AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool
सोमार 30.03.9116. > 4-th Baris, Suruaat: 9113 se.
Bhojpuri eSkool, inBho, Monday 20.06.2016
> Since:
3.12.2012 AD, 4th Year of Establishment ]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ
लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Sab premi logan ke
[Welcome all
Bhojpuri lovers of the World and Universe, and all Lovers!!! ]
खास बात Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]:
** Aaju JeTh
Poornimaa 30.03.9116 ke 'Sant Kabeer das' ke Janam din pa "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri divas"
manaawal jaataa sagaro Sansaar me`. Sab Bhojpuria logan ke aa Bhojpuri premi
logan ke hamani ke o~r se dili bhadhaai;
** Aise ta
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Vyaakaran ke anek kitaab baaResa, baakir eh kitaab me` dekhee`ki kaise:
> Aaj
Bhojpuri Aaraa, Chapraa aa Balliaa ke
'TripunD': 'Gyanpuram' gaa`v,
Jillaa 'Bhojpur', Bihaar 'Bhojpuri ke Janam Sthaan', se nikal ke:
>> UP,
Bihaar (JharkhanD sahit), aa Madhya Pradesh (Chattisgarh sahit) ke 'TripunD' se
aage 1000ro Barisan se Aassaam, aa Bhaarat ke paRosi Nepaalo me` bolal jaalaa
aa aaj ee:
>>> Bhaarat ke Dilli pradesh, aa WB Pradesho me` pasar gail baa:
Atane naa hamaar Bhojpuri ta aaj Bhaarat ke baahar Nepaal, Fiji, Trinidad aa
Tobago, Surinaam, Maurisas aadi ke alaawe 20yo dusar deshan me` prayog me` baa.
>>>>> Eh se aaj:
"AntarraasTreey global Bhojpuri" dainik ke
Sansaar ke Paccaso deshan ke log paD*elan.
Eh se ee
ta saaf baa ki aaj hamaar Bhojpuri
din dugunaa- raat caugunaa ke dar se baD*ataa:
** Dilli ke CM
Arvind Kejriwaal ke AAP Sarkaar: Panjaabi ke Dilli ke skoolan me` paD*aai
jaroori ka delas haa. Khoob niman. Baakir CM Kejriwaal se anurodh baa ki Dilli
ke skoolan me` Bhojpurio ke paD*aai suru karwaai.
** Aise ta PM
Narendra Modi jee se Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8vee` Suci
me` saamil kare ke anurodh pichalaa 2 baris se kail jaataa, dehee` eh pa unkar kab dhyaan jaataa.
*** Uupar je kahal baa, ohee se PaaTh: 44 se "भोजपुरी Bhojpuri Grammar: International
global Bhojpuri, InBho" pa del jaataa:
पाठ PaaTh - 48.03.9116: [Lesson 48.06.2016]:
Bhojpuri Grammar
global Bhojpuri
भोजपुरी Bhojpuri
International global
Bhojpuri, InBho
भोजपुरी व्याकरण
Bhojpuri Grammar
लेख़क: डॉ पण्डित देवदत्त शर्मा
Author: Dr Pt Deo
Dutta Sharma
Second Edition
Revised: Sri: 01.01.9116
Date: 24.12.2016 CE
भोजपुरी व्याकरण
Bhojpuri Vyaakaran
Bhojpuri Grammar
AntarraasTreey global Bhojpuri
Publisher: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Kamadgiri-806, Kaushambi
Sahibabad- 201010
NCR Delhi.
All Right Reserved by the Author and the Publisher:
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or in any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of
the Authors or the Publisher.
विषय सुचि Content:
1. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
ग्लोबल भोजपुरी
Global Bhojpuri, InBho "इंटरनेशनल ग्लोबल भोजपुरी"
2. भोजपुरी
के जनम काल आ जनम स्थान
ke Janam Kaal auru Janam-Sthaan
Birth Period and Places of Bhojpuri]
3. ग्लोबल भोजपुरी के उपभासा Global Bhojpuri ke
Upbhaasaa, [Dialects]
4. AntarraasTreeya
Global Bhojpuri के लिपी ke Lipi [Scripts]
5. भोजपुरी
व्याकरण Bhojpuri Vyaakaran: [Grammar]:
5.1 शब्दावली Sabdaavali [Dictionary]
5.2 संज्ञा Sangyaa, Sarvanaam [Noun, Pronoun]
5.3 वाक्यखण्ड Vaakyakhand, कहाउत Kahaauat, कारक Kaarak
[Cases of Noun, Phrases, Sayings]
5.4 वाक्य Vaakya [Sentence]
5.5 वाक्य के काल Vaakya ke Kaal. [Tenses]
5.6 भोजपुरी साहित्य विचार
Bhojpuri Saahitya: Satya Vicaar
Literature: Truthful Thinking]
5.7 Bhojpuri Saahitya: एगो Ego “दृश्य-श्रव्य-काव्य”
[Bhojpuri Literature is an:
6. Bhojpuri
Geet गीत [Bhojpuri Song]
7. Bhojpuri
Film भोजपुरी फिल्म सिनेमा
8. Bhojpuri
ke Kuch Kriti भोजपुरी के कुछ कृति
of Bhojpuri]
9. औरु बात Auru baat [Bottom-Line]
10. Sansaar me` Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Bolanihaar.
[Speakers of Bhojpuri Language in the
व्याकरण Bhojpuri Grammar
global Bhojpuri
ग्लोबल भोजपुरी
global Bhojpuri, InBho
By Dr
Pt Deo Dutta Sharma, Bhojpuriyaa
1. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
ग्लोबल भोजपुरी
Global Bhojpuri:
ki bahut log kahelan ki Bhojpuri khaali
छपरा आ बलिया" के एगो बिहारी भाषा ह"
ई आधा सांच
काहे कि
बलिया त उत्तर प्रदेश में बा शुरूए से.
ego Bihaari bhaasaa ha”, ee khaaali aadhaa saa`c baa. Kaahe ki Bhojpuri surue
se “Ara, Chapara, Balliaa” ke ego Bhaasaa maanal jaalaa. Baakir Ballia ta surue
se Uttar Pradesh me` baa. भोजपुरी सुरुए से ( सृ 7310, विक्रमी 210, ईसवी 267 से
Sri: 7310 se)
Eh se
Bhojpuri ke ‘Ara, Chapra aur Ballia’ ke ego Bihaari bhasaa kahal, kahaa` tak
Theek baa?
is a Bihari language”: is half truth, since Ballia is in Uttar Pradesh.]
Bhojpuri surue se भोजपुरी सुरुए से ( सृ
7310, विक्रमी 210, ईसवी 267 से Sri: 7310, Vikramaabd: 210, KhrisTyaabd: 267 AD
se, dekhi` kitaab किताब"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी" लेखक: डा पंडित
देवदत्त शर्मा “AntarraasYreey global Bhojpuri”, Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
at भारत के बिहार, झाड़खंड, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य प्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़
आ नेपाल देश में उपयोग में बा. Bhaarat ke ‘Bihaar auru JhaaRakhanD, Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh aa ChattisgaD*a, auru Nepaal desh me` upyog me` baa.
[Since 300 AD, Bhojpuri is spoken in Bihar,
Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chattishgad states of India, and in
अब त Ab ta~ Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Bhaarat me`
7-8 praantan me` auru भारत से बहरी करीब आधा दर्जन देश में आ बीसों शहरन में` 20 करोड़ से जादा लोग बोले ले, जे 5 महादेशन में पसरल बाड़े Bhaarat se baahar karib aadhaa darzan desan me` auru beeso` shaharan me` 20 karoR
se jaadaa log bolelan je Paa`c Mahaadeshan me` pasral baaRan.
[Now, Bhojpuri is spoken by over 200
million people in 7-8 states of India, and about half dozen countries of the
World and in about 20 cities spread over 5 Continents.]
ई भोजपुरी, जे संसार के अनेको देशन में बोलल जाला,
जेकरा के 'देवनागरी' चाहे 'रोमन' लिपि में लिखल जा सकेला; ओकरा के "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
ग्लोबल भोजपुरी", InBho कहल जाला Ee ‘Bhojpuri’ jekaraa ke Sansaar ke aneko`
desan me`bolal jaalaa, aur jekaraa ke Devanaagai caahe Roman me` se kawano Lipi
me` likhal jaa jaasakelaa, okare ke
“AntarraasTreeya Global Bhojpuri” kahal
jaalaa. Jaadaa jaane khaatir dekhi` AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho pa.
[The ‘Bhojpuri’ which is spoken in many
countries of the World, written in ‘Devanagari or Roman Scripts’ is known as
“AntarraasTreeya Global Bhojpuri”. For more details one may go to
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho at]
"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी"
'‘AntarraasTreeya Global Bhojpuri’ ke
‘Roman Lipi’ me` aasaani se likhe auru fer okaraa ke shuddha shuddha paD*e
khaatir, auru suruaati kuch jaanakaari khaatir dekhi` kitaab: “Bhojpuri
Bhaasaa” [with English Commentary to help 1000s of ‘Bhojpuri Lovers’ to learn
it easily] jekar link uupar de baa.
>>> Eehaa` je likhal baa uu dher
dasakan ke khoj ke baade likhal jaataa.
[Whatever is produced here, one may not
find anywhere else, since these are being written after decades of the study
and research on the subject, not just copied from somewhere.]
Bhojpuri ke Janam Kaal aa Janam-Sthaan
Bhojpuri ke Janam Kaal: 300 CE ke karib.
SrisTyaabd: 1 972 947 367, choT me` Sri: 7367
[The Birth of Bhojpuri: 267 AD]
Bhojpuri ke Janam surue se ‘Aaraa, Chapraa,
Balliaa’ caahe ‘Ara, Chapra, Ballia’ ke tripunDa se maanal jaalaa, je me` Aaraa
auru Chapraa ta Bihar me` baa, baakir Balliaa Uttar Pradesh me`.
Eh tarah se ee kahal ki Bhojpuri ego
‘Bihari bhaasaa’ ha, kahaa` tak
sahi baa, paaThak log apane samhjee`. Aaj Bhaarat me` Bhojpuri 7- 8 Praantan
me` aur sab baRhan siTian me` bolal jaalaa.
samajh se ‘Bhojpuri Bhaasaa’ ke janam eke saath Aaraa-Chapraa se je Bihaar me`
surue se baa, aa Balliaa se je Uttar Pradesh me` baa, auru Bhojpur (Bhopaal ke
najdeek) je surue se Madhya Bhaarat (aaj ke Madhya Pradesh) me` baa, se bhail
se: Sanskrit,
Bhojpuri, Hindi: Bhaarat ke kawano Xetreey Bhaashaa naa hawan sa, jaise ‘Tamil NaaDu’ me` Tamil, MahaaraasTra
me` MaraaThi, Gujraat me` Gujraati, ORishaa me` Odiaa, Panjaab me` Panjaabi.
teeno me` Sanskrit ta Hajaaro, Laakho` Baris puraan ha, fer Bhojpuri ke janam
Sri: 7400 me` bhail je 300 CE bhail; eh se Bhojpuri karib 1700 Baris ke bhail.
Boli आ 'आधुनिक हिन्दी', ‘Aadhunik Hindi’ ke utpatti log Bhaaratendu
Harishcandra [9.9.1850 – 6.1.1885 CE] Candravardaai se maanelan, jekaraa pahile
ee Awadhi-Bhojpuri aadi ke kawano milal julal roop rahe jekaraa ke Hindi naa
kahal jaa sakelaa. Eh se Hindi karib 150 Baris ke bhail umar ke hisaab se:
ke Bhaasaa ke Kaal-Cakra: [Time – Line of Indian Languages]:
Sanskrit > लाखों बरिस पुरान Lakho
Baris puraan.
Bhojpuri > 1700 बरिस के Baris puraan.
हिन्दी Adhunik Hindi > 150 बारिस के Baris ke.
2.2 राजा
भोज के काल में भोजपुरी भाषा Raajaa Bhoje ke kaal me` Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke
भोज के राज में, जे पूरा उत्तर भारत में थोर बहुत सगरो, भोजपुरी बोलल जात रहे, खास क के बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश,
झारखण्ड , छत्तीसगढ़ आ मध्य प्रदेश /
मध्य भारत
जेकर राजधानी नागपुर रहे ओह घरी, ओहु में बोलल जात रहे भोजपुरीए.
Bhoj ke raaj me`, je pooraa Uttari Bhaarat me` failal rahe, oh me` thoR bahut
sagaro Bhojpuri bolal jaat rahe, khaas ka ke Bihaar, Uttar Pradesh, JhaaRkahanD,
ChattisgaD*a aur Madhya Pradesh me`. Ehi
se aajo tab ke Madhya Bhaarat jekar raajdhaani Naagpur rahe, okaraa me` bole
waalaa Bhojpuri ChattisgaD*a ke DisTik Sargujaa (Ambikaapur) me`, ChattisgaD*i
( karib 45 % Bhojpurie jaisan) aur Madhya Pradesh ke Baghelkhandi ( 75 %
Bhojpuri, je asal me` Bhojpurie bhail, khaali naav choR ke; dekhi` aage ekar
ego kathaa) ke aajo bolal jaa laa.
जे लिखल बा oh se पता चलता कि भोजपुरी भाषा के जनम "आरा, छपरा आ बलिआ" राजा
भोज के समय सृ 7400 [300 CE ] में भइल, जे तब के बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य भारत में
फैलल रहे..
je likhal baa, oh se saaf pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke janam “Ara, Chapra,
Ballia” me` Raajaa Bhoj ke samay (Sri: 7400), [300 AD] me` bhail, je Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh aur Madhya Pradesh’ me` failal rahe.
काल चक्र Bhojpuri Kaal Cakra: [Timeline: Bhojpuri]:
के जनम भोज राजा के काल में भइल सृ 7400 में
Bhojpuri ke janam Bhoj Raajaa ke kaal me` bhail, Sri: 7400 me`.
was born during the period of King Bhoj in 300 AD.]
(Auru dekhee`: AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri
eSkool, InBho, of Sri: 25.11.9113 pa.)
Guru Gorakh Naath Sri: 8200. [1100AD] me`
‘Gorakh Baani’ likhale rahan Bhojpuri me` (dekhi` BHAI)=======
[Guru Gorakh Nath wrote ‘Gorakh Baani’ in
Bhojpuri in 1100 AD (Goto BHAI) =========]
Sant Kabeer Daas ke janam din Sri: 8397 ke
‘Bhojpuri Din’ manaawal jaalaa (dekhi` BHAI).
[Saint Kavir Das was born in 1297 AD which
is celebrated as ‘Bhojpuri Day’ Goto BHAI =======]
Bhojpuri ke Pasaraaw: [Spreading Bhojpuri]:
Eh se iho pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri khaali
ago Bihaari bhaasa naa ha, baakir ekar Janam khaas ka ke “Ara, Chapra, Ballia”
jilla ke tripunD kahi`, caahe tab ke ‘Bihar, UP, MP’ praantan ke tripunD se
bhail baa; dosar o~r jadi gaa`v ke baat kail jaav ta,: Bhojpuri ke janam ‘Gyanpuram: Knowledge Park (Jilla Bhojpur,
Bihar), Ribir ganj (Chapara Jilaa, Bihar) aa
Sitaabdiaraa (Jilla Ballia, UP) se bhail baa.
Baakir, Baakir, Baaki…… ee Baakir BaRahan
[It is also clear from this that Bhojpuri
is not only a Bihari Language, but it is born from the Center of the Triangle
of then Provinces “Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Bharat” or of the Centre of
Districts “Ara, Chapra, Ballia”; on the other hand when we go to the village
level, Bhojpuri was born in the Village ‘Gyanpuram: Knowledge Park (District: Bhojpur, Bihar), Ribir Ganj (Dt. Chapra, Bihar) and in Sitabdiara (Dt. Ballia, UP).
But, But, But …….But this But is a Big
Bho Pasraaw: [Spreadin bho]:
आज हमार भोजपुरी गाव से निकल के जिला तक, जिला
से निकल के प्रांतन तक, आ प्रांतन se निकल के अनेक शहरन आ सीटोंअन तक; आ फेरु बीसो
डेशन तक जे 5 महादेशन में पसर के घर बना लेले बा, आपन तरह तरह के उपभाशI के रूप में.
Aaj hamaar Bhojpui gaa`v se nikal ke jilla
tak, jilla se nikal ke Praantan tak, Praantan se nikal ke Shahar aa SiTi tak,
fer Ee`haa` se beeso desan tak je paa`c Mahaadesan me` ghar banaa le le baa;
aapan tarah tarah ke Dialect ke roop me`.
[Today our Bhojpuri, starting from a
village, has spread to districts, then from districts to Provinces, from
Provinces it has spread into over 20 countries of 5 Continents in the form of
different dialects.]
भोजपुरी बोले वाला लोगन के संख्या: [Number of Speakers of Bhojpuri Language]:
भोजपुरी बोले वाला लोगन के संख्या आज 20 करोड़
से ऊपर होगइल बा Sansaar me`..
