Thursday, 13 October 2016

Clinton <> Trump मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri सृ. 27.07.9116

Clinton <> Trump
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri 
सृ. 27.07.9116  बियफे    Beeyafe  [International Bhojpuri Daily: 13.10.2016 CE ] 
अंक Ank: 205.07.9116.

*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Prithvi pa Mat-Mataantar 9116 me`: 
[Religions on the Earth in 2015-16]:

Every thing on the Earth keeps on developing following certain methodology either made by the nature or by Human or their Society which they follow for their development. 
Based on the observations and experiences, Mankind have developed some Thought and created some Regulations for their up-keep and growth called 'Religion':
As on 6.2016 CE: There are 25 to 30 major Religions. However,  we present below only 5 Top most Religions prevalent on the Earth:
Many people keep on pressing others to follow their opinion or Religion.
On the other hand many people even are unaware, how they are growing. 
Look: Many people follow some religion for their development and upkeep, but most of them even are unaware how they are growing: 

Most Sanatanaryas do not even know that "They are Sanatanaryas": 

"One who looks good to all beings is Sanatanarya" 
or Sanaatanaarya.

We present below 5 Top Religions based on the number of their Followers:

Rank Religion Number of Followers in M
1. Sanatanaryas* 4384
2. Christians 2100
3. Communists** 1521
4. Islamists 1300
5. Hindus 900

* Most Sanatanaryaa do not know that they are: "Sanatanaryas: who look good to all beings (living or non-living), even crossing the line of demarcation of Religions".

** Yes, we mean 'Communism' which is a 
"Socio-economic-political System", doctrine and practices infront of which no common religion or political system stands.

*** Humanism > is the 1st step of Communism.
Communism > is the 1st step of  Hinduism.
Hinduism, Christianity > is the 1st step of 
'Sanatanarya Doctrine".

*** Truly speaking "What is a Religion?"
> "A Religion is a way of happily living developing practices of a Society, while searching 'The Truth"; like:
> A Sanatanarya do.
> Christians do
> Hindus do
> Communists do
> Islamists do.
> many others do.

>>> Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology",
"Gayatri Mantra" which  simplistically in Bhojpuri is "RamoGati, dehu Sumati" 
=> in English "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of EM Waves, (O God!) please provide me 'Buddhi' or 'Intellect', being the nearest word in English."

मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक sansaar aa Vishwa ke sab Sanaatanaarya logan ke shubhakaamanaa detaa 
Vijayaa-dashami khaatir.
[Mitram Global Bhojpuri  is conveying good wishes to all Sanatanaryas on the Earth and elsewhere on the occasion of Vijayaa-dashami.]

***Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin ke Shaanti Puraskaar***
Venezualan Adhyax Nikolaas Maduro 
> Samaajavaadi Netaa ke Aadar khaatir 
"Hugo Shaavez Shaanti Purazkaar" banawale.
Adhyax Maduro kahlan:
Uu 1m "Hugo Shaavez Shaanti Purazkaar" de taare
Shaanti Yoddhaa Vlaadimir Putin ke.
*** Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin was Awarded "Peace Prize" ***
Venezualan President Nikolas Maduro > Created a Peace Price in Honer of late Socalist Leader "Hugo Chavez Prize for Peace"
President Maduro anounced:
He was awarding the 1st "Hugo Chavez Prize for Peace" to
 Vladimir Putin, the Fighter for Peace.

** 15 Saal baad: Amerikaa ke barcasw maaTee me` milataa ohee desh me` jahaa` anek Saamraajya nasTa bhaile.
15 Saal baad: Ab SRA ke Afgaanistaan me` kaa barcaswa.
[15 yrs on: America's legacy  lies in satatters in the very land 
which has seen many empires die.
15yrs on: What is US legacy in Afghanistan.
Said RT: nice]

1.   यूरेशिया Yuresiaa: [Euresia]:
1.0 Pacchim Esiyaa me` Sameekaran badalat laagataa: [Possibly Equation is cahnging in West Asia]
dekhee` naa kaise Rusi Adhyax Putin aa Turki ke Adhyax Ardagan agal bagal baiTha ke muskaat rahan. Gaes lino ke Aegreement bhail, SRA ke ee sab niman laagat hoi, ee dusar baat baa.. [Look how Russian President Putin and Turkey President Ardgan were sitting side by side and smiling. Gas line agreement was also signed. How would US feel on this. In any case now the next US Pres would feel.]

1.1 सीरिया Siriyaa Syria:
Siriyaa me` abahee` SRS ke Hawaai hamalaa naave ke baa. 
Shayad 8-9 Navambar ke baade kuch jor pakaRe nayaki / nayakaa Adhyax ke ailaa ke baade.

1.2 भारत Bhaarat: [India]:
** NDA-GOI: ke उपलब्धि दर्शक Upalabdhi darshak: 27.07.9116: 
[The Performance Rating of GOI:  13.10.2016]: 
"Bhaarat ke वार्षिक सर्वांगीण Vaarsik Sarvaangeen Upalabdhi darshak" 48% baa. ["Annualized Overall Performance rating of india" is about 48% as on 13.10.2016.]

