Bill” passed by Lokashabha in India.
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
भोजपुरी दैनिक
27.12.2018 International Bhojpuri Dainik
सृ. 04.10.9118 बियफे
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
अंक Ank:
234.10.9118 Edition
खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:
** Inglish: Bhojpuri: [old English]
** Cin: Caainaa: [China]:
* Most Caaineez aar Sanaatanaarya hu look good Tu aol.
Adhikaans Cini Sanaatanaarya baaRan je sab ke bhalaai
[Most Chinese are Sanatanaryas who look good to all.]
** Indiaa: Bhaarat: [India]:
Bill” passed in Lokashabha in India]:
TuDe ‘Trippla talaag Bill’ iz passD in Lokasbabhaa baai
245 voTs vs 11. voTs. Ekeber me` 3 talak
Bill LokShabhaa me` 245 Mat se paas, virodhi 11 Mat.
[Today ‘Tripple talaak Bill’ is passed in LokShabhaa by
245 vs 11 Vots.]
* PM Modi'z 10 mejar Aecivments:
PM Modi ke 10 mukhya Upalabdhi:
[PM Modi's 10 major Achievements]:
>> Uu PM Modi, je khaali 4.5 Barisan me` uu ka delan je Kangress
60 - 70 Barisan me` naa ka sakal; apane dekhee` rauaa log (read 'all' =
1. KanTiniuas ElekTrik saplaai thruaauT Indiaa whic iz iquivaelenT Tu whol
aof Yuro~p.
Lagaataar Bijli pradaan karib
pooraa Bhaarat me` je pooraa Yurop ke baraabar baa. Ee kawano choT baaat
[Continuous Electric supply throughout India, which is equivalent to whole
of Europe. This is not a small matter.]
2. Baenk EkkaaunTs Tu aol, even with Ziro baelens.
Baenk Khaataa sab logan ke,
Shunya Rupayo se.
[Bank Accounta to all, even with Zero balance.]
3. R 0.5 M Tu 2.5 M Lo~n Tu aol anemploaD aeT miyarli 1% pa inTaresT.
R 5 Laakh se 25 Laakh karj sab
berojgaaran ke 1% prati Varz vyaaj pa.
[Rs 5 Lakh to 25 Lakh lone to all unemployed at 1% per year interest.]
4. LPG Tu aol. Sab ke LPG [LPG
to all.]
5. Helth Insyorens aof R 0.5 M Tu aol puar-haausholDs.
Sab Asamarth-parivaaran ke R 5
Laakh ke Helth Veemaa.
[Health Insurance of R 0.5 M to all poor-household.]
6. ToaeleTs Tu aol haauses. Sab
gharan me` Waas-Rum. [Toilets to all houses.]
7. Baao-ToaeleTs in aol Trens. Sab
Trenan me` Baayo-Saocaalaya. [Bio-Toilets in all Trains.]
8. AbolishD 'Tripl-talaak in 1 go'. Muslim
auratan ke ekeber me` 3-talaak' ke khaatmaa. [Abolished "3-Talaak in
one go" to all concerned Muslim female.]
9. FinishD Laaisens aenD KanTrol Raaj.
Laaisens aa KanTrol Raaj ke
[Finished lisence and Cotrol Raj.]
10. Aol da ebav acivmenTs aar faor aol, widaauT ani DisTinsan aof kaasT
& KreeD aor relijan i.e.
"DevelopmenT aof aol, with aol" widaauT "DivaaiD & Rool".
Uupar ke sab upalabdhi sab
khaatir baaRe sa, binaa kawano jaati, vansha aa Mat-Mataantar ke bhed-bhaav ke.
[All the above achievements are for all, without any distinction of cast
& creed or religion i.e. "Sabkaa saath, sabkaa Bikaas" without
"Divide & Rule".]
* "Ayodhyaa Shri Raama
Barth Templ" >
"JasTis dile~d, iz jasTis dinaaed."
In a we, sins laasT meni Dike~ds, da ke~s aof
"Ayodhyaa Shri Raama Templ"
iz penDing in Indian ko~rTs sins Dike~Ds, da ke~s aof
"Ayodhyaa Shri Raama Barth Templ"
iz penDing in Indian ko~rTs sins Dike~Ds, aenD sins da ke~s (in whic da
inTaresT aof ebaauT 100Kr pipul aof Indiaa iz involvD) iz nauT in da praaoriTi
aof da SC aez de seD, iT iz kliar daeT, da le~s will bi Dile~D inDefineTli;
BJP GOI shuD immeDietli arrenj Spesal Jt Sessan aof bo~th da haauses aof da
PaarliaamenT aenD paas da faolloing 2 Bills, both lingaring sins Dike~Ds:
1. Bill Tu bilD 'Ayodhyaa Shri Raama Barth Templ' faor whic 'Dharma Shabhaa
waaz helD aon 1sT aenD 2nD nav. 2018 in Ayodhyaa (whear ebaauT 3 Laakh parsans, men &
women wear prezenT), DisaaiDeD Tu kanTiniu dear sTragl Till da sTaarT aof da
bilDing aof da Templ.