Bhojpuri ke bole waalaa logan ke sa`khyaa
aaj 20 se 25 karoR ho gail baa Sansaar me`.
[The number of speakers of Bhojpuri is over
200 M WW]
भारत में आज 7 - 8 प्रान्तन में भोजपुरी बोले
वाला लोग बाड़न, जइसे बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, झारखण्ड, छत्तीसगढ़, मध्य प्रदेश, दिल्ली,
पछिम बंगाल Bhaarat ke 7 - 8 Prantan me` Bhojpuri bolewaalaa log baaRan.
[There are 7-8 Provinces in India where
Bhojpuri is spoken: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, JhaaRkhanD, ChattisgaR, Madhya
Pradesh, Delhi, WB.]
3. Bhojpuri
ke Upbhaasaa [The
Dialects of Bhojpuri]
3.1 Bhojpuri aaj ego Global Bhaasaa ha, ehee se
ekar 11 go Up-bhaasaa (Dialects) baaRan sa.
3.2 Eh se Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Vyakaran (Grammar)
ke jab hamni ke baat karataani jaa, ta~ pahile ee jaane ke hoi ki kawanaa
Up-bhaasaa ke Vyaakaran ke baat hotaa. Ehi se pahile ham Bhojpuri ke sab
Up-bhaasaa ke naav neece likhataani:
3.3 Lipi [Script]:
Ego baat Lipio ke baa. Global Bhojpuri
me` eehaa` javanaa Lipi (Script) ke prayog kail jaataa, okaraa likhe aa paD*e
khaatir "Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik" ke PaaTh-1 se 5 tak pa pad*e ke caahi`.
[We must talk here about the Script of
Bhojpuri as well. The Script of Bhojpuri now, is 'Devanagari' which is that of
Sanskrit, Marathi, Nepali etc also.
Earlier Bhojpuri was written in Kaithi
and some other scripts which is now Historical.
"Mitram global Bhojpuri
eDainik" uses Roman Script which is now one of the most popular scripts
To use 'Roman Script' for writing
'Bhojpuri Language' and reading back correctly the same: go to "Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik"
Lesson-1 to 5 at
3.4 [Eleven Dialects of Bhojpuri are shown
Bhojpuri ke 11 Upbhaashaa neece
3.4.1 Daxini Maanak Bhojpuri, [Southern Standard]:
Rohtaas, Kaimur, Baxar
(all 4 districts of Ara , Chapra, Ballia Triangle me`), Saaran, Siwaan,
Gopaal Ganj (all 3 districts of Ara, Chapra, Ballia Triangle me`) in
Bihaar, and Balliaa of UP (of
Ara, Chapra, Ballia Triangle), and Eastern Ghaazipur in Uttar Pradesh, Palaamu,
Raanchi in JhaarkhanD, Sargujaa (Ambikaapur) in ChattisgarD*a.
3.4..2 Uttari Maanak Bhojpuri, [Northern Standard]:
[Deorea, Gorakhpur, and Basti
in Uttar Pradesh, Champaran East and West
in Bihar.]
3.4..3 Pascimi Maanak Bhojpuri, [Western Standard]:
Vaaraanasi, AazamgaD*a,
Mirzaapur, Ghaazipur Uttar Pradesh me`.
3.4..4 Naagpuria:
Chotaanaagpur ke Palaamu Jilla je ab
JhaarkhanD Praant me` baa, aur ChattisgaD*a
ke Sargujaa (Ambikaapur) Jilla me` ekaraa ke bolal jaalaa.
(BaghelkhanDi ke roop me` ee Madhya
pradesh me` bolal jaalaa, baakir ee log
ekaraa ke Bhojpuri naa maane, eh se ekaraa ke ham eehaa` Bhojpuri me naikhi let.)
3.4..5 Nepaal me` Bhojpuri ke 4 roop, Upbhaazaa
dialects of Bhojpuri in Nepal]:
Thaaru Bhojpuri, Mdhesi, Domraa,
3.4.6 Maurisas me` Maurisian Bhojpuri [Mauritian in Mauritius]:
3.4.7 Fiji me` Fijian Bhojpuri [in Fiji 'Fijian Bhojpuri']:
3.4..8 'Kaireebian
Bhojpuri' Guyanaa me`[Caribbean
Hindustani in Guyana]
3.4..9 Surinaam me`: Surname [in Surinam: Surname]:
3.4..10 'Kaireebbian
Trinidaadi Bhojpuri' Trinidaad aa Tobago
[in Trinidad & Tobago: Caribbean Trinidadi Bhojpuri]:
3.4..11 ‘AntarrazTreey Global Bhojpuri’ poore Sansaar
me`, SiTi sab me` jawan Bhojpuri holaa, je me` dosar lokal bhasaa ke sabd aur
kahaauto milal rahelaa, jaisan eehaa` likhal baa:
['International global Bhojpuri'
used all over the world and in many Metros written
in Roman or Devanadari script using many local words and phrases.]
4. AntarraasTreeya Global Bhojpuri के लिपी ke
Lipi [Scripts]
Eehaa` Plus.Google pa piche prakaashit
“Prachalit Bhojpuri ke kuch ansh del jaataa, je me` Bhojpuri ke Roman Lipio me`
sahi sahi likhe aa paD*e ke tareekaa del baa:
publicly - 16
Oct 2013
Prachalit bhojpuri
:Prachalit Bhojpuri:
:Popular Bhojpuri:
Sabse Saral Bhaasaa: Roman Lipi me`
Bhojpuri: The Simplex Language: in Roman Script
Lekhak: Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Prakashak : Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Editor : Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Kamadgiri-806, Kaushambi,
NCR Delhi, Sahibabad-201010
Bhaarat / India.
Visay Shuci: [Content:]
1. Prastaavanaa [Introduction]
2. Bhojpuri Roman Lipi me` [Bhojpuri in Roman Script]
3. Pracalit Vaakyakha0ID [Popular Phrases]
4. Bhojpuri Vyaakara0I [Bhojpuri Grammar]
4.0 Sankhyaa [Number]
4.1 Sangyaa [Noun]
4.2 Sangyaa par Jor [Stress on Noun]
4.3 Sab dinan ke Naav [Name of Days]
4.4 Mahinan ke Naav [Name of Month]
5. Sarvanaam [Pronoun]
6. Kriyaa aur Kaal [Verb and Tense]
7. Vaakya Banaave ke [Making sentence]
8. Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, [Bhojpuri Language,]
Saahitya aur Sanskriti [Literature and Culture]
8.1 Bhojpuri Hindi ke [Bhojpuri not a]
Kawano ‘Boli’ Naa Ha~ [Dialect of Hindi]
8.2 Bhojpuri ke Bhaarat [Status of Bhojpuri]
me` Sthaan [in India]
8.3 Sansaar me Bhojpuri [Global Status]
ke Sthaan [of Bhojpuri]
9. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
Saahitya [Literature]
10. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
10.1 Asli Janatantra [Real Democracy]
10.2 Bhaarat Sara0I data [India a Selter for]
aur Prakriti se Secular [all & Naturally Secular]
:Prachalit Bhojpuri:
:Popular Bhojpuri:
Bhojpuri: Sabse Aasaan Bhaasaa: Roman Lipi me`
Bhojpuri: The Simplest Language: in Roman Script
Lekhak: Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
1. Prastawana: Ek ‘Du Bhaasi’ Kitaab:
‘Prachalit Bhojpuri’ i`haa` jaada kariya axaran me` likhal gail baa; jabki ‘Angrezi’ saadaa axaran me` caahe […] me` likhal baa.
‘Du Bhaasi’ hokhe ke calte, ee kitaab oh logan khaatiro faldaayak hoi jekaraa Bhojpuri se prem hokhe, aur je Bhojpuri sikhe ke caahat hokhas.
1. [Introduction: A Bi-lingual Book:
Popular Bhojpuri is written here in black letters, where as English is written in lighter Letters or within […].
As the book is ‘Bi-lingual’ one, it may be helpful to those persons also who love Bhojpuri and wish to learn Bhojpuri.]
Bhojpuri sab Mahadesan me` bolal jaalaa, aur ekara se saains ke sTaDi khoob aasaani se kail ja sakela. Bhojpuri me` bole waalaa aur kaam kare waala log 2013 me` ‘Taaims auf India’, Mumbai, aur “IGNOU”, ‘Akhil Bhaarateeya Indira Gaandhi Mukt Vishvavidyaalay’ ke anusaar kareeb 20 karoR log baa. Eh se ekar sthaan Bhaarat me` Hindi ke baad du par baa; aur sansaar me` Fransisi ke baad aur Jaapaani ke pahile daswaa` sthaan par baa.
[Bhojpuri is spoken in all the Continents and it is very simple to study science through this language. The total number of speakers and users of Bhojpuri in 2013 is about 200 million according to the ‘Times of India’, Mumbai and “IGNOU” ‘Indira Gandhi National Open University’’. Thus its position in India is Second only after Hindi and Tenth among world languages after French before Japanese.]
Roman Lipi ke vistaar aur prasaar dekh ke, Bhojpuri ke Devanaagari Lipi ke alaawe Roman Lipio me` aasaani se likhal jaa sakelaa aur ee baRaa vyavahaariko baa; ehi se ekaraa ke ‘Pracalit Bhojpuri’ kahal jaa rahal baa.
[Considering the versatility and wide spread use of the Roman script, Bhojpuri can also be easily written in Roman Script apart from Devanagari Script. This is very popular as well, thus it can be called ‘Popular Bhojpuri’]
Aise ta~ deshaantar ke calate Bhojpuri ke bahut roop baa, jaise ki: Bhaarat me` Poorvi-Bhojpuri, Uttari caahe Gorakhpuri Bhojpuri, Pachimi Bhojpuri, Nepaal ke Madhesi Bhojpuri, daxi0Ii-Bhojpuri, Surinaami caahe Sarnaami aur Guyane-Bhojpuri, Trinidadi, Fizian, aur Mauritius ke Bhojpuri; baakir ee`ha` Ara-Chapraa-Balliaa me` bole waalaa Bhojpuri, jekaraa ke Daxi0Ii Bhojpurio kahal jaalaa, likhal ja rahal baa; jekaraa ke Bhojpuri ke janam sthaan maanal jaalaa.
[There are a number of dialects of Bhojpuri like: Eastern Bhojpuri, Northern or Gorakhpuri Bhojpuri, Western Bhojpuri, Madhesi of Nepal, Sarnami of Surinam, Guyane Bhojpuri, Trinidadi, Fizian or Mauritus Bhojpuir due to its wide spread nature, hoever, Daxini Bhojpuri used in its birth place of Ara- being followed here.]
Ee`ha` ee likhal Theek baa ki Bhojpuri khaali ek Tho Bhaasaa aur Saahitye naa hoke; ee apane me` ek Tho Sanskriti caahe rahan-sahano ha~. Dosar Bhaasaa jaisan Bhojpuri se hamni ke gyaan vigyaano ke sikhenijaa.
[Here, it is better to write that Bhojpuri is not only a language or literature but it is a culture also in itself. With the help of Bhojpuri we also get various types of knowledge including science.]
2. `Bhojpuri ke Roman Lipi me` Kaise Likhi` aur Uccaara0I kaise Kari`: Neeche Dekhi`
3. [How to write and pronounce in Bhojpuri in Roman script: Please see below.]
Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, KanaR, Bangalaa, Hindi aadi Bhaarateeya bhaasaa s ke pahila axar ha~:
[0o…m or 0m as shown above is the first letter of all the Indian languages like Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Kanad, Hindi, Bengali etc.]
Bhojpuri ke Swar: Vowels of Bhojpuri:
'a' => ‘a’ is pronounced as ‘u’ in but, fun, run,
‘aa’ => ‘aa’ is pronounced as ‘a’ in bar, far, car
‘I’ => ‘I’ in pin, tin, swim, him
‘ee’, ‘ii’ => ‘ee’ in sleep, meet, sweet, or ‘ea’ in speak, eat,sea
‘u’ => ‘u’ in put, push,
‘oo’, ‘uu’ => ‘oo’ ‘uu’ as ‘oo’ in boot, loot, foot
‘e’ => ‘e’ in pen, hen, ten
‘ai’ => ‘a’ in fan, man, can
‘o’ => ‘o’ in hole, phone, cone
‘au’ => ‘a’ in ball, call, hall
‘an’ or ` after letter. => ‘ung’ in sung, hung
‘ah’ or : after a letter => ‘ah’ is pronounced a ‘u’ in bun followed by long sound of exhalation of air
Candra bindu as `after a letter => a very soft nasal sound
~ after a letter => a long sound of the letter called Ploot in Sanskrit.
Bhojpuri ke Vyanjan: Consonants of Bhojpuri:
‘k’ => ‘k’ is pronounced as ‘c’ in car, cat, cup
‘kh’ => ‘kh’ is pronounced as ‘k’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘g’ => ‘g’ is pronounced as ‘g’ in gun, mug, god, goose
‘gh’ => ‘gh’ is pronounced as ‘gh’ in ghost,
‘ng’ => ‘ng’ is pronounced as ‘ng’ in sung, sung
‘c’ => ‘c’ is pronounced as ‘ch’ in chain, chop
‘ch’ => ‘ch’ is pronounced as in ‘ch’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘j’ => ‘j’ is pronounced as ‘j’ in jug, jam, january
‘Jh’ => ‘jh’ is pronounced as ‘zh’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘i`’ => ‘i`’ as in pin + a soft nasal sound denoted by ‘`’.
‘T’ => ‘T’ is pronounced as ‘t’ as in but, pat, tap, ten
‘Th’ => ‘Th’ is pronounced as hard ‘t’ in ‘ten’ followed by long exhalation sound, in Hindi ‘Thos’ meaning solid.
‘D’ => ‘D’ is pronounced as ‘d’ in dug, day, dog,
‘Dh’ => ‘Dh’ is pronounced as ‘D’ followed by long exhalation sound as in Hindi word ‘Dhol” = drum..
‘0I’ => ’0I’ is pronounced as ‘n’ in Brahmand in Sanskrit meaning Universe. No suitable letter is in Roman script. However it can be pronounced as ‘n’ with twisting the tongue twisted upwards and nearly touching the top part of mouth above the root of the tongue.
‘t’ => ‘t’ is pronounced as very soft ‘t’, better as “m of Russian”
‘th’ => ‘th’ is pronounced as ‘th’ in thought, through followed by long exhalation sound.
’d’ => ‘d’ is pronounced as ‘th’ in thus, the, there.
‘dh’ => ‘dh’ is pronounced as ‘d’ in thus followed by a long exhalation sound. A typical Sanskrit, Bhojpuri letter ‘dhaan’= paddy, or ‘dhan’ = property.
‘n’ => ‘n’ is pronounced as ‘n’ in nun, run, fun, not.
‘p’ => ‘p’ is pronounced as ‘p’ in pen, pot, pat.
‘f’ => ‘f’ is pronounced as ‘f’ in fun, fat, ‘ph’ in telephone.
‘b’ => ‘b’ is pronounced as ‘b’ in but, bun, bat.
‘bh’ => ‘bh’ is pronounced as ‘b+h’ as a composite letter, or as ‘b’
followed by long exhalation sound. A typical Bhojpuri, Sanskrit letter.
‘m’ => ‘m’ is pronounced as ‘m’ in man, motor, most.
‘y’ => ‘y’ is pronounced as ‘y’ in yes, yet, yoke, Universe.
‘r’ => ‘r’ is pronounced as ‘r’ in run, rub, rat,
‘l’ => ‘l’ is pronounced as ‘l’ in land, lower, letter,
‘v’, ‘w’ => ‘v’. ‘w’ are pronounced as ‘w’ in water, wear, vogue, sweet
’s’ => ‘s’ is pronounced as ‘s’ in sun, son, sugar
‘sh’ => ‘sh’ is pronounced as ‘sh’ in should, shape, not normally used in bhojpuri.
‘h’ => ‘h’ is pronounced as ‘h’ in hut, hot, horse.
‘R’ => ‘R’ is pronounced as ‘R’ in popular Hindi word ‘laRka’ meaning ‘boy’. No Roman equivalent for this letter.
‘D*’ => ‘D*’ is pronounced as ‘D*’ in popular Bhojpuri and Hindi verbs like: ‘paD*na’= to read, paD*naa = to read, no equivalent Roman letter
‘x’ or ‘ksh’ => ‘x’ is pronounced as ‘x’ in lux, flux
‘gy’ or ‘jn’ => ‘gy’ is pronounced as ‘gy’ in popular Hindi word ‘Gyaan’ = knowledge, ‘Vigyan’ = science.
‘ .’ = ‘poorna viraam’ => ‘.’ Is used for ‘full stop’
~ after a letter => ~ is a long sound of the letter or Ploot sound as in Sanskrit
Uupar je likhal ba oh tarah se ham aasaani se Roman lipi me `Bhojpuri likh sakatani.
[Considering the above, Bhojpuri language can be very easily written in Roman script.]
3. Kuch Pracalit Vakyakha0!D. [Some Popular Phrases]
(a) Aayi`, [(a) Welcome,]
Pra0laam. [Good morning.]
