Grabbing a country
by21st Century Imperialists. The Greatest Religion of ‘Sanatanaryas’
Bhojpuri eSkool:
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल
भोजपुरी शुक Sri:
> 5m Baris, Suruaat: 23.07.9112
Bhojpuri eSkool, inBho, 14.10.2016 CE
> Since:
10.2012 AD, 5th Year of Establishment]
खास बात Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]:
** Pacchimee
deshan ke samoocaa Sansaar pa aapan adhikaar jamaawe ke raajneeti dekhee`: [Look at the modus operendi of the Expansionist Wests to
grab a country]:
>> Kawano
desh me` 'Janatantara' haTaake, pahile
"Multi-Parti Sarkaar banaayee",
jadi pahele se naa hokhe.
[In place of 'Janatantra' or 'Lincolnian
Democracy', in the name of Democracy = "Demonstration- Cray" make a "Multi-Party
Government", in case it is not already.]
>> Paarti PoliTiks karee`. [Go on Divide & Rule Party-Politics.]
>> Virodhi
dal ke sahaayataa karee` pahile muh se, dhan se, feru AshTra Shastra se. [Support rival groups, parties first with talk, then with
money and Arms and ammunitions, even
>> Aapasi
laRaaee me` 'Maanaveey Sahaayataa' karee` aa oh pa apane logan se bam giraayee`
(kawano desh pa jaa ke bam giraawal aakraman naa kahe ee log), jekar do~s
uuhaa` ke Sarkaar pa lagaaee`. [Call a mutua skirmices or fight 'Civil War', provide 'Humaniterian
Aids', bom the same blming the Government.]
>>> Ab
kaa SRS ke upyog ka ke oh desh pa "Maanvaadhikaar" aadi ke hanan ke naav Aakraman ka ke Gapang. {
Using UNO attack on the country to protect "Human Rights" etc and
grab the country.]
** Khaali eehe caal naikhe. Kabahu` WMD
rakhalaa pa seedhe aakraman ka
sakelaa ee Vistaarvaadi Pacchimee desh. Je Saddam ke Iraak me` bhail. SRS
ke Saamaanya Shabhaa eh sab pa cup kaahe baa.
[Not only this
strategy. Some times direct attach on a country by these imperialist countries
in the name of possessing WMD, as done
in Saddam's Iraq; and later
telling that there was no WMD in Iraq.
Why is UNO GA mum on this.]
** 'Islaam pa
khataraa' bataa ke kawano desh me` ee Pacchimee desh Aakraman ka sakele, tikRam
ka ke; jaise Hillari ji aadi kaili Libiyaa me` Gaddafi Saasan pa Aakraman. [Saying 'Islam in
danger', the expansionist Wests can attack a country notoriously, as Hillary
etc did in Libya in 2011, killing an destabilising the country.]
Aa feru "EU Aaropit Libiyaa
Saasan" ke bulaawaa pa dubaare Libiyaa pa
Amerikaa ke Aakraman. [On the invitation of "EU Planted Libyan Govt" using
UNO, US again attacked Libya in Sept. 2016.]
>>> Kaaran
hajaaro ho sakelaa, Aakraman khaatir, aakhir eehe desh ta Jaapaan pa ATom Bamo
calawle rahe, ab kawana muh se dusar deshan pa WMD rakhalaa ke do~s lagaawataare. Eehe log apanaa
barcaswa khaatir "Nuclear Prolification Treaty" banawale baaRe. Ee
sab anaitik baa.
SRS jadi
ego Shaantipriya Nispax Sansthaa ha, ta okaraa ee sab pa dhyaan debe ke
[There can be 1000s of causes for attacking, after all
this is the country who dropped Atom Bom, with what face they blame any country
for possessing WMD. These unethicals have made "Nuclear Prolifiration
Treaty" to keep their supremacy.
In case
UNO is a Peace loving non-aligned Organisation, then they must think on these
and must mutate to be ethical and affective.]
पाठ PaaTh - 103.07.9116: [Lesson- 103.07.9116]:
Aaj hamanike ‘Dharam’ aa ‘Mat-mataantar’
pa baat karbjaa.
[Today we shall talk about ‘Dharma’ and ‘Religion’.]
** Prithvi pa Mat-Mataantar 9116
[Religions on the Earth in
"Dharati pa 'Har ceej'
(sajeev caahe nirjeev) aapan Praakritik caahe samaaj aa aadmi ke banaawaTi
niyamaanusaar banal rahelaa aa baD*at rahelaa".
"'Every thing' or 'all
beings' (living or non-living) on the Earth keep on developing following
certain methodology normally made by the nature or by Human or their Society
which they follow for their upkeep and development.]