2. Bill faor incluDing 'Bhojpuri
Laenguej' in da 8th SheDyul aof da KansTicyusan.
>>>>RSS Sar Sanghacaalak Mohan Bhaagwat haeD aolreDi seD faor
bilDing 'Raama Janma Templ in Ayodhyaa'.
da GavarnmenT iz Tu think.
["Ayodhya Shri Ram Birth
Temple" >
"Justice delayed, is justice denied."
In a way, since last many decades, the case of "Ayodhya Shri Ram Birth
is pending in Indian courts since decades, and since the case (in which the
interest of about 100 Cr people of India is involved) is not in the priority of
the SC as they said,
it is clear that the case will be delayed in the court indefinitely;
BJP GOI should immediately arrange Special Jt Session of both the houses of
the Parliament and pass the following 2 Bills, both lingering since Decades:
to build 'Ayodhyaa Shri Ram Birth Temple' for which 'Dharma Shabha' was held on
1st and 2nd Nov. 2018 in Ayodhya (where
about 3 Lakh persons, men & Women were present), dicided to continue their
struggle till the start of the building of the Temple.
2. Bill for including 'Bhojpuri Langage' in the 8th Schedule of the
>> RSS Sar Sangha Caalak Mohan Bhagwat said to make Law for building
'Ramjanma Temple in Ayodhya';
The Government is to think.]
** Biwear aof Anse~f Daenjeras Samsung Mobaails in Indiaa.
[Beware of Unsafe Dangerous Samsung Mobiles in India.]
* Da ovaraol Parformens aof India in da manth aof AokTubar 2018 iz 63.6%.
Dis iz veri good, da kreDit aof whic go~z Tu PM Narendra Modi.
AokTubar. 2018 ke Bhaarat ke
Sarvaangeen Upalabdhi bhail 63.6%. Khoob neeman, ekar shreya ta PM Narendra
Modie pa jaataa.
Overall Performance of India under BJP-NDA Govt. in October 2018: 63.6%.
This is very good, the credit of which goes to PM Narendra Modi.
** SRA: USA: Bartaaniyaa: UK:
* Da caellenj Tu UnivarsiTiz aof da WarlD:
faor Teecing da "21sT Sencuri Inglish", raesanal &
insTeeD aof '500 - 600 yr. olD English', irraesenal whic neeD sapporT aof
Mo~r aeT www.inbho.blogspot.com aof 9.7.2018, ...
[The challenge to Universities of the World:
for teaching the "21st Century Inglish"
rational and Scientific; instead of '500 - 600 yr. old English', irrational
which need support of Transliteration for correctly reading back the same.
More at www.InBho.blogspot.com of 9.7.2018. ... ]
> Bi haebeecual aof "21sT Sencuri Inglish"
raeshnal aenD SaainTifik.
[Be habitual of "21st Century Inglish" rational
and Scientific.]
>> Larna aenD Teec. [Learn and Teach.]
>>> da Warld YnivaesiTiz aar mum so faar and
pulling aon with 500 - 600 Yiar olD irraeshanal & ansaaintifik 'English'.
[The World Univerities are mum so far and pulling on with 500 -600 year old
irrational & unscientific 'English'.]
** Rassiaa Rus [Russia]:
* Rassiaa - Jarmani gaes paaip-laain, a boon Tu both, baT
dis waas DislaaikD by EU. Rassiaa - Jarmani gaes paaip-laain, ego bardaan
duno khaatir, baakir ee YU ke naa niman laagal.
[Russia - Germany gas pipe-line, a boon to both, but this
was disliked by EU.]
Yukren: Yukren: [Ukraine]:
A fe~k niuz kuD
sTaarT WW -3. A nakali khabar Rus aa NATO me` yuddha, WW 3 karawaadi. [A
fake news could start WW 3.]
6m Baris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication
since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', 'देवनागरी लिपि' में ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`.
[May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global
Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa
je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi,
ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of
'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources
which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen
by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [
27.12.2018 Global Bhojpuri ग्लोबल भोजपुरी 04.10.9118
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav: Name of the days in Bhojpuri:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे
शुक्र शनीचर
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