Rauaa kaisan baani? [How are you, sir?]
[How are you, madam?]
Ham Theek baani. [I’m fine. How are you]
(a) Namaste, [(a) Good morning,]
Ka haal caal baa? [How are you?]
Sab Theeke baa. [Every thing is fine.]
Aayi` baiThi`. [Please come and be seated.
Please sit down.]
BaiTh~ [Sit down.]
(c) Aaj kaa kare ke baa? [(c) What is to be done today?]
(d) Kaa baajaar caleke? [(d) Should we go to the market?]
(e) Ha`. Jee [(e) Yes.]
(f) Naa. Ne. [(f) No. not]
4. Bhojpuri Vyaakara0I: [4. Bhojpuri Grammar:]
I`ha` Vyaakara0I ke Kawano GuuD* [The intricacy of Bhojpuri]
baat naikhe kare ke, uu ta~ kitaaban [grammar need not be ]
me` baRale baa. [given here, since they are available in many books.]
I`ha` khaali kawano khaas baat [Here only some particular] neeche likhal jaataa. [points are given below.]
4.0 Sankhya ke Naav: [Name of the Numbers:]
0 = sona [zero]
1= ek Pahilaa [one First]
2= du dosar [two Second]
3= teen teesar [three Third]
4= caar cauthaa [four Fourth]
5= paa`c paa`cwa [five Fifth]
6= chaw chau`aa` [six Sixth]
7= saat saatwaa` [seven seventh]
8= aaTh aaThwaa` [eight eighth]
9= naw nau`aa` [nine ninth]
10= das daswaa` [ten tenth]
11=egaarah egarahwaa` [eleven Eleventh]
12=baarah baarahwaa` [twelve Twelfth]
13=terah terahwaa` [thirteen Thirteenth]
14=caudah caudahwaa` [fourteen Fourteenth]
15=pandrah pandrahwaa` [fifteen Fifteenth]
16=sorah sorahwaa` [sixteen Sixteenth]
17=satrah satrahwaa` [seventeen,Seventeenth]
18=aThaarah aThaarahwaa` [eighteen Eighteenth]
19=unais unaiswaa` [ninteen Ninteenth]
20=bees beeswaa` [twenty Twentieth]
21-ekais ekaiswaa` [twenty one Twenty first]
22=baais baaiswaa` [twenty two Twenty second]
29=untees unteeswaa` [twenty nine Twenty ninth]
30=tees teeswaa` [thirty Thirtieth]
39=uncaalis,uncaaliswaa` [thirty nine Thirty ninth]
40= caalis caaliswaa` [forty Fortieth]
49=uncaas uncaaswaa` [forty nine Forty ninth]
50= pacas pacaswaa` [fifty Fiftieth]
60=saaTh saatThwaa` [sisty Sitieth]
70=sattar sattarwaa` [seventy Seventieth]
80=assi assiwaa` [eighty Eightieth]
90=nabbe nabbewaa` [ninety Nintieth]
100=saw sauwaa` [hundred Hundreth]
1000=hajaar [thousand kilo]
1 00 000= laakh [100 thousand]
10 00 000=10 laakh [million Mega]
1 00 00 000=karoR [10 million]
1 00 00 00 000 arab [billion Gega]
1 00 00 00 00 000 kharab [10 billion]
10 00 00 00 00 000 neel [trillion Tera]
10**18 Mahasankh [million-trillion]
4.1 Sangya: [4.1 Noun:]
Ek Vacan Bahu Vacan Singular Plural
Aadami Aadmi log man men
Aurat auratan, aurat log woman women
Beti beti log daughter daughters
Laika laika log boy boys
Laiki laiki log girl girls
BeTa beTa log son sons
kar karan, kar sab car cars
GaaRi gaRian, gaaRi sab vehicle vehicles
des desan, des sab country countries
Janaawar janaawar sab animal animals
Kitaab kitaaban, kitaab sab book books
Skool skool sab school schools
Shabda Shabdan, shabda sab word words
‘Shabd’ ke bahu bacan banaave khaatir: sajeev shabd ke baad ‘log’, aur bejaan shabd ke baad ‘sab’ joR del jaalaa.
Shabd ke baad ‘kaarak’ ke cinh hokhalaa par ‘shabd’ ke baad ‘an’ joR del jaalaa jaise: shabd > shabdan,
To make plural from singular word, ‘log’ is added after animates, and ‘sab’ is added after inanimate.
In case a ‘case’ is used after the word, ‘an’ or ‘ian’ is added after the word eg. Shabd (s)> Shabdan ke(pl), = word > of words
Bail (s) > Bailan (pl) se, = Ox > by oxen
laika(s) > laikan ke (pl). = boy > to boys
Laiki (s) > laikian (pl) = girl > to girls]
4.2 Bhojpuri ke Sangya par [Method to Stress on a]
Jor deve ke tarika: [noun:]
(1) Jor deve khaatir, puling/nirjeev [(1) For giving stress ‘vaa’ is added as]
sangya ke baad me` ‘vaa’ joRal jaala. [aa ending after a masculine noun.]
Udaaharan: ghar > gharvaa [eg.:ghar= house, gharwaa= a particular : house.]
: laRakaa > laRakwaa [:a boy > a particular boy]
: loTaa > loTawaa [: a pot > a particular pot]
: baagh > baghavaa [: a tiger > a particular tigar.]
(2) Striling / cot sabd ke [After faminine /small]
baad ‘iaa’ joRal jaala. [word ‘iaa’ is added for giving stress.]
Udaaharan: laRaki > LaRakiaa [eg. :a girl > a particular girl]
: loTaki > loTakiaa [:a small pot > a particular pot.]
: gaaRi > gaRiaa [: a vehicle > a particular vehicles.]
4.3 Sab dinan ke Naav: [Name of Days]
Etawaar, Ravivaar [Sunday]
Somaar [Monday]
Mangar [Tuesday]
Budh [Wednesday]
Biafe [Thursday]
Suk [Friday]
Sanichar [Saturday]
4.4 Mahinan ke Naav: There are no exact 1:1 equivalance for months in English due since Bhojpuri follows Lunar System instead of Solar.
Cait [January] Baisaakh [February]
JeTh [March] AasaaD* [April]
Saavan [May] Bhaado [June]
Aasin [July] Kaatik [August]
Agahan [September] Push [October]
Maagh [November] Faagun December]
5. Sarvanaam: [5. Pronoun]
Vyaktivaacak: [Personal:]
ham ham, hamni ke [I we]
tu`, rauaa. tu` log, rauaa log [you you]
uu uu log [he, she, it they]
Sambandh: [Possessive:]
hamaar hamani ke [my our]
tahaar taharaa logan ke [your your]
raaur rauaa logan ke [your your]
okar unkar [his, her, its their]
hamraa ke hamni ke [me us]
tahraa ke tahraa logan ke [to you to you]
rauaa ke rauaa logan ke [to you to you]
okaraa ke unkaa ke [him, her,its to you]
Bhojpuri me` 3, 4 sarbanaam ke star holaa, jab ki Angreji me` aisan kuch naa hokhe.
[In Bhojpuri there are 3 to 4 gradation of repect, but in English there is hardly any thing like this. Thus, in English friquent use of please, kindly etc is made to show ‘respect’]
6. Kriya > Kaal
Vartmaan Kaal Bhoot Kaal Bhavisyat Kaal
[6. Verb > Tense
Present tense Past Tense Future tense]
Jaanaa: [to go]
Uu jaataa. Uu jaataari. Uu gail. Uu gaili. Uu jaihan.
[He goes. She goes. He, she went. He / She will go.]
Uu jaa rahal baa. Uu jaat rahe. Uu jaate rahihan
[He is going. He was going. He will be going.]
Aanaa: [To come]
Uu aawataa. Uu aawataari. Uu aail. Uu aili. Uu aihan.
[He comes. She comes. He came. She came. He/ She will come.]
Khaanaa: [To take food, to eat]
Ham khaa taani. Ham khaini. Ham khaaib.
[I eat. I ate. I shall eat.]
Hamani ke khaatani. Hamani ke khaini. Hamanike khaib.
[We eat. We ate. We shall eat.]
Auru kriya ke udaahara0I: [More Verbs]
baiThnaa uThnaa sonaa paD*naa, H`sanaa BaiThnaa
[Examples of more verbs: To sit, to get up to sleep to read,]
Ha`snaa, denaa, lenaa, paanaa, kaatnaa, bonaa.
[To laugh to give To take to get To cut to sow]
7. Vaakya Banaaveke. [7. Making sentences.]
7.1 Vaakya ke pahilkaa axar [7.1 The first letter of a sentence shall be in]
Roman ke ‘kapital’ letter me` hoi. [Capital .]
7.2 Vyakti Vaacak Sangya ke [7.2 The first letter of a proper noun shall be in]
pahilkaa axar ‘kapital’ me` hoi. [Capital]
7.3 Kawano sirsak ke har shabd ke [7.3 The first letter of the heading of each word]
pahilaa axar ‘kapital’ me` hoi. [shall be in Capital letter.]
7.4 Kaarak: [7.4 Case:Linking words between nouns.]
7.4.1 Kartaa kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of a Subject: nil]
Kichuo naa.
Raam jaa taare. Raam ke baad kichuo naa. [Ram goes. Nothing after Raam.]
7.4.2 Karma Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Object: nil, to]
Kichuo naa, ‘ke’
Misaal: Raam aam khaa taaran. [Ram eats a mango.]
: Raam aam ke khaa taaran.
7.4.3 Kara0I Kaarak Ke cinh: [Sign of ‘mean’s or cause: by, with]
‘se’, ‘jarie’ [‘jarie’ = with]
Misaal: Sitaa kalam se likhataari. [Sitaa wries with a pen.]
7.4.4 Sampradaan Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Dative: ‘khaatir’, ‘ke’= for]
’khaatir’, ‘ke’
Misaal: Ee aam Raam khaatir baa. [This mango is for Ram.]
7.4.5 Aapaadaan Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Separation: ‘se’= from]
: ‘se’
Misaal: Aasmaan se barkha barsata. [It rains from the sky.]
7.4.6 Sambandh Kaarak ke cinh:‘ke’ [Sign of Relation: ‘ke’ = of]
Misaal: Raam ke gaay. [The cow of Ram.]
Sitaa ke bakri. [The goat of Sitaa.]
7.4.7 Adhikara0I Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of General Relation:]
‘me`, ‘me’, ‘par’ [‘me`’= in, ‘par’ = at, on]
Misaal: Uu ghar par baaRe. [He is at the house]
Bakasaa me` faraak baa. [The frock is in the box.]
7.5 Kichu Vaakya Banaawal Jaav. [Let us make some sentences.]
(1) Om, Raamogati, dehu sumati. [Om, Ram is velocity itself;
please give [me/ us] wisdom.]
(2) I`hawe se gyaan, vigyaan [Knowledge, science and wisdom starts]
aur buddhi vikaas suru ho gail. [developing from here itself.]
(3 )Ham Bhojpuri paD*ataani. [We study Bhojpuri.]
(4) Bhojpuri baRaa saral baa. [Bhojpuri is very easy.]
(5) Bhojpuri sab Mahadesan [Bhojpuri is spoken in all the continents to some ]me` kichu kichu bolal jaalaa. [extent.]
(6) Bhikhaari Thaakur Bhojpuri [ Thakur is said to be the Shakespeare
ke Sekspear havan. of Bhojpuri.]
(7) Sri Sivapujan Sahaay aur [Mr. Shivapujan Sahaya and Mr. Shaligram ]
Shaaligraam Shuklaa Bhojpuri [Shukla are the great grammaticians of
Vyakara0I ke baRahan Pandit havan.
(8) Sri Shivapujan Sahaaya ke [The birth place of Mr. Shivapujan]
janam staan jila Ara ab Bhojpur, Bihar, India. [Sahay is district Bhojpur, Bihar, India.]
(9) Sri Shaaligraam Shuklaa [Mr. Shaligram Shukla comes from South]
daxi0! Amerikaa ke Bhojpuri [America.and he is a Pandit of Bhojpuri.]
ke Pandit havan.
(10) KaroRo Bhojpuriaa log sansaar [Millions of Bhojpuri speaking persons are]
bhar me` basal baaRan. [spread all over the world.]
8. Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aur Sanskriti:
8.1 ‘Bhojpuri’ Hindi ke Kawano ‘boli’ naa ha~, baluk ee ta~ okar fuaa ha~:
Bhaasaa Shaastra ke anusaar ‘Bhojpuri bhaasaa’, Magahi, Awadhi, Bajjika, Maithili aadi bhaasaa sab ke bahin hai, aur Hindi bhaasaa ke bua, yani bap ke bahin. Bhojpuri ke janam Ara+Chhapra+Ballia me` bhail baa, baakir ekar vistaar Bharat me` aaj ke Madhya Pradesh, poorabi Uttar Prades, paschimi Bihaar, uttar-paschimi Jhaarkha0ID, uttar poorbi Chattisgarh; aur Nepaal ke Madhesi ke roop me bhail baa.
Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya ke jaware log Bhojpuria Sanskritio janelaa.
8. [Bhojpuri Literature and Culture:
8.1 Bhojpuri is not a dialect of Hindi, but it is a Generation higher:
According to the Linguistic Science, ‘Bhojpuri language’, is the aunt of Hindi and sister of Magahi, Awadhi, Bajjika, Maithili etc. Although Bhojpuri is born between Ara+Chhapra+Ballia, it has spread to Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Western Bihar,North-West Jharkhand, North East Chhattisgarh ; and as Madhesi of Nepal.
While learning Bhojpuri language and literature, people also learn Bhojpuri culture.]
Ekar saboot ekaraa naave se pataa calataa, jab ham kahataani ki Bhojpuri ke bistaar ‘Ara Chhaparaa ballia’ se le ke Rajaa Bhoj ke Bhojpur tak rahe. Ehi se iho pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri Raajaa Bhoj ke samay me` u`haa rahe, aur khoob rahe. Ehi se Bhojpuri ke janam sthaan Uttar Pradesh aur Bihaar rahe, bakir eh bhaasaa ke naav Raajaa Bhoj ke naav par paral.
[As a proof, its name itself suggests when we say that Bhojpuri is born in ‘Ara Chhaparaa ballia’ in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh but it is named after King Bhoj whose palace is situated in place in Bhojpur in present Madhya Pradesh state who of course reigned in entire North India.]
Baakir Raajaa Bhoj ke baad Bhaarat ke ‘Kariyaa Yug’ suru ho gail, eh se Bhojpuri Sahitya ke baD*e ke subidha naa milal.
[However, after King Bhoj, ‘Black Era’ started in India due to which there was no conducive atmosphere for development of Bhojpuri Literaure.]
Tabahu`o Sant Kabir Das ji aur Prakriti Kavi Ghaagh ke Dher kavitaa aur choT choT kahaaut Bhojpuri Saahitya ke baD*aave me` baRaa haa`th baa. Misaal ke roop me` neeche kuch likhal jaataa:
[Still the poems of poet Kavir Das and poetical sayings of the famous nature poet Ghaagh have helped in the development of Bhojpuri Literature. As an example some thing is produced below:]
(a) Prakriti Kavi Ghaagh:
Praakriti Vigyan ke kavi Ghaagh ta~ aisan aisan Bhojpuri me` kavita kailan ki paD*ke man khus ho jaalaa. Misaal ke roop me` unkar Bhojpuri ke ii kavita dekhi` je bahut laiTer mooD me kahal gail baa, bakir je oh samay ke sasur ji aur bahu raani ke khulal khulal lagaav dekhaawataa:
Sasurji apanaa laikaa ke le ke bahu raani se kaTax ke roop me` kavitaa me` budbudailan, kaahe ki unkar beta jab tab sasuraarie cal jaat rahas:
“Bina gavane sasurari jaay,
Binaa Maagh ghiv khichaRi khaay;
Bin barkhaa pehine khaRaua,
Ghaagh Kahe ii teeno kauaa.”
Ee sun ke Bahu Raanio cup rahe waali naa rahi aur haluk haluk bolali:
“Kaam pare sasurari jaay,
Man chaahe ghiv khichaRi khaye;
Jogi ban ke pahine khaRauaa,
Bahu kahe ki Ghaaghe Kaua”.
[Due to frequent visit of the son to his in-laws, the father-in-law utters the following poem so that the daughter-in-law may here the same:
“Who goes to in-laws before a ceremony,
Without winter takes butter rice+pulse,
Without rain who wears gumboot,
Ghaagh says the three are a Crow”.
Hearing this, how could the daughter-in-law keep quiet, she also uttered in light mood:
“On an assignment, one can go to in-laws,
On desire, one can take butter rice+pulse,
On being a saint, one can wear a gumboot,
Daughter-in-law says, Ghaagh himself is crow”.]
I`haa` kavi Ghaagh ke kahaaut se jah`waa ee pata calataa ki, ‘Ek susanskrit aadami ke kaa kare ke caahi`, ta~ dusari or iiho pataa calataa ki tab ke bahu logan ke caturaai kaisan rahe.
