All may note, Particularly:
Jal Sansaadhan Mantri Minister Uma Bharati: On "Ganga ki Saugandh" Program on 'ABP New' on 03.07.2015 at 7.30-8 PM.
For "Zero Pollution Technique" of Cleaning a river or a lake: including "Yamuna and Ganga" the following technique should be adopted as published in "International Bhojpuri eSkool", Lesson: 85, on 10.08.2014 as reproduced below for the benifit of all:
"1. Gyanpuram:The Knowledge Park
This Blog shows: > International global Bhojpuri eDainik. > Anglo-Sanskit 'Mitram" eSamaacaar Patram > International Bhojpuri eSkool.
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.08.14
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल
Ravivaar: Sri: 29.05.9114. Suru Sri: 30.07.9113 se
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho,
Sunday: 10.08.2014 AD. Started: 17.10.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!! Rauaa Sansaar caahe BrahmaanD me` jah`waa rahat hokhi`!!!
[Welcome all lovers!!
Wherever you may be living in the World or Universe!!! ]
*** Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
** Aaj ke Mahaabhaarat Yukren, Siriaa, Iraak aa Libiaa me`.
[Today's Mahabharat in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Libya]
*** Saamyavaad > मानवता Maanavataa ke Pahilaa Pad.
मानवता Maanavataa > सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya ke Siddhaant aa Hindutva ke pahilaa Pad.
[Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step for Sanatanarya Doctrine of Mankind or Hinduism.]
पाठ PaaTh - 85: [Lesson - 85]:
Gangaa-Yamunaa-Safaai: Jee aaj ke PaaTh me` eehe jaanal jaai:
[In today's lesson Cleaning-Ganga-Yamuna will be studied.]:
1. Prastaavanaa: [Introduction]:
Gangaa ji caahe jamunaa ji aapan safaai apane kareli, baakir ee ta~ hamani ke baani je unkaa ke naalaa-naali aa mala-mutra se gandaa karat rahile. Jaisahi hamanike ee gandaa kare ke kaam choR deb, inkaa logani ke auru kawano safaai-ufaai kare ke jaroorat naikhe. Saal bhar me` je thoRa-bahut inkaraa me` gandagi jamaa hokhelaa okaraa ke barsaat me` Prakriti se eke baar me` saaf ka del jaalaa.
[Perenial rivers like Ganga and Yamuna are self cleaners, but we make them dirty by making sewages and drains from cities and industries to fall into them continuously to turn Yamuna as a Drain after Delhi. Only in rainy days Yamuna is washed and cleaned by the nature.]
Yamunaa ji, Gangaa ji ke ego baRahan sahaayak nadi hai, eh se pahile hamanani ke Yamune ji ke Safaai ke upaay so`cab jaa, je apane me` swatantra baaRi; baakir Gangaa-Safaai me` Yamunaa ji ke safaaiyo saamil baa.
[Yamuna is a major tributery of Ganga, thus we shall consider the cleaning of river Yamuna firstly, which independent of cleaning Ganga. We can not keep Ganga clean, draining Yamuna-nala inti it.]
2. Yamunaa-Safaai: [Cleaning Yamuna]:
2.1 Yamunaa ji hamani ke maai hai, eh se inkar sevaa kail hamani ke dharam (kartavya) ha.
[Yamuna is an auspisous river and its upkeep is our duty.]
Yamunaa ji Himaalay PahaaR ke Saptarsi-kunDa, Yamunotri se nikal ke Hariyaanaa hot Dilli aa Uttar Pradesh me` 1375 km cal ke Allaahaabaad me` Gangaa ji me` mil jaali. Baakir inkar Dilli ke 22 km me` Pradoosan, polyuTenTs ke calate je haalat holaa, okaraa calate barasaat ke alaawe Dilli ke baad Yamunaa ji ego naalaa ban ke rah jaali, je me` bisaaktataa ke calate kawano jal-jeewan sambhawe naa hokhe.
