[6 Major Religions on the Earth 2015-19]:
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri
सृ. 08.06.9119 शुक [International Bhojpuri Daily: 23.08.2019 CE ]
अंक Ank: 218.06.9119.
*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
Aaj Sanaatanaarya Krishna ke 5246m Janam din manaawaljaataa sagro Sansaar me`.
Sanaatanaarya Vaasudeva Krishna: 5246 Janma divasam.
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम् sab logan ke badhaaai deta
सृ. 08.06.9119 ke.
** Prithvi pa 6 Mukhya Mat 9115 -19:
[Main Religions on the Earth in 2015-19]:
*** Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism,
Humanism > is the 1st step of Hinduism, Chritianity.
Hinduism, Christianity > is the 1st step of
'Sanatanarya Doctrine".
* Dharati pa anuyaayee ke sankhyaa ke aadhaar pa 6 baRhan 'Mat' neece del jaataa:
6 TopmosT relijans be~sD aon da nambar aof deyar faollowars aar:
[6 Topmost Religions based on the number of their Followers are]:
Raenk Mat-mataantar Sankhyaa M me` %
Rank Majahab Religion Number of Followers in M %
1. Sanaatanaarya Sanatanaryas* 3208, 42 %
2. Ishaai Christians 1534, 20 %
3. Saamyavaadi Communists** 1111, 14%
4. Musalmaan Islamists 949, 12%
5. Sanaatani Hindus 658, 9%
6. Bauddha Buddhists 264, 3%
Sab log M me` World Population 7720, 100% Sansaar Janasankhya. Warld Populesan => 7720 Megaa in Julaai 2019.
* Adhikaans Sanaatanaarya ta eeho naa jaanas ki: uu Sanaatanaary hawan je sab bhootan (sajeev aa nirjeev) ke bhalaai caahe le, Mat-Mataaantar (Religions) ke vibhaajan rekhaa ke laa`gh ke.
MosT Sanaatanaaryaas Du naoT no daeT De aar: "Sanaatanaaryaaz: Hu look gooD Tu aol biings (living aor nan-living), iven kraosing da laains aof Dimaarkesan aof relijans.
[Most Sanatanaryaas do not know that they are: "Sanatanaryas: who look good to all beings (living or non-living), even crossing the line of demarcation of Religions"].
** Jee, ee 'Saamyavaade' ha, je Maanavan ke "Saamaajik-Aarthik-raajanaetik Upakram" ke Siddhaanta ha, jekaraa saamane kawano saadhaaran majahab caahe raajanaetik Upakram ke kawano matalab hokhe.
Yes, wi meen 'Kamyunizma' whic iz da DaokTrin aend praekTises aof Hyumaen's "Sosio-ekonaomik-poliTikal SisTam", infraonT aof whic no kaommon relijan aor poliTikal sisTam sTaenDs.
[Yes, we mean 'Communism' which is the doctrine and practices of Human's "Socio-economic-political System", infront of which no common religion or political system stands.]
> Dher log je aajo jiyataaran, dekhale baaRan ki
'Soviet Sangh' kaa rahe: "Kalayug me` Satyug".
Meni parsans sTill living, haev seen whaaT USSR waaz: "Kalyug me` Satyug" i.e.
"da Truth Eraa in da KarrupT Eraa"
[Many persons still living, have seen what USSR was: "Kalyug me` Satyug" i.e.
"The Truth Era in the Corrupt Era".
>> dis USSR, da Satyugi 'MoDel' aof "da 20th Sencuri Arth" haez been DisTroaaeD by da noTorias imperialisT, ExpaensanisT aof da WesTs; da se~m pipul hu DistroaayeD Hiroshimaa & Naagaasaaki, Iraak & Libiyaa aend wear laaikeli Tu DisTroay Siriyaa, baT faor Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin, da 20th Sencuri Krishna hu inTarveenD sinsa 30.09.2016 Tu se~v da KanTri aend 'nan-living biing' laaik 'Paameeraa'.
'Paameeraa' iz naau sTill sTaenDing.
[This USSR, the Satyugi 'Model' of "The 20th Century Earth" has been destroyed by the notorious Imperialist, Expansionist of the Wests; the same people who destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Iraq & Libya and were likely to destroy Syria, but for Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin, the 20th Century Krishna who intervened since 30.09.2016 to save the country and 'non-living being' like 'Palmyra'.
Palmyra is now saved and still standing.]
Aajo 'Paamiraa' khaRaa baa Siriyaa me`.
*** Dusar shabda me`:
> "Dharam Samaaja ke uu vyavahaar ha je jinagi Aanandadaai, Unnatisheel bane, 'Satya' ke khoj kare ke ber; jaisan ki:
> Sanaatanaarya log karelan,
> Ishaai log karelan,
> Hindu log karelan,
> Musalmaan log karelan,
> Aa Dher dusaro log karelan.
In adar warDs:
> "A relijan iz a we aof haeppili living, Develaopin praekTises aof a SosaaiTi, whaail sarcing
'da Truth'; laaik:
> Sanaatanaaryaaz Du,
> Kriscans Du,
> Hindus Du,
> KamyunisTs Du,
> IslaamisTs Du,
> Meni adars Du.
[In other words:
> "A Religion is a way of happily living, developing practices of a Society, while searching 'The Truth"; like:
> Sanatanaryas do.
> Christians do
> Hindus do
> Communists do
> Islamists do.
> many others do.
Sam Rishiz, SenTs aor 'Sanaatanaaryaaz' haev
"Naolej BiyonD nano piko Teknolaoji" aend
"Gaayatri Mantra" whic simplisTikali in Bhojpuri iz:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "GaoD iz (Raama, Re) velosiTi aof EM We~vs, (dis iz da AebsTraekT Naolej)
(O GaoD!) provaaiD mi 'Buddhi' i.e.'WisDom'."
[Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com, and
"Gayatri Mantra" which simplistically in Bhojpuri is:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of EM Waves, (this is the Abstract Knowledge)
(O God!) provide me 'Buddhi' i.e.'Wisdom'."
Jaadaa khaatir: jaaee` "International Bhojpuri eSkool", InBho. at www.bhojpurialog.blogspot.com
Faor mo~r: go Tu "International Bhojpuri eSkool", InBho.
For more: go to "International Bhojpuri eSkool", InBho. at
4Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
08.08.9119 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 22.10.2019
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन
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