[The nature poet Ghaagh has created such poetical sayings that one becomes knowledgeable about scientific facts of climatic and weather, but enjoys the same. As for example let us go through the following poem of Ghaagh in lighter mood showing the open relation between a father- in –law and a daughter-in-law.]
(b) Ghaagh ke Kahaut:
Ghaaghe kavi ke dosar vikhyaat Prakriti ke le ke ek kahaut neeche dekhi`:
“Na Maaghe jaaR, na Meghe jaaR;
Jab bahe bayaar, tab jaaRe jaaR”.
[A Saying of Ghagh:
Please look at the popular second Saying of the Nature poet Ghagh:
“Cold feeling is not due to
The season or rains,
It’s cold and colder,
Whenever wind blows”.
It means, cold is not felt due to the winter or due to the rains; whenever cold wind blows, it becomes sever cold.
This is scientifically true that for feeling cold, simply low temperature is not essencial. Air is an insulator of heat, so it must blow so as to remove heat from the body of a person to feel cold.
Thus, ‘Thermal Science’ is fully used by the Nature Poet Ghagh of India.]
8.2 Bhojpuri Ke Bhaarat me` Sthaan:
8.2.1 Bhaarat me` aaj Aasin 2070 Vikram Samvat tak, yaani akTubar 2013AD tak sarkaar ke or se kavano uchit sthaan naikhe milal, jabki ii Bhojpurie Samaaj ha~ je Bhaarat ke pahilaa Raastrapati [Da Rajendra Prasaad] Chapra, Bihaar se aur du du Pradhaan Mantrio [Sri Lal Bahaadur Shastri ji aur Sri Chandrashekhar ji duno Uttar Prasesh ke Bhojpuri Chetra ke] delas.
8.2.1 [To day till Aaswin 2070 Vikrami or October 2013 AD, no desirable position is provided to Bhojpuri by the Government of India, where as it is the Bhojpuri Samaj which has produced the first President of India [Dr Rajendra Prasaad] from Chapra and two Prime Ministers [namely: Shri Lal Bahadur shastri and Shri Chandrashekhar ji] from the Bhojpuri area of Uttar Pradesh, India.]
8.2.2 Je Bhojpuri Bhasaa sansaar ke 20 karoR se jaadaa log bolat hokas, je me` se adhikaans log Bharate me` rahelan, oh bhaasaa ke le ke Bhaarat Sarkaar ke or se maanyataa naa hokhe, ee baat Bhaarat Sarkaar khaatir baRaa dukh ke baat baa; aur eh se ii saaf pataa calataa ki ii sarkaar ke logan se kavano matlab naikhe, sivay logan se vot lewe ke.
8.2.2 [Bhojpuri language is spoken by over 200 million people of the world, most of whom live in India, but it is pitiable for the Government of India not to provide recognition of this language, which shows the Government is hardly concerned about the people, except for the vote.]
8.2.3 Kavir aur Ghaagh jaisan Bhojpuri ke Dher kavi log Bhaarat me` chichiaat rahelan, baakir kavano sarkaar Bhojapuri khatir aaj tak kuchhuo naa kailas. Ii`haa` tak ki Bhaarat ke swatantrataa ke 65 baris baado Bhojapuri ke lekhakan aur kavian ke kawano eh des me` pooch aur mahatam naikhe.
Aaj tak Bhojapuri ke janam sthaan Bhaarate me` Bhaarat Sarkaar se eh bhaasaa ke maanyataa naikhe dele, ta~ aur subidhaa deve ke bisay me` ka kahal jaav.
8.2.3 [Many poets like Kavir and Ghaagh kept on wandering in India since ages, but so far none of the Government of India did anything tangible for development of Bhojpuri. Even after 65 years of Independence, there is no importance of any poet or writer of Bhojpuri.
Till today Bhojpuri language has not been recognized by the Government of India in its birth place itself, then what to talk about providing other facilitates for its growth; although in a number of foreign countries like neighboring country Nepal Bhojpuri is recognized in some form or other.]
8.2.4 Bhaasaa Vigyaan kaa Kahataa?:
Bhaasaa Vigyaan ke anusaar Bhojpuri Hindi ke buaa hokhalaa ke baado sarkaari log kahela ki Bhojpuri ta~ Hindi ke ek dialect yaani upbhaasaa ha~. Eh baat par taras aawata ki Bhaarat Sarkaar ke log iho naikhe jaanataran ki Bhaasaa Shaastra ke anusaar Bhojpuri ta~ Hindi ke Buaa hai; ehise Hindi ke aage baD*aave me` Bhojpuria logan ke bahut haath baa, je me` pramukh baaran:
8.2.4 [What does Linguistic Science Says?
Although according to Linguistic Scientists Bhojpuri is at Higher Generation along with Awadhi, Magahi, Bengali etc. compared to Hindi, still Government of India considers it as a ‘Dialect of Hindi’. It is pitiable to say that the Government Officials are unaware of the fact that Bhojpuri is the Aunt of Hindi, then how can she be the dialect of Hindi; it can be vise versa.
Here it may be noteworthy that being at higher generation, many Bhojpuria people have helped in the development of Hindi, which would be clear from the following.]
(a) ‘Sant Kabir’ jekar ‘Nirgun Kavit’ Bhojpuri ke sab se puraan kavit manal jaa sakelaa, je aaj se karib 800 baris pahile bhail rahan. Bakir, Sant Kabir Hindio ke naami kavi havan.
[The ‘Nirgun Kavita’ of Saint Kabir written in Bhojpuri some 800 years ago, can be considered as one of the oldest available Bhojpuri poem. But Saint Kavir is well known Hindi poet as well.]
(b) ‘Raamdatta Shuklaa’ ke Devikasaarcharit, 1884 AD.
[Devisarcharit by ‘Ramdatta Shukla’, 1884 AD]
(c) ‘Raam Garib Chaube’ ke ‘Jangal Me` Mangal’ aur ‘Naagari Bilaap’, Unaisavi Sataabdi ke.
[‘Jangal me Mangal’ and ‘Naagari Bilap’ of ‘Ram Garib Chaube’.]
( d) ‘MahapanDit Raahul Sankrityaayan’ ke Bhojpuri lekhak, Hindi ke` ‘GhumakkaR Shaashtr’ jaisan kitaaban ke lekhak havan.
[‘Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan’, a Bhojpuri writer is a writer of well known book ‘Ghumakkad Shastra’.]
(d) Mahaabir Prasaad Dvivedi aur Munsi Premchand ji Bhojpuriaa rahan, baakir ee log Hindi ke pramukh lekhak havan.
[Mahavir Prasad Dvivedi and Munsi Premchand are Bhojpuriaa, but they are famous Hindi writers.]
(e) ‘Shivpujan Sahaaya’, ‘Bhojpuri Vyaakaran’ ke racayitaa havan, bakir uu Hindi ke vikhyaat lekhako havan.
[‘Shivpujan Sahaya’ is a bhojpuria and the writer of ‘Bhojpuri Vyakaran’, but he is a famous Hindi writer.]
Aur Dher aisanke Bhojpuriaa log baaRan je Hindi ke baD*aave me` aapan sab jinagi bitaa delan.
Ab aur katanaa din Hindi Bhojpuri ke cusat rahi?
Kaa ee sab jaanalaa ke baado ee kahal Theek baa ki Bhojpuri Hindi ke ek Bhag ha~?
8.2.4 [According to Linguistic Science:
Although according to the Linguistic Scientists Bhojpuri is the ‘paternal aunt’ of Hindi. It is pitiable to find that the Government officials are not aware that Bhojpuri is the ‘Aunt of Hindi’ according to the Linguistic Science, but the Government officials say that Bhojpuri is a Dialect of Hindi.
On the other hand, being at higher Generation many Bhojpuri people have tried to develop Hindi, the main persons of whom are the following:
(a) The ‘Nirgun Poems’ of Saint Kabir Das can be considered as the original known Bhojpuri write up which was written about 800 years ago. But the Saint is considered as the famous Hindi Poet.
(b) Devikasaarcharit of ‘Ramdatta Shukla’, 1884 AD
(c) The writer of ‘Jangal Me Mangal’ and ‘Nagari Bilap’ Mr. Ram Garib Caube in Ninteenth Centuri.
(d) The famous writer from Bhojpuri area, Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, wrote ‘GhumakkaR Shashtra’ in Hindi.
(e) The famous Hindi writers Mahabir Prasad Dwivedi and Munsi Premchand come from Bhojpuri area and are Bhojpuriya.
(f) Shivpujan Sahaaya, the writer of ‘Bhojpuri Vyaakaran’ was a famous writer of Hindi.
There are many Bhojpuri people who spent their whole life for the development of Hindi.
How long Hindi should depend on Bhojpuri?
Knowing all these, can we say ‘Bhojpuri is a part of Hindi?
* In case Bhojpuri is a Part of Hindi with all its distinct words, distinct grammar, distinct ascents, why Sindhi, Panjaabi, Odiya, Bengali being at the same hierarchical level are not called dialects of Hindi? After all there are Bengli-Hindi, Panjabi-Hindi, Madrasi-Hindi just like Bhojpuria-Hindi; and why all these languages shouldn’t be included as dialects of Hindi! These questions are posed primarily for Government of India.]
8.3 Sansaar Me` Bhojpuri ke Sthaan:
Aaj poore sansaar me` Bhojpuri 20 karoR se jaadaa log bolelan. Bhaarat se baahar kuch desan me` Bhojpuri ke kai tarah se maanyataa baa; jaise Nepaal, Fizi aur Daxin Amerika ke kuch desan me`.
Ee hars ke baat baa.
Baakir Bhaarat me` Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa aaj tak naikhe bhail, je bahut jaruri baa kaahe ki Bhojpuri bole waalaa adhikans log Bhaarate me` baaRan aur Bhaarate me` Bhojpuri ke janamo bhail baa.
8.3 [Global Status of Bhojpuri:
Presently more than 200 million people speak Bhojpuri in the world.
Outside India, Bhojpuri is recognized in countries like Nepal, Fiji and some countries of South America.
This is praiseworthy.
However, Bhojpuri is not recognized in India itself, till today which is very important since majority of Bhojpuri speakers come from India, and India is the birth place of Bhojpuri.]
8.4 ‘Prachalit Bhojpuri’ Saahitya ke Vikaas.
Ee Maanyataa baa ki kavano Bhaasaa ke vikaas okar Saahitya ke vikaas se dekhal jaalaa. Kaalaantar se Saahitya ke maane: lekh, kaThaa, upanyaas, naaTak, Kaavya, kavitaa, nibandh aadi se lel jaa laa.
Baakir upar likhal gail baa ki Dher kaaran se pahile Bhojpuri ke bikaas naa ho sakal.
8.4 [Development of ‘Popular Bhojpuri Literature’:
It is considered that the development of a language is due to the development of its literature. Since ages, literature is taken as: Nibandha, story, novel, drama, verse, poem etc.
But it is already written that due to many factors, the development of Bhojpuri could not take place in India.
Ee ta~ ‘Girmitiyaa Logan’ ke balihaari deveke caahi`; caahe Bhikaari Thaakur jaisan ‘Drishya-Sravya-Kavya’ ke Dhani ‘NauTankian’ ke prabhaava; ki Bhojpuri Bhaasaa Bhaarat aur Nepaal se baahar door deshan me` nikal gail aur Bhojpuriyaa logan ke Buddhi- vicaar, aur mehnat ke prabhaav kahi` ki aaj sansaar me` 20 karoR se jaadaa log Bhojpuri bole waalaa ho gail baaRan;
Caahe ‘Gangaa Maiyaa Tohe Piari CaD*aibo’ naav ke Bhojpuri sinema jaisan ‘Drisya-Sravya-Kavya’ ke prabhaav je Bhaarat aur dosaro desan me` Bhojpuriyaa Samaaj’ me` Beesvi` Satabdi me` sansaar bhar me` tahalkaa macaa delas, aur batalaa delas ki Bhojpuri ke Laikan – Laikian me` ‘Drisya-Sravya-Kavya’ me` katanaa camatkaarik prabhaav baa, aur uu log kaa camatkaar naa ka~ sakelan!
[This is the gift of ‘Girmitiya People’; or the result of Audio-Vidual Performances of ‘Nautanki’ of Bhikhari Thakur which caused the spreading of Bhojpuri in far away countries from India and Nepal and due to their hard labor, intelligence and wisdom; over 200 million people speak Bhojpuri in the world;
or it may be the result of the tremendous success of the maiden Bhojpuri picture named “Ganga Maiya Tohe Piari Chadaibo” in Twentieth Century which revolutionized the young boys and girls throughout the word. This picture also showed what the boys and girls could achieve using Audio-Visual Performances in Twentieth Century.]
Ita~ kahi` ki lok hit me` Bhaarat me` 1963 ke baad ‘Gangaa Maiya Tohe Piari CaD*aibo’ naav se ek sinemaa banal aur okaraa baad Bhojpuri sinemaa me` lokpriyataa ke calte baaD* aa gail. Aaj Bhojpuri ke ‘sinemaa ke sansaar’ me` aapan alage sthaan ho gail baa.
[In the interest of people in 1963 in India, the picture named ‘Ganga Maiya Tohe Piari Chadaibo’, which means, ‘Oh Mother Ganga we shall offer you yellow colored Dress’ was released in Bhojpuri first time after the success of which, the market got flooded with Bhojpuri Films.]
Ehi film ke lokapriyataa se Bhaarat me` aaj anek praivet Bhojpuri Tee Vee Cainalo cal rahal baa, jekar lokapriyataa din dugunaa, raat caugunaa roop se baD* rahal baa.
[Due to such success and popularity of Bhojpuri film, a number of private Bhojpuri TV Channels are now operating today in India and the film-industry as well as Bhojpuri Journalism-industry is growing leaps and bound, providing carrier to 100 thousands youths; and developing them in Art and Bhojpuri Culture as well as Audio-Vidual Literature full of songs and dances.]
Baakir hamanike ee kahe me` taniko sankoc naikhe ki Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya ke durdasa ke khaas kara0I Bhaarat Sarkaar ke eh bhaasaa ke prati aaj Sawan 2070 Vikrami tak ke nakaaraatmak rawaiya baa.
[But the main cause of the impediment of Bhojpuri language and literature is the negative attitude of the Government of India till today, October 2013.]
Ee ta~ Girmitia Logan ke khoon-paseenaa, lagan, Bhojpuri Bhaasaa aur Sanskriti se prem kahi` jekaraa calte aaj Bhojpuri ke sab Mahadesan me` bikaas bhail; naa ta~ Bhaarat Sarkaar ta~ Hindi ke bikaas ke fer me` Bhojpuri ke cabaa cabaa ke muaiye debeke Thaan le le biaa, kabahu` ekaraa ke Hindi ke upbhaasaa kah ke, ta~ kabhu` ekaraa ke Hindi ke ek bhaag banaa ke.
[It is the hard labor, dedication and love for the Bhojpuri language and culture of the Immigrants and the vast bhojpuria people of India which resulted into the development of Bhojpuri in the world; otherwise for the sake of development of Hindi, Government of India could have ruined Bhojpuri for good.]
Naa ta~ ee kaise sambhava hoit ki Bhaarat ke pahilaa Raastrapati Da Rajendra Prassad, Pradhaan Mantri Sri Lalbahaadur Shaastri, Pradhaan Mantri Sri Candrashekhar, Uppradhaan Mantri Sri Jagjeevan Raam, aur aaj ke Bhaarat ke Speakar Smt Meeraa Kumaar jaisan logan ke maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ke aisan durdasa hokhit ki apne janam bhumi me` Bhojpuri ke Sarkaar me` kavano sthaan naikhe?
[Otherwise, how can such pitiable situation is to faced by Bhojpuri that it is recognized in about half a dozen counties of the world, but not recognized in its birth place itself in India on flimsy grounds as described earlier although about 200 million people speak it in India, although it is the mother tongue of the first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad, Prime Ministers Sri Lalbahadur Shastri, Sri Candrashekhar, Dy PM Sri Jagjeevan Ram, aur present Speakar Smt Meeraa Kumaar.]
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aur Naatak ke vikaas me` ham garva se Sri Bhikhaari Thakur, Sri Raahul Saankrityayan, Sri Shivapujan Sahaaya aadi ke naav le sakile.
[We can say with proud that persons like Sri Bhikhari Thakur, Sri Rahul Sankrityayan, Sri Shivapujan Sahaya have made lot of contribution in the development of Bhojpuri language and literature.]
Ee saaf saaf kahal jaa sakelaa ki aaj Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya jawanaa jagah par baa, okar poora sreya Bhojpuri bhaasi logan parbaa, Bhojpuri sinemaa par baa, Bhojpuri praivet Tee Vee Cainalan, geet gaawewaala log, naac karewaalaa log, sinemaa waalaa log, kalaakaar, profesnal logan aur Patrakaaran par baa; aur sab Bhojpuria logan par baa.
[It can be clearly said that today in the 1st quarter of 21st Century, whatever place Bhojpuri Language and Literature have achieved, it is all due to the lovers of Bhojpuri, Bhojpuri Cinema, Bhojpuri Private TV Channels, Media, Film makers, actors, singers, dancers and all Speakers of Bhojpuri.]