[River Yamuna emerges from Saptarsi lake near Yamunotri and passing through Hariyana, Dllhi, UP and travelling 1375 km falls into Ganga at Allahabad. In course of this while passing just 22km Delhi it simply turns into a drain due to draining sewages, domestic and industrial polutants through several drains continuously. Only during rainy days Yamuna appears clean.]
Rahal sahal bisaaktataa me` kami Aagraa me` pooraa ho jaalaa.
[Apart from this, Yamuna is again poluted in Agra as in Delhi.]
2.1.1 Yamunaa ji ke jal me` Dilli aa Aagraa ke beec me` Bisaaktataa:
[Toxicity in Yamuna water between Dlhi and Agra]:
* Ghulal Oxijan [Dissolved Oxygen, DO], DO:
4.0 mg/l Jaleey jeeva-Jantuan khaatir jaroori holaa aa je Wajeeraabaad Barraaj ke pahile holaa.
[DO = 4.0 mg/l is needed for aquatic animals which is found befor Wazirabad Barrage.]
* Wajeeraabaad se Aagaraa ke beec:
[Between Wazirabad and Agra]: DO = 0 se 3.7 mg/l.
* Jaivik Oxijan Maa`g [Biological Oxygen Demand, BOD]:
Maanya: [Permissible]: BOD = 3 se 0 mg/l.
Yamunaa ji : BOD = 14 se 29 mg/l.
* [BOD: faekal Coliform = 2.5 K/100 ml permissible.
BOD : faecal Coliform in Yamuna water=1000 k/100mg which is 400 times permissible limit.]
* Ammonikal Jal: [Dissolved Ammonia in Water.]:
Uppar ke Bisaaktataa ke alaawe Nijaamuddin Pul aa Aagaraa ke beec Yamunaa jal me` Bisaakt Ammoniao ke maatraa bahut adhik baa.
[Apart from theabove Toxicity, the toxicity due to dissolved Ammonia is very high between Nizamuddin Bridge and Agra.]
Tippani: Uupar ke DaaTaa ke feru se aaj-kal ke maatraa ke pataa kail jaroori baa.
Note: The recent values of the above data is needed to arrive at a better result.
2.2 Yamunaa ji ke rakh-rakhaaw: [Upkeep of Yamuna]:
Aaj tak desh caahe Videsh ke anek ejensi sab, aa Dilli Sarkaaro, Yamunaa ji ke Safaai ke naav pa desh ke hajaaro karoR Rs looT lelan, baakir Yamunaa ji me` kawano khaas antar naa aail.
[Till today many agencies and Governments have spent thousands of Crores of Rs, but without any tangible result.]
Eehaa` neece ham ego bahut maanya aa aajamaawal Yamunaa-Safaai ke Taknik bataawataani je se Yamunaa ji Barsaat ke alaawe ekdam shuddha rahi`han.
[We introduce here a very reliable and well practised technique with which Yamuna will remain perfectly clean, except rainy days.]
Khaali ekego shart baa ki eh Taknik ke anusaar Projekt pooraa bhailaa ke baad kawano Sansthaa ke kaam karat rahe ke paRi, kaahe ki safaai ke kaam satat hot rahelaa.
[There is only one condition, after completion of the project, some Institution keep on operating the system continueously, since the generation of polutants and cleaning is a continueous process.]
2.3 Nadi, taal aa jheel Safaai ke "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik":
"Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" se Yamunaa ji ke safaai bakhoobi kail jaa sakelaa, jekar DiTel neece del jaataa. Eh Taknik ke apanaa ke Yamunaa ji ke safaai baRaa sundar roop se kail jaa sakelaa je choT me` neece del jaataa 2.3.1 pa.
["Zero Pollution Technique" of Cleaning a river or a lake.:
All Rights of this Technique is Reserved with "Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, NCR Delhi, India". This "Zero Pollution Technique" can be well adopted for cleaning Yamuna as briefly shown below at Sub-para:2.3.1.]
2.3.1 "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" khoob saral baa:
["Zero Pollution Technique" is Simplistic]:
Shunya Pradoosan Taknik ke anusaar Yamunaa ji ke Safaai:
[Cleaning of Yamuna according to "Zero Pollution Technique"]:
(a) Kawano Naalaa-ulaa ke paani, STP-o aa ETP-0 ke paani Yamunaa ji me` giraawe ke sakhta manaa baa.
