AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
Beefe: Sri: 27.04.9114. Suru Sri: 29.07.9113 se
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho,
Thursday: 10.07.2014 AD. Started: 17.10.2013
AD ]
Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!! Rauaa Sansaar caahe Brahmaan0Ia me` jah`wa
rahat hokhi`!!!
[Welcome all lovers!!
Where ever you may be living in the World or Universe!!! ]
*** Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
** Aaj ke Mahaabhaarat Yukren,
Siriaa auru Iraak me`.
[Today's Mahabharat in
Ukraine, Syria and Iraq]
PaaTh-63: Jeeva: [Lesson- 63: Living things]:
Vishwa ke sab ceej
ke log caahe ta~ 'Jeeva' kahelan, caahe 'Nirjeev':
[Every thing in the
Universe is considererd either Living-thing or Non-living thing generally
by people.]:
1. Jeeva: [Living Thing]:
Jeeva auru Nirjeev me` antar kail baRaa dikkat baa, kaahe ki uu sab TreT je
jeeva me` holaa; Nirjeevo me` holaa; baakir aaj ke Star ke Vigyaan ee naa
Ehi se aaj ke tathaa kathit Vaigyaanik Log jekaraa ke Nirjeev maanelan okaraa
ke Sanskrit me` Sajeeve, yaane ki Jeeva waalaa maanal jaalaa.
[It is very
difficult to distiguish between living and non-living things, since basically
all the treats of what we now call living being, are found in non-living things
as well
That is why what the
presnt day call a non-living things may be a living thing in Sanskrit (Highly
Cultured) language; nay Sanskrit is not mearly a language but it provides
almost total learning.]
Udaaharan: Pahilka Post dekhi` [See earlier Posts]
Sanskrit Vyaakaran ke anusaar:
Soorya, the Sun > Puling, [Masculine]
Prithvi, the Earth > Shtriling, [Feminine]
Adhik jaankaari
khaatir rauaa kitaab "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribbed.com pa
dekh sakile.
[In Sanskrit the Sun
is masculine and the Earth feminine unlike English etc, or unlike modern
Science which considers them as Neuter, ie. Neither Masculine nor Feminine.
For more detail you may go to the book
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at www.scribbed.com]
>> Bhojpuri
auru Hindi me` ta~ Napunsak Ling hokhabe naa kare, khaali Shtrilinge auru
Pulinge holaa; ekaraa peeche shaayad eehe falasafaa baa ki “Sab ceej Sajeeve
ha”, jab Prithvi auru Sooraj Bhojpuri, Hindi, auru Sanskrit me` jeevdhaari
ha, ta~ dosaro Grah, Naxatra auru oh pa rahe waalaa ceejo sab ta~ sajeeve
bhailesa. Ehi seBhojpuri me`:
LoTaa [a pot to keep water] > Puling bhail; jekar choT hokhalaa pa:
LoTakiyaa [a small pot] >
Shtriling bhail.
1.1 Jeeva ke Prakaar: [Type of
Living Things]:
> Car [Self
movable, automobile] auru Acar [Stationary,
Ø Car [Movable
Animal]: Ego jagah se dusar jagah apane calelaa, car [automobile, look at why do we call a
man-made automobile as a 'car' ]
Udaaharan: Pashu, Paxi, saa`p, keeRaa, makkhi, piloo, singh, billi, bakari,
bhe`Ra, bhaaloo, baagh, makaRi, girgiT, Jeevaa0Iu, [Animal, bird,
snake, insect, fly, catterpillar, lion, cat, goat, sheep, bear, tigar, spider,
gecco, bacteria]
Ee Car sab jaTil ceejan ke khaa ke saadhaaran ceej nikaalelan apanaa deh
se. Jaise adhikaa`s jaTil ceej ke bhojan ke baad ee okaraa ke moTaa moTi mukhya
roop se neece likhal ceej nikaalelan apanaa deh se:
(a) Caarban Dai OxaiD
(b) Paani
(c) Yuriaa, Yurik Amla
[Animals intake
Complex things and from them generally produce simple things like:
(a) Carbon di oxide
(b) water
(c) Urea or uric acid.]
