh "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: D'', DCU: 62 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* Cin Bangalaadesh ke Rohingyaa logan khaatir sahaayataa debe ke caahataa.
China likes to provide humanuterian aids Bangladesh to help Rohingyas.
** Mexiko: Mexico: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: B '', DCU 84%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
* Mexiko Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw:
Baampanthi Andres Manuel Lopez ObraaDor cunailan bhaari mat se.
Sri: 3.4.9118 ke Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw bhail rahe, je me` kaha`u hinsaa dikhaail. Baakir bhrashTaacaar aa hinshaa se tangaa ke laagataa log Baampanthi Andres Manuel Lopez ObraaDor ke khoob mat se jitaaiye dihan.
Mexico Presidential Election:
Yesterday on 1.7.2018 Presidential Election was held when voilence was seen in some areas.
Fed up with corruption and violence Mexicans elected
leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as it looks.
** रूस Rus: Russia: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: A, DCU: 85%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
* Rus teesar Raenk pa baa “EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking” Series –10 pa, 160 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa deshan me`,
Russia on 3rd Rank at “EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking” Series–10, among 160 most populated countries of the World starting from March. 2018.
* 1st FIFA Sri: 9118 ke HosT ha Russia.
First time Russia hosted FIFA:
Ab Final Maec hoi.
Rus me` Sri: 16.03.9118 se FIFA World Cup shuru bhail.
Now Final Match to be held.
^ The above are 10 countries with max. population.
Upar sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 10 desh baaRe sa.
** U. Koriyaa N. Koreas:
* Adhyax Tramp: Raajya Saciva Maaik Pompio ke U. Koriyaa bhejalan, 2 upahaaran ke saath; ego CD aa dusar citthee.
President Trump sent Secretary of States Mike Pompeo to N. Korea with 2 gifts including a CD on 'Rocket Man'and a 'Letter'.
** Malayesiyaa: Malaysia:
* Dr Mahaathir Mohamad nayaa Malayesiyaa banaave ke so`cataaran.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad setting the stage for new Malaysia.
* 5 dinan ke baad: IBFA:
CauThaa IBFA 2018, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri Film Purashkaar" hoi Malayesiyaa me` 23 AasaaD*a 9118ke Malayesiyaa me`.
After 9 days: IBFA:
The 4th IBFA, "International Bhojpuri Film Awards" 2018 is to be held in Malysia on 21st July 2018.
**d.Koriyaa: South Korea:
d.Koriyaa aa Bhaarat ke vyaapaar 500 Laakh USD hoi, 11 Sweekriti pa dastkhat bhail. South Korea - India trade to go to 50 bUSD, 11 Agreements signed on 10.7.2018.
** Libiyaa: Libya:
Libiyaa ke kaa bhail Gaddaafi Saasan ke baad!!
Tripoli ke Security Cife ke kehoo apharan ka lelas.
Jay ho!! SRA aa NATO!!!
What happened to Libya after Gaddaafi Rule!!
The Security Chief of Tripoliis kidnapped afew days ago.
Jai ho!! USA led NATO!!!
6m Baris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', 'देवनागरी लिपि' में ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`.
[May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
16.07.2018 Global Bhojpuri ग्लोबल भोजपुरी 18.04.9118
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav: Name of the days in Bhojpuri:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक्र शनीचर
Etwaar Somaar Ma`gar Beeyafe Shuk Shaneecar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Bhojpuri mahinan ke naav: Names of Months in Bhojpuri:
चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
Cait Vaishaakh Jeth AasaaD*a Saavan Bhaado Aashin Kaatik Agahan Pus Maagh Faagun.
March April May June July August September Octuber November December January February
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