S and N. Koreas talk
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
सृ. 01.11.9117 International Bhojpuri Dainik 02.01.2018 मंगर
अंक Ank: 291.11.9117 Edition.
खास बात Khaas Baat: Special Talk:
** SRA USA: President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra' => Constitution is Janataantric to some extent and its 'Democratic Potential' is of 2nd Rank, but performance is ‘aJanatantrik’, not LD: "Lincolnian Democratic" as depicted by its negative 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation', DCU: -138%.
* Niman kahalan Adhyax Sanaatanaarya DonalD Tramp. Saal khatam hokhe ke pahile SRA aapan Val Siriyaa se jaroor haTaa le.
Well said USA President Sanatanarya Donald Trump. He must withdraw his forces from Syria by the year end.
** भारत: "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Janataantrik Grade: 'D', DCU 64%.
Bhaarat: India: 'Parliamentary Democracy', PM, CMs 'rrp',
* Bhaarat: Pus 9117: Sarvaangeen Upalabdhi 51 % Vaarshik.
India: November 2017: Annualised Overall Performance in India is 51%.
** Cin: China: A Janatantra, LDG 'D' Grade. DCU = 59%.
* Cini Adhhyax Xi Jinping SRS, Jenewaa, SwiTzarlaenD Sri: 9016: "Ego aisan Kommyoon jahaa` Maanava maatra ke sab kuch hokhe" SRS me` kathan ke ullekh bhail.
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered speech in UNO, Geneva, Switzerland on 18.01.2017: "A community with shared destiny for Mankind" enshrined in UNO Resolution.
** रूस Rus: Russia: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: 'A', DCU 86%.
* Rus me` Dher log aapan bhoot se cipakal baaRe. Unkar aadhaarbhoot so`c:
Jordaar Netaa, RaasTreey anusaasan, aa Pitrisattaatmak Saasan, Adhyaxe ke pratiroop laagataa.
** AsTriyaa: Austria: 'rrp' not elected by people, LDGrade: B, DCU 85%.
** लीबिया Libiyaa Libya: Ruined by NATO countries lead by USA,
Libiyaa me` aajo araajakataa baa kuch NATO deshan ke calate SRA ke netritva me`. Libya still under chaos created by NATO lead by USA.
** बेलारूस Belarus: Belarussia: A Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > is an "Initial Janatantra", LDG: B Grade, DCU 84%.
Belarusi Adhyax Alexandra 2018 me` 3.5% GDP ke laxya banawalan.
Belarusian President Alexandra Lukashenko has set a target of 3.5% GDP by 2018.
** Turki Turkey: 'Parliamentary Democracy', a Fake LD or 'Democratic Capacity Utilization', LD Grade: E, DCU 4.7%.
** सीरिया Siriyaa: Syria: A Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: D, DCU 78%.
· Siriyaa ke Adhyax aapan Saasan me` badalaaw kailan, Suraxaa, Soocanaa aa Udyog Mantri ke badal ke.
Syrian President reshuffled his government due to heavy fighting and air strikes. Defence, Information and Industry Ministers,
· SRA Suraxa Saciv kahalan: Amerikan Val ISIS se Iraaki Seemaa pa laRataa. Ab Dher asainik log Siriyaa aihan eh desh ke sthaayitva khaatir.
US Defence Secretary Mattis said that US troops are fighting with ISIS at Iraqi Boarder. More US Civilians will come to Syria.
· Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin Siriyan Adhyax Assad se kahal: Rus Siriyaa ke peeTh pa rahabe karee. Russian President Putin said to Bashar Al-Assad: Russia will continue to back Syria.
** फिलिप्पायन Filippaain Philippines: A Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > is an "Initial Janatantra".
LDG: 'B' Grade, DCU 84%.
** विएतनाम Vietnaam: Vietnam: A Janatantra, an LD: ‘Lincolnian Democracy', LDG: 'A' Grade, DCU = 100%
** इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa: Indonesia: A Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > is an 'Initial Janatantra'.
LDG: 'C' Grade, DCU = 82 %.
** उ. कोरिया u.Koriyaa: N. Korea: A Janatantra,
LDG 'B' Grade. DCU = 100%. "EDD Dynamic Democratic Rank" baa 6th, 170 deshan me`.