Dusar or Acar sab
saadhaaran ceejan ke le ke okaraa se jatil ceej banaavelan. Ee mukhya roop se
(a) Caarban Dai OxaiD, hawaa se
(b) Paani, jaR se maaTi me` se
(c) Ghaam, shakti ke roop me` Sooraj se
Auru mukhya roop se banaavelan:
(d) Glukoj: Ego KaarbohaiDreT
[On the other hand,
plants take simple things and convert them into Complex things. They take:
(a) Carbon di oxide, from air
(b) Water, from soil through roots
(c) Sun light, from the sun
And produce:
(d) Glukoj, ego CaarbohaiDreT [Glucose, a carbohydrate]
Uupar se pataa
calataa ki Car auru Acar duno khaae waalaa auru banaawe waalaa hawan.
[Thus both Car
(Animals) and Acar (Plants) are Producers as well as Consumers as shown above.
Of course they are complementary io each other.
This contrary to the
common believe that Animals are Consumers, and Plants are Producers.]
1.2 Maanav, Manav or Man ke
[Development of Human,
Mankind or Man]:
Maanav caahe Aadmi
ekbaaek naikhe ban gail, ekar Utpatti jaane khaatir hamani ke poorvaj log je
pataa lagawale baa, okaraa ke pahile jaane ke caahi`:
Shaashtran me` jagah jagah Dasaavataar auru 84 - Avataar ke baat prasiddha baa.
Eehaa` ham dashaavataar ke sa`xep me` likhataani je se saaf ho jaai ki Maanav
ke utpatti dheere dheere bhail baa, jekar suruaat " 0 SrisTyaabda me`
bhail rahe aaj se pakkaa 1 972 949 114 baris pahile, Srishtyaabda ke thoR me`
Sri: 9114 likhal jaalaa.:
[The Man has not
come out on the Earth all of a sudden, to know advent of Man we have to know
what our ancesters have said about this already after lot of studies and thinking:
According to Indian
learning Dasavatar i.e. 10-Incarnations and 84-Incarnations (may refer
Srimadbhaagawat, or Jain Phylosophy) are well known. Here we would talk in
short about Dasawatar from which it would be clear to all that Man has
developed from some primitive things step by step starting from the "0
Srishtyabd", presently it is Srishtyabd: 1 972 949 114 or Sri:9114 in
The above fact was retold by Darvin in recent years in his own ways which is known to Indians since
time immemorial. The advent and
deevelopment of Living Things are in short shown
by Dashaawataar depicted below]:
1.2.1 Matsyaavataar: [Birth of
> Eh se pataa
calataa ki Pahilaa Jeevdhaari Ceej ke janam paani me` bhail rahe, jekar prateek
Machali bhail.
> [Showing that
the "First Living Thing" was born in water, fish being the best
representive of water born creatures. ]
Sab daso Avataaran ke jaane khaatir
Sri:17.04.9114 ke PosT dekhi`.
[For more details on
10-Incarnations of God go to Post date: 30.06.2014.]
1.2.10 Kalki Awataar [Kalki Inkarnation]:
>>> >>> ee Awataa abahi bhail naikhe je Kaliyug ke ant me`
hoi. Fer Satyug aai.
[This Incarnation is
yet to occur at the end of Kaliyug, which is the last Yug out of the 4 Yug's
Cycle: Satayug, TretaaYug, DwaaparYug and KaliYug.
According to Indian learning, the above 4 Eraas
keep on repeating in a non ending way. For more details read the book
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at www.scribbed.com.]
Bhaarateey gyaan ke anusaar, Satayug, TretaaYug, DwaaparYug
auru KaliYug caaro
ego cakra aisan naacat rahelaa. Auru jaadaa jaane khaatir kitaab:
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribbed.com pa paD*i`]
1.3 Pashu. Maanav, Satya auru
[Animal, Man, Truth and Non-violence]:
1.3.1 Dharma auru Adharma:
[Desirable deeds and
Undesirable deeds, and not religion as many say, particularly in the West where
the concept of “Dharma” was, is non-existance]:
Dharma: [Desirable Deeds]:
Vishva me` har cheej
ke aapan swabhaav holaa auru jekaraa se okar unnati holaa..
[Everything in the
Universe follows its characteristics with which it develops.]
>> Aage ee`haa
khaas ka ke “Maanav Dharma” ke unmukt roop se carcaa karab.
[Further we would
describe the “Characteristics of Man” with which there would be all-round
development of men not just the development of some community.]
“Maanav Dharma”: ke
anusaar “ Logan ke sab jeev ke kalyaan ke so~`ce ke caahi` je se sab jeevan ke
unnati hokhe; eehaa` tak ki nirjeevo ke unnati so`ce.”