‘Bhojpuri ke Sekspear, Shri Bhikhaari Thaakur Ji’ ke kirti aisanrahe ki unkar ‘NauTanki’ ke dekhe khaatir log das bees koso se dekhat dekhate jauriaa jaat rahan. Ee lekhak saubhaagyashaali baaRan je unkaa Sri Bhikhaari Thaakur ke Capara, Bihaar me ek Navtanki dekhe ke milal. Eh me uu Bhagwaan Raam ke 60 purukhan ke naav le le ke naac naac ke geet gawalan. Mahaa Kavi Kaalidas likhit ‘Raghuvans Mahakaavya’ aisan caraca naikhe.
[The Nautanki of Bhojpuri performed by the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri Sri Bhikhari Thakur used to be so popular that it used to attract people from 40 to 60 km. The writer had privileged to attend one of such program of Sri Bhikhari Thakur in Capra, Bihar where he was astonished to listen the names of the 60 forefathers of Lord Ram, since even in the ‘Radhubans Mahakavya’ written by Maha Kavi Kalidas, it was not available.]
‘Bhojpuri Kokilaa Shardaa Sinhaa’ aur ‘Sambhaavanaa Seth” jaisan lokgeet gaavewaali pramukh kalaakari baaRi log.
[The Bhojpuri singers and dancers like ‘Bhojpuri Kokila Sharda Sinha and Sambhavana Seth are very famous artists.]
9. Bhojpuri, Ek Aadhunik Saahitya:
Aaj hamni ke garv se kah sakataani ki, “Bhojpuri Saahitya sansaar ke ek unnat Saahitya me` se ha~ jekar ‘drisya-srabya-kaavya’ khoob unnat ho rahal baa”. Ee sab saikaRo bhojpuri-sinemaa, emel par sambaad aadan-pradaan, laakho` geet, sangeet, jok, vyang, ViDiO par naac-gaanaa ke roop me`, aur Tee Vee Cainalan ke roop me`, je me` ‘Mahua Cainal’ aur ‘Hamaar Tee Vee’ ke naav le jaa sakela, aur je ‘Patrakaaritaa’ ke jariye sansaar me` Bhojpuri Saahitya ke pracaar prasaar 24x7 ke roop kare me` laagal baaD*an.
9. [Bhojpuri, a Modern Literature:
Today we can say with proud that ‘Bhojpuri Literature is one of the Modern Literature of the world whose Audio-Visual-Literature is fast developing. All these are possible due to hundreds of Bhojpuri cinemas, millions of Email and SMS communications, songs, music, jokes, criticisms, dances-songs on videos, and 24x7 TV Chanel like ‘Mahua TV’, ‘Hamar TV’ are also engaged as News Channels, Bhojpuri Media and in Journalism. All these are busy in the development and spreading of Bhojpuri literature @ 24x7.]
Bhojpuri ke lokapriyataa ke calte aaj Daxin Bhaarat ke Dher saare sinemaa sab ke dhaRalle se Bhojpuri me` Dab kail jaa rahal baa.
Ee sab “Aadhunik Bhojpuri Saahitya ke roope Ta~ ha~”.
[In view of the popularity of Bhojpuri Cinema and heavy demand now a days many South Indian pictures are being dubbed in Bhojpuri and shown in TV Chanel.
All these are now “The different forms of Modern Bhojpuri Literature”.]
Bhojpuri ke aadhunik bhaasaa hokhe ke calte ‘tathaa kathit Saahitya’ ke naav par ham okaraa ke AaThvi`- Navvi` Sataabdi me` ta~ naa le jaa sakilaa.
[Since Bhojpuri is a modern language we can’t take her to 8th and 9th Cenuri in the name of ‘The so called Literature’ of the ‘Old School’.]
Saahitya ke puraan jariya, jaise kitaab-kaagaj par pen se lekhan aadi ke aaj InTarneT ke jamaanaa me` kaa mahatva rah gail baa? Aur www, ‘sansaar bhar-ke-makaR jaal’ me` Bhojpuri kavano Saahitya se peeche naikhe.
[In the modern era of www, world-wide-web and internet, what is the importance of the old means of presentation of literature like writing books on paper with pen? And Bhojpuri is not behind any one in www.]
Lekin eh sab roop me` Bhojpuri ke vikaas me Bhaarat Sarkaar ke kavano yogdaan naikhe. Ee katanaa saram ke baat baa?
[But in all these methods of development of Bhojpuri, the role of the Government of India is hardly visible. What a shameful situation.]
Jadi Bhaarat Sarkaar ee sab jaanio ke abahi`yo ‘Bhojpuri’ ke Sambidhaan ke AaThvi` Suci me` naa saamil kari, ta~ Sarkaar khaatir baRa saram ke baat hoi.
[Even after knowing all these, in case Government of India do not include ‘Bhojpuri’ in the Eighth Shedule of the Constitution, then it will create a very shameful situation for the Government.]
10. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
Aaj Bhojpuri khali gaawal-bajaawal, geet-weet, saas-bahu, caahe culha-caukaa bhar naikhe rah gail, Bhojpuri saahitya me` aaj bahut kaamkaaji log saamil ho gail baaRan; uu caahe kawano vyaapari hokhas, caahe shixak, Thikedaar hokhas caahe proffesar, caahe vaigyaaik hokhas caahe khetihar, caahe injiniar hokhas caahe Daaktar kulhi log Bhojpurie me` batiaawelan. Aur ee log Bhojpurie me` likhabo karelan; baakir email aur www par.
[Now a days, Bhojpuri is not only for singers, musitians, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, kitchen oven work, but many professionals use Bhojpuri; who may be a business man or a teacher, a contractor or a professor, a scientist or a farmer, an engineer or a physician or surgeon. All talk in Bhojpuri, and write also in Bhojpuri but mostly in email or on www.]
Aaj ke Bhojpuri ke neece udaahara0I del jaataa.
[Some examples of present Bhojpuri is vgiven below.]
10.1 Asali Janatantra: Suraaj
Lekhak: Da de da Sharmaa,
Raajnaitik Vishleshak
[Real Democracy: Suraaj
By : Dr DD Sharma,
A Political Analyst]
[For full English Verson of the Article one may Goto: google+]
Bahut log hamaraa se sahmat naa ho sakelan [ham akele naikhi`], baakir Ekaiswi` Sataabdi ke pahilaa cauThans A. Dee. me` [caahe
1 972 949 200 waa` Sataabdi ke pahilaa cauThans me`: ‘rig Ved’ ke anusaar] dharti par saayade karib aadhaa darjan desan me` Janatantra hokhe!
Ee naa bhulaai` ki Brahma0ID ke ‘IHLOK’ bhaag me` saayad hamni se jaadaa sivilaijD log hokhas, jadi hamni ke ‘Itarlok’ ke bisay me` naa baat kari`.
Hamni ke Suraaj: Asali Janatantra ke baat karataani jaa,
Je Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke sapanaa rahe,
Ek or, uu Demokraisi je Abraaham Linkon ke so`c rahe,
aur dosar or, jekaraa ke Ulyanov, Lenin samajhalan.
Hamni ke uu Demokraisi ke baat naikhi` karat je dharti ke adhikaans desan me` :Baa` ta~, aur Raaj kara~: ke paarTi-poliTiks karelaa aur aapan ullu sidha karelaa;
Ham okaro baat naikhi` karat je me` 30% log, 70% par Raaj karelaa, aur kahelaa ki bahumat ke Raaj baa;
Ekaraa ke bahumat ke Raaj kaise kahal jaa sakelaa?
Hamaraa shak baa ki rauaa log aisan karab!
Kaa rauaa aisan karab?
Kaa 30% ke bahumat Raaj rauaa ke aisan kare dee?
Ee ek Tho so`ce ke baat baa;
dheyan se so`cal jaay.
Mahaatmaa Mohandaas Karamcand Gaandhi aisan so`calan, aur oh tarah se karahu` ke so`calan, afasos! Uu aisan kar sakitan!!
Abraaham Linkon so`calan, Kaarl Maarxo so`calan aur bahut kuch 13 desan me` karib 60 baris tak kaibo kailan jahaa` ee dekhal gail ki uu`haa` karib 95% se 98% log, 100% khus rahan.
Lekin, dekhalaa par biswaas karhi` ke paRelaa.
Je ham dekhani: oh par biswaas kaini.
Bhaarat ke kuch ‘Jansanghi’, tab ke ek ati-daxinpanthi paarTi, jekar aaj ke Awataar ha~ BJP, uu log je sapano me` so`c naa sakat rahan ki ee saa`c h ho sakelaa ki uu log je kitaaban me`, patrika aur akhabaaran me` paD*le rahan, unkar sab gyaan, paD*aai aur bisawaas, khaali ek haptaa ke Soviet Yunion dekhalaa par dhwast ho jaai.
Aahcarya va bicitra!!
Ek aisan des dekh ke jahaa` 95% se 98% log, 100 % khus hokhas!
Uu log hamaraa se puchalan ki uu logan ke ee objarbhesan kahaa` tak sahi baa ‘Je uu dekhalan’? Eh Logan me` Bhaarat ke har kon ke log rahan, Kanyaa Kumaari se Kaasmir, aur Aasaam se Gujraat ke.
Ham kahani, “Eehaa` 95% se 98% log Satye bolelaa, khaali Saa`c”.
Uu log ee kahe khatir chatpataa gailan ki:
Ee he sau Takaa ke baat baa, Da Sharmaa: Jahaa` 95% se 98 % log Satya bolelan, ta~ uuhaa` 95% se 98% log, 100% khuse hokhi.
Uu log ‘Satyameva Jayate’ jaanat rahan.
Uu`haa` Suraaj rahe. Demokraisi rahe.
‘Baa`T Baa`T ke raaj naa’.
Uu`haa` 25% se 30% log, baaki sab logan par Raaj naa karat rahan.
Bahumat, Alpmat ke Raaj naa,
PaarTi PoliTikso naa.
Bhaarat ke Graam Pancaayat Raaj me` kavano PaarTi PoliTiks naa hokhe. Log aapan man se apanaa kainDiDet ke cunelan, kavano PaarTi ke naa.
Mahatmaa Gaandhi aisan Graam Pancayatan ke caahat rahan.
:Asali Janatantra:
Asali Janatantra me` aadami aadami me` farak naa kail jaay.
Naa ta~ kehu Raaja hokhas, naa kehu Raani.
Naa kehu Prajaa.
Janataa ke Cunal log, janataa ke caakar holan, Sarkaar naa.
Sab sarkaar ke naukar log, Janatantra me` janataa ke naukar holan.
Sarkaari ohda par kaam karewaalaa sab log, des aur janataa ke naukar holan.
Tathaakathit ‘PaarliaamenTari Demokraci’ joR-toR par aadhaarit hokhelaa: Netaa, Raajaa caahe Raani ke seva khaatir; naa ki janataa ke sevaa khaatir.
Eh me` ee sab joR-toR ke kaam holaa, Netaa ke.
10.2 Bhaarat Sara0I dataa+ Praakritic Secular:
[India is a Selter for All and Naturally Secular]
Aadi kaal se Bhaarat me` alag alag samaaj aur bicaar, alag alag jaati aur mat, alag alag deshan ke logan ke saath saath khusi khusi rahe waalaa desh ha~.
[Since ages India is considered as a Selter for different societies, people of divers thoughts, coming from different countries living together happily.]
Udahara0I khaatir hamaraa saamne aaj ‘Hindustaan Taims’, Dilli ke 12.10.2013 ke akabaar rakhal baa, jekaraa anusaar sansaar se ab ‘Paarasi Samaaj’ saayad lupta ho sakela ‘Haarvaard Vishvavidyaalay’ ke ek sarve ke anusaar.
[As for example in front of me there is a copy of ‘Hindustan Times’, New Delhi of 12.10.2013, according to which the ‘Parsi Society’ is moving towards extinction according to a survey of Harvard University.]
Chetra [Area ] Paarsi log Parsi Pratisat %
Uttar Amerikaa 15500 13.3
[North America[
Baaki Amerikaa 2500 2.1
[Rest of America]
Yu Ke UK 5000 4.3
Astreliaa +
Niu ZealainD 3000 2.4
[Australia &
New Zealand]
Iraan [Iran (Persia)]
(puraan Paaras) 19500 16.7
Paakistaan 1766 1.5
Bhaarat [India] 69601 55.7
Kulhi [Total] 116867 100
• Ab Jadi uupar ke % ke aadhaar par dekhal jaav, ta~ ee kahal jaa sakelaa ki kavan des katanaa Secular baa; khaas kar ke Iraan ke aas paas ke desan ke dekhal jaay tab. Eehaa` Pakistaan ke haalat dayaneeya baa.
[On the basis of the percentage shown above, we may say that which country is how much Secular; particularly about Iran and its neighboring countries. Here the status of Pakistan is pitiable.]
• Aaj jadi ‘Paarsi Samaaj’ par dhyaan naa del jaai ta~,
ee Samaaj lupto ho sakelaa, jab ki ee log bahut milansaar, karmaTh aur audyogik hokhelan.
[In case timely attension is not given to ‘Parse Society’, they may soon become extinct; although they are very social, hard working and industrious.]
10.3 Bhojpuri Sambandhi Adhikans DaaTaa Bekaar.
[Most Data about Bhojpuri is Unrealistic.]
Bhojpuri ke le ke adhikans DaaTaa, caahe uu Bhaarat Sarkaar ke hokhe, caahe dosar ke, ham sahi naa pawali`. Ekar ek khaas kaar0I neece del jaataa:
[Most data abaut Bhojpuri, whether they are from the Government of India, or from others, I didn’t found to be realistic. This is due to a particular factor given below:]
Ee`haa` ham ek udahara0I de taani jeh se ee samajh me` aa jaai ki adhikans Sarkaari DaaTaa kaahe sahi naa hokhe.
[Here is an example which shows how most of the Data related to Bhojpuri provided by the Government of India are far from being correct.]
Hamaar “Maatri bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~”; baad me` ham Hindi, Sanskrit, Bajjikaa, English, Bengaali aadi bhaasaa ek ke baad ek sikhani.
[My “Mother tongue is Bhojpuri” later on, I learnt Hindi, Sanskrit, Bajjika, English, Bhojpuri etc. one after another.]
Ham caahat rahi` ki hamaar ‘Maatri bhaasaa Bhojpuri’ sab jagah likhal jaay, baakir ‘Sarkaari Faaram me` ta~ Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke kahi` naave naa rahe’; eh se sab jagah hamaar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Hindi’ likhaa gail.
[I wished that everywhere my ‘Mother tongue should be written as Bhojpuri’, but in the ‘Government formats’ there was no trace or choice to indicate ‘Bhojpuri’, due to this everywhere my ‘Mother tongue’ had to be recorded as Hindi.]
>>> Eehe haalat karoRo Bhojapuriaa logan ke Bhaarat me` baa, aur unkar ‘Maatri bhaasaa’ Deefault me` ‘Hindi’ ho jaalaa. Eh se karoRo log jekar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~, okar Maatri Bhaasaa Sarkaari kaagajan me` ‘Hindi’ likh del jaa laa’ aajo; je ek dam sahi naikhe.
>>> [Similar problem was and is being faced by millions of Bhojpuri people, and their ‘mother tongue’ is recorded in Government documents as ‘Hindi’, which are not at all correct.]
‘maikro sarve’:
Ham tab Agast 2013 me` ek ‘maikro sarve’ ee jaane khaatir kaini ki Bhojpuri jaane waalaa log katanaa baaRan.
[‘micro survey’:
Then in August 2013, a ‘micro survey’ was carried out just to find how many people know Bhojpuri.]
‘Eh ‘maikro sarve’ me` ham khaali uu logan se jekar Maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~, unke se puchali` ki Sarkaari kaagajaatan me` unkar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ kaa likhal baa, ta~ pataa calal ki 112 logan me` se:
(a) khaali 2 aadmi ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Bhojpuri’,
(b) 12 aadmi ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’, ‘Urdu’
(c) Baaki 98 logan ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Hindi’
[In this ‘micro survey’ I contacted only those persons who knew Bhojpuri as First Language and asked, “What were their Mother tongue in the Government Documents”. Then I came to know that out of total 112 persons:
(a) only 2 persons’ Mother tongue was ‘Bhojpuri’.
(b) 12 persons had Mother tongue ‘Udhu’.
(c) The Mother tongue of the rest 98% persons was ‘Hindi’]
Uupar ke ‘maikro sarve’ ke risalt:
(a) Bhojpuri Bhaasi = 1.79 %
(b) Urdu Bhaasi = 10.71 %
(c) Hindi Bhaasi = 87.50%
[The result of the above ‘micro survey’:
(a) Bhojpuri speaking persons = 1.79 %
(b) Urdu = 10.71 %
(c) Hindi speaking persons = 87.50 % ]
Sahi rijalt:
Upar ke 112 aadmi me` se sab ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Bhojpuri’ rahe, saaf pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri bolewaalaa log 100 % hokhe ke caahi`.