Khaali Barasaat ke Paani (Storm Water) ke yamunaa ji me` jaaye del jaai.
Barsaat ke 3 Maheenaa June, July, auru August me` ta asahi` Yamunaa-jal me Bisaaktataa kam ho jaalaa.
[It is strictly prohibited to allow drain-water or even so called clean water from STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants) and ETPs (Effluent Treatment Plants).
Only Storm water can be allowed to fall into Yamuna.
During 3 months of rainy days in June, July and August, the Bio-toxicity reduces naturally.]
(b) STP aa ETP se nikalal jal ke alage se paip se pamp ka ke najadeek ke baggeecaa, khet, khaali jagah aadi me` pataawe khaatir de del jaai. Eh se garami me` hawaa me` aardrataao banal rahi aa bageecaa ke peR- pawdhano ke jaan me` jaan aai.
Eh paani ke samay samay pa Bishaaktataa ke jaa`c kail jaalaa.
[Water coming out of STP and ETP is pumped out and taken to near by garden, orchard, cultivable land, barren land for desposal, in stead of allowing it to fall into Yamuna.
Before disposal this water out of STP and ETP is tested for toxicity.]
2.3.2 Shunya Pradoosan Taknik se dusar Laabh:
[Other benifits of "Zero Pollution Technique"]:
Shunya Pradoosan Taknik se Yamunaa ji ta~ swaccha rahbe karihan, uupar se Dher dusaro laabh hoi, je me` mukhya laabhan ke neece likhal jaataa:
[Yamuna will ramain clean by "Zero Pollution Technique", in addition there will be other benifits, some of which are shown below]:
(a) Shahar ke baag-bageecaa hariar rahihan sa.
[The Gardens will be greener.]
(b) Khet me` paani paTaawe me` fayadaa, aa fasal me` baD*anti. [Better crops]
(c) Saaf-safaai, baag-bageecaa me` kuch logani ke satat kaam mili. [Perpetual work to some people.]
(d) Kheti me` jaadaa faayadaa. [More benifits in Agriculture.]
2.4 Bhaarateey Sanskaar aa Yamunaa ji / Gangaa ji pa Asar:
[The effect of Creamation on a River Bank]:
Shaw-daah aa Asthi-Visarjan: [Burnig of Dead bodies]:
Bhaarat ke gyaan ke anusaar kawano Maanuzya ke janam Pancatatva se holaa aa maran ke baad Pancatatve me` mil jaalaa, aa0Iawik roop me`, ehi se Antim Sanskaar me` Mrityu ke baad Agni me` Shaw-daah ka ke unkar har ang ke Gasifaai ka ke aa0Iawik roop me` uRaa del jaalaa, aa je bhaag gasifaai naa hokhe aa jalalaa ke baado Those rah jaalaa, khaas ka ke asthi ke Phosphate aadi; okara ke ThanDhaa ka ke nadi ke jal me` bahaa del jaalaa. [According to Indian knowledge Man is made of 'Pancha Tatwa' 5 primary Elementary things (empty space, water, fire, material and air) and after death the Man turns again into the same Primary-elementary things; that is why after death Man is burnt in fire to gasify the body, and any solid part after burning like Phosphate are cooled and thrown into the river to flow.]
>> Uupar ke Sanskaar se nadi ke kawano pradoosan naa hokhe. Jadi garibi caahe auro kawano kaaran se adhjalal shaw ke nadi me` fe`k del gail, ta~ okar safaai khaatir jaleey jeev-jantu hokhelan jekar uu bhojya padaartha ban jaalan.
[>> The river is not poluted due to the above process. In case due to poverty or some other cause, the unburnt body is thrown in to the river, then the aquatic animals are ready to clean by eating.]
3. Antim Baat [Bottom Line]:
Aise ta~ Yamunaa ji ke Safaai Dher Saal se horahal baa, "Yamuna Action Plan, YAP" ke jarie je me` kuch Jaapaanio log saamil baaRe; baakir rijalT kawano khaas naikhe hot.