>> “ Maanav
Dharma” ke hamani ke “Sanaatan Dharmo” kah sakile; auru acchaa hoi
“Sanaatanaarya Dharma”
(Bhaarat ke baahar
ke log ekaraa ke ‘Hindu Dharma’ kahelan) kahal, kaahe ki “Uu je sab bhootan,
sajeev caahe nirjeev ke kalyaan so`ce Sanaatanaarya caahe Hindu hokhelan”.
“Maanav Dharma”,
Maanavataa, auru Communism me` tanike ke bhed baa.
[“Desirable Deeds of
Men”: is “To look good to all living beings with which all people develop
“One who looks good
to all beings, living and non-living: is Sanaatanaarya” or Hindu.
Look at the fine
difference between the“Desirable Deeds of Men”, Humanism and Communism.
We may say that:
Communism is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism is the 1st step for Sanaatanaarya or Hinduism.
ð A Sanaatanaarya (or
Hindu as many call) need not believe on
Eeshwar or God so long as “S/he looks good to all beings, living or
ð >> This is the
Ethics or Doctrine of Hinduism or of a Sanaatnaaryi, the ‘Originally developed
There is little difference between Sanaatanaarya (Hindu), Jaini, BuddhisT;
except that:
> Sanaatanaarya looks good for all beings (living or non-living),
s/he does not like to harm or destroy even so called non-living beings i.e. any
creation like houses, roads, statue, books so on.
> Jaini follows Ahinshaa and refrain from killing any living
> BuddhisT stress on Truth and Non-Violence mainly.
Pashu ke Dharma:
Har Pasu ke aapan alage Dharma holaa auru uu apanaa Dharme ke anusaar kaam
karelan. Jaise:
Kukur: Sarvaabhuk ha je aadamie jaise sab kuch khaalaa, baadir maansaahaari
ke jaadaa pasand karelaa.
Bilaai: Maa`s aadi ke alaave doodh dahio ke premi hokheli.
Gaaya, Bhais, GhoRaa, gadahaa: Maa`saahaari khaaie naa sake.
>> Sab Pashu aapan aapan
Dharma ke anusaar kaam kare lesa. Birale kahi` apawaad mile.
Adharma: [Undesirable Deeds]:
Adharma aadmi ke uu sab so~`c, kaam, auru harkat holaa jekaraa se dosara
log auru jeev ke haani hokhe.
[Adharma (Undesirable Deeds) are those thoughts and deeds of man which
harms other men and living beings.]
1.3.2 Mat-mataantar [Religions (not Dharma)]:
Sab ceej ke aapan ego Dharma holaa je se okar baD*anti holaa.
Udaaharan: ego
bilaaee, kuttaa, baikteriaa, aam peR, ghaas, aadmi, aurat, patthar, kan,
prakaash, taap, Sooraj, naiyaa, hawaai jahaaj aadi ke aapan alag alag Dharma
holaa. Ee pooraa Vaigyaanike baa auru moTaa-moTi ekar Mat-mataantar (religion)
se kuchuo naikhe lebe debe ke.
Dusar or
Mat-mataantar ekdam alag ceej ha. Ee sab
aadmian ke banaawal dhaaranaa, niyam auru vyawahaar ha.
Ekar uddes khaali
aapan samaaj ke baD*anti kare ke holaa, bhale hi` dosar log maras. Eh se uu log
aapas me` laRat rahelan. Dekhi` eh ghaRi Iraak, Siriaa, Yukren aadi me` kaa
['Dharma' for each
specy is the same due to which it exists and prospers.
e.g. Dharma of a
cat, a dog, bacteria, mango tree, graas, man, woman, stone, dust, light, heat,
sun, boat, aeroplane and so on. This is very scientific and normally nothing to
do with religion(s).
On the other hand
'Religion(s)' is quite different matter. It has man made ethics, rules and
These aim at the development of their own
community, by and large even at the cost of others. One religion may be even
detrimental to other(s). Thus they often fight with each other.]
2 Tathaakathit Nirjeev Ceej: [ So called Non-living
Jeev , Sajeev:
Car auru Acar holan, Car
apane cale waalaa auru Acar je calabe naa kare.
[According to present Level
of Science: A living thing grows, repairs, maintains, multiplies itself; which
is not possible for a non-living thing. Can a living thing other than a Plant
be such which can not move of itself. There is no question of Mobility.
However, a crystal, a planet or a star
also grows of itself, but they are considered as non-living things by
present level of science. Even the so called living things stops growing after
some time!]
