Sunday, 30 August 2015

01.6.9115 Global Bhojpuri 30.08.2015

मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक 
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
सृ. 01.6.9115   एतवार Etwaar  [Date: 30.08.2015 AD Sunday]
शुरुआत Surua at Sri: 14.09.9113 [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpri,
and all lovers. English is in [...]. Iternational Bhojpuri Language]     
अंक Ank: 175.06.9115.

***      कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
1.         यूरेशिया Yuresiaa [Euresia]:   
1.1       भारत Bhaarat {India]:   
**        Aaraxan Raajneeti: [Reservation Politics]:
            28.5. 9115 ke 'Haardik PaTel' jee kahlan ki " KoTaa ke haTaaw, naa taa     ekre gulaami kar". Eh pa Bhaarat Sarkaar ke gambheer roop se so`ce ke       caahee`. Ee 'KoTaa' desh ke bhanTaadhaar karataa. 
            Ka`hai eeho ego auru OBC ke Aaraxan ban ke naa rah jaay!!!
[On 28.8.2015 Mr Hardik Patel said, "Get rid of quota or make all its slaves" is worth considering by the Govt. of India seriously. This 'Quota' is making the country hollow. Congrats to Mr 'Hardik Patel' for raising pertinent question in his own way.
We are afraid, this movement may also land as another OBC Reservation!!!]      
                        >>       Kaa kare ke caahee`: [What is desirable]:
                        *          Aaraxan khaali Apang, SC aa ST, Shtree, Bacchaa aa 70                                                         baris se baR logan ke unke subidhaa ke anusaar hokhe ke                                          caahee`. [Keep reservation only for Disables, SC & ST,                                                     Ladies, Children and people over 70 years as desired.]
                        *          Upar likhal Aaraxanan ke choR ke, Bhaarat ke sab dusar                                          Aaraxanan ke haTaawe ke caahi`. [Eliminate all other                                                  reservations presently in vogue in India.]
**        Bihaar ke MLA Coonaaw 9115: [Election of MLAa of Bihar 2015]:
A-Teem) Bihaar ke ‘Mahaa GaThbandhan’: ki 'JoR-toR ke raajneeti'
            SeeT Ba`Twaaraa: JDU 100 seeT, RJD 100 seeT, Kongres 40 seeT,                          NCP    3 seeT, SP: -
            [2015 MLA's Election of Bihar: 
            In a great 'Make &Break' drama The following parties have joined       together to face NDA:
            JDU: 100 seats, RJD: 100 seats, Congress: 40 seats and  NCP: 3 seats,             SP: 0 seat.] 8oitrew M

(B-Teem):     NDA: BJP+LJP+Kushwaahaa ke dal +HUM?
**                    Badhaai ho! Aneko logan ke JDU se BJP me` ailaa khaatir. [Congrats for joining many  JDU Leaders into BJP.]

**                    Jadee BJP aapan Mukhya Mantri ke naamjad  jaldi naa kari, ta shaayad ekaro Dilli w[P98WQ aalaa bhaalat naa ho jaay. [Unless BJP declares its CM Candidate of Bihar earliest, it may create the same situation as Delhi.]        
(C-Teem):     HUM: je B-Teeme ke saath laagataa.

**   NDA-GOI: ke Upalabdhi darshak: 30.8.2015 [The Performance Rating of GOI]:
Neece dekhee`, sab Mukhya Binduan ke karib – 64.33% Upalabdhi darshak cintaa ke baat baa. 
[About (-) 64,33% Performance Rating for essential items is a matter of concern. Bhaarat ke 'Vyaapaar Santulan' me` karib 40 % ghaaTaa bhail, aa sab caupaT.]

            All Items: 19.7%.
            BJP-BS ke Salaanaa Upalabdhi Dar 365*19.7/150 = 48% Acche naikhe.
            >> Baakir kareeb 1 Baris laag gail PM Narendra Modi ke ‘Khaas’ ‘Smart City’ prograam ke jab 98 SiTi ke 27.8.2015 ke din naav bataawe me`, fer je me` se kawano 20 nikaalal jaai, kab? Ee mat puchee`.
            Eh gati se kahee` kawano ProjekT holaa?
            PM Modi ke jaldi aage baD*e ke caahee`.
[BJP-GOI Performance Rating: 48 % per year.]

**        आआपा-दिल्ली शासन के 100000 अंक पा के  दिनन के उपलब्धि AAP-Dilli Saasan ke 100,000 Ankan pa 144  dinan ke Upalabdhi: 34597 अंक Ank.
[AAP Delhi Govt Performance Rating is 35597 Points out of total 100000        Points as shown below]:  365*34.6/150 =  84,2% / yr: Neek laagataa, khaas ka ke Kendra ke LG ke AAP se asahyog ke saamane..
                        >> [Looks Good Performance rating. \]

1.2       AusTriaa [Austria]:
AsTiaa ke ego Uccapath pa laagataa ki karib 70 Sirian sharanaarthi freej waalaa Truck me mual milalan. [On a Highway in Austria possibly about 70 Syrian migrants were found in a refrigeration truck on 28.8.2015 near Hungry border.]

1.3       Lebnaan [Lebanon]:
Lebnaano me` log mass pradarshan jaari baa. [In Lebanon too the mass protest continues.]

2.         अमेरिका, Afrikaa, ऑस्ट्रेलिआ [America, Africa, Australia]:  
2.1       Kyubaa [Cuba]:
[The first country to ensure ‘HIB free babies’ by taking a HIB resistant drug by mothers.].
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakeni. [One may use  either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke uddes aa aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable,3the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.] 
ओरा गइल  Oraa gail [The End]   
01.6.9115   Global Bhojpuri 30.08.2015
>>> Eehaa` je kuchuo likhal aa okar ane~k jariyaa baa, eh se paaThak log okar sacccaai ke apane jaa`c karihe`.  [Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Bhojpuri dinan ke naav:
एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध   बियफे    शुक  शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन





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