[Correct Result:
The mother tongue of all the 112 persons were ‘Bhojpuri’, accordingly the number of Bhojpuri speaking persons should have been 100 %.]
Baakir ee sarve se pataa calal ki jaadaa se jaadaa 2 % log Bhojpuri bole waalaa baaRan.
[But this survey shows that the Bhojpuri speaking persons were hardly 2 %.]
Eh se ham kah sakataani ki Bhaarat Sakaar ke Bhojpuri khatir kawano DaaTaa ke kawno arath naikhe.
Ekar asal kaara0I eehe baa ki Bhaarat Sarkaar aaj tak Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa naikhe dele. Ekar niraakara0I Bharat Sarkaar ke jaldi se jaldi kare ke caahi`.
[Due to this it can be said that there is no meaning of any Government Data related to Bhojpuri.
The main cause of this is non-recognition of Bhojpuri by the Government of India. Ramadial action must be taken by Government of India without further loss of time]
Ee he ha~ Bhaarat ke adhikans DaaTaa ke roop!
[Such is the status of most Indian Data.]
Ekare calte Sarkaari dastaabejan ke anusaar Bhaarat me` Bhojpuri jaane waalaa logan ke sankhyaa karib 4 karoR batawal jaalaa, je ekdam sahi naikhe. Jadi kulhi Bhojpuri bole waalaa logan ke anumaan lagaawal jaay [Maatri Bhaasaa + dosar Bhojpuri jaane waalaa log], ta~ sahi me` ee sankhyaa 20 karoR se 25 karoR ho sakelaa, Bhaarat se baahar Bhojpuri bole waalaa logan ke le ke.
[Due to this, according to Government documents the number of people knowing Bhojpuri is about 40 million. However, the total number of persons speaking Bhojpuri in India [Mother tongue or First lanuage and Second language] is estimated as 200 million to 250 million including persons outside India.]
‘Taims auf Indiaa’ ke anusaar Bhojpuri bole waalaa log 20 karoR ho sakelaa, jaisan ki uupar likhal gail baa.
[According to ‘The Times of India’, the number of persons speaking Bhojpuri can be 200 million, something as stated above.]
Ta~ Bhaarat Sarkaar ke DaTa ke ka maane bhail?
[Now what is the meaning of the Data of the Government of India?]
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke Bhojpuri se Sauteli Maai jaisan Ristaa:
Bhojpuri ke Bharate me` sarkaar se maanyata naikhe, aur ekara ke Hindi ke ek bhaag maan lel gail baa. Ehi se Bhojpuri ke Sansaaro me` kavano sthaan naikhe. Ee sab ke jaR me` Bhaarat Sarkaar ke Bhojpuri khatir sautelaa byavhaar baa. Eh tarah se Bhaarat sarkaar Bhojpuri ke baD*aawe ke badle sapres karatiaa. Bhaarat Sarkaar ke jan hit me` aapan rawaiyaa badle ke caahi`.
[Step motherly Treatment of Government of India towards Bhojpuri:
In India Bhojpuri is not recognised by the Government and it is taken as a part of Hindi. Due to this itself, Bhojpuri has no place in the world also. The root cause of all these is the step motherly treatment of the Government of India towards Bhojpuri. Instead of trying to develop Bhojpuri, Government of India is supressing her. In the interest of people government of India must change her attitude.]
:Prachalit Bhojpuri:
:Popular Bhojpuri:
Sabse Saral Bhaasaa: Roman Lipi me`
Bhojpuri: The Simplex Language: in Roman Script
Lekhak: Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Prakashak : Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Editor : Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Kamadgiri-806, Kaushambi,
NCR Delhi, Sahibabad-201010
Bhaarat / India.
Visay Shuci: [Content:]
1. Prastaavanaa [Introduction]
2. Bhojpuri Roman Lipi me` [Bhojpuri in Roman Script]
3. Pracalit Vaakyakha0ID [Popular Phrases]
4. Bhojpuri Vyaakara0I [Bhojpuri Grammar]
4.0 Sankhyaa [Number]
4.1 Sangyaa [Noun]
4.2 Sangyaa par Jor [Stress on Noun]
4.3 Sab dinan ke Naav [Name of Days]
4.4 Mahinan ke Naav [Name of Month]
5. Sarvanaam [Pronoun]
6. Kriyaa aur Kaal [Verb and Tense]
7. Vaakya Banaave ke [Making sentence]
8. Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, [Bhojpuri Language,]
Saahitya aur Sanskriti [Literature and Culture]
8.1 Bhojpuri Hindi ke [Bhojpuri not a]
Kawano ‘Boli’ Naa Ha~ [Dialect of Hindi]
8.2 Bhojpuri ke Bhaarat [Status of Bhojpuri]
me` Sthaan [in India]
8.3 Sansaar me Bhojpuri [Global Status]
ke Sthaan [of Bhojpuri]
9. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
Saahitya [Literature]
10. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
10.1 Asli Janatantra [Real Democracy]
10.2 Bhaarat Sara0I data [India a Selter for]
aur Prakriti se Secular [all & Naturally Secular]
:Prachalit Bhojpuri:
:Popular Bhojpuri:
Bhojpuri: Sabse Aasaan Bhaasaa: Roman Lipi me`
Bhojpuri: The Simplest Language: in Roman Script
Lekhak: Da Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
1. Prastawana: Ek ‘Du Bhaasi’ Kitaab:
‘Prachalit Bhojpuri’ i`haa` jaada kariya axaran me` likhal gail baa; jabki ‘Angrezi’ saadaa axaran me` caahe […] me` likhal baa.
‘Du Bhaasi’ hokhe ke calte, ee kitaab oh logan khaatiro faldaayak hoi jekaraa Bhojpuri se prem hokhe, aur je Bhojpuri sikhe ke caahat hokhas.
1. [Introduction: A Bi-lingual Book:
Popular Bhojpuri is written here in black letters, where as English is written in lighter Letters or within […].
As the book is ‘Bi-lingual’ one, it may be helpful to those persons also who love Bhojpuri and wish to learn Bhojpuri.]
Bhojpuri sab Mahadesan me` bolal jaalaa, aur ekara se saains ke sTaDi khoob aasaani se kail ja sakela. Bhojpuri me` bole waalaa aur kaam kare waala log 2013 me` ‘Taaims auf India’, Mumbai, aur “IGNOU”, ‘Akhil Bhaarateeya Indira Gaandhi Mukt Vishvavidyaalay’ ke anusaar kareeb 20 karoR log baa. Eh se ekar sthaan Bhaarat me` Hindi ke baad du par baa; aur sansaar me` Fransisi ke baad aur Jaapaani ke pahile daswaa` sthaan par baa.
[Bhojpuri is spoken in all the Continents and it is very simple to study science through this language. The total number of speakers and users of Bhojpuri in 2013 is about 200 million according to the ‘Times of India’, Mumbai and “IGNOU” ‘Indira Gandhi National Open University’’. Thus its position in India is Second only after Hindi and Tenth among world languages after French before Japanese.]
Roman Lipi ke vistaar aur prasaar dekh ke, Bhojpuri ke Devanaagari Lipi ke alaawe Roman Lipio me` aasaani se likhal jaa sakelaa aur ee baRaa vyavahaariko baa; ehi se ekaraa ke ‘Pracalit Bhojpuri’ kahal jaa rahal baa.
[Considering the versatility and wide spread use of the Roman script, Bhojpuri can also be easily written in Roman Script apart from Devanagari Script. This is very popular as well, thus it can be called ‘Popular Bhojpuri’]
Aise ta~ deshaantar ke calate Bhojpuri ke bahut roop baa, jaise ki: Bhaarat me` Poorvi-Bhojpuri, Uttari caahe Gorakhpuri Bhojpuri, Pachimi Bhojpuri, Nepaal ke Madhesi Bhojpuri, daxi0Ii-Bhojpuri, Surinaami caahe Sarnaami aur Guyane-Bhojpuri, Trinidadi, Fizian, aur Mauritius ke Bhojpuri; baakir ee`ha` Ara-Chapraa-Balliaa me` bole waalaa Bhojpuri, jekaraa ke Daxi0Ii Bhojpurio kahal jaalaa, likhal ja rahal baa; jekaraa ke Bhojpuri ke janam sthaan maanal jaalaa.
[There are a number of dialects of Bhojpuri like: Eastern Bhojpuri, Northern or Gorakhpuri Bhojpuri, Western Bhojpuri, Madhesi of Nepal, Sarnami of Surinam, Guyane Bhojpuri, Trinidadi, Fizian or Mauritus Bhojpuir due to its wide spread nature, hoever, Daxini Bhojpuri used in its birth place of Ara- being followed here.]
Ee`ha` ee likhal Theek baa ki Bhojpuri khaali ek Tho Bhaasaa aur Saahitye naa hoke; ee apane me` ek Tho Sanskriti caahe rahan-sahano ha~. Dosar Bhaasaa jaisan Bhojpuri se hamni ke gyaan vigyaano ke sikhenijaa.
[Here, it is better to write that Bhojpuri is not only a language or literature but it is a culture also in itself. With the help of Bhojpuri we also get various types of knowledge including science.]
2. `Bhojpuri ke Roman Lipi me` Kaise Likhi` aur Uccaara0I kaise Kari`: Neeche Dekhi`
3. [How to write and pronounce in Bhojpuri in Roman script: Please see below.]
Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, KanaR, Bangalaa, Hindi aadi Bhaarateeya bhaasaa s ke pahila axar ha~:
[0o…m or 0m as shown above is the first letter of all the Indian languages like Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Kanad, Hindi, Bengali etc.]
Bhojpuri ke Swar: Vowels of Bhojpuri:
'a' => ‘a’ is pronounced as ‘u’ in but, fun, run,
‘aa’ => ‘aa’ is pronounced as ‘a’ in bar, far, car
‘I’ => ‘I’ in pin, tin, swim, him
‘ee’, ‘ii’ => ‘ee’ in sleep, meet, sweet, or ‘ea’ in speak, eat,sea
‘u’ => ‘u’ in put, push,
‘oo’, ‘uu’ => ‘oo’ ‘uu’ as ‘oo’ in boot, loot, foot
‘e’ => ‘e’ in pen, hen, ten
‘ai’ => ‘a’ in fan, man, can
‘o’ => ‘o’ in hole, phone, cone
‘au’ => ‘a’ in ball, call, hall
‘an’ or ` after letter. => ‘ung’ in sung, hung
‘ah’ or : after a letter => ‘ah’ is pronounced a ‘u’ in bun followed by long sound of exhalation of air
Candra bindu as `after a letter => a very soft nasal sound
~ after a letter => a long sound of the letter called Ploot in Sanskrit.
Bhojpuri ke Vyanjan: Consonants of Bhojpuri:
‘k’ => ‘k’ is pronounced as ‘c’ in car, cat, cup
‘kh’ => ‘kh’ is pronounced as ‘k’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘g’ => ‘g’ is pronounced as ‘g’ in gun, mug, god, goose
‘gh’ => ‘gh’ is pronounced as ‘gh’ in ghost,
‘ng’ => ‘ng’ is pronounced as ‘ng’ in sung, sung
‘c’ => ‘c’ is pronounced as ‘ch’ in chain, chop
‘ch’ => ‘ch’ is pronounced as in ‘ch’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘j’ => ‘j’ is pronounced as ‘j’ in jug, jam, january
‘Jh’ => ‘jh’ is pronounced as ‘zh’ followed by long exhalation sound.
‘i`’ => ‘i`’ as in pin + a soft nasal sound denoted by ‘`’.
‘T’ => ‘T’ is pronounced as ‘t’ as in but, pat, tap, ten
‘Th’ => ‘Th’ is pronounced as hard ‘t’ in ‘ten’ followed by long exhalation sound, in Hindi ‘Thos’ meaning solid.
‘D’ => ‘D’ is pronounced as ‘d’ in dug, day, dog,
‘Dh’ => ‘Dh’ is pronounced as ‘D’ followed by long exhalation sound as in Hindi word ‘Dhol” = drum..
‘0I’ => ’0I’ is pronounced as ‘n’ in Brahmand in Sanskrit meaning Universe. No suitable letter is in Roman script. However it can be pronounced as ‘n’ with twisting the tongue twisted upwards and nearly touching the top part of mouth above the root of the tongue.
‘t’ => ‘t’ is pronounced as very soft ‘t’, better as “m of Russian”
‘th’ => ‘th’ is pronounced as ‘th’ in thought, through followed by long exhalation sound.
’d’ => ‘d’ is pronounced as ‘th’ in thus, the, there.
‘dh’ => ‘dh’ is pronounced as ‘d’ in thus followed by a long exhalation sound. A typical Sanskrit, Bhojpuri letter ‘dhaan’= paddy, or ‘dhan’ = property.
‘n’ => ‘n’ is pronounced as ‘n’ in nun, run, fun, not.
‘p’ => ‘p’ is pronounced as ‘p’ in pen, pot, pat.
‘f’ => ‘f’ is pronounced as ‘f’ in fun, fat, ‘ph’ in telephone.
‘b’ => ‘b’ is pronounced as ‘b’ in but, bun, bat.
‘bh’ => ‘bh’ is pronounced as ‘b+h’ as a composite letter, or as ‘b’
followed by long exhalation sound. A typical Bhojpuri, Sanskrit letter.
‘m’ => ‘m’ is pronounced as ‘m’ in man, motor, most.
‘y’ => ‘y’ is pronounced as ‘y’ in yes, yet, yoke, Universe.
‘r’ => ‘r’ is pronounced as ‘r’ in run, rub, rat,
‘l’ => ‘l’ is pronounced as ‘l’ in land, lower, letter,
‘v’, ‘w’ => ‘v’. ‘w’ are pronounced as ‘w’ in water, wear, vogue, sweet
’s’ => ‘s’ is pronounced as ‘s’ in sun, son, sugar
‘sh’ => ‘sh’ is pronounced as ‘sh’ in should, shape, not normally used in bhojpuri.
‘h’ => ‘h’ is pronounced as ‘h’ in hut, hot, horse.
‘R’ => ‘R’ is pronounced as ‘R’ in popular Hindi word ‘laRka’ meaning ‘boy’. No Roman equivalent for this letter.
‘D*’ => ‘D*’ is pronounced as ‘D*’ in popular Bhojpuri and Hindi verbs like: ‘paD*na’= to read, paD*naa = to read, no equivalent Roman letter
‘x’ or ‘ksh’ => ‘x’ is pronounced as ‘x’ in lux, flux
‘gy’ or ‘jn’ => ‘gy’ is pronounced as ‘gy’ in popular Hindi word ‘Gyaan’ = knowledge, ‘Vigyan’ = science.
‘ .’ = ‘poorna viraam’ => ‘.’ Is used for ‘full stop’
~ after a letter => ~ is a long sound of the letter or Ploot sound as in Sanskrit
Uupar je likhal ba oh tarah se ham aasaani se Roman lipi me `Bhojpuri likh sakatani.
[Considering the above, Bhojpuri language can be very easily written in Roman script.]
3. Kuch Pracalit Vakyakha0!D. [Some Popular Phrases]
(a) Aayi`, [(a) Welcome,]
Pra0laam. [Good morning.]
Rauaa kaisan baani? [How are you, sir?]
[How are you, madam?]
Ham Theek baani. [I’m fine. How are you]
(a) Namaste, [(a) Good morning,]
Ka haal caal baa? [How are you?]
Sab Theeke baa. [Every thing is fine.]
Aayi` baiThi`. [Please come and be seated.
Please sit down.]
BaiTh~ [Sit down.]
(c) Aaj kaa kare ke baa? [(c) What is to be done today?]
(d) Kaa baajaar caleke? [(d) Should we go to the market?]
(e) Ha`. Jee [(e) Yes.]
(f) Naa. Ne. [(f) No. not]
4. Bhojpuri Vyaakara0I: [4. Bhojpuri Grammar:]
I`ha` Vyaakara0I ke Kawano GuuD* [The intricacy of Bhojpuri]
baat naikhe kare ke, uu ta~ kitaaban [grammar need not be ]
me` baRale baa. [given here, since they are available in many books.]
I`ha` khaali kawano khaas baat [Here only some particular] neeche likhal jaataa. [points are given below.]