Dilli aa Bhaarat Sarkaar jadi "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" ke apanaai ta~ ee Yamunaa ke samasyaa baraabar khaatir door hojaai.
[As we know the, the cleaning of Yamuna is being done for many years by YAP in which Japanese technology is used, but the sresult is not satisfactory. In case Delhi Govt. and or GOI adopts "Zero Pollution Technique", then the problem will be solved for ever.]
Yamunaa Safaai ab Samaapta.
[The End of Cleaning Yamuna]
Oraa gail [Finished]
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S.]
'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes:
(‘InBeS’ kahi` caahe ‘InBho’ eke baat baa.)
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya auru Sanskriti se prem karelan. Bhojpuri ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti aur dosar Profesan me` Sansaar me` leek se haT ke gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is an eSkool for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture and other Professions also aimed without sticking to the conventional methods.]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ me` se kawano lipi me` likh sakile. Ee sab logan ke jaankaari khaatir likhal jaataa`.
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri. This is for the Notification of all.]
Maanav ke dharmo ke log alag alag mat-mataantar banaa ke badnaam ka dele baa, kekar kekar naav lee`? Baakir,
'Sadaa Bahaar' [Ever Green] >> Sanaatanaarya
je jaldi naa ta~ gandaa hokhe auru naa nasTa.
[The Dharma (= the way of living together) of Maanav > Manav > Man in short is also polluted by advent of many religions, but the ‘Old is Gold = Sanaatanaarya: Who looks good to all beings, living & non-living’
Starting Sanatanary: SrizTyaabda: 1 969 903 900 or 3 043 200 BC
For detail one may go to Post date: 30.07.2014 AD
Oraa gail. [The End]
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.08.14"
Posted by Deodutta Sharma at 03:14
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Hope Respected Uma Bharati, Minister GOI will note the above and take appropriate action in the interest of the people.
Resentally PM Narendra Modi also spoke in the above line.
Sri: 16a.04.9115 [03.07.2015]
Jal Sansaadhan Mantri Minister Uma Bharati: On "Ganga ki Saugandh" Program on 'ABP New' on 03.07.2015 at 7.30-8 PM.
For "Zero Pollution Technique" of Cleaning a river or a lake: including "Yamuna and Ganga" the following technique should be adopted as published in "International Bhojpuri eSkool", Lesson: 85, on 10.08.2014 as reproduced below for the benifit of all:
"1. Gyanpuram:The Knowledge Park
This Blog shows: > International global Bhojpuri eDainik. > Anglo-Sanskit 'Mitram" eSamaacaar Patram > International Bhojpuri eSkool.
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.08.14
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल
Ravivaar: Sri: 29.05.9114. Suru Sri: 30.07.9113 se
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho,
Sunday: 10.08.2014 AD. Started: 17.10.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!! Rauaa Sansaar caahe BrahmaanD me` jah`waa rahat hokhi`!!!
[Welcome all lovers!!
Wherever you may be living in the World or Universe!!! ]
*** Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
** Aaj ke Mahaabhaarat Yukren, Siriaa, Iraak aa Libiaa me`.
[Today's Mahabharat in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Libya]
*** Saamyavaad > मानवता Maanavataa ke Pahilaa Pad.
मानवता Maanavataa > सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya ke Siddhaant aa Hindutva ke pahilaa Pad.
[Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step for Sanatanarya Doctrine of Mankind or Hinduism.]
पाठ PaaTh - 85: [Lesson - 85]:
Gangaa-Yamunaa-Safaai: Jee aaj ke PaaTh me` eehe jaanal jaai:
[In today's lesson Cleaning-Ganga-Yamuna will be studied.]:
1. Prastaavanaa: [Introduction]:
Gangaa ji caahe jamunaa ji aapan safaai apane kareli, baakir ee ta~ hamani ke baani je unkaa ke naalaa-naali aa mala-mutra se gandaa karat rahile. Jaisahi hamanike ee gandaa kare ke kaam choR deb, inkaa logani ke auru kawano safaai-ufaai kare ke jaroorat naikhe. Saal bhar me` je thoRa-bahut inkaraa me` gandagi jamaa hokhelaa okaraa ke barsaat me` Prakriti se eke baar me` saaf ka del jaalaa.
