Tuesday, 7 June 2016

17.03.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 07.06.2016

AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 
  17.03.9116.   > 4-th Baris, Suruaat: 9113 se.
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, inBho, Tuesday 07.06.2016
> Since: 3.12.2012 AD, 4th Year of Establishment ]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के. 
Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!!! 
[Welcome all Bhojpuri lovers of the World and Universe, and all Lovers!!! ] 

खास बात  Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]: 
** 'Asal Praakritik Parivaar Niyojan': Pichalakaa PosT dekhee` swasth laiki aa laikaa khaatir.  [For the 'Real Natural Family Planning' go to ealier Posts for healthy male and female babies.] 
For more go to EMS at: www.eclecticmedicalsystemD.blogspot.com

पाठ PaaTh - 40.03.9116: [Lesson 40.06.2016]:
'Janatantra' = "Linkan Democracy", 
Pacchimi 'Democracy' naa.
['Janatantra' => "Lincoln Democracy",
  not 'Democracy' of the Wests.]

* Pacchimi Logan ke 'Democracy': [Democracy of the Wests]:
*1 "Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~" pa aadhaarit baa. 
[Western Democracy is based on "Divide & Rule"]: 
Sab log, je eke saath h`asi-khushi rahat rahan, unkaa ke alag alag "PaarTian me` Baa`Ta~, aa raaj kara~". LaRat rahas nu uu log apane me`: Islaam ke raxaa ke naav pa > Lalanaa logani ke pooraa swatantrataa ke birodh me`, Bahudaleey raajneeti le aawe khaatir, WMD rakhalaa ke calate, baakir "Assad jaroor jaaye", kahalan Obamaa ji aa Kerry ji: jaise Saddaam aa Gaddaafii gaile. 
[Everybody, who were living together happily, are divided into  Parties for Democracy of "Divide & Rule" . There after  keep on fighting with different parties, then groups, and then indivisually. Thus works: "Divide & Rule" to break a happy society of "Sangacchadhwam sambadadhwam, sanno mana: Shivashankalpa:mastu". All these prevanent in India, is destroyed by the 1st PM of India educated in the West, when a country with vast culture and heritage, India adopted the  Western 'Democracy'; of course after 'Dividing India in 3 Parts' as desired by Lord Mount Batten: This is "Divide & Rule". India was Dividedin 3 parts in 1947, and Wests are supporing, providing billions of Dollors every year to Pakistan who has waged 4 Wars with india and is the Epicentre of Terrorism.
Not only this:
"Divide the people into Parties" or on religions and keep on Ruling over them, and let them fight among themselves forever. Thus, when they get weakened enough, grab them attacking, bombarding. Presently Libya is under process of being grabbed by EU and US. One of the US Presidential Candidate has already said to bombard Libya. Why the hell a country crossing 3 to 4 seas come in Libya to fight?
Long time Libyan Gandhian Socialist Leader Gaddafi was eliminated sighting > 'Islam in danger' due to 'Freedom of Ladies' which is strictly prohibited in Islam.
Now again EU & US is going to help the "EU Planted Govt. in Libya" and fight in Libya 'to fight 'IS'?.  
Reason may be Socialism, One Party Rule, Saving Islam, 'Liberty of women' being against Islam publicized by USA, possessing WMD >> Assad must go, like Saddam, Gaddafi ....!!! 
Will such talk of the Western Expansionists stop ever!!!]
>> Is this 'Democracy'? Yes, for the Wests. 
But not for the East: like China, Vietnam, N. Korea ...

*2 'Democray' maane 'Poojivaad': 
['Democray' means 'Capitalism']:
Dhan kamaaee` caahe`, caahe jaise hokhe: dhokhaa dhaRee, cori-capaaTi, jaisahu`.... [Go on earning money 'By Hook & by Crook, by Fair or Faul means'. .... 
>> Ego LimiTed Kampani, Praaivet Ltd, caahe LLP banaayee.  [Establish a Limited, Private Ltd or LLP.] 
>>  Alag alag Baenkan se caahe Udyogan se rin lee`. [Take loans from different Banks and Industries.] 
>> Cup caap kuch dhan alag ka dee` apanaa paas. [Divert some money secretally to other account.] 
>> BaR ghaaTaa dikhaai`. [Show heavy losses.]
>> Sarkaari Kar bacaaee`. [Default Govt Taxes.]
>> Sarkaar Kampani ke band ka delas. [Govt closes the co.]
>> DairekTar log 20 se 30 gunaa kamaai kailan. [The directors earns 20 to 30 times of their investement.]
>>> GhaaTaa kekar: Janataa, Sarkaari Baenkan aa dusar udyogan ke,  [Losers: Public, Govt thro' their Banks. other Industries, ...]
Ee ego udaaharan ha. [This is just 1 Example.]

*3 'Democray' maane 'Pradarshan-Tantra': ['Democray' means 'Demonstration-Cracy']:
Raaj kehu calaawe kawano Raajaa aa Raani, baakir jadi Janataa ke 'Pradarshan kare ke adhikaar' hokhe, ta okare ke 'Democracy' kahaljaalaa. 
Jaise UK me` 'Raajatantra' naa 'Democracy' baa. Logan ke 'Pradarshan kare ke khoob adhikaar baa UK me`; bhale hee` 'rrp', 'Nicalaa Ghar' ke Netaa kehu ban jaalaa jaise taise aa  Raani ji unkaa ke PM banaa deli.
Ee kaa janatatra!! Eh sab me` 'Janataa' kahwaa` baa, ki Janatantra hokhe UK me`!!! Ehee se sab jaanelan ki UK me` 'Raajtantra' baa, 'Janatantra' naa. "Baakir eehe ha Pacchimee 'Democracy'".

Oraai naa. [Non-ending] 
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome.]

"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115, 11.03.9116 ke PosT pa dekhee`.  
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go to the post dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD, 01.06.2016 AD.]

  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. [The End]

17.03.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 07.06.2016

>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`:

>> dinan ke naav: एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध  बियफे  शुक  शनीचर
>> Maheenan ke naav:  चैत  बैशाख  जेठ  आसाढ़  सावन  भादो  आशिन  कातिक  अगहन  पुष  माघ   फागुन.




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