Aapan darshan aa anubhav ke aadhaar pa, aapan rakh-rakhaaw aa baD*anti
khaatir Aadmi kuch Vicaar aa Niyam banawale jekaraa ke 'Mat-mataantar' kahal jaalaa, baakir ekareke kuch log Dharam-o
[Based on the observations and experiences, Mankind have developed some
Thought and created some Regulations for their up-keep and growth called 'Dharma'
or vaguely called 'Religion':
'Har ceej' ke aapan 'dharam' holaa je 'praakritik' holaa. ['Dharma' for 'each being' is the same basically being
Aadamie ke 'Mat-Mataantar' me` farak hosakelaa. ['Religion' for the 'same being' may differ being 'man-made'.]
Sri: 6.9116: ke 25 se 30 baR 'Mat-mataantar' baaRe sa. Eehaa` Dharati ke
khaali 6 sab se baR 'Mat-mataantar ke del jaataa:
[As on 6.2016 CE: There are 25 to 30 major Religions. However, we present below only 6 Topmost Religions for
Human-being prevalent on the Earth.]
* Dher log dusar pa aapan Mat
thope khaatir dabaaw dele. [Many people keep on pressing others to follow their opinion or Religion.]
* Kehu ke ee pataa tak naikhe ki
uu banal aa baD*at kaise baaRe.
[On the other hand, many
people even are unaware, how they
are growing.]
Dekhee`: Dher log aapan Mat pa calele, baakir unkaa ee pataa naa, unkar
rakhrakhaaw aa baD*anti kaise hotaa.
[Look: Many people follow 'some religion' for their development and upkeep,
but most of them even are unaware how they are growing]:
Sanaatanaarya eeho naa jaanas ki uu Sanatanaarya hawan.
Sanatanaryas do not even know that "They are Sanatanaryas"]:
"Je sab
ceejan (sajeev aa nirjeev) ke bhalaaee so`ce,
okaraa ke Sanaatanaarya kahal jaalaa.
["One who looks good to all beings (living or
non-living) is Sanatanarya or Sanaatanaarya.]
Baakir "Uu je sab ke muaawe caahe nasTa kare aanand
le ke Sanaatanaary naa ho sake.
[On the other hand: "One who kills or destroys any
creation (living or non-living) even in the name of religion, can not be a
Sanatanarya or Sanaatanaarya".]
Dharati ke sankhyaa ke aadhaar pa 6 baRhan 'Mat' neece del jaataa:
[6 Topmost Religions based on the number of their Followers are]:
Raenk Mat-mataantar Sankhyaa M me`
Rank Religion Number of Followers in M
1. Sanatanaryas* 4384
2. Christians 2100
3. Communists** 1521
4. Islamists 1300
5. Hindus 900
6. Buddhists 360
Kul Total will be over: 100 % se
Sansaar ke Janasankhyaa: ~ 7440 M
Population of the Earth: ~ 7440 M
* Most Sanatanaryaa do not know that they
are: "Sanatanaryas:
who look good to all beings (living or
non-living), even crossing the line
of demarcation of Religions".
** Yes,
we mean 'Communism' which is the doctrine and practices
of Human's "Socio-economic-political System", in front of which no
common religion or political system stands.
> Many persons, still living have seen what
was USSR: "Kalyug me`
Satyug" i.e.
"The Truth Era in the Corrupt
>> This
Satyugi 'Model' of "The 20th Century Earth" has been destroyed by the
notorious merciless Imperialist, Expansionist of the Wests; the same people who
destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Iraq & Libya and were likely to destroy
Syria, but for Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin who intervened since 30.09.2016 to
save the country and 'non-living being' like 'Palmyra'.
Palmyra is now saved, in whatever
manner it stands.
*** Humanism > is the 1st
step of Communism.
Communism > is the 1st
step of Hinduism.
Christianity > is the 1st step of
*** In other words:
> "A Religion is a way of
happily living developing practices
of a Society, while searching 'The Truth"; like:
> A
Sanatanarya do.
> Christians
> Hindus
> Communists
> Islamists
> many
others do.
>>> Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge
Beyond nano pico Technology" at,
"Gayatri Mantra" which simplistically
in Bhojpuri is:
"RamoGati, dehu
=> "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of EM Waves, (O God!) provide me 'Buddhi' i.e. ‘Intellect."
18.7.9115 Bhojpuri eSkool 16.10.2015
अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल
Ke aansik Prakaashan feru aaj 28.07.9116 ke:
16 October 2015
18.7.9115 Bhojpuri eSkool 16.10.2015
अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
Shuk 18.07.9115.
Suru Sri: 30 .07.9113
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, Friday 16.10.2015 AD. Since: 17.10.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के. Sab premi
logan ke Swaagat! [Welcome all Bhojpuri
lovers of the World or Universe!!! ]
log sab ceejan ke bhalaai so`celan, caahe uu sajeev hokhe yaa nirjeev."
Sanaatanaary logan ke dharam aa karam ha; caahe uu kavano Mat-Mataantar
(religion) ke maanat hokhas.
Neece kuch
Sanaatanaarya logan ke naav del jaataa udaaharan ke roop me` jekaraa ke pooraa
naa kail jaa sake:
[Sanatanaryas are those "Who look good to all
beings, living or Non-living".