4.0 Sankhya ke Naav: [Name of the Numbers:]
0 = sona [zero]
1= ek Pahilaa [one First]
2= du dosar [two Second]
3= teen teesar [three Third]
4= caar cauthaa [four Fourth]
5= paa`c paa`cwa [five Fifth]
6= chaw chau`aa` [six Sixth]
7= saat saatwaa` [seven seventh]
8= aaTh aaThwaa` [eight eighth]
9= naw nau`aa` [nine ninth]
10= das daswaa` [ten tenth]
11=egaarah egarahwaa` [eleven Eleventh]
12=baarah baarahwaa` [twelve Twelfth]
13=terah terahwaa` [thirteen Thirteenth]
14=caudah caudahwaa` [fourteen Fourteenth]
15=pandrah pandrahwaa` [fifteen Fifteenth]
16=sorah sorahwaa` [sixteen Sixteenth]
17=satrah satrahwaa` [seventeen,Seventeenth]
18=aThaarah aThaarahwaa` [eighteen Eighteenth]
19=unais unaiswaa` [ninteen Ninteenth]
20=bees beeswaa` [twenty Twentieth]
21-ekais ekaiswaa` [twenty one Twenty first]
22=baais baaiswaa` [twenty two Twenty second]
29=untees unteeswaa` [twenty nine Twenty ninth]
30=tees teeswaa` [thirty Thirtieth]
39=uncaalis,uncaaliswaa` [thirty nine Thirty ninth]
40= caalis caaliswaa` [forty Fortieth]
49=uncaas uncaaswaa` [forty nine Forty ninth]
50= pacas pacaswaa` [fifty Fiftieth]
60=saaTh saatThwaa` [sisty Sitieth]
70=sattar sattarwaa` [seventy Seventieth]
80=assi assiwaa` [eighty Eightieth]
90=nabbe nabbewaa` [ninety Nintieth]
100=saw sauwaa` [hundred Hundreth]
1000=hajaar [thousand kilo]
1 00 000= laakh [100 thousand]
10 00 000=10 laakh [million Mega]
1 00 00 000=karoR [10 million]
1 00 00 00 000 arab [billion Gega]
1 00 00 00 00 000 kharab [10 billion]
10 00 00 00 00 000 neel [trillion Tera]
10**18 Mahasankh [million-trillion]
4.1 Sangya: [4.1 Noun:]
Ek Vacan Bahu Vacan Singular Plural
Aadami Aadmi log man men
Aurat auratan, aurat log woman women
Beti beti log daughter daughters
Laika laika log boy boys
Laiki laiki log girl girls
BeTa beTa log son sons
kar karan, kar sab car cars
GaaRi gaRian, gaaRi sab vehicle vehicles
des desan, des sab country countries
Janaawar janaawar sab animal animals
Kitaab kitaaban, kitaab sab book books
Skool skool sab school schools
Shabda Shabdan, shabda sab word words
‘Shabd’ ke bahu bacan banaave khaatir: sajeev shabd ke baad ‘log’, aur bejaan shabd ke baad ‘sab’ joR del jaalaa.
Shabd ke baad ‘kaarak’ ke cinh hokhalaa par ‘shabd’ ke baad ‘an’ joR del jaalaa jaise: shabd > shabdan,
To make plural from singular word, ‘log’ is added after animates, and ‘sab’ is added after inanimate.
In case a ‘case’ is used after the word, ‘an’ or ‘ian’ is added after the word eg. Shabd (s)> Shabdan ke(pl), = word > of words
Bail (s) > Bailan (pl) se, = Ox > by oxen
laika(s) > laikan ke (pl). = boy > to boys
Laiki (s) > laikian (pl) = girl > to girls]
4.2 Bhojpuri ke Sangya par [Method to Stress on a]
Jor deve ke tarika: [noun:]
(1) Jor deve khaatir, puling/nirjeev [(1) For giving stress ‘vaa’ is added as]
sangya ke baad me` ‘vaa’ joRal jaala. [aa ending after a masculine noun.]
Udaaharan: ghar > gharvaa [eg.:ghar= house, gharwaa= a particular : house.]
: laRakaa > laRakwaa [:a boy > a particular boy]
: loTaa > loTawaa [: a pot > a particular pot]
: baagh > baghavaa [: a tiger > a particular tigar.]
(2) Striling / cot sabd ke [After faminine /small]
baad ‘iaa’ joRal jaala. [word ‘iaa’ is added for giving stress.]
Udaaharan: laRaki > LaRakiaa [eg. :a girl > a particular girl]
: loTaki > loTakiaa [:a small pot > a particular pot.]
: gaaRi > gaRiaa [: a vehicle > a particular vehicles.]
4.3 Sab dinan ke Naav: [Name of Days]
Etawaar, Ravivaar [Sunday]
Somaar [Monday]
Mangar [Tuesday]
Budh [Wednesday]
Biafe [Thursday]
Suk [Friday]
Sanichar [Saturday]
4.4 Mahinan ke Naav: There are no exact 1:1 equivalance for months in English due since Bhojpuri follows Lunar System instead of Solar.
Cait [January] Baisaakh [February]
JeTh [March] AasaaD* [April]
Saavan [May] Bhaado [June]
Aasin [July] Kaatik [August]
Agahan [September] Push [October]
Maagh [November] Faagun December]
5. Sarvanaam: [5. Pronoun]
Vyaktivaacak: [Personal:]
ham ham, hamni ke [I we]
tu`, rauaa. tu` log, rauaa log [you you]
uu uu log [he, she, it they]
Sambandh: [Possessive:]
hamaar hamani ke [my our]
tahaar taharaa logan ke [your your]
raaur rauaa logan ke [your your]
okar unkar [his, her, its their]
hamraa ke hamni ke [me us]
tahraa ke tahraa logan ke [to you to you]
rauaa ke rauaa logan ke [to you to you]
okaraa ke unkaa ke [him, her,its to you]
Bhojpuri me` 3, 4 sarbanaam ke star holaa, jab ki Angreji me` aisan kuch naa hokhe.
[In Bhojpuri there are 3 to 4 gradation of repect, but in English there is hardly any thing like this. Thus, in English friquent use of please, kindly etc is made to show ‘respect’]
6. Kriya > Kaal
Vartmaan Kaal Bhoot Kaal Bhavisyat Kaal
[6. Verb > Tense
Present tense Past Tense Future tense]
Jaanaa: [to go]
Uu jaataa. Uu jaataari. Uu gail. Uu gaili. Uu jaihan.
[He goes. She goes. He, she went. He / She will go.]
Uu jaa rahal baa. Uu jaat rahe. Uu jaate rahihan
[He is going. He was going. He will be going.]
Aanaa: [To come]
Uu aawataa. Uu aawataari. Uu aail. Uu aili. Uu aihan.
[He comes. She comes. He came. She came. He/ She will come.]
Khaanaa: [To take food, to eat]
Ham khaa taani. Ham khaini. Ham khaaib.
[I eat. I ate. I shall eat.]
Hamani ke khaatani. Hamani ke khaini. Hamanike khaib.
[We eat. We ate. We shall eat.]
Auru kriya ke udaahara0I: [More Verbs]
baiThnaa uThnaa sonaa paD*naa, H`sanaa BaiThnaa
[Examples of more verbs: To sit, to get up to sleep to read,]
Ha`snaa, denaa, lenaa, paanaa, kaatnaa, bonaa.
[To laugh to give To take to get To cut to sow]
7. Vaakya Banaaveke. [7. Making sentences.]
7.1 Vaakya ke pahilkaa axar [7.1 The first letter of a sentence shall be in]
Roman ke ‘kapital’ letter me` hoi. [Capital .]
7.2 Vyakti Vaacak Sangya ke [7.2 The first letter of a proper noun shall be in]
pahilkaa axar ‘kapital’ me` hoi. [Capital]
7.3 Kawano sirsak ke har shabd ke [7.3 The first letter of the heading of each word]
pahilaa axar ‘kapital’ me` hoi. [shall be in Capital letter.]
7.4 Kaarak: [7.4 Case:Linking words between nouns.]
7.4.1 Kartaa kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of a Subject: nil]
Kichuo naa.
Raam jaa taare. Raam ke baad kichuo naa. [Ram goes. Nothing after Raam.]
7.4.2 Karma Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Object: nil, to]
Kichuo naa, ‘ke’
Misaal: Raam aam khaa taaran. [Ram eats a mango.]
: Raam aam ke khaa taaran.
7.4.3 Kara0I Kaarak Ke cinh: [Sign of ‘mean’s or cause: by, with]
‘se’, ‘jarie’ [‘jarie’ = with]
Misaal: Sitaa kalam se likhataari. [Sitaa wries with a pen.]
7.4.4 Sampradaan Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Dative: ‘khaatir’, ‘ke’= for]
’khaatir’, ‘ke’
Misaal: Ee aam Raam khaatir baa. [This mango is for Ram.]
7.4.5 Aapaadaan Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of Separation: ‘se’= from]
: ‘se’
Misaal: Aasmaan se barkha barsata. [It rains from the sky.]
7.4.6 Sambandh Kaarak ke cinh:‘ke’ [Sign of Relation: ‘ke’ = of]
Misaal: Raam ke gaay. [The cow of Ram.]
Sitaa ke bakri. [The goat of Sitaa.]
7.4.7 Adhikara0I Kaarak ke cinh: [Sign of General Relation:]
‘me`, ‘me’, ‘par’ [‘me`’= in, ‘par’ = at, on]
Misaal: Uu ghar par baaRe. [He is at the house]
Bakasaa me` faraak baa. [The frock is in the box.]
7.5 Kichu Vaakya Banaawal Jaav. [Let us make some sentences.]
(1) Om, Raamogati, dehu sumati. [Om, Ram is velocity itself;
please give [me/ us] wisdom.]
(2) I`hawe se gyaan, vigyaan [Knowledge, science and wisdom starts]
aur buddhi vikaas suru ho gail. [developing from here itself.]
(3 )Ham Bhojpuri paD*ataani. [We study Bhojpuri.]
(4) Bhojpuri baRaa saral baa. [Bhojpuri is very easy.]
(5) Bhojpuri sab Mahadesan [Bhojpuri is spoken in all the continents to some ]me` kichu kichu bolal jaalaa. [extent.]
(6) Bhikhaari Thaakur Bhojpuri [ Thakur is said to be the Shakespeare
ke Sekspear havan. of Bhojpuri.]
(7) Sri Sivapujan Sahaay aur [Mr. Shivapujan Sahaya and Mr. Shaligram ]
Shaaligraam Shuklaa Bhojpuri [Shukla are the great grammaticians of
Vyakara0I ke baRahan Pandit havan.
(8) Sri Shivapujan Sahaaya ke [The birth place of Mr. Shivapujan]
janam staan jila Ara ab Bhojpur, Bihar, India. [Sahay is district Bhojpur, Bihar, India.]
(9) Sri Shaaligraam Shuklaa [Mr. Shaligram Shukla comes from South]
daxi0! Amerikaa ke Bhojpuri [America.and he is a Pandit of Bhojpuri.]
ke Pandit havan.
(10) KaroRo Bhojpuriaa log sansaar [Millions of Bhojpuri speaking persons are]
bhar me` basal baaRan. [spread all over the world.]
8. Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aur Sanskriti:
8.1 ‘Bhojpuri’ Hindi ke Kawano ‘boli’ naa ha~, baluk ee ta~ okar fuaa ha~:
Bhaasaa Shaastra ke anusaar ‘Bhojpuri bhaasaa’, Magahi, Awadhi, Bajjika, Maithili aadi bhaasaa sab ke bahin hai, aur Hindi bhaasaa ke bua, yani bap ke bahin. Bhojpuri ke janam Ara+Chhapra+Ballia me` bhail baa, baakir ekar vistaar Bharat me` aaj ke Madhya Pradesh, poorabi Uttar Prades, paschimi Bihaar, uttar-paschimi Jhaarkha0ID, uttar poorbi Chattisgarh; aur Nepaal ke Madhesi ke roop me bhail baa.
Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya ke jaware log Bhojpuria Sanskritio janelaa.
8. [Bhojpuri Literature and Culture:
8.1 Bhojpuri is not a dialect of Hindi, but it is a Generation higher:
According to the Linguistic Science, ‘Bhojpuri language’, is the aunt of Hindi and sister of Magahi, Awadhi, Bajjika, Maithili etc. Although Bhojpuri is born between Ara+Chhapra+Ballia, it has spread to Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Western Bihar,North-West Jharkhand, North East Chhattisgarh ; and as Madhesi of Nepal.
While learning Bhojpuri language and literature, people also learn Bhojpuri culture.]
Ekar saboot ekaraa naave se pataa calataa, jab ham kahataani ki Bhojpuri ke bistaar ‘Ara Chhaparaa ballia’ se le ke Rajaa Bhoj ke Bhojpur tak rahe. Ehi se iho pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri Raajaa Bhoj ke samay me` u`haa rahe, aur khoob rahe. Ehi se Bhojpuri ke janam sthaan Uttar Pradesh aur Bihaar rahe, bakir eh bhaasaa ke naav Raajaa Bhoj ke naav par paral.
[As a proof, its name itself suggests when we say that Bhojpuri is born in ‘Ara Chhaparaa ballia’ in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh but it is named after King Bhoj whose palace is situated in place in Bhojpur in present Madhya Pradesh state who of course reigned in entire North India.]
Baakir Raajaa Bhoj ke baad Bhaarat ke ‘Kariyaa Yug’ suru ho gail, eh se Bhojpuri Sahitya ke baD*e ke subidha naa milal.
[However, after King Bhoj, ‘Black Era’ started in India due to which there was no conducive atmosphere for development of Bhojpuri Literaure.]
Tabahu`o Sant Kabir Das ji aur Prakriti Kavi Ghaagh ke Dher kavitaa aur choT choT kahaaut Bhojpuri Saahitya ke baD*aave me` baRaa haa`th baa. Misaal ke roop me` neeche kuch likhal jaataa:
[Still the poems of poet Kavir Das and poetical sayings of the famous nature poet Ghaagh have helped in the development of Bhojpuri Literature. As an example some thing is produced below:]
(a) Prakriti Kavi Ghaagh:
Praakriti Vigyan ke kavi Ghaagh ta~ aisan aisan Bhojpuri me` kavita kailan ki paD*ke man khus ho jaalaa. Misaal ke roop me` unkar Bhojpuri ke ii kavita dekhi` je bahut laiTer mooD me kahal gail baa, bakir je oh samay ke sasur ji aur bahu raani ke khulal khulal lagaav dekhaawataa:
Sasurji apanaa laikaa ke le ke bahu raani se kaTax ke roop me` kavitaa me` budbudailan, kaahe ki unkar beta jab tab sasuraarie cal jaat rahas:
“Bina gavane sasurari jaay,
Binaa Maagh ghiv khichaRi khaay;
Bin barkhaa pehine khaRaua,
Ghaagh Kahe ii teeno kauaa.”
Ee sun ke Bahu Raanio cup rahe waali naa rahi aur haluk haluk bolali:
“Kaam pare sasurari jaay,
Man chaahe ghiv khichaRi khaye;
Jogi ban ke pahine khaRauaa,
Bahu kahe ki Ghaaghe Kaua”.
[Due to frequent visit of the son to his in-laws, the father-in-law utters the following poem so that the daughter-in-law may here the same:
“Who goes to in-laws before a ceremony,
Without winter takes butter rice+pulse,
Without rain who wears gumboot,
Ghaagh says the three are a Crow”.
Hearing this, how could the daughter-in-law keep quiet, she also uttered in light mood:
“On an assignment, one can go to in-laws,
On desire, one can take butter rice+pulse,
On being a saint, one can wear a gumboot,
Daughter-in-law says, Ghaagh himself is crow”.]
I`haa` kavi Ghaagh ke kahaaut se jah`waa ee pata calataa ki, ‘Ek susanskrit aadami ke kaa kare ke caahi`, ta~ dusari or iiho pataa calataa ki tab ke bahu logan ke caturaai kaisan rahe.
[The nature poet Ghaagh has created such poetical sayings that one becomes knowledgeable about scientific facts of climatic and weather, but enjoys the same. As for example let us go through the following poem of Ghaagh in lighter mood showing the open relation between a father- in –law and a daughter-in-law.]
(b) Ghaagh ke Kahaut:
Ghaaghe kavi ke dosar vikhyaat Prakriti ke le ke ek kahaut neeche dekhi`:
“Na Maaghe jaaR, na Meghe jaaR;
Jab bahe bayaar, tab jaaRe jaaR”.
[A Saying of Ghagh:
Please look at the popular second Saying of the Nature poet Ghagh:
“Cold feeling is not due to
The season or rains,
It’s cold and colder,
Whenever wind blows”.
It means, cold is not felt due to the winter or due to the rains; whenever cold wind blows, it becomes sever cold.
This is scientifically true that for feeling cold, simply low temperature is not essencial. Air is an insulator of heat, so it must blow so as to remove heat from the body of a person to feel cold.
Thus, ‘Thermal Science’ is fully used by the Nature Poet Ghagh of India.]
8.2 Bhojpuri Ke Bhaarat me` Sthaan:
8.2.1 Bhaarat me` aaj Aasin 2070 Vikram Samvat tak, yaani akTubar 2013AD tak sarkaar ke or se kavano uchit sthaan naikhe milal, jabki ii Bhojpurie Samaaj ha~ je Bhaarat ke pahilaa Raastrapati [Da Rajendra Prasaad] Chapra, Bihaar se aur du du Pradhaan Mantrio [Sri Lal Bahaadur Shastri ji aur Sri Chandrashekhar ji duno Uttar Prasesh ke Bhojpuri Chetra ke] delas.
8.2.1 [To day till Aaswin 2070 Vikrami or October 2013 AD, no desirable position is provided to Bhojpuri by the Government of India, where as it is the Bhojpuri Samaj which has produced the first President of India [Dr Rajendra Prasaad] from Chapra and two Prime Ministers [namely: Shri Lal Bahadur shastri and Shri Chandrashekhar ji] from the Bhojpuri area of Uttar Pradesh, India.]
