Friday 5 July 2024

अद्वितीय प्रकाशन [Unique Publications / Yunik Pablikesons] Gyanpuram: The Knowledge Park:

अद्वितीय प्रकाशन [Unique Publications / Yunik Pablikesons] 

Gyanpuram: The Knowledge Park:

This Blog shows: International global Bhojpuri eDainik & International Bhojpuri eSkool.

 30 July 2024

अद्वितीय प्रकाशन [Unique Publications / Yunik Pablikesons] 

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल सृ. 08.05.9124 AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool

 Adwiteeya Prakaashan [Unique Publications / Yunik Pablikesons] 

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल

सृ. 08.05.9124   बुध      

AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 

> स्थापना के 13रहम बरीस चलता.

सुरुआत सृ. 30.07.9112.

 Sthaapanaa ke teraham baris calataa.

 Suruaat SrisTyaabda 30.07.9112.

       > 10.2012 AD, 13th Yiar aof EsTaablishment.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taok: 

[Special Talk:]

** सत्य आ विश्वास का ह?

अइसन सत्य, जे प केहू प्रश्ने ना उठा सके. कहलन भारत के एगो विशिष्ट विचारक वक्ता पुष्पेंद्र कुलश्रेष्ठ जी:

सत्य, पक्का, खांटी सत्य जे प केहू प्रश्ने ना उठा सके, ऊ शब्द ह: माँ.

Satya aa Biswaas: kaa ha?

Aisan Satya, je pa kehu prashne naa uThaa sake. Kahalan Bhaarat ke VishizTa Vicaarak  Vaktaa Puzpendra KulashrezTha ji:

Satya: Pakkaa, Khaa`Tee Satya, je pa kehu prashne naa uThaa sake, jekaraa ke kehu jhuThalaa naa sake uu shabda ha 'Maa'. 

आ aa

बिस्वास: अइसन बिस्वास, जे प केहू प्रश्ने ना उठा सके:

मां अपना बेटा से कह देली कि,

 "ऊहे तहार 'पिता हवन'" , ओहि प बेटा बिस्वास क लेला.

Viswaas: Aisan Viswaas, jekaraa pa kehu prashne naa uThaa sake:  

'Maa' apanaa BeTaa ke kah deli ki "Uhe tahaar 'Pitaa' hawan", ohee pa 

BeTaa biswaas ka lelaa.

>> ईहे त ह 

"मातृ देवो भव! पितृदेवो भव!!, गुरु: देवो भव!!!"

के आधार.

 Eehe ta ha 

"Maatri devo bhava, Pitri devo bhava, Gururdevo bhava."

 ke Aadhaar.

 ** प्रकाशन Prakaashan [Publications / Pablikesons]

डॉ पंडित देवदत्त शर्मा के कुछ  अद्वितीय प्रकाशन प्रकाशन देखी नीचे:

Dr Pt deva datta Sharmaa [Dr Pt deva datta Sharmaa / Dr Deo Dutta Sharma] ke kuch Adwiteeya Prakaashan dekhee` neee:

(A) अभियंत्रण आ तकनिकी के क्षेत्र में: In the Field of Engineering and Technology:

1.  'The Project of Development of Damodarpur Village' -

The Report submmitted to BB Colleiate, Muzaffarpur, India in 1954 CE.

स्वतंत्र रूप से भारत में सृ. 9054 में

"क्रमाभियंत्रण" के आविष्कार, आदरणीय विज्ञान शिक्षक मधुसूदन ठाकुर के निर्देशन में सृ. 9053 - 54 में.

  Independent Invention of "System Engineering" in 1954 CE in India.

Under the Guidence of respected Science Teacher Madhusudan Thakur during 1953 - 54.

2.  "धमन भट्ठी के क्षमता" के माप.

 Efficiency of Blast Furnace:

The method for "The measure of the Efficiency of Blast Furnace" 

Produced first time in the World by Deo Dutta Sharma.

- Published in the journal “Iron and Steel International” UK , 1st Issue.