This is the belief and duty of all Sanatanaryas;
irrespective of their religion.
The names of
some Sanatanaryas are given below which can not be complete.]:
devadoot S .
भोजपुरी इस्कूल
****Ab dekhee` Sanaatanaarya logan ke ego suci:
[Now look at
a List of Sanatanarya People]:
Monday, 29 December 2014, 23.10.9114
Revised: 16.10.2015: aa 28.7.9116: 14.10.2016
सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya Sanatanarya
सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya: [Sanatanarya]:
Saamyavaad > Maanavataa ke Pahilaa Pad.
मानवता Maanavataa > सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya,
jekaraa ke kuch log Hinduismo kahelaa, okaraa Siddhaant
ke pahilaa Pad.
[Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step for ‘Sanatanarya Doctrine’
of Mankind.]
सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya:
"Sanaatanaarya log sab sajeev aa nirjeev ceejan ke,
kalyaan caahelan”.
Ekaraa ke kuch log Hinduo kahelan. Ee log Eeshwar ke
naahio maan sakelaa, jadi uu sab sajeev aa nirjeev ceejan ke, kalyaan caahat
[Sanatanarya is “The person who looks good to all beings,
living or non-living.”
They are Basically Developed Persons (some call them
Hindu), who may or may not believe in God, so long as s/he is “The person who
looks good to all beings, living or non-living.”]
सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya (Hindu), Jain, Bauddha, Sikh,
Kriscan, JarasthrusTianism, aadi me` bahut kam antar baa. Kuch antar neece
likhal jaataa:
[There is a little difference between Sanatanarya,
Hindu, Jaini, Buddhist, Sikhism, Chritianity, Zarasthrustianism, Some points of
difference are shown below]:
> Sanaatanaarya sab bhootan ke kalyaa0Ia so`celaa, caahe
uu sajeev hokhas yaa nirjeev. Ee log tathaakathit nirjeevo ke haani kare ke naa
caahas jaise ki ghar, raastaa, moorti, kitaab, pul, kaar, hawaai jahaaj, jhaaRu aadi ke.
[Sanatanarya looks good to all beings, living or
non-living. S/he does not like to harm or destroy even so called non-living
beings i.e. any creation like houses, roads, statues, books, bridges, cars,
airplanes, broom etc..]
> Jain: Jain log axarasa: Ahinshaa ke maane ke
caahelan, auru kawano jeev ke naa maaras.
[Jainis: Jainis follow Ahinshaa in letter and spirit and
refrain from killing any living being. ]
> Bauddha: Bauddha log khaas ka ke Satya auru Ahinshaa
ke maanelan.
[Buddhists: Buddhists stress on Truth and
Non-Violence mainly, without bothering for the existance God.]
> Ishaai: Ishaai logan me` bahut log Sanaatanaarya
holan, kaahe ki Ishaa Maseeh Prema aa Xamaa ke mahatva delan.
[Christians: Many Christians are Sanatanartas
since here importance is given to Love and Pardon main.]
> Muslims: Bahut kam log Sanaatanaary holan; khaas ka
ke auratan pa dabaav ke calate aa Jehaad ka ke Mat badalawaawe ke calate, aa je
Shiyaa-Sunni, Wahaabi aadi ke naav pa sab ke maarate rahelaa.
[Islaamists: Very few are Sanatanarya here,
possibly due to suppression of ladies in Islam and due to forcible conversions
by Jehad. They keep on fighting always in the name of Shiya - Sunni - Wahabi
and what not.]
> Sikh: Sikh logan khaatir, ego ‘truck’: "Truck
Saheb" ha, ‘Patna City’: "Patnaa Saheb" ha. => a ‘truck’ ke
aapan ‘vyakitva’ holaa, jekar aadar kare ke caahee`kavano aadmi jaisan.
[Sikhism: For a Sikh: ‘Patna City’ is not just a
City; but it is a "being" who must be respected by telling 'Patna
Sahib'. This is the ethics of Sikhism.]
Pramukh Sanaatanaarya: [Famous Sanatanaryas]:
KaliYug se pahile anginat Sanaatanaarya log rahas.
KaliYug me` Sanaatanaarya logan ke sankhyaa ghaTat jaataa, jaha`waa alag alag
tarah ke durbhaawanaa, bhrasTaacaar baD*al jaataa, saayad sagaro bhrasTaacaar,
tarah tarah ke mat-mataantar auru relijan ke calate.
[There were innumerable Sanatanaryas before
KaliYug. In KaliYug the number of Sanatanaryas is reducing, where various types
of ill wills, corruptions due to advent of various mat-matantars or religions
are increasing.]
Kuch pramukh Sanaatanaarya logan ke naav neece likhal
jaataa, Kaliyug ke suru hokhe se kuch pahilahi` se: (apoorna suci):
[We name below some famous Sanaatanaryas,
starting from just before the start of Kaliyug: (not a comprehensive list)]:
1. Sri Baasudeva Krishna,
Janam SrizTyaabd: 1 972 943 871 Bhaado Krishna AshTami or
Sri: 08.06.3871.