[Perenial rivers like Ganga and Yamuna are self cleaners, but we make them dirty by making sewages and drains from cities and industries to fall into them continuously to turn Yamuna as a Drain after Delhi. Only in rainy days Yamuna is washed and cleaned by the nature.]
Yamunaa ji, Gangaa ji ke ego baRahan sahaayak nadi hai, eh se pahile hamanani ke Yamune ji ke Safaai ke upaay so`cab jaa, je apane me` swatantra baaRi; baakir Gangaa-Safaai me` Yamunaa ji ke safaaiyo saamil baa.
[Yamuna is a major tributery of Ganga, thus we shall consider the cleaning of river Yamuna firstly, which independent of cleaning Ganga. We can not keep Ganga clean, draining Yamuna-nala inti it.]
2. Yamunaa-Safaai: [Cleaning Yamuna]:
2.1 Yamunaa ji hamani ke maai hai, eh se inkar sevaa kail hamani ke dharam (kartavya) ha.
[Yamuna is an auspisous river and its upkeep is our duty.]
Yamunaa ji Himaalay PahaaR ke Saptarsi-kunDa, Yamunotri se nikal ke Hariyaanaa hot Dilli aa Uttar Pradesh me` 1375 km cal ke Allaahaabaad me` Gangaa ji me` mil jaali. Baakir inkar Dilli ke 22 km me` Pradoosan, polyuTenTs ke calate je haalat holaa, okaraa calate barasaat ke alaawe Dilli ke baad Yamunaa ji ego naalaa ban ke rah jaali, je me` bisaaktataa ke calate kawano jal-jeewan sambhawe naa hokhe.
[River Yamuna emerges from Saptarsi lake near Yamunotri and passing through Hariyana, Dllhi, UP and travelling 1375 km falls into Ganga at Allahabad. In course of this while passing just 22km Delhi it simply turns into a drain due to draining sewages, domestic and industrial polutants through several drains continuously. Only during rainy days Yamuna appears clean.]
Rahal sahal bisaaktataa me` kami Aagraa me` pooraa ho jaalaa.
[Apart from this, Yamuna is again poluted in Agra as in Delhi.]
2.1.1 Yamunaa ji ke jal me` Dilli aa Aagraa ke beec me` Bisaaktataa:
[Toxicity in Yamuna water between Dlhi and Agra]:
* Ghulal Oxijan [Dissolved Oxygen, DO], DO:
4.0 mg/l Jaleey jeeva-Jantuan khaatir jaroori holaa aa je Wajeeraabaad Barraaj ke pahile holaa.
[DO = 4.0 mg/l is needed for aquatic animals which is found befor Wazirabad Barrage.]
* Wajeeraabaad se Aagaraa ke beec:
[Between Wazirabad and Agra]: DO = 0 se 3.7 mg/l.
* Jaivik Oxijan Maa`g [Biological Oxygen Demand, BOD]:
Maanya: [Permissible]: BOD = 3 se 0 mg/l.
Yamunaa ji : BOD = 14 se 29 mg/l.
* [BOD: faekal Coliform = 2.5 K/100 ml permissible.
BOD : faecal Coliform in Yamuna water=1000 k/100mg which is 400 times permissible limit.]
* Ammonikal Jal: [Dissolved Ammonia in Water.]:
Uppar ke Bisaaktataa ke alaawe Nijaamuddin Pul aa Aagaraa ke beec Yamunaa jal me` Bisaakt Ammoniao ke maatraa bahut adhik baa.
[Apart from theabove Toxicity, the toxicity due to dissolved Ammonia is very high between Nizamuddin Bridge and Agra.]
Tippani: Uupar ke DaaTaa ke feru se aaj-kal ke maatraa ke pataa kail jaroori baa.
Note: The recent values of the above data is needed to arrive at a better result.
