Thursday, 17 December 2015

18.12.2015 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ.23.9.9115

आंग्ल-संस्कृतअंतर्राष्ट्रीय दैनिक समाचार पत्रम् .  
Shukravaara:  शुक्रवार: [Friday 18.12.2015]
'Mitram' Prakaashanam: 9019, Gat 97 Varzaat. 
[Since: 3.11.1919 BCE, "Mitram", The Oldest Sanskrit Daily Newspaper Published Since Last 97 years.]
अंक: [Edition]:  254.09.9115.

*** विशेष वार्ता: Vishez Vaartaa: [Special News]:. 
** Maatra ekadesha: aadhaarbhootena Ajanataantrika:, tam 'Saudi Arabiaa' iti kathyate; yatra lalanaa:  adhikaaravihinaa:, anekaadhikaaraviheenaa: ca.
Sambhavata; ataeva 60 deshesu maatra 'Saudi Arabiaa'-yaa: janataantrikaXamataa rinaatmakam.

Siddhaanta:- "Na ko~pi Aakraamaka: janahinsaka:   ca, Janataantrikam bhavati". 

1. युरेशिआ Yuresiaa [Euresia]:
1.1 Siriyaa [Syria[:  
Siriyaa deshe 0.35 M janaa: hataa: gat 4-5 varze, tathaa 4 - 5 M deshaat palaayitaa:. [In Syria about 0.3 M killed, and 4 M left their home and fled to Europe.]
Rusa deshatyaajya anya sarve deshaa;, bhavatu SRA, Fraans athawaa UK deshaan maatra vimaanena BamaVarzaa` kurvanti yena adhikaJanahaanimeva bhavati na tu Aaatanki-haani. [Except Russia, all the countries like USA, France and UK simply kill mostly civilians, not the terrorists. For killing terrorists, they have to fight on the ground, identify them carefully and fight out.]

1.2 Iraak PM kathitwaan: Turki swa Senaa: Iraaka deshe na sthaapayet. Parantu Turki kathayati tezaa` Senaa: Iraake sthaasyati. 
Etat anadhikrit Turki Senaa: Iraak deshe. 
[Iraq PM: Turkey must remove all their Forces from Iraq. But Turkey refused to withdraw their forces from Iraq.
Is Turkey fighting for IS / ISIL? 
This ammounts to unauthorised fighting by Turkey in Iraq.]

1.3 भारत: Bhaarata: [India]:     
**        दिल्लीशासन: DilliSaasana: [Delhi Government]: 20.11.2015
**   AAP Dilli Saasana: 105,000 Ankaat 265 divase 40167 Ankaan praapta: Upalabdhi: 61% 
=> (365+50 = 415) d*38% /265 d = 61 % per yr pr varzam प्रति वर्षम्.
            >> [Good Performance rating.] सुन्दरम् Upalabdhi darshakam.
  [The Performance of AAP Delhi Govt. is 40167 Points out of 105000 Points in 265 days. => 61 % / year. >> Good Performance]

2. अफ्रेशिया Afresiaa, अमेरिका Amerikaa. [Afroasia, America.]
2.1 Daxin Afrikaa, Vietnaama;, Rusa:   [South Africa, Vietnam,  Russia,]:
** EDD adhyanen Vishwasya 60 Adhiktam Janasankhyaa-deshesu yatra 89% VishwaJanaa: nivasanti, Janatantreeyadeshesu: 
d. Afrikaa 1m Sthaanam, 
Vietnaama: 2ya 
Rusa: 3ya Sthaane aagataan.
[Among 60 most Populated Countries of the world where over 89% people of the World live, South Africa stood at the 1st Rank, Vietnam at the 2n Rank and Russia at the 2nd Rank among Democratic Countries. Nice!!!]

*** Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni  sthaane
 [For more on Sanskrit…  go to the above link]

Apara` ca. [more...]
अत्र Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayoga` sambhavam. 
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari Script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-lekhitu` poorvaroope paThitu` ca,  pashyataa` ‘SaralikritSanskritam’ 
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script and again reading back the same correctly, one may go to the above link.]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaa` satyata` vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
'Mitram': Bhaarate Prathama` Sanskrit dainika` Prakaashanam: Gata 97 वर्षात् .
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 वर्षात् . Prakaashaka:
Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, आचार्य पण्डित अम्बिकादत्त शर्मा
['Mitram': India's the oldest Sanskrit Daily Newspaper since: 1919 AD originally Edited & Published by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.]

इति Iti [The end]
18.12.2015 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ.23.9.9115

मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्: 
Sanskritadivasaa: names of 7 days in Sanskrit and English:
>> Pronunciation in English > संस्कृते उच्चारणम्   > [English] >>
 Vaara: वार: [day], Ravi रवि [Sunday],   Soma सोम [Monday],  
Mangala मंगल [Tuesday], Budha बुध [Wednesday]       
Brihaspati, Guru  बृहस्पति,  गुरू [Thursday ] Shukra शुक्र [Friday],  
Shani शनि [Saturday] 

अधुना Agrahaaya0Ia मासं, सृष्ट्याब्द: 1 972 949 115, न्यूने सृ. 09.9115.
Adhunaa Agrahaayana Maasa` SrizTyaabda: 1 972 949 115, nyoone Sri: 09.9115.
[Now it is the Agrahaayan Month of Sristyabda 1 972 949 115, in short Sri: 09.9115.]





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