Preme Prem sab se. 16000 Pyaari Raani logani auru 8
PaTaraani rahi unkar. Baakir unkar sab se pyaari preyasi rahi Raadhaa ji. Ehi
se unkaa ke log Raadhe-Shyaamo kahelaa.
[Lord Krishna, born in 3229 BC
Icon of Love: Love, love, love…. with all. He had
16008 lovely Queens, and on the top of them was: Radhe ji.
He is popularly known as Shri Radhe-Shyam]
Krishna ji ke Dher samsaamayik logo Sanaatanaarye rahan,
jaise ki: [Many contemporaty persons of Krishna like]:
2. Sri Balraam
ji, Shri Krishna ji ke baR bhaai ji. [Respected elder brother of Shri Krishna.]
3. Sudaamaa ji,
Shri Krishna ji ke priya sakhaa, Mitra. [Icon of friendship of Shri
4. Subhadraa ji,
Shri Krishna ji ke priya Baheeni. [Loving sister of Shri Krishna.]
5. Yashodaa
Maai, Shri Krishna Ji ke pyaari Maai. [Mother Yashoda: Icon of the
love of a Mother - Child.}
6. Nanda ji,
Shri Krishna ji ke paalak Pitaa ji. [Fatherly love the boy Krishna got from.]
7. Basudeva ji,
Ugrasen ji ke daamaad ji. Shri Krishna je ke janak Pitaa ji. [Basudeva ji: Father of Shri
8. Dewaki Maai,
Ugrasen ji ke beTee aa Shri Krishna ji ke maai Janani. [Dewaki: Mother of Shri Krishna.]
9. Ugrasen
Mahaaraaj ji, Shri Krishna ji ke Naanaa ji.
Jekaraa baad karib Arabo log “Agrawaal Samaaj” ke
Sanaatanaarya log bhailan. Agrawaal log Shaakaahaari aa Saatvik holan.
[King Ugrasen: Maternal Grandpa of Shri Krishna
ji. After whom “Agrawal Samaaj” developed of about Millions people in north
India and else where.]
10-14. Paa`co
PaanDava log: YudhisThir, Arjun, Bheem, Nakul aa Sahdeva ji. [Five Pandawas: Yudhisthir, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul,
15. Abhimanyu,
Arjun ke laikaa: Cakravyooh toRe me` Mahaabhaarat Yuddha me` maaral gailan,
unkar laikaa: [Abhimanyu, son of Arjun: died in a srategic trap in Mahabharat War.]
16. Raajaa
Parixit: Inke jinagi ke baad me`shuru bhail: KaliYug karib
Sri: 1 972 943 971 me`.
[King Parixit: After his death
in about 3871 BC, “KaliYug Era” started in this World.]
Feru Bhaarat pa Islaami Aakraman aa Jehaad ke baad
Sanaatanaarya logan ke sankhyaa ghaTe laagal. Tabahu`o Sanaatanaarya log
Sansaar me` kaise failal baaRan ee dekhi` neece:
[Afterwards, due to the Islami Jehadi attacks,
the number of Sanatanaryas started diminishing particularly due to Jehad
in various countries started by Islamists, but Sanatanaryas will never finish.
Let us see how these Snaatanaarya people are spread in the World]:
17. Kong Ci Kanfyusias, Janam Sri: 6549 - ? ,
Ego Cini Sant jekaraa calate Kafusian-mat
shuru bhail.
[Kong Qi Confusius 551BC - ? ,
sage after whom Confusianism started.]
18. Gautam Buddha, Sri: 6540 – 6640
Buddha-mat inake calate caalu bhail, je Satya, Ahinshaa
jaisan 8 baat maane ke kahalan.
[Gautam Buddha 560BC- 460 BC.
started due to him which stressed mainly on following 8 things like Truth and
19. Mahaaveer 24th auru antim Teerthankar, Sri:
6560 - 6632 Jain-mat ke Sansthaapak. Ahinsha sab se uupar dharma.
[Mahavir Tirthankar, 540 BC-468 BC, Started Jain
– mat. Non-violence above all.]
20. SokreTis, Sri: 6630 -? Daarshanik
[Socrates: Philosopher 470 BC-
? ]
21. ArizTatil, Sri: 6716 Daarshanik
[Aristotle : Philosopher 384 BC]
22. Candra Gupta II Vikramaaditya,
Raajdhaani: Ujjain, Sri: 7043 - ?
Cakravarti rajaa: jekaraa Raaj me` Bhaarat me`
"Swarna Yug" rahe, auru jekaraa Raajgaddi pa baiThalaa ke din se
"Vikramaabd: 0" shuru bhail.
Aajo Sansaar me` Vikramaabde ke aadhaar pa bahut
Sanaatanaarya aapan Utsaw aa parab manaavelan. Baakir Pacchimi Itihaasagya
inkaa pa cuppi sdhale baa.