8.2.2 Je Bhojpuri Bhasaa sansaar ke 20 karoR se jaadaa log bolat hokas, je me` se adhikaans log Bharate me` rahelan, oh bhaasaa ke le ke Bhaarat Sarkaar ke or se maanyataa naa hokhe, ee baat Bhaarat Sarkaar khaatir baRaa dukh ke baat baa; aur eh se ii saaf pataa calataa ki ii sarkaar ke logan se kavano matlab naikhe, sivay logan se vot lewe ke.
8.2.2 [Bhojpuri language is spoken by over 200 million people of the world, most of whom live in India, but it is pitiable for the Government of India not to provide recognition of this language, which shows the Government is hardly concerned about the people, except for the vote.]
8.2.3 Kavir aur Ghaagh jaisan Bhojpuri ke Dher kavi log Bhaarat me` chichiaat rahelan, baakir kavano sarkaar Bhojapuri khatir aaj tak kuchhuo naa kailas. Ii`haa` tak ki Bhaarat ke swatantrataa ke 65 baris baado Bhojapuri ke lekhakan aur kavian ke kawano eh des me` pooch aur mahatam naikhe.
Aaj tak Bhojapuri ke janam sthaan Bhaarate me` Bhaarat Sarkaar se eh bhaasaa ke maanyataa naikhe dele, ta~ aur subidhaa deve ke bisay me` ka kahal jaav.
8.2.3 [Many poets like Kavir and Ghaagh kept on wandering in India since ages, but so far none of the Government of India did anything tangible for development of Bhojpuri. Even after 65 years of Independence, there is no importance of any poet or writer of Bhojpuri.
Till today Bhojpuri language has not been recognized by the Government of India in its birth place itself, then what to talk about providing other facilitates for its growth; although in a number of foreign countries like neighboring country Nepal Bhojpuri is recognized in some form or other.]
8.2.4 Bhaasaa Vigyaan kaa Kahataa?:
Bhaasaa Vigyaan ke anusaar Bhojpuri Hindi ke buaa hokhalaa ke baado sarkaari log kahela ki Bhojpuri ta~ Hindi ke ek dialect yaani upbhaasaa ha~. Eh baat par taras aawata ki Bhaarat Sarkaar ke log iho naikhe jaanataran ki Bhaasaa Shaastra ke anusaar Bhojpuri ta~ Hindi ke Buaa hai; ehise Hindi ke aage baD*aave me` Bhojpuria logan ke bahut haath baa, je me` pramukh baaran:
8.2.4 [What does Linguistic Science Says?
Although according to Linguistic Scientists Bhojpuri is at Higher Generation along with Awadhi, Magahi, Bengali etc. compared to Hindi, still Government of India considers it as a ‘Dialect of Hindi’. It is pitiable to say that the Government Officials are unaware of the fact that Bhojpuri is the Aunt of Hindi, then how can she be the dialect of Hindi; it can be vise versa.
Here it may be noteworthy that being at higher generation, many Bhojpuria people have helped in the development of Hindi, which would be clear from the following.]
(a) ‘Sant Kabir’ jekar ‘Nirgun Kavit’ Bhojpuri ke sab se puraan kavit manal jaa sakelaa, je aaj se karib 800 baris pahile bhail rahan. Bakir, Sant Kabir Hindio ke naami kavi havan.
[The ‘Nirgun Kavita’ of Saint Kabir written in Bhojpuri some 800 years ago, can be considered as one of the oldest available Bhojpuri poem. But Saint Kavir is well known Hindi poet as well.]
(b) ‘Raamdatta Shuklaa’ ke Devikasaarcharit, 1884 AD.
[Devisarcharit by ‘Ramdatta Shukla’, 1884 AD]
(c) ‘Raam Garib Chaube’ ke ‘Jangal Me` Mangal’ aur ‘Naagari Bilaap’, Unaisavi Sataabdi ke.
[‘Jangal me Mangal’ and ‘Naagari Bilap’ of ‘Ram Garib Chaube’.]
( d) ‘MahapanDit Raahul Sankrityaayan’ ke Bhojpuri lekhak, Hindi ke` ‘GhumakkaR Shaashtr’ jaisan kitaaban ke lekhak havan.
[‘Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan’, a Bhojpuri writer is a writer of well known book ‘Ghumakkad Shastra’.]
(d) Mahaabir Prasaad Dvivedi aur Munsi Premchand ji Bhojpuriaa rahan, baakir ee log Hindi ke pramukh lekhak havan.
[Mahavir Prasad Dvivedi and Munsi Premchand are Bhojpuriaa, but they are famous Hindi writers.]
(e) ‘Shivpujan Sahaaya’, ‘Bhojpuri Vyaakaran’ ke racayitaa havan, bakir uu Hindi ke vikhyaat lekhako havan.
[‘Shivpujan Sahaya’ is a bhojpuria and the writer of ‘Bhojpuri Vyakaran’, but he is a famous Hindi writer.]
Aur Dher aisanke Bhojpuriaa log baaRan je Hindi ke baD*aave me` aapan sab jinagi bitaa delan.
Ab aur katanaa din Hindi Bhojpuri ke cusat rahi?
Kaa ee sab jaanalaa ke baado ee kahal Theek baa ki Bhojpuri Hindi ke ek Bhag ha~?
8.2.4 [According to Linguistic Science:
Although according to the Linguistic Scientists Bhojpuri is the ‘paternal aunt’ of Hindi. It is pitiable to find that the Government officials are not aware that Bhojpuri is the ‘Aunt of Hindi’ according to the Linguistic Science, but the Government officials say that Bhojpuri is a Dialect of Hindi.
On the other hand, being at higher Generation many Bhojpuri people have tried to develop Hindi, the main persons of whom are the following:
(a) The ‘Nirgun Poems’ of Saint Kabir Das can be considered as the original known Bhojpuri write up which was written about 800 years ago. But the Saint is considered as the famous Hindi Poet.
(b) Devikasaarcharit of ‘Ramdatta Shukla’, 1884 AD
(c) The writer of ‘Jangal Me Mangal’ and ‘Nagari Bilap’ Mr. Ram Garib Caube in Ninteenth Centuri.
(d) The famous writer from Bhojpuri area, Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, wrote ‘GhumakkaR Shashtra’ in Hindi.
(e) The famous Hindi writers Mahabir Prasad Dwivedi and Munsi Premchand come from Bhojpuri area and are Bhojpuriya.
(f) Shivpujan Sahaaya, the writer of ‘Bhojpuri Vyaakaran’ was a famous writer of Hindi.
There are many Bhojpuri people who spent their whole life for the development of Hindi.
How long Hindi should depend on Bhojpuri?
Knowing all these, can we say ‘Bhojpuri is a part of Hindi?
* In case Bhojpuri is a Part of Hindi with all its distinct words, distinct grammar, distinct ascents, why Sindhi, Panjaabi, Odiya, Bengali being at the same hierarchical level are not called dialects of Hindi? After all there are Bengli-Hindi, Panjabi-Hindi, Madrasi-Hindi just like Bhojpuria-Hindi; and why all these languages shouldn’t be included as dialects of Hindi! These questions are posed primarily for Government of India.]
8.3 Sansaar Me` Bhojpuri ke Sthaan:
Aaj poore sansaar me` Bhojpuri 20 karoR se jaadaa log bolelan. Bhaarat se baahar kuch desan me` Bhojpuri ke kai tarah se maanyataa baa; jaise Nepaal, Fizi aur Daxin Amerika ke kuch desan me`.
Ee hars ke baat baa.
Baakir Bhaarat me` Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa aaj tak naikhe bhail, je bahut jaruri baa kaahe ki Bhojpuri bole waalaa adhikans log Bhaarate me` baaRan aur Bhaarate me` Bhojpuri ke janamo bhail baa.
8.3 [Global Status of Bhojpuri:
Presently more than 200 million people speak Bhojpuri in the world.
Outside India, Bhojpuri is recognized in countries like Nepal, Fiji and some countries of South America.
This is praiseworthy.
However, Bhojpuri is not recognized in India itself, till today which is very important since majority of Bhojpuri speakers come from India, and India is the birth place of Bhojpuri.]
8.4 ‘Prachalit Bhojpuri’ Saahitya ke Vikaas.
Ee Maanyataa baa ki kavano Bhaasaa ke vikaas okar Saahitya ke vikaas se dekhal jaalaa. Kaalaantar se Saahitya ke maane: lekh, kaThaa, upanyaas, naaTak, Kaavya, kavitaa, nibandh aadi se lel jaa laa.
Baakir upar likhal gail baa ki Dher kaaran se pahile Bhojpuri ke bikaas naa ho sakal.
8.4 [Development of ‘Popular Bhojpuri Literature’:
It is considered that the development of a language is due to the development of its literature. Since ages, literature is taken as: Nibandha, story, novel, drama, verse, poem etc.
But it is already written that due to many factors, the development of Bhojpuri could not take place in India.
Ee ta~ ‘Girmitiyaa Logan’ ke balihaari deveke caahi`; caahe Bhikaari Thaakur jaisan ‘Drishya-Sravya-Kavya’ ke Dhani ‘NauTankian’ ke prabhaava; ki Bhojpuri Bhaasaa Bhaarat aur Nepaal se baahar door deshan me` nikal gail aur Bhojpuriyaa logan ke Buddhi- vicaar, aur mehnat ke prabhaav kahi` ki aaj sansaar me` 20 karoR se jaadaa log Bhojpuri bole waalaa ho gail baaRan;
Caahe ‘Gangaa Maiyaa Tohe Piari CaD*aibo’ naav ke Bhojpuri sinema jaisan ‘Drisya-Sravya-Kavya’ ke prabhaav je Bhaarat aur dosaro desan me` Bhojpuriyaa Samaaj’ me` Beesvi` Satabdi me` sansaar bhar me` tahalkaa macaa delas, aur batalaa delas ki Bhojpuri ke Laikan – Laikian me` ‘Drisya-Sravya-Kavya’ me` katanaa camatkaarik prabhaav baa, aur uu log kaa camatkaar naa ka~ sakelan!
[This is the gift of ‘Girmitiya People’; or the result of Audio-Vidual Performances of ‘Nautanki’ of Bhikhari Thakur which caused the spreading of Bhojpuri in far away countries from India and Nepal and due to their hard labor, intelligence and wisdom; over 200 million people speak Bhojpuri in the world;
or it may be the result of the tremendous success of the maiden Bhojpuri picture named “Ganga Maiya Tohe Piari Chadaibo” in Twentieth Century which revolutionized the young boys and girls throughout the word. This picture also showed what the boys and girls could achieve using Audio-Visual Performances in Twentieth Century.]
Ita~ kahi` ki lok hit me` Bhaarat me` 1963 ke baad ‘Gangaa Maiya Tohe Piari CaD*aibo’ naav se ek sinemaa banal aur okaraa baad Bhojpuri sinemaa me` lokpriyataa ke calte baaD* aa gail. Aaj Bhojpuri ke ‘sinemaa ke sansaar’ me` aapan alage sthaan ho gail baa.
[In the interest of people in 1963 in India, the picture named ‘Ganga Maiya Tohe Piari Chadaibo’, which means, ‘Oh Mother Ganga we shall offer you yellow colored Dress’ was released in Bhojpuri first time after the success of which, the market got flooded with Bhojpuri Films.]
Ehi film ke lokapriyataa se Bhaarat me` aaj anek praivet Bhojpuri Tee Vee Cainalo cal rahal baa, jekar lokapriyataa din dugunaa, raat caugunaa roop se baD* rahal baa.
[Due to such success and popularity of Bhojpuri film, a number of private Bhojpuri TV Channels are now operating today in India and the film-industry as well as Bhojpuri Journalism-industry is growing leaps and bound, providing carrier to 100 thousands youths; and developing them in Art and Bhojpuri Culture as well as Audio-Vidual Literature full of songs and dances.]
Baakir hamanike ee kahe me` taniko sankoc naikhe ki Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya ke durdasa ke khaas kara0I Bhaarat Sarkaar ke eh bhaasaa ke prati aaj Sawan 2070 Vikrami tak ke nakaaraatmak rawaiya baa.
[But the main cause of the impediment of Bhojpuri language and literature is the negative attitude of the Government of India till today, October 2013.]
Ee ta~ Girmitia Logan ke khoon-paseenaa, lagan, Bhojpuri Bhaasaa aur Sanskriti se prem kahi` jekaraa calte aaj Bhojpuri ke sab Mahadesan me` bikaas bhail; naa ta~ Bhaarat Sarkaar ta~ Hindi ke bikaas ke fer me` Bhojpuri ke cabaa cabaa ke muaiye debeke Thaan le le biaa, kabahu` ekaraa ke Hindi ke upbhaasaa kah ke, ta~ kabhu` ekaraa ke Hindi ke ek bhaag banaa ke.
[It is the hard labor, dedication and love for the Bhojpuri language and culture of the Immigrants and the vast bhojpuria people of India which resulted into the development of Bhojpuri in the world; otherwise for the sake of development of Hindi, Government of India could have ruined Bhojpuri for good.]
Naa ta~ ee kaise sambhava hoit ki Bhaarat ke pahilaa Raastrapati Da Rajendra Prassad, Pradhaan Mantri Sri Lalbahaadur Shaastri, Pradhaan Mantri Sri Candrashekhar, Uppradhaan Mantri Sri Jagjeevan Raam, aur aaj ke Bhaarat ke Speakar Smt Meeraa Kumaar jaisan logan ke maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ke aisan durdasa hokhit ki apne janam bhumi me` Bhojpuri ke Sarkaar me` kavano sthaan naikhe?
[Otherwise, how can such pitiable situation is to faced by Bhojpuri that it is recognized in about half a dozen counties of the world, but not recognized in its birth place itself in India on flimsy grounds as described earlier although about 200 million people speak it in India, although it is the mother tongue of the first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad, Prime Ministers Sri Lalbahadur Shastri, Sri Candrashekhar, Dy PM Sri Jagjeevan Ram, aur present Speakar Smt Meeraa Kumaar.]
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aur Naatak ke vikaas me` ham garva se Sri Bhikhaari Thakur, Sri Raahul Saankrityayan, Sri Shivapujan Sahaaya aadi ke naav le sakile.
[We can say with proud that persons like Sri Bhikhari Thakur, Sri Rahul Sankrityayan, Sri Shivapujan Sahaya have made lot of contribution in the development of Bhojpuri language and literature.]
Ee saaf saaf kahal jaa sakelaa ki aaj Bhojpuri bhaasaa aur Saahitya jawanaa jagah par baa, okar poora sreya Bhojpuri bhaasi logan parbaa, Bhojpuri sinemaa par baa, Bhojpuri praivet Tee Vee Cainalan, geet gaawewaala log, naac karewaalaa log, sinemaa waalaa log, kalaakaar, profesnal logan aur Patrakaaran par baa; aur sab Bhojpuria logan par baa.
[It can be clearly said that today in the 1st quarter of 21st Century, whatever place Bhojpuri Language and Literature have achieved, it is all due to the lovers of Bhojpuri, Bhojpuri Cinema, Bhojpuri Private TV Channels, Media, Film makers, actors, singers, dancers and all Speakers of Bhojpuri.]
‘Bhojpuri ke Sekspear, Shri Bhikhaari Thaakur Ji’ ke kirti aisanrahe ki unkar ‘NauTanki’ ke dekhe khaatir log das bees koso se dekhat dekhate jauriaa jaat rahan. Ee lekhak saubhaagyashaali baaRan je unkaa Sri Bhikhaari Thaakur ke Capara, Bihaar me ek Navtanki dekhe ke milal. Eh me uu Bhagwaan Raam ke 60 purukhan ke naav le le ke naac naac ke geet gawalan. Mahaa Kavi Kaalidas likhit ‘Raghuvans Mahakaavya’ aisan caraca naikhe.
[The Nautanki of Bhojpuri performed by the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri Sri Bhikhari Thakur used to be so popular that it used to attract people from 40 to 60 km. The writer had privileged to attend one of such program of Sri Bhikhari Thakur in Capra, Bihar where he was astonished to listen the names of the 60 forefathers of Lord Ram, since even in the ‘Radhubans Mahakavya’ written by Maha Kavi Kalidas, it was not available.]
‘Bhojpuri Kokilaa Shardaa Sinhaa’ aur ‘Sambhaavanaa Seth” jaisan lokgeet gaavewaali pramukh kalaakari baaRi log.
[The Bhojpuri singers and dancers like ‘Bhojpuri Kokila Sharda Sinha and Sambhavana Seth are very famous artists.]
9. Bhojpuri, Ek Aadhunik Saahitya:
Aaj hamni ke garv se kah sakataani ki, “Bhojpuri Saahitya sansaar ke ek unnat Saahitya me` se ha~ jekar ‘drisya-srabya-kaavya’ khoob unnat ho rahal baa”. Ee sab saikaRo bhojpuri-