2.2 Yamunaa ji ke rakh-rakhaaw: [Upkeep of Yamuna]:
Aaj tak desh caahe Videsh ke anek ejensi sab, aa Dilli Sarkaaro, Yamunaa ji ke Safaai ke naav pa desh ke hajaaro karoR Rs looT lelan, baakir Yamunaa ji me` kawano khaas antar naa aail.
[Till today many agencies and Governments have spent thousands of Crores of Rs, but without any tangible result.]
Eehaa` neece ham ego bahut maanya aa aajamaawal Yamunaa-Safaai ke Taknik bataawataani je se Yamunaa ji Barsaat ke alaawe ekdam shuddha rahi`han.
[We introduce here a very reliable and well practised technique with which Yamuna will remain perfectly clean, except rainy days.]
Khaali ekego shart baa ki eh Taknik ke anusaar Projekt pooraa bhailaa ke baad kawano Sansthaa ke kaam karat rahe ke paRi, kaahe ki safaai ke kaam satat hot rahelaa.
[There is only one condition, after completion of the project, some Institution keep on operating the system continueously, since the generation of polutants and cleaning is a continueous process.]
2.3 Nadi, taal aa jheel Safaai ke "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik":
"Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" se Yamunaa ji ke safaai bakhoobi kail jaa sakelaa, jekar DiTel neece del jaataa. Eh Taknik ke apanaa ke Yamunaa ji ke safaai baRaa sundar roop se kail jaa sakelaa je choT me` neece del jaataa 2.3.1 pa.
["Zero Pollution Technique" of Cleaning a river or a lake.:
All Rights of this Technique is Reserved with "Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, NCR Delhi, India". This "Zero Pollution Technique" can be well adopted for cleaning Yamuna as briefly shown below at Sub-para:2.3.1.]
2.3.1 "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" khoob saral baa:
["Zero Pollution Technique" is Simplistic]:
Shunya Pradoosan Taknik ke anusaar Yamunaa ji ke Safaai:
[Cleaning of Yamuna according to "Zero Pollution Technique"]:
(a) Kawano Naalaa-ulaa ke paani, STP-o aa ETP-0 ke paani Yamunaa ji me` giraawe ke sakhta manaa baa.
Khaali Barasaat ke Paani (Storm Water) ke yamunaa ji me` jaaye del jaai.
Barsaat ke 3 Maheenaa June, July, auru August me` ta asahi` Yamunaa-jal me Bisaaktataa kam ho jaalaa.
[It is strictly prohibited to allow drain-water or even so called clean water from STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants) and ETPs (Effluent Treatment Plants).
Only Storm water can be allowed to fall into Yamuna.
During 3 months of rainy days in June, July and August, the Bio-toxicity reduces naturally.]
(b) STP aa ETP se nikalal jal ke alage se paip se pamp ka ke najadeek ke baggeecaa, khet, khaali jagah aadi me` pataawe khaatir de del jaai. Eh se garami me` hawaa me` aardrataao banal rahi aa bageecaa ke peR- pawdhano ke jaan me` jaan aai.
Eh paani ke samay samay pa Bishaaktataa ke jaa`c kail jaalaa.
[Water coming out of STP and ETP is pumped out and taken to near by garden, orchard, cultivable land, barren land for desposal, in stead of allowing it to fall into Yamuna.
Before disposal this water out of STP and ETP is tested for toxicity.]
2.3.2 Shunya Pradoosan Taknik se dusar Laabh:
[Other benifits of "Zero Pollution Technique"]:
Shunya Pradoosan Taknik se Yamunaa ji ta~ swaccha rahbe karihan, uupar se Dher dusaro laabh hoi, je me` mukhya laabhan ke neece likhal jaataa:
[Yamuna will ramain clean by "Zero Pollution Technique", in addition there will be other benifits, some of which are shown below]:
(a) Shahar ke baag-bageecaa hariar rahihan sa.
[The Gardens will be greener.]
(b) Khet me` paani paTaawe me` fayadaa, aa fasal me` baD*anti. [Better crops]
(c) Saaf-safaai, baag-bageecaa me` kuch logani ke satat kaam mili. [Perpetual work to some people.]