[Chandra Gupta II Vikramaditya, Capital: Ujjain,
Raaj Kavi Kaalidas:
57 BC - ?
Emperor of India. The Golden Era of India, about whom the Western Historians
are mum.]
23. Sant Yusuf Sri: 7070 – 7118.
Yeesu ke janamadaataa, Mariam ke saath.
[Saint Joseph 30 BC-18 AD.
Father of Jesus with Mary mom.]
24. Sant John,
Apostle Sri: 7075 –
Yeesu ke 12 me` se ego Ishaai – Mat ke Anuyaayee aa
pracaarak rahan.
[St. John the Apostle, Baptist born 25 BC? – ?
One of the 12 Apostles of Jesus, Preacher of
Christianity. He was a vegetarian Essences of Nazareth at Mt Carmel .]
25. Yeeshu
KraaisT, Sri: ~ 7100 Bethelham - ~ 7180 Kaashmir, Bhaarat.
>>> Sri: 7132 (Yeeshu ke Sooli pa caD*aawe ke
>>> Ishaai
mat ke Sthaapak: Pyaar auru Xamaa ke aadhaar pa, inake calate Ishaai – mat ke
suruaat bhail.
[Jesus Christ, ~ 0 BC / AD Bethelham, Arabia - ~
80 AD Kashmir, India.
>>>> 32 AD (The date of Crucifixion
of Christ)
(Christ was Crucified when he was of about 30 to
34 years old, He was considered to be born in ~ 0 BC / 0AD year. Most consider
that after Easter, Christ came to India and lived in Kashmir, where he died at
about 80 years age.
BC/AD: <=> CE/BCE:
AD = anno Domini, BC = Before Christ.
CE = Common Era, BCE = Befor Common Era.)
> Love and Forgiveness > Christianity
Started after him.]
26. Sant Pitar
Sefaas, Sri: ...? – 7165
(Janam se:
Simon, ego MachaRi-maranihaar ke beTaa), Yeesu ke 1m Anuyaayee, 1m Po~p, Roman
Kaetholik Girijaaghar ke sthaapak. Sooli pa ulTaa ka ke VaeTikan me` caD*aawal
:Kahat rahan
ki “Ego maas khaae waalaa aadmi raxas ke paa`t me` baiThelaa”.
[Saint Peter ...? – 65 BCE
Simon, son of a fisher man), 1st Apostle, 1st Pope, Established Roman Catholic
Church. Crucified in Vatican, upside down.
Used to say: “A meat eater man becomes a fellow
eater of Devils”.]
27. Sant Je~ms
Sri: ...? - 714
[St. James ...? – 44 BC
Galilee, Palestine, died in Jerusalem, Israel), Apostle, elder brother of St.
John. >> St Peter, St. Andrews, St James, and St John were the 1st four
Apostles of Yeesu out of 12.]
28. Meri
Magdaalin, Sri: 7100 - ?
ke pahili celin.
[Mary Magdalene 0 AD -?
1st Disciple of Christ.]
29. Sant Paul,
Sri: 7105 – 7167.
Ishaai –mat ke pracaarak aa prasaarak, auru Baibil ke
'Nayakaaroop' debe waalaa.
[St. Paul 5 AD - 67 AD, one of the 1st Preacher
of Christianity and developer of the 'New Testament' of Bible.]
30. Raajaa Bhoj, Sanaatanaarya Sri: 6920 - ?
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa inke naav pa baa, je me` ‘ee’ sab likhal
jaataa. Karib 200 M log aaj Bhojpuri bolelan Sansaar me`.
[Raja Bhoj, Sanaatanary, 180 AD
Bhojpuri language is named after this Raajaa Bhoj
which is spoken Worldwide by about 200 M people.]
31. EbionaaiT: gareeb Isaai log: Sri: 7000 – 7250
Ee 100- kaRo
log khaas ka ke Shaakaahaario rahan, aa Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti waalaa.
[The 100s of Ebionite
Christians of 1st and 3rd Century AD:
were mostly Sanatanaryas. They were vegetarians too, following Sanatanarya
32. Alexendriaa ke
KlemenT Sri: 7250 - 7315.
Sab Jeevan se atanaa prem rahe ki kahat rahan: Apanaa deh
ke jaanwaran ke marghaT mat banaa da~.
[Clement of Alexendria 150 – 215 AD
: Do not make your body Grave yards of animals.]
33. Tartullian
Sri: 7250 – 7325
Girijaa ghar ke Faathar. Isaai Vidwaan.
[Tertullian 150 – 225 AD
early Church Father. Christian Theologian ]
34. Orgen
Adamantias Sri:7285 – 7354
[Orgen Adamantius: 185 – 254 AD
35. St. Basil BaR
Sri: 7430 -7479
Kahlan:Maas ke gandh man ke kariaa ka delaa.
[St. Basil The Great 330 – 379 AD
The steam of meat meal darkens the spirit.]
36. Aaryabhatta, Sri: 7576 -?
Shoonya ‘0’ ke
Sooryama0Ial ke Grahan ke gahan adhyayan.
