भोजपुरी bho
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल
बुध Sri: 04.10.9114. Suru Sri: 30.07.9113
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho,
Wednesday 10.12.2014 AD. Since: 17.10.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!!
Rauaa Sansaar caahe BrahmaanD me` jah`waa rahat hokhi`!!!
[Welcome all lovers!!
Wherever you may be living in the World or Universe!!! ]
*** Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
*** Saamyavaad > मानवता Maanavataa ke Pahilaa Pad.
मानवता Maanavataa > सनातनार्य Sanaatanaarya ke aadhaar
aa Hindutva ke pahilaa Pad.
[Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step for Sanatanarya Doctrine of Hindutva.]
पाठ PaaTh - 125 [Lesson - 125]:
** मानवता Maanavataa: Maane 'Maanav dharma'.
[Humanism: means ‘The duties of mankind’]
Ee`haa` ‘dharma’ ke maane 'Religion' caahe 'Majhab' naa hokhe.
[Here ‘dharma’ does not mean ‘religion’]
Ta~, 'dharma' ke kaa maane holaa? [Then, what does ‘dharma’ mean?]
Rauaa sab log jaanate hokhab ki 'dharma' caahe 'dharam' ke maane
'Sahi kaam' holaa.
[You all know that ‘dharma’ or ‘dharam’ means ‘correct work without harming men women’]
>>> Uu sab kaam, kartavya [duties], je se sab Maanav (aadmi, manushya, jana...) ke rakh rakhaaw, bhalaai, kalyaan aa baD*anti hokhe, ohi sab kaam ke 'dharma' kahal jaalaa.
[All those work, duties which are required for up keep, maintenance, and development of Mankind, the same work and duties are called ‘dharma’.]
>>> Aa vaastav me`, asal me` kaa sahi aa kaa galat hokhe, ee jaane khaatir hamani ke sahi Gyaan [knowledge] hokhe ke caahi`. Kaahe ki moTaa moTi hamani ke je dekhelaa uu har dam sahi naa hokhe, jaise:
[All know: whatever we see, all of them may not be like that, as for example]:
(1) dharati capaTaa dikhelaa, baakir ee moTaa moTi golaakaar caahe tanikaa anDaakaar baa.
[The Earth looks flat, but in reality it is more or less round]:
(2) Prithvi khaRaa aa Sooraj, Caa`d, jonhi sab ghumat laagelaa, je asal me` sahi naikhe.
[Clearly the Earth is static and the sun, moon, stars are rotating . Is this clearly clear? ]
Ehi se; [That is why]:
= Gyaan + Sab log khaatir sahi kaam or
Raamo gati, dehu sumati
[Ram is motion, give me virtues]
= [Philosophy + Duties for develpment of Mankind]
*** Ab aai` jaa aa samajhi` jaa ki Barham / Brahma / God kaa ha? jaisan ki Da Deva Datta Sharmaa ji logan ke bataawe ke caahataaran. Pahilaa Bhaag khaatir Sri: 03.10.9114 din ke Post dekhi`.
Ab dusar Bhaag:
'Barham /Bhagawaan' Ved aa Vigyaan
['Brahma/God' as in Vedic Science]
Bhojpuri aa Angreji me` dubhaasi lekh
A Bilingual Essay in Bhojpuri and English
'Barham / Brahma' Ved aa Vigyaan ke anusaar (naa ki Brahman, Braahman, Brahmin, Brahmaa caahe 'Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh' me` se kawano) 'Ved aa Aayurved ke Ghar' se.
['Brahma/God' as in Vedic Science (not Brahman, Braahman, Brahmin, Brahmaa one of Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh) from the 'House of Vedas & Ayurveda' ]:
Da Deva Datta Sharmaa putra Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Lokamaanya Brahmacaryaashram, ab RDS Mahaavidyaalay, Gannipur, Mujaffarpur-842001, Bihaar, Bhaarat.
[Explained by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma S/o Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma from the School of Lokmanya Bramcharyashram, now RDS College, Gyanipur, Muzaffarpur-842001, Bihar, India.]
Srishtyabd:1 972 949 112: Rigveda
Sri: 9112 [2012 AD]
Barham / Brahma ke dusar Bhaag: Ved-Vigyaan se: Raam aa god:
[The Second Part of Brahma / God: as in Vedic Science:
Ram or god]:
Rigved ke anusaar: “Hamani ke caaro or, uu sab je baa baakir dikhaai naikhe det kawano kaaran se aaj, oh sab ke aadar se Devataa aa Deva caahe god kahal jaalaa.Ved ke sab Mantra Devataa logan ke gungaan, praarthanaa aa Stuti hawansa, tarah tarah ke prakriti ke ceejan ke.