(d) Kheti me` jaadaa faayadaa. [More benifits in Agriculture.]
2.4 Bhaarateey Sanskaar aa Yamunaa ji / Gangaa ji pa Asar:
[The effect of Creamation on a River Bank]:
Shaw-daah aa Asthi-Visarjan: [Burnig of Dead bodies]:
Bhaarat ke gyaan ke anusaar kawano Maanuzya ke janam Pancatatva se holaa aa maran ke baad Pancatatve me` mil jaalaa, aa0Iawik roop me`, ehi se Antim Sanskaar me` Mrityu ke baad Agni me` Shaw-daah ka ke unkar har ang ke Gasifaai ka ke aa0Iawik roop me` uRaa del jaalaa, aa je bhaag gasifaai naa hokhe aa jalalaa ke baado Those rah jaalaa, khaas ka ke asthi ke Phosphate aadi; okara ke ThanDhaa ka ke nadi ke jal me` bahaa del jaalaa. [According to Indian knowledge Man is made of 'Pancha Tatwa' 5 primary Elementary things (empty space, water, fire, material and air) and after death the Man turns again into the same Primary-elementary things; that is why after death Man is burnt in fire to gasify the body, and any solid part after burning like Phosphate are cooled and thrown into the river to flow.]
>> Uupar ke Sanskaar se nadi ke kawano pradoosan naa hokhe. Jadi garibi caahe auro kawano kaaran se adhjalal shaw ke nadi me` fe`k del gail, ta~ okar safaai khaatir jaleey jeev-jantu hokhelan jekar uu bhojya padaartha ban jaalan.
[>> The river is not poluted due to the above process. In case due to poverty or some other cause, the unburnt body is thrown in to the river, then the aquatic animals are ready to clean by eating.]
3. Antim Baat [Bottom Line]:
Aise ta~ Yamunaa ji ke Safaai Dher Saal se horahal baa, "Yamuna Action Plan, YAP" ke jarie je me` kuch Jaapaanio log saamil baaRe; baakir rijalT kawano khaas naikhe hot.
Dilli aa Bhaarat Sarkaar jadi "Shunya Pradoosan Taknik" ke apanaai ta~ ee Yamunaa ke samasyaa baraabar khaatir door hojaai.
[As we know the, the cleaning of Yamuna is being done for many years by YAP in which Japanese technology is used, but the sresult is not satisfactory. In case Delhi Govt. and or GOI adopts "Zero Pollution Technique", then the problem will be solved for ever.]
Yamunaa Safaai ab Samaapta.
[The End of Cleaning Yamuna]
Oraa gail [Finished]
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S.]
'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes:
(‘InBeS’ kahi` caahe ‘InBho’ eke baat baa.)
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya auru Sanskriti se prem karelan. Bhojpuri ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti aur dosar Profesan me` Sansaar me` leek se haT ke gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is an eSkool for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture and other Professions also aimed without sticking to the conventional methods.]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ me` se kawano lipi me` likh sakile. Ee sab logan ke jaankaari khaatir likhal jaataa`.
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri. This is for the Notification of all.]
Maanav ke dharmo ke log alag alag mat-mataantar banaa ke badnaam ka dele baa, kekar kekar naav lee`? Baakir,
'Sadaa Bahaar' [Ever Green] >> Sanaatanaarya
je jaldi naa ta~ gandaa hokhe auru naa nasTa.
[The Dharma (= the way of living together) of Maanav > Manav > Man in short is also polluted by advent of many religions, but the ‘Old is Gold = Sanaatanaarya: Who looks good to all beings, living & non-living’
Starting Sanatanary: SrizTyaabda: 1 969 903 900 or 3 043 200 BC
For detail one may go to Post date: 30.07.2014 AD
Oraa gail. [The End]
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.08.14"
Posted by Deodutta Sharma at 03:14
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Hope Respected Uma Bharati, Minister GOI will note the above and take appropriate action in the interest of the people.
Resentally PM Narendra Modi also spoke in the above line.
Sri: 16a.04.9115 [03.07.2015]
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