[Aryabhatta, 476 AD -?
Found '0', Studied in detail the Earth and other Planets which revolve
around the Sun.]
37. Shankaraacaarya, Sri: 7888 -?
Shixaa, Samaaj Sudhaarak.
[Shankaracharya, 788 AD -?
& Social reformer.]
38. Raamaanujaacaarya, Sri: 8117 - 8237
VishizTaadwait Aacaarya. Ego Vedaanti.
[Ramanujacharya 1017- 1137 AD.
39. Milarepa Sri: 8152 - 8233,
Tibbati Yogi
[Milarepa 1052-1133 AD,
a Tibetan
40. Bhaaskaraacaarya, Sri: 8214 -?
Ga0Iit Jyotishi, beejaga0Iit, Khagoleeya Jyaamiti,
Kalkulas Vishezagya.
1114AD -?
Astronomer, Algebra, Spherical Geometry, Calculus.]
Maadhavaacaarya, Sri: 8238 - 8407
Tatva Vaada.
[Madhawacharya, 1238 AD -1307AD
of Reality, Materialistic Phylosophy.]
42. Guru Naanak
Deva, Sri: 8569- 8639
Inake calate
Shikh – mat caalu bhail. Inkare calate ego ‘Trak’ asal me` ‘Trak Saahab’ ha, naa ki khaali ego gaaRi.
[Guru Nanak 1469-1539 AD
started due to the Guru. The Guru has taught that ‘aTruck’ is not a ‘a Truck’,
but it is ‘Truck Saheb’, Similarly ‘Patna Saheb’ is just Patna City for common
43. MaarTin Luthar, Sri: 8583 – 8646.
Ishaai ke Virodhaabhaasi – mat ke
[Martin Luther 1483-1546
Chritianity started after him.]
44. Shri Caitanya Mahaaprabhu, Sri: 8586-8634
BhagvadBhakti ke swaroop.
[Shri Chaitanya 1486-1534
of Devotion to God.]
45. Meeraa Baai, Sri: 8598 – 8657
Sri Krishna Bhaktini.
[Mirabai 1498-1557
devoted to Sri Krishna.]
46. Sant Teresaa, Avilaa waali Sri: 8615 -
[Saint Teresa of Avila
1515-1582 AD]
47. Gurugovind
Singh, Sri: 8766 - 8808
Sikh logan ke 10waa` aa antim Guru.
'Khaalasaa Panth' ke Janamdaataa.
[Gurugovind Singh, 1666-1708 AD
10th and the last Guru of Shikhism. Started 'Khalsa Panth']
48. Hanniman
Samuel, Sri: 8855 -?
Homoeopathy ke Janmadaataa.
[Hahnemann Samuel, 1755AD -?
Originator of Homoeopathy.]
49. Jonaathan Dankan, Sri: 8856 – 8911.
Sansakritasya samvardhanaaya Bhaaratasya SrizTyaabda1 972
948 891 varze, Sri: 8891 varze Prathamam Sanskrita Mahaavidyaalayam, “Raajkeeya
Sanskrit Mahaavidyaalayam”, Kashi Nagare sthaapitwan.
[Jonathan Duncan, 1756 – 1811
1791AD established “Government Sanskrit College” Kashi, India’s 1st Sanskrit
College for the development of Sanskrit. Now it is known as “Sampoornanand
Sanskrit University”, Varanasi, India.]
50. William Waibarfors, Sri: 8859 - 8933
[William Wiberforce 1759-1833
51. Sanaatanaarya Abraaham Li`kan, Sri: 8909 -?
Janatantri, sudhaarak
Abraham Lincoln, 1809 AD -?
Democracy, reformer ]
52. STaenTon
Elizabeth Kaidy, Sri: 8915-?
Samaaj Sudhaarak.
[Stanton Elezabeth Candy, 1815 AD-?
Social Reformer.]
53. Saai Baabaa, Sirdi ke, Sri: 8916 - 9018
Ego Sant.
[Sai Baba of Shirdi 1816-1918 AD.
A saint.]
54. Kaarl
Maarx, Sri: 8918 -?
Saamyavaadi daarshanik, Samaaj Sudhaarak
[Karl Marks, 1818 AD -?
55. NaiTingel Flores, Sri: 8920-?
Sevak, Sudhaarak
[Nightingale Fluoresce, 1820
56. Max Myullar, Sri: 8923- 1900.
Pauraanik, Matamataantar ke Adhyetaa,
Bhaarateeya Adhyayan
[Max Muller, 1823 -1900,
and Orientalist: Religionist, Indian studies]
57. Swaami
Dayaananda Saraswati, Sri: 8924 – 8983.
Samaaj" ke Sansthaapak: Every thing is Veda.
[Swamy Dayanand Saraswati, 1824
1883 AD.
Founder of "Arya Samaj": Veda is all.]
58. Lio
TolsToay, Sri: 8928 -?
[Tolstoy, Leo, 1828 AD-?