Eh tarah se Ved ke anusaar Devataa / Devi anganit baaRe.
[According to Rigveda: "Everything around us, even those which exist but somehow not seen or found around us presently, are called Devataa, Deva or 'god' with respect and regard. All the Mantraas of Vedas are nothing but description, praise, or Stuti of Devataas, various natural things.
Thus there are innumerable Devataas or goddesses according to Vedas.]
Ab pataa lagaai`jaa ki Raam kaa ha?
" 0o…m Raamogati, Dehu Sumati”: eahe likhwaa ke, Shixak log kawno vidyaarthi ke paD*aai suru karat rahan. Pahile din ke PaaTh me` pooraa Gyaan!!! Eehe ha Poorab ke paD*aai ke tareekaa.
Sanskrit ke Vyaakarani Paanini ji kahalan: “Ramate iti Raama:” make je calate rahe uuhe Raam. Jeh din calal band, ta~ Raam kahaa`? Theek kiran jaisan: je har dam calate rahelaa.
Ee bhail ego apaD*a pariwaar ke laiki-laika ke Pahilaa din ke PaaTh.
[Now we can find what is Ram?
" 0o…m Ram is Velocity, Give me wisdom": by making the student write this, the Teacher used to start the teaching a student. In the 1St Lesson itself the total Knowledge!!! This is the technique of teaching of the East.
The Great Sanskrit Grammatician Paanini said: "Ramate iti Raamah". It means ‘The one which roams is Ram'.
Raamah + Gati = Ramogati, meaning 'Ram is Gati only i.e. Ram is motion or velocity only’. Once it stops, it is not Ram, just like rays travelling in the form of waves.
Dehu Sumati = Give me goodness. After imparting abstract knowledge: 'Ram is velocity only', one wishes to have goodness, wishes to have righteous intellect.
This is the first lesson taught to a child from an uneducated family, just after teaching the first letter of Devanaagari script, Oo....m.]
Ego paD*al likhal pariwaar ke laikaa-Laiki ke pahilaa PaaTh: Shixaa ke pahilaa axar 0o…m likhalaa ke baad Gayatri Mantra sikhaawal gail:
“ Oo…m Bhoorbhuva: Swa:, tatsaviturvare0Iyam,
Bhargo Devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yo na: prachodayaat”, jekar desi bhaasaa me` seedhaa mane bhail: " Raamogati dehu Sumati".
[The first lesson to a child of an educated family: just after teaching the 1st letter Oo...m, is Gaayatri Mantra from Vedas,
“ O…m Bhoorbhuvah Swah, Tatsaviturvarenyam,
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat”, the simplest meaning of which in colloquial Hindi is " Raamogati Dehu Sumati".]
0o…m aapan asal roop me` (jekar pahilaa bhaag 8 jaisan holaa, naa ki 0o..m), ‘Pooraa Gyaan’ ke darshak ha, jaisan neece kahal jaataa:
0o..m 8 ke uparwaalaa AnDaakaar bhaag BrahmaanD ke IHLOK ke dikhaawelaa je padaartha se banal baa.
0o..m 8 ke neecewaalaa AnDaakaar bhaag BrahmaanD ke ITARLOK ke dikhaawelaa je vipareet- padaartha se banal baa.
[O...m. written in its real form (1st part of which is like 8, and not like Oo...m)., is the diagrammatic representation of ‘Total knowledge' as explained below:
The top loab or ellipsoid of 8 of O...m. represents IHLOC part of Brahmand, the part of Universe made up of MATTER.
The lower loab or ellipsoid of 8 of O…m shows ITERLOC part of Brahmand made up ANTIMATTER.
BrahmaanD ke baaki bhaag khaali naikhe jaisan ki log samajhelan, baluk eh me` tarah tarah ke KIRA0IA, Kiran, Ray ‘tarang’, ‘lahar’ ke roop me` ‘Prakaash ke Gati’ se calat rahelaa je vaastaw me` Raam ha. Raam me` ‘R’ ke uccaaran bakari ke bulaave waalaa ‘aRrrrrr….’ Jaisan holaa je me` jeebh ke calalaa se ‘lahar’ banelaa. Eehe Raam ke roop me` Sanaatanaarya log “Raam naam Satya hai” kahelan, maane ‘Raam ke naave Satya ha’ je calate rahelaa hardam, aa jab rukelaa ta~ kawano LOK / LOC ke roop me` Awataar holaa.