3. "धमन भट्ठी से लौह उत्पादकता प्रतिरूप: पूर्णतः वैज्ञानिक".

“Productivity Model of Blast Furnace Iron Making: Purely Scientific”. 

Developed 1st Time in the World: by Deo Dutta Sharma during 1969 - 78  published

(B) EMS: "अद्वितीय आयुर्विज्ञान उपक्रम" के क्षेत्र में:

In the Field of EMS: "Eclectic Medikal System", Homoeopathy, Ayurveda,  and Palmistry: 

4.  " 'सामुद्रिक शास्त्र' विज्ञान आ तकनिकी के रूप में"

"Palmistry as Science and Technology" . 

Published on dt. 20.12.2006 

After about half a Century's Experimentations: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma established: 'The Scientific Theory of Palmistry' as shown in the book.


"Palmistry is the Barometer of 'Human Machine'"

5. EMS: "Eclectic Medical System D". 

"अद्वितीय आयुर्विज्ञान उपक्रम"

- Periodic Publications.

Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" for the time being, to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life providing her /  him  "a happy, healthy enjoyable long Life", adapting

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA

or Any other system like: Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc. 

चाहे औरू कवनो उपक्रम जैसे: चांदसी, प्राकृतिक उपचार, खरभुसिया उपचार आदि.

>> The Aim is to Save and Serve the People by providing the 'Most Suited Cure for the Time being' for the Sick; not merely protecting any particular Medical System. and at 'Eclectic Medical System' Group at LinkedIn.

(C) ज्ञान आ दर्शनशास्त्र

Knowledge and Philosophy:

6.   “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” 

"आजू के विज्ञान के ऊपर के ज्ञान".


>> A Comprehensive 'Knowledge' book: Providing various 'Levels of Science' and 'Knowledge like AK, DK, EK, UK ...' ज्ञान:- 

AK पाप्त ज्ञान, DK अर्जित ज्ञान, EK सास्वत ज्ञान, UK सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान, ... 

7.  “Kalyug me` Satyug”: "कलियुग में सतयुग"!

Bilingual Book  in Bhojpuri and English. 

For the One who wishes to know 

'The Truth Era in Black Era' itself, shouldn't miss it.

8. “House of Vedas and Ayurveda”: 

ISBN: 978 1 304 30027 0

- Biography of Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma. 

आचार्य पण्डित अंबिकादत्त शर्मा के जीवनी. - at

at  dt 29.12.2014 1.1.2015.

भारतीय संस्कृति प अद्वितीय पुस्तक. A unique book on Indian Culture.

9. तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय, 

"वेद के सार आ सिद्धांत"

Tamaso maa Jyotirgamaya, 

“Gist and Doctrine of Vedas", 

"Veda ke Saar aa Aadhaar”,

Basic Phylosophy: असल दर्शन Asal Darshan.

Bilingual Book: in Bhojpuri, English.-

< विश्व में सर्वप्रथम प्रकाशित First Time Presented in the World >

10.  ब्रह्म "Brahma": 

Not Brahma ब्रह्मा, one of the Trinity: 'Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh'

- 'English Language fails  writing as 

'Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh', and  confuses it with "Brahma". Thus learn:

'Inglish' with 1 + 50 letters, "the Rational English".

11.  “Ansik Veda. Aansik Veda: Trilingual”

In ‘Sanskrit, {Bhojpuri}, [English / Inglish]’

<  Just gives a glimps of: what the Veda is, and what many think .

12.  Srishtyabda / SrizTyaabda.

> Saralikrit / Simplified Srishtyabda: 

The First Calendar in the World 

>> "Simplified Vedic Calendar". 

>> Simplified by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma / Dr deva datta Sharmaa. Made Simple First time for common use.

- Published in "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam".

13. Earth Sanskriti: Culture of the Earth.  

(A Unique Socio-Eco-Cultural Periodical) > A Book under Creation by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma.

14. A Memoire on the Extinct Book:  “History of Brahmanism” with over 100 Contributers.

By Dr Deva Datta Sharmaa

The First Book in “21st. Century Inglish” published on 17.07.2020.