59. Nobel AlfreD, Sri: 8933 -?
Rasaayanagya, Aavizkaarak
[Nobel Alfred, Sri: 1833AD-? Chemist, Inventor]
60. Shri
Raamkrishna Paramhansa, Sri: 8936 - 8986.
Ego Sant.
[Shri Ramkrishna 1836-1886 AD.
A Saint.]
61. Aenni
BesainT, Sri: 8947 - 9033
[Annie Besant 1847-1933 AD,
a Leading Theosophist of India.]
62. Mahaamanaa PanDit Madan Mohan ,
Bharatratna Sri: 8961-
Bhaarat ke Swatantrataa Senaani, Samaaj
[Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan
Malveeya Bharat ratna 1861-
of Indepedence of india, Social Reformer.]
63. Swaami
Vivekaananda, Sri: 8963 - 9002.
[Swami Vivekananda, 1863-1902
64. Mahaatmaa K Gaandhi, Sri: 8969 - 9048.
Raajarshi, Satya - Ahinshaa ke pujaaRee..
Savarmati ke Sant, too` ta ka~ dela kamaal;
Hamani ke de dela aajaadi, binaa taruaar
binaa Dhaal.
Sansaar ke Itihaas me` pahele pahile
binaa maar - kaaT aa hinsha ke, khaali
Satyaagrah ke bal pa Sansaar ke sabse baRahan SamraaT ke Bhaarat se bhagaa ke Sansaar me` Nayaa Itihaas
[Mahatma Gandhi 1869 -1948 AD
strong believer on Satya-Ahinsha, Truth and Non-Voilence.
time in the history of the World:
made British Empire to leave India using the weapon of Satyagrah, without any other weepon.]
65. Lenin, Vladimir Ilyic, Ulyaanov, Sri:
8970 - ?
Vyavahaarik Saamyavaada ke Sthaapak aa
“Kalyug me` Satyug” le ailan.
[Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1870 AD
Communism in Practice and
Era of Truth in KaliYug” itself in a vaast stretch of Asia and Europe. All
labour classes were most happy. Thus about 95% to 98% people were 100%
66. Shri Aravindo, Sri: 8972 - 9050.
[Shri Aravindo, 1872 -1950 AD.]
67. Sarvapalli
Radhaakrishnan Sri: 8988 - 9075
[Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan 1888
– 1975 AD
Western Phylosopher.]
Paramahansa Yogaanand, Sri: 8993 - 9052.
[Paramahansa Yoganand 1893
-1952 AD.]
69. A C Bhaktivedaant Swaamy, Sri: 8996 -
Prabhupaad, ISCON ke Sansthaapak.
[A C Bhaktivedant Prabhupad, Swamy 1896-1977AD,
Founder of ISCON.]
70. Aacaarya Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Sri: 8996 – 9048,
sudhaarak Aacaarya, "Sanaatanaarya" ke drashTaa.
[Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta
Sharma, 1896 – 1948 AD,
Social reformer Acharya, Educationist. Vision of 'Sanatanarya'.]
71. Saryug
Prasaad, Sri: 9000
Sangeetagya, Krisak Sanaataarya.
[Saryug Prasad, 1900AD – .
and farmer Sanatarya.]
72. Madar > Saint Teresaa, Sri: 9010 –
Sevaa dukhian ke.
[Mother > Saint Teresa,
1910-1997 AD.
In the service of sufferers]
73. Nelson Mandelaa, Sri: 9018 – 9113.
Gaandhivaadi Samaaj Sudhaarak.
[Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013.
against Apartheid in South Africa, a Gandhian.]
74. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Sri: 9018 – 9108.
TraansDenTal Dhyaan ke caalak.
[Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
1918-2008 AD.
Transdental Meditation Movement.]
75. ATal
Bihaari Baajpeyee, 9024 –
Sanaatanaarya PanDit Kavi Raajnetaa
[Atal Bihaari Bajpayee, 1924 AD
Pandit Poet Politician Bhaaratratna]
76. Saavitri Devi Sharmaa, Sri: 9024 - 9115
Sab ke kalyaanakaarini.
[Savitri Devi Sharma, 1924 – 2015
and doing good for all.]
77. Thic Naht
Hanh, Sri: 9026 -
Buddha ke Shaanti doot.
[Thich Naht Hanh, 1926 AD -
Peace activist incorporating Buddhist teachings.]
78. Dr Raamkaran
Sharmaa, Sri: 9027-
PanDit. Lekhak
[Dr Ramkaran Sharma, 1927 AD -
Pandit, Author of many books.]
79. MaarTin Luther
King Jr Sri: 9029 - 9068
Laakho logan ke jinagi banawalan. Baakir Gaandhie ji jaisan goli maar ke
muaawal gailan: je Ahinshaa ke pujaari rahan.
[Martin Luther King Jr. 1929AD
> Changed the life of M of people of USA, but was shot dead like MK Gandhi.]
80. APJ Abdul Kalaam, Sri: 9031 -
ke aatmaval ke drashTaa Abhiyantaa ...
