Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin's Excellent Win. Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily 20.03.2018 International Bhojpuri

Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin's Excellent Win.
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
20.03.2018 International Bhojpuri Dainik सृ. 19.01.9118  मंगर
 अंक Ank: 019.01.9118 Edition.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Special Talk:
** Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin
feru Rus ke RaazTraadhyax cunailan 76% Vo~T leke 6 Baris khaatir, jaisan ki
“Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily”
pahilahee` kahale rahe. Khoob neeman jeet.
Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin
again got elected as the President of Russia 4th time for 6 years.
An Excellent Win indeed!!!

Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin is Winner again 4th time for 6 years with 76% votes.

 Ke paD*elaa:  
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक:
SRA, Bhaarat, Jarmani, Fraansa, Rus, InDonesiyaa, ITali, Yukren, Turki, Cina, AaerlaenDa, Spe~n, NadarlaenDa aadi.   
Who reads:
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily:
 USA, India, Germany, France,  Russia, Indonesia, Italy, Ukraine, Turkey, China, Ireland, Spain, Netherland etc

** Cait Navaraatri calataa. Now it is Chaitra Navaratri.

** Cin: China: A Janatantra, LD Grade-D,. DCU = 100 % (Kram-10

* Cin "EDD Calat Janataantrik Raenking" pa 4-Th Sthaan pa aa gail baa Vietnaam, Bhaarat aa Rus ke baad, Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 20 deshan me`.
China has come at 4th Rank, only after Vietnam, India and Russia at "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" among most populated 20 countries of the World..

** भारत: India: "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: D , DCU 108%.  (Kram-10 Series-10).

 * Kram-10 me` Bhaarat "EDD Calat Janataantrik Raenking" pa
2-sar Sthaan pa aa gail baa Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 20 deshan me`. India has come at 2nd Rank at "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" among most populated 20 countries of the World.

* Bhaarat ke Mukhya raajaneetik dal Sri: 9118 me`:
Main Political Parties of India in 2018 CE:
Aaj Bhaarat me` khaali 4 raajaneetik dal baaRe sa:
1. BJP: Bhaarteey Janataa Paarti
2. CPI: Bhaarteey Communist Paarti
3. CPM: Communist Paarti Maarxist
4. AAP; Aam Aadami Paarti

> Baaki sab dal asal me`, caahe ta Kongres, SP, RSP jaisan Paariwaarik grup hawe sa, caahe BSP, TMC jaisan Vyaktigat grup.

Feru CPI aa CPM ab hraas pa baa Bhaarat me`,
ehi se bacal khaali:
BJP aa AAP duno unnatisheel baaRe sa.

Mitram ehee se ekare pa aage dhyaan dee.

Today there are hardly 4 parties in India:
1. BJP: Bharteey Janata Party
2. CPI: Communist Party of India
3. CPM: Communist Party Marxist
4. AAP: Aam Adami Party
> Rest all are either family parties like Congress, SP, RSP ..., or
Individual's parties like BSP, TMC ... etc
However, CPI and CPM are vanishing in India, thus Mitram will mainly follow
BJP and AAP.in India.

* AAPo ab Sri: 9119 LS Cunaaw ke taiyaari shuru ka delas, Bhaarat me` cunal seat pa laRee.
AAP also started preparing to contest selected LS seats in India.

"Dilli ke janataa ke cunal Pratinidiyan (MLAs) ke kuch ta adhikaar hokhe ke caahee`?", ee kalan Bhaarat ke Uccatam Nyaayaalaya.
"The elected representatives (MLAs) of the citizens of Delhi, should have some right?", said the Supreme Court of India.

Why should Delhi citizen be of 3rd Grade?
When will the elected representative of Delhi Citizen have rights equal to the rest, and their CM have rights the same as other CMs.
How can the Constitution of India be like this.
BJP GOI must set this anamali in Order;
instead of exployting it for selfish gains as thought by Delhiits.
Delhi citizens expect PM Modi must sove this anamali faced by the Hon'ble Supreme Court and Citizens of Delhi. 

> Eh se ee saaf baa ki Dilli ke janataa caahe unkar cunal Pratinidhi ke aaj kawano adhikaar naikhe; saasan ke adhikaar baa Dilli ke UpRaajyapaal ke, IAS offisaraan ke je BJP Saasit Bhaarat Sarkaar ke adheen kaam karele.
Dilli AAP Saasan ta khaali doshan ke lebe khaatir banal baa:
Ee Dilli baasian ke kahnaam baa.

> Ab AAP Sancaalak Aravind Kejariwaal jekaraa jekaraa pa dosaaropan kaile rahan, unkaa se 'maafi' ma`gataraan, uu ekaraacalate nyaayaalayan me` jujhat naikhe rahe ke caahat; kaahe uu ab jam ke janataa ke sewaa kare ke caahataare, Dilli ke UpMukhya Mantri Maneesh Sisodiyaa  ke anusaar.

* BJP haal ke LS MP ke Upcunaawan me` Bihaar ke 2 SeeTan pa aa UP ke 2 SeeTan pa baRaa kharaab tarah se haar gail; je se laagataa BJP hil gail baa.
In a recent Bielections of MP's in UP and Bihar, BJP experienced a very shocking defeat, due to which it has shaken them.