[The rest part of Brahmaand is not empty space as normally said, but is full of various types of Rays moving in the form of Waves with the ‘speed of light’ or with speed of EM waves which is nothing but Ram, in which R is pronounced as Russian letter 'Er' in which the tongue vibrates like waves, which keep on moving forever. Whenever the Wave stops, it gets Localised converted in to Matter or LOC, also called by Awatar]
Eh se IHLOK aa ITARLOK roopi duno AnDan ke baahar sab khaali jagah me`, aa unankaa bheetaro ke khaali jagah me` sagaeo Raame Raam baa je Shakti Devi ke dyotak ha.
[Thus, the whole space outside Twin Eggs of IHLOC and ITERLOC and even in space inside them is full of Ram, depicting energy moving as EM waves. This 'moving energy present everywhere' in the form of rays is Ram.]
Jaisan ki uupar likhal baa, god / goR je se kehu calelaa, Pakkaa Raam ke dyotak ha.
Eh se kahal jaalaa ki Raam / god sagaro baaRan, goddess / Devi sagaro baaRi.
[As explained above, the foot which is the cause of all movements and is called 'god' in Hindi, is synonymous of Ram. A foot = ‘gode’ in colloquial Hindi= ‘Paira’ => symbol of all movement => Ram => 'god' or 'absolute god' in English. =>> Ram = 'absolute god'.
Thus, we say that: Ram / 'god' or god is everywhere, goddess energy is everywhere. ]
Shakti ke Devi hardam calate raheli, ‘Prakaash ke Gati’ se, ehi se ‘ShrimadBhaagavat’ me` Bhagawaa aa Prakaash me` seedhaa sambandha kahal baa; “Bhagawaan, mane je ‘Bha’ mane Khaali jagah me` gaman kare waalaa”, jaisahi` ee ‘Shakti’ kiran ruk jaalaa, ee ‘Awatarit’ ho ke ‘Localise’ ho ke ‘Lok’ kan ban jaalaa: IHLOK waalaa caahe ITARLOK waalaa; je baD*at baD*at baRahan LOK sab ban jaalaa. Cuki Kiran dikhaai naa debe, eh se uu karia-bhuc Kaali ji jaisan laageli.
[Goddesses of energy keep on roaming; with the velocity of EM waves. The moment they stop, they get localized and become Locs: IHALOC and ITERLOC particles made of matter and antimatter respectively which grow and grow to form larger Locs. Since rays are invisible in themselves, they look black, Kali and are called Kali ji, goddess Kali.]
Raam, god Shakti ke roop me` baa, ee ‘Pakkaa Devataa’ aa saghan bhailaa pa maas ho jaalaa,
Baakir boson jaisan ‘Prakaashe ke Gati’ se calat rahelaa.
[Ram or god, though in the form of energies is 'absolute Devataa' or after localization it may acquire mass, at the same time move with the velocity of EM waves as many bosons do.]
Eh baat se ee saaf bhail ki Raam caahe god, Shakti ke roop me` caahe ‘Pakka god’ ; Barham / God naa ha, naahi Ayodhyaa ke Raajaa Dashrath ke putra Raam. Baakir Raam aa god Devataa hawan je antarix me` sadaa calate rahelan.
[Thus it is clear that: Ram or god in the form of energy or 'absolute god' is neither Brahma / God, nor a man like son of king Dasrath of Ayodhya. But Ram or god is Devataa freely roaming everywhere in free space.]
Kaali jaisan ‘Asal Devi’ ji hardam antarix me` calate raheli, eehaa` tak ki IHLOK caahe ITARLOK ke bhitari ke khaali jagaho me` ‘Asal Devi’ calat raheli.
['Absolute Devis' or 'goddesses' like Kali ji are also roaming in free space, even in free space inside IHLOC and ITERLOC.]
Ab Barham / Brahma ke 5 Bhaag ke dusar Bhaag Khatam bhail.
[This is the end of the Second Part of 5 Parts of Brahma / God.]
** (auroo agilaa PaaTh me`)
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool:
devadoot S. Email: devadoot05@gmail.com
For details one may go to post date: 30.07.2014 AD]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail. [The End]
04.10.9114 Global Bhojpuri eSkool 10.12.2014
>> Global Bhojpuri me`:
>> dinan ke naav: एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
>> maheenan ke naav: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
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