[APJ Abdul Kalam 1931 AD – .
who showed India’s Strength]
81. Desmod Tutu, Sri: 9031 -
Kaalaa ke bhed haTawalan Afrikaa me`.
[Desmond Tutu 1931AD -
Apartheid in Africa.]
82. Dalaai Laamaa 14 waa`, Sri: 9035-
Tibbati Laamaa, dharma Guru Bhaarat me` aa ke
me` sharan lele.
[The Dalai Lama 14th 1935 AD -
Tibetan Lama, regious Guru, took shelter in India.]
83. Shiva Datta Sharmaa, Sri: 9036 - 9093
[Sheo Dutta Sharma, 1936 AD -1993]
84. Deva Datta
Sharmaa, Sri: 9039 -
Praaceen aa Arvaaceen Gyan-Vigyaan ke
samaahartaa. Abhiyanta, daarshanik, Lekhak.
[Deo Dutta Sharma 1939 AD -
Blend of Ancient and Modern Knowledge and Science, Author.]
85. Saccidaananda Prasaad, Sri: 9040 - ,
Kisaan, Gopaal, uu pashu-premi jekaraa ghar me`
kukur – bilaai - bilaar sa`ge sa`ge khelelan.
[Sachchitanand Prasad, 1940 AD – .
Agriculturist, Gopal, animal lover in whose house play cats and dogs together
with love.]
86. Muammar AM
el-Gaddaafi Sri: 9042 – 9111
Gaandhivaadi je Libiaa ke Islaamo me`:
“Yatra naaryastu poojyante, ramante tatra devataa”
ke paaTha
caritarth kailan.
[Muammar AM el-Gaddafi 1942 – 2011
The 1st Gandhian of the World who established a
"Rular-less State" based on Gandhian Principle of
"Anusaasan" in Libya, making ladies' life free and dignified even in
an Islamic Country.]
87. Ritaa Sharmaa, Sri: 9046 –
[Rita Sharma, 1946 AD – ]
88. Umesh Datta
Paande, Sri: 9050 -
[Umesh Datta Pandey, 1950 AD -
Pandit. ]
89. Sanaatanaarya Vladimir Putin 9052 -
Maanav > Matra ke raxak
[Vladimir Putin 1952 -
The Savior of Mankind.]
90. Pratibhaa
Devi, 9053 -
[Pratibha Devi, 1953 AD - ]
91. Manjulaa
Paande, Sri: 9054 -
[Manjula Pandey, 1954 AD -
92. Guru Datta Mishra, Sri: 9064 -
[Guru Dutta Mishra, 1964 - ]
93. Ravi
Datta Gautam, Sri: 9066 –
[Ravi Dutta Gautam, 1966 –
Priyambadaa Devi, 9068 –
[Priyambada Devi, 1968 AD -
95. Aacaarya
Kirit Bhaai ji, Sri: 9074 -
Upadeshak, Vaidik aa Aadhunik gyaan ke gyaataa.
[Acharya Kirit Bhai ji, 1974 AD
Explains the root of Veda, past and Modern Thoughts.]
Devakinandan Thaakur, Sri: 9078 -
[Devakinandan Thakur, 1978 AD -
97. Smriti,
9087 –
[Smriti, 1987 AD - ]
(Apooran Suci) (Incomplete List)
The estimated year of the start of Sanatanarya
= 1 969 903 871, or 1 969 903 870 :Srishtyabda.
The exact date or year of any Sanatanarya known as shown
above is Basudeva Krishna; thus the 1st Sanatanarya person whose date and year
known is shown above as “Baasudeva Krishna”, taken the 8th Incarnation out of
total 10.]
Oraa gail [Finished]
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. Auru baat khaatir
30.7.2014 ke Post dekhee`. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S. Email:
For other details one may go to post dated: 30.07.2014
ओरा गइल Oraa gail.
[The End]
Rauaa logan ke
sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. Auru baat khaatir
30.7.2014 ke Post dekhee`. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S. Email:
For other details one may go to post dated: 30.07.2014
>> BE value provides a single value to get exact comparison of the
performance of a country with the other.
baa: Continued.
“AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” ke Uddes:
Sri:23.07.9112 [Since: 10.2012
Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho ke uddes:
Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri
Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa
seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan.
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke
jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti,
Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare
ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan
[Aim of
International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho:
Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri
language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The
enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism,
Agriculture, Biusiness and other Professions also aiming for
“Enhancing the
knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies for the good of
all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of
Hamni ke Bhojpuri,
InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.
[We may use either
Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri, InBho.]
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa.
[Your comments are welcome.]
Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosT-o
Praacaarya: devadoot S.
[For the Aim of
'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go also to the post dated: 30.07.2014,
16.12.2015 AD and 12.10.2016.
devadoot S.
Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'
ओरा गइल
Oraa gail. [The End]
28.07.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 14.10.2016
>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी
में Global Bhojpuri me`:
>> dinan ke
naav: एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
>> Maheenan ke
naav: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन
भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
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