** d. कोरिया d.Koriyaa: S. Korea: ,
LDG 'B' Grade. DCU = 85%. "EDD Dynamic Democratic Rank" baa 9th, 170 deshan me`.
* d.Koriyan Adhyax Moon Jae-in, u.Koriyan Adhyax ke baat-ceet ke sujhaaw, aa kuchuo kare ke je se u.Koriyaa 2018 Pyeongchang Sheet Winter Olympics me` bhaag le sake.
d.Koriyaa Ekeekaran Mantri Cho Myong-gyon agilaa Saptaah ucca-adhikaari ke u.Koriyaa se meet prastaawit kailan.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has welcomed Kim Jong-un who liked dialogueand to help N. Korea participate in 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.
South Korean Unification Minister Cho Myong-gyon offereed high ranking Govt. talks with N.Korea.
** सऊदी अरबिया Saudi Arabiyaa: Saudi Arabia: Not a Janatantra or not an LD: Lincolnian Democracy,
DCU: - 612% the least value among 160 countries.
** ब्राज़ील Braazil: Brazil: Presidential System, Federal Republic. 'rrp' elected by citizens > But Brazil's 1st Lady President was removed by a 'Parliamentarian Coup' as believed by many Brazilians.
LDG: 'B' Grade, DCU = 84 %.
· Sri: 9018 me` Braazil me` cunaaw hokhe ke baa, eh se Maaikel Temer ke saamane Dilma Rousseff naav ke bhoot khaRaa baa.
Election is to be held in 2018 in Brazil. President Michel Temer will have tough time in facing past President Dilma Rousseff.
** वेनेज़ुएला Venezuelaa Venezuela: Presidential System, 'rrp' elected by citizens. An 'Initial Janatantra'. LDG: 'B' Grade, DCU 84%.
** क्यूबा Kyubaa: Cuba: Presidential System, 'rrp' elected by citizens. 'Janatantra'. LDG: 'A' Grade, DCU 100%.
** SwiTzarlaenD: Switzerland: Presidential System, 'rrp' elected by citizens. Partial EDD, 'Janatantra'. LDG: 'B' Grade, DCU 84%.
* Swiss Adhyax Doris LeutharD Sri: 21.10.9117 ke kahalan ki Yuropi-Sangh se sambandh pa Janamatasangrah hoke ke caahee`.
Swiss President Doris Leuthard on 24.12.2017 urged 'fundamental referendum' to clarify relation with EU: European Union..
** Spe~n: Spain: 'rrp' not elected by the people, LDGrade: E, DCU: 12%.
** KaTaloniyaa: Catalonia:
* Spe~ni Saasan KaTaloniyaa se Dher pulis lauTaawataa.
Spanish Govt. is withdrawing lot of Polish from KaTaloniyaa.
* Spe~n ke Raajaa KaTaloniyaa me` shaanti caahataaran.
Spanish King wishes peace in Catalonia.
** जर्मनी Jarmani Germany: A 'Parliamentary Democracy', a Fake LD or no Janatantra. 'Democratic Capacity Utilization', DCU: - 124%.
> Kavano Janatantra naa, khaali 'Pradarshan - tantra'.
No LD, 'Lincolnian democracy' but merely 'Demonstration-Cracy'.
· Jarmani sharanaarthian ke aapan desh me` lauTe khaatir dhan ke sahaayataa karataa. Germany is offering monitory incentive to migrants to return home country.
· Jarmani ab Tyunisiyaa aa Libiyaa seemaa pa jaadaa cheching kari. Germany to spend more on checkpost of Tunitia and Libya.
5m Baris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', 'देवनागरी लिपि' में ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End] _________________________________________________________
01.11.9117 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 02.01.2018
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav: Name of the days in Bhojpuri:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Etwaar Somaar Ma`gar Beeyafe Shuk Shaneecar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Bhojpuri mahinan ke naav: Names of Months in Bhojpuri:
चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
Cait Vaishaakh Jeth AasaaD*a Saavan Bhaado Aashin Kaatik Agahan Pus Maagh Faagun.
March April May June July August September Octuber November December January February.
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