Govt. almost killed Bhojpuri and other such lanuages.
InBho: 19.08.2019 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी
“Intarnesanal Bhojpuri”:
खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:
Bhojpuri Inglish [old irrational English]
Bi haebicual aof “21sT Sencuri Inglish". [Be habitual of
“21sT Sencuri English => Inglish"]
** Cin: Caainaa" [China]:
* Cin, Paakistaan khaatir Kaashmir samsyaa
uThawalas SRS ke 'Suraxaa Parisad' me`, jabki Bhaarat ke anusaar Anucched-370
aa 35A ke uThaawal Bhaarat ke aantarik maamlaa ha.
Baakir Cin
aa Paakistaan ke ee Prastaav, 6 ke badale 9 VoTan se haar gail.
** Bhaarat: Indiaa: [India]:
* ["Bhojpuri Language" still not included in
8th Schedule of Indian Constitution.
Govt. almost killed Bhojpuri and other such lanuages by branding them as the dialects of 'Hindi'.
Even NaMo Govt. is now mum.
It is really pity:
"Not to include 'Bhojpuri Language' in the 8th Schedule of the
Constitution of India so far.
Lot of politics is
being done by some so called professors, in the name of protecting Hindi,
riding on the piggy-back of Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Magahi, Angika, ... saying that Bhojpuri, ... is a Dialect of
Hindi, many Govt. officials also follow the same.
Whom these
professors are fooling, are they fooling themselves!!!
How can
"Bhojpuri Language", the Buaa, Peternal Aunt of 'Hindi' be the Dialect of the latter!!!
Where was Hindi 500
yr ago? 1000 yr ago or even 1500 ago? But Bhojpuri is 1500-1800 yr old as we
all know.
During last 70 yr,
Hindi could not be approved by UNO, even after supressing "Bhojpuri"
and other Buaas of 'Hindi' by calling them Dialects and clubbing them with
How long 'Hindi'
will be carried on the piggy-back of
'Bhojpuri etc?
Let these so called
professors use their energy to develop Hindi, so that Hindi becomes
It is these fellows
who are degrading Hindi.
>>> Thus, InBho requests PM Narendra Modi lead NDA GOI,
for inclusion of "Bhojpuri
Language" (spoken by over 20 Cr people in India) in the Schedule VIII of
the Constitution to recognize it.]
InBho anurodh karataa sab Bhojpurian ke, NaMo
Bhaarat Sarkaar aa Lokshabhaa ke sab MP logan se ki "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa" ke
Samvidhaan ke 8m Suci me` saamil kare khaatir
Vo~T debe ke Lokashabhaa me`.
Bhaazaa" 1600 - 1700 Baris puraan aa Bhaarat me` 20 KaroR se jaadaa
bolanihaar ke bhaazaa Bhaarate me` aaj tak Maanyataa naikhe, je ekar janam
dharati ha, jabaki Sansaar ke aadhaa darzan deshan me` ekar Maanyataa baa. >
** SRA: YSA:
(Bi habicual aof "21sT. Sencuri Inglish)
* Hu iz ranning faor da PresiDenT aof YSA in 2020:
[Who is running for the President of USA in 2020]:
Ripablikan kaenDiDeTs: [Republican Candidates]:
1. Donaald Tramp: [Donald Trump]
2. MaessecuseTTs
Gav. Bill Weld. [Massechusetts
Gov. Bill Weld.]
So faar 25 DemokraeTik
kanTenDars in praaimariz inklyuDing:
[So far 25 Democratic cantenders in primeries including]:
1. Faormar YSA Vaais PresiDenT Joe Biden.
[Former USA Vice President Joe Biden]
2. SineTar Maaikel Bennet, DemokraeT fraom KoloraaDo.
[Sen. Michael Bennet, Democrat from Colorado]
3. SineTar Kori Bookar, D-NJ. [Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ]
4. MonTaanaa Gav. Steev Bullok. [Montana Gov. Steve Bullock]
5. Indiaanaa Meyar
Pete Battigieg. [Indiana Mayor
Pete Buttigieg.]
6. Billioniar Tom Steyar. [Billioneer Tom Steyer]
7. Bill De Blaasio, Niu York SiTi Meyar aend adars ....
[Bill De Blasio, New York City Mayor
and others ...]
25. Rep. Joe SesTaa, AeDmiral aof YS Nevi in Iraak aend
Afghaanistaan, a 2-Tarm Kaongressmaen fraom Pennsilvaaniaa.
[Rep. Joe Sesta, Admiral of US Nevy in Iraq and
Afghanistan, a 2-Term Congressman from Pennsylvania]
* PresiDenT Donaald Tramp spo~k ebaauT Maas shooTing in
el-Paaso, Texaas, aend DeTan, Ohio, when hi waas in MorrisTaaun.
[President Donald Trump spoke about Mass shooting in
el-Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, when he was in Morristown.]
Faormar Vaais PresiDenT Joe Biden, a2020 PresiDensial
kaenDiDeT, aolso spo~k ebaauT da Maas ShooTing in el-Paaso, Texaas aend DeTan,
[Former Vice President Joe Biden, a 2020 Presidential
candidate, also spoke about the Mass Shooting in el-Paso, Texas and Dayton,
** Aatankistaan / Paakistaan: [Pakistan]:
* 'Gulaam Kaasmir' ke Vidhaanshabhaa me`: PM
Imraan Khaan Paakistaan ke Aazaadi ke din pa kahalan:
'Paakistaan Bhaarat ke ego PaaTh paD*aai'.
[In 'Gulam Kashmir' Assembly: PM Imran Khaan on
the 14th Augaust 2019, Independence day of Pakistan said:
'Pakistaan will teach India a lesson.']
** Venezuelaa: Venezuela:
Kaaraakas me` ego bhaasan de~t ber RaasTraadhyax Maduro ke niyare kawano
ceej aa ke faTal, je se 10-15 Senaa ke log ghayal bhailan, baakir Maduro
baal-baal bac gailan.
Baad me` suruaati jaa`c ke baad Maduro kahalan ki
ee Dro~n aakraman Kolombiyaa aa SRA ke calate bhail.
In Kaaraakas whaail PresiDenT Maduro waaz
Delivaring a lekcar, sam thing flaaing ke~m niar him aend barsT. Hi waaz sevD,
baT ebaauT Dozen Milisiaa were injyorD.
LeTar aafTar inisial examinesan iT waaz seD: dis
waas a Dro~n aTTaek TargeTeD Tu kill PresedenT Maduro simingli baai Kolombiyaa
aend YSA.
** Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se
calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se
'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa
debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa.
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old:
InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri
Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.]
InBho: 5m Baris: sins: 19.07.2015 KE > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.
Aaj 9119 me` Bhojpuri, Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke
200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool"
ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
TuDe in 2019: ovar 200 M pipul auf ovar 50 kanTriz speek Bhojpuri. InBho
warks with da E~m auf da "InTarnesanal Bhojpuri eSkool". Now in old English:
[Today in 2019: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri.
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke
paas suraxit. :12.7.9119.
Aul raaiTs rizarvD with da
Pablishar: All rights reserved with the Publisher: 11.10.2019.
अउरु Auru baa [kanTiniuD continued
19..08.2019 InBho इन-भो
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