(D) On Two Ignored Popular Languages of Importance: 

Sanskrit and Bhojpuri:

दू महत्वपूर्ण प्रचलित भाषा: 

संस्कृत आ भोजपुरी.

(D1) संस्कृत Sanskrit 

15. "मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्", 

"Mitram Sanskrit dainikam" 

> The Sanskrit dainikam  published since last 105 years, originally Edited & Published by "Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma" / Aacaarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa in SrizTyaabda 1 972 949 018 [1918 CE] fraom da  Kaempas aof "Lokamaanya Brahmacaryaashram", naau "Ram DayaluSingh College", Modafalapuram / Muzaffarpur-842002, Bhaarat.

16. "सरलीकृत संस्कृतम्"

“Saralikrit Sanskritam”

- Baai Dr deva datta Sharmaa  / Dr Deo Dutta Sharma. - Sanskrit made Simplex to popularise it. from 2.11.2016 / 18.8.9116. > 28.09.2014 at and

(D2) Bhojpuri Language and Culture:

17. "भोजपुरी के इतिहास भूगोल"

“Bhojpuri ke Itihaas Bhoogol”, 

‘History and Geography of Bhojpuri’

At  26.11.9114. 

Global Bhojpuri eSkool 30.1.2015

18. AntarraashTreey Bhojpuri /AntarraazTreey Bhojpuri.

Nov 17, 2013 - Lekhak: Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma [Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma] 

Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Ko~D: bho [Language: Bhojpuri, Code: bho, Partly English in […]] Pahilaa ...

भोजपुरी Bhojpuri Grammar:

AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho, of Sri: 25.11.9113

19.   "भोजपुरी व्याकरण",

“Bhojpuri Grammar” 

in "AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri Laenguej".

- Publisher: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharmaa. Author: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma:

First Edition: Sri: 01.01 9114. at 17.2.2014, Mar 25, 2014 - Date: 17.03.2014 CE. 

  Bhojpuri Grammer. AntarraasTreey global Bhojpuri.  25.3.2014

20. 'भोजपुरी भाषा '

‘Bhojpuri Bhaashaa’, bho: 

11-Dialects including "International Bhojpuri" /  “Global Bhojpuri”

at –  25.03.2014

21."प्रचलित भोजपुरी", 

"आधुनिक भोजपुरी"

“Pracalit Bhojpuri”, ‘Modern Bhojpuri’,

“International Bhojpuri” InBho at  23.09.9114, 30.09.9114, [28.11.2014] 

Popular ‘Pracalit Bhojpuri’ ‘Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik’

“Prachalit Bhojpuri”, “Popular Bhojpuri”:

‘Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya auri Sanskriti’.

22. "रीता शर्मा के जीवनी" 

एगो द्विभाषी किताब, भोजपुरी आ Inglish में 

(E) For the Development and faster growth of 'English', the Most Versetile World Language: 

23. "Inglish" Deli, da raesanol van, with 1 Axar + 50 LeTTars waaz baorn in 2018 KE.

24. 'Inglish' Graammar.

25 . "History of Brahmanism - A Memoire" aof da exTinkT book with ovar 100 WorlD KanTribyuTors.

- da 1sT. Book PablishD in da "Inglish" with 50 leTTars.

26. "देवदत्तः सम्पूर्णानंदः" 

- dis book kaTs ekraovs aol da baarriyors, bi iT Naolej aor Filaosofi.


** भारत में "सब के साथ, सब के विकाश, सब के विस्वास आ  प्रयास" वाला प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के शासन बा सृ. 9114 से, जिनका के जनता अपने चुनलस 2014, 2019 aa 2024 CE में

** भोजपुरी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा:

"दृश्य श्रव्य काव्य" से लबालब.

** 'Bhojpuri' AntarraasTreeya Bhaashaa ha,

Jekar janam ta bhail Bhaarat me` aaj se kareeb 1500-1800 Baris pahile, baakir

Bhaarate me` aaj le Bhaarate Sarkaar "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa" ke maanytaa naikhe dele.