2.   अमेरिका, अफ्रीका, ऑस्ट्रेलिआ [America, Africa, Australia]:
** SRA ke Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw: [USA Presidential Election]:
** Kawano NauTanki-waali aurat kaa kaa ka sakele, ee Trump ji ke shaaid naa maalum rahe. Uu ab "NY Times" pa ke~s kare ke kahataare, baakir eh sab se je haani hokhe ke rahe, uu ta hoiye gail. 
Aisanke NauTankiBaaj Pacchimi logan ke jhaa`saa me` aa ke Gorbacev ji "Soviet Sanghe" ke barbaad ka dele. 
[What can a notorious lady can do, possibly was beyond the thinking of Mr Trump. Now Trump has denied all and due to the possible legal notice against 'New York Times', the Times has withdrawn the news. But irreparable damage is already done.
In similar notorious actions of the Wests, Gorbachev was trapped and did 'glasnost' (glosnast <> Politics ?),  and ruined USSR.]

** Fa`s gailan fa`s gailan Adhyax Pratyaasi  Trump, ego nauTanki ke aurat ke jaal me`, je me` se ubaral muskile laagataa. 
Ab dusar Pratyaasi ke goTee laal laagataa, je SRA ke adhyax ban ke Sansaar ke WW-3 ke Naabhikeey jwaalaa se sab ke jhulasaa sakeli.
>> Dekheejaa SRA ke janataa kaa caahataa.
[Presidential candidate Trump is trapped in ladies' net from which he may not be able to escape easily.
Now the other candidate's fate rises to peak, who on becoming the President of USA may create a dreadful WW-3 situation with NK arsenals.
  Let us see what the citizens of US decide.]

** [Now Arms dealer Marc Turi says: Administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation arming Libiyan opposition to 'protect' Clinton.]
Ke kahlas ee? Je kehu ee kahale hokhe, baakit KlinTan ta Adhyax bane waali baaRee.  

2.1 लीबिया संकट Libiyaa SankaT: [Libyan  Crisis]: 
** EU ab Libiyaa ke adhikaa`s bhaag Gapang ka lelas, SRSo ke upyog ka ke. [Major portion of Libya is  now Grabbed by EU, using even UNO. ]:

** Poorabi Libiyaa ke Garnail Haftar jekaraa "Libiyaa ke Vidhaayakan" ke samarthan baa, "UN-backed LIbiyaa Sarkaar" ke bematlab kahlas.  
[Libian General in East rejected UN-backed Goverment, not aprove by Libian Law Makers. All know UN-backed USA and NATO, what a barbaric act they did in 2011 in Libya, ammounting to a state-terrorism using even UN.]

Kaa "EU Aaropit Libiyaa Saasan" Samvaidhaanik baa; ki "Libiyaa ke Law Maker Supported Saasan"  asal Saasak ha? 
Saaf baa ki "Libiyaa ke Law Maker Supported Saasan"  asal ha. 
[Is the "EU Planted Govt of Libya" supported by UNO is genuine; or the "Libyan Govt" supported by the "Law Makers of Libya" whose Commander is General Hafter? 
Obviously the latter is the Govt of Libiya, not the "EU Planted Govt" in Libya.] 

Sab ke maalum baa ki UN-backed USA aa NATO kaisan barbarataa-se kaam kailas Libiyaa me` 2011 me`, Gaandhian Libiyan Netaa Col. M. Gaddaafi ke muaa ke. Eh se ta SRSe pa sawaal uThataa.
** Libiyaa me` aajo 2 / 3 Sattaa baa, aajo Sharnaarthi- Samasyaa baa, aajo Pacchimee deshan ke Aatank baa.
[Libya today also  is under control of 2 / 3 so to say Govmts, today also there is refugee problem, today also there is terror of many kinds including that of  the Wests.]

2 EDD: Ranks 10 most populated countries of the World: 4th Series: Showing 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade' LD Grade, Score, DCU, 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation'

Country Rank Score LD Grade ScorePotl Pot. Rank DCU % Remarks   
Russia 1 6.21 A 7.21 1 86.130374 CIS, BRICS   
Brazil 2 5.55 B 6.55 3 84.732824 BRICS   
Indonesia 2 5.55 B 6.55 3 84.732824 East   
India 4 4.655 C 5.655 6 82.316534 BRICS   
Bangladesh 5 4.565 C 5.565 7 82.030548 East   
Japan 6 4.226 C 5.225 8 80.880383 East, Monarchy   
Nigeria 7 4.14 C 5.14 9 80.544747   
China 8 3.195 D 6.495 5 49.191686 BRICS   
Pakistan 9 -7.525 (-) 3.975 10 -189.30818   
USA 10 -9.07 (-) 6.93 2 -130.88023 NATO   
1. The DCU of Top 7 Rankers among 10 most populated countries of the World is >over 80%.   
2. Among 10 most populated countries of the World, 7 are from East or BRICS members.   
3. The DCU of 2 countries are (-) ive,   
4. LD-Grade: No. of Countries %   
A 1 10   
B 2 20   
C 4 40   
D 1 10   
Anti-LDG 2 20   
Total 10 100   

4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
 ‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
**  'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]  
ओरा गइल  Oraa gail [The End]   
27.07.9116 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 13.10.2016

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार  सोमार  मंगर    बुध    बियफे    शुक  शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन

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