Eeho cale waalaa auru naa
cale waalaa holan. Jaise:
e, p, n, Prithvi, Soorya,
Mangal, kaar, rel-gaaRi aadi apane cale waalaa ha, eh se eeho tathaa kathit
Nirjeev ceej sab ke Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Hindi me` Sajeeve maanal jaalaa. sab
car bhailan; jabki PahaaR, Pathaal, ghar, ghaRaa apane naa calelan sa.
3. Maanava > Manav > Man ke
Dharma: is depicted below:
Sanaatanaarya ['The
Basically Developed Man' is "the one who looks good for all beings, living
or non-living".
=> Sanaatani never thinks
ill about any thing, s/he does not derive pleasure in destrying even a
non-living thing, what to talk about harming or killing a living being.]
4. Danu: a Corollary:
One who derives pleasure in
killing a living being or destroying a thing is not a man, or maanav; may be
called a Daanava or Danav son of Danu.
There is no derth of Danu or
danu presently.
5. Raaxasa> Raaxas > Raxas
> Rahas:
Raaxasa is a person who is
born out of Maanav but acquires the properties of Daanava, derives pleasure in
killing living beings, or destroying non-livind beings.
When a maanav is compelled
to kill any being or destroy any thing and while doing so s/he derives
pleasure, s/he is not a maanav at that time momentarily.
1>. Raavan was the son of a Risi and a Raaxasi,
but became a Raaxas.
2>. Kans was the
son of King Ugrasen but became a Raaxas.
3>. Most of the brothers of duryodhan under a
Daanavi meternal uncle Shakuni had partly become Raaxas, but due to their Maanavi
mother Gaandhaari who had acquired Maanaw Dharma, they were still some sort of
bad men.
Mahatma Gandhi Says: ‘The
good man is the friends of all living things’. One may replace here ‘The good
man’ by ‘Sanaatani or Hindu’ unless s/he is prejudiced about these words due to
which the Mahatma avoided it.
Add: The good woman
is the friend of all living things.
4>. There is no dearth
of Raaxasas, Daanavas, Shakuni Mamaas now a days in the form of Aatankis, militants,
Western Shakuni mamas who always think of
'How to defeat, harm, and finish others for their selfish gains like attackers on peaceful Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc, users of WMDs, destoyers of Buniyan
Staues of Lord Buddha.]
>>> Ohi ghaRi: Kehu Dher saa Maanavo ke paa
sakelaa Sansaar me` jahaa` tahaa`:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi,
Lio TolsToaay, PaiTris King, V.I Lenin,
Yuri Gagarin, Henri ForD, AlfreD Novel, AlbarT Ainstin,
Luis AarmsTrong, Meri Kuri, Bukar T WaashingTon,
Abraaham Linkon, Sarvapalli Raadhaakrishnan,
Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Nelsan ManDelaa
auru log.
[At the same time:
One may find many Maanavas the World
over like:
Mahatma Gandhi, Leo Tolstoy, Patris Lumumba, Mother Teresa,
Martin Luther King and Jr, V I Lenin, Yuri Gagarin, Henry Ford, Alfred Novel,
Albert Einstein, Louis Armstrong, Marie Curie, Booker T Washington, Abrahim
Lincoln, Sarvapalli Radhaakrishnan, Ambika Datta Sharma, Nelson Mandela and so
Oraa gail [Finished]
Rauaa logan ke
sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke
Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S.]
email: devadoot05@gmail.com
'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes:
(‘InBeS’ kahi` caahe
‘InBho’ eke baat baa.)
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar
ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya auru
Sanskriti se prem karelan. Bhojpuri ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa,
MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti aur dosar Profesan
me` Sansaar me` leek se haT ke gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is an
eSkool for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and
wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media,
Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture and other Professions also
aimed without sticking to the conventional methods.]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ me` se kawano lipi me` likh sakile. Ee sab logan ke jaankaari
khaatir likhal jaataa`.
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri. This is
for the Notification of all.]
Maanav ke dharmo ke log alag alag mat-mataantar banaa ke badnaam ka dele
baa, kekar kekar naav lee`? Baakir,
'Old is gold' >> Sanaatanaarya
je jaldi naa ta~ gandaa hokhe auru naa nasTa.
[The Dharma (= the way of living together) of Maanav > Manav
> Man in short is also polluted by advent of many religions, but the
‘Old is Gold = Sanaatanaarya: Who looks good to all beings, living &
Starting SrizTyaabd: 1 972 949 113.11.25
which is not polluted so easily.]
Oraa gail. [The End]
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.07.14
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