Bhaarat ke Angrejan se Swatantrataa ke baad, San 1947 ke baad, Bhojpuriyalog baRaa ummeed lagawale rahan, ki ab aapan eh "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa" ke  unnati hoi.

Baakir ee baakir baRaa baRahan ho gail. Aaj Swatantrataa ke 73 Barisn baado 'Dhaak ke teene paat'.

Dusar Bhaashaa sab ke ta aapan aapan Praantan ke raaj milal, baakir Bhojpuri je Bihaar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Bhaarat me` bolal jaat rahe, okaraa ke milal 'Thengaa'.

Bhaarat Sarkaar ke  Bhojpuri ke saath aisan duraaw waalaa baat, ta kuch samajha me` aawat rahe Nehru ke Saasan me` jinkaa 'Janatantra' ke abc naa maalum rahe, ... ...

Baakir aaj se 6-7 Baris pahile jab Modi ji ke BJP/NDA ke Saasan bhail Bhaarat me` ta, baRaa aashaa bhail ki ab 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa mili, baakir aneka Mantree logan ke kahalaa ke baado, uuhe

लोग कहेलन  कि भारत , नेपाल,  फिजी, मॉरीसस, दक्षिण अफ्रिका, केन्या, उगांडा, त्रिनिदाद आ टुबैगो, गुयाना में भोजपुरी बोललजाला, बाकिर इ आधा साँच लागतI. 

ढेर अउरी देश बIड़ेस जहां भोजपुरी पढ़ेलन लोग:    

जइसे देखीं ऊपर के 35 देशन के लिस्ट भोजपुरी पढनिहारन के , जिनका जोड़ी ना मिलला से भोजपुरी में बतिआ ना सकस.   

असल में हमार भोजपुरी  ब्लॉगन  के पचासो देशन में पढ़निहार बाड़न.  

 भोजपुरी पाठ फेरु शुरू करे से पहिले   

 "भोजपुरी भाषा" के भारत सरकार से मान्यता ?

Sanaatanaarya log kahelan,"Sab ke Aadara": 

Veda ke Siddhaant, je Sanaatanaarya log maanelan. 

'Respekt faor aoll': da DaokTrin aof Vedaaz, faolloD baai Sanaatanaaryaz.

'Sanaatanaarya' sab ceejan, sajeev aa nirjeev ke kalyaan caahelan. 

A 'Sanaatanaarya' looks gooD Tu aol biings, living aor nan-living.


"सनातनार्य लोग सब के आदर करे के चाहेलें, निर्जीव चाहे  सजीव"

इहे ह 'सनातनार्य सिद्धांत.'  वेद के अनुसार.

  >> DokTrin aof Vedaaz:  

'Respekt aol, living & nan-living' biings: 

faolloD baai Sanaatanaaryaaz'.

'Sanaatanaarya' log sab ceejan, sajeev aa nirjeev ke kalyaan caahelan. Veda ke Siddhaant ke anusaar.

[A 'Sanatanarya' looks good to all beings, living or non-living: Doctrine of Vedas]

Suruaat Sri: 23.07.9112 > 10 Baris Pooraa [Sins: 10.2012 AD: laasT 12 yr]

"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल के लक्ष्य": 

"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool", InBho ke Laxya:

‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 

'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.

"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी  स्कूल" के लक्ष्य: 

[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho:

‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love 'Bhojpuri' language, literature and culture, and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Business and other Professions also aiming for “Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies, for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]

हमनीके "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी" InBho के रोमन  चाहे "देवनागरी" में लिख सकेनी. 

Hamni ke "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri", InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  

[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing "International Bhojpuri", InBho.]                                                         

 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your views are welcome.]

"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosTo dekhee`.  

 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 

  ओरा गइल Oraa gail. da enD [The End]


30.07.2024 Bhojpuri eSkool 08.05.9124

dinan ke naav:

एतवार  सोमार  मंगर   बुध   बियफे   शुक  शनीचर



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