* Bhaarat: Maagh 9117: Sarvaangeen Upalabdhi 81 % Vaarshik.
PM Modi ke naak projekT “SmaarT SiTi” ke 3 saal ke safalataa
ta ~ 5% se neece baa.
India: January 2017: Annualized Overall Performance in India is 81%.
The performance of PM Modi’s Flag Ship Projects of “Smart Cities” is hardly worth mentioning in 3 years.

** SRA USA: President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra'  'Democratic Capacity Utilisation', DCU: -184% (Kram-10 Series-10)
*      SRA ke RaasTraadhyax DonaalDa Tramp ji Rus ke RaazTraadhyax Vlaadimir Putin ke cunaaw pa abhee` tak Badhaai Udhaai naa delan haa.

** इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa: Indonesia: A Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > is an 'Initial Janatantra'. LDG: Grade C, DCU = 82%. (Kram-10 Series-10)

* 9118 Asiad 2018:
Jakaartaa: AasaaD*a 9118 tak InDonesiyaa
Jakartaa aa Palembang: By June 2018, Indonesia is to complete
the preparation of “Asian Games”.
** InDonesiyaa's GDP 5.19 % ke dar pa Baris me` baD*al.
Indonesia's GDP grew 5.19% yr to yr in 4th Qtr ending Dec.2017.

** Siriyaa Syria: Brazil: Presidential System, Federal Republic. 'rrp' elected by citizens >
* SRA aa NATO jaisan vistaarvaadi deshan ke Siriyaa me` baiThal rahalaa se eh Xetra ke shaanti pa khataraa maD*araataa je Rus, Iraan, ... ke calate banal baa.
Eh se SRA, Turki, Israael, aa Iraan me` jhauRaa laagal rahee, aa saayad SRA

** ब्राज़ील Braazil: Brazil: Presidential System, Federal Republic. 'rrp' elected by citizens > But Brazil's 1st Lady President was removed by a 'Parliamentarian Coup' as believed by many Brazilians. LD G: '' Grade-B, DCU 84 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)

* Braazil me` "Yello Fever" ke prako~p baD*al jaataa. InBrazil the "Yellow Fever" out break is severe. The virus kills 3% to * % ofits sufferers. 

* Braazil ke GDP feru baD*ataa Sri: 9117.
Brazil's GDP grows again in 2017 CF.

** Paakistaan Pakistan "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: 'aJanataantrik', DCU - 229 %, je se ee Terroristaan nhail laagataa. (Kram-10 Series-10)

** Naaijeriyaa Adhyax Nigeria President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra', LD Grade: C, 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation',
DCU: 80%. (Kram-10 Series-10).

* Karib 110 laiki-vidyssrthiyan ke Boko Haraam uThaa le gail Naaijeriyaa me`. About 110 school girl-students  kidnaped  by Boko Haram in Nigeria.

** Banglaadesh Bangladesh "संसदीय जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: D'', DCU: 62 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)

*Banglaadesh Aarmi 57m Raenk pa baa Global Index 2017 pa, jabaki SRA, Rus, Cin, Bhaarat .... uupar baare sa...  Pakistan 13-vaa Raenk pa baa.
Bangladesh Army is at 57th Rank on Global Index 2017, where as
USA, Russia, China, India ... are at the Top, ... Pakistan is at 13th Rank.

** Mexiko: Mexico: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: B '', DCU 84%.  (Kram-10 Series-10)

   ** रूस Rus: Russia: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. >    an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: A, DCU: 85%.  (Kram-10 Series-10)

* Rus teesar Raenk pa baa “EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking” Series –10 pa, 20 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa deshan me`,
Russia  on 3rd Rank at “EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking” Series – 10, among 20 most populated countries of the World starting from March. 2018.

* Vladimir Putin: Winner again, with 76% voting.
 Rus ke Adhyax ke Cunaaw: Sri: 17.01.9118 > 1-laa Paari.
> Jeetalan Vlaadimir Putin.
Russian Presidential Election on 18.03.2018 > 1st Round.
> Winner is Vladimir Putin.

^ The above are 10 countries with max. population.
Upar sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 10 desh baaRe sa.

** Malayesiyaa: Malysia:
* Agilaa IBFA 2018, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri Film Purashkaar" hoi Malayesiyaa me` Shaavan me`.
The next IBFA, "International Bhojpuri Film Awards"  2018 is to be held in Malysia in July 2018.____________________________________________
6m Baris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
             ‘Roman', 'देवनागरी लिपि' में ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or  ‘Devanagari’ script.]
**            'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
                ['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.] 
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]   _________________________________________________________  
20.03.2018 Global Bhojpuri 19.01.9118 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav: Name of the days in Bhojpuri:
एतवार  सोमार  मंगर   बुध   बियफे  शुक  शनीचर
Etwaar Somaar Ma`gar Beeyafe Shuk Shaneecar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Bhojpuri mahinan ke naav: Names of Months in Bhojpuri:
चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
Cait Vaishaakh Jeth AasaaD*a Saavan Bhaado Aashin Kaatik Agahan Pus Maagh Faagun.
March April May June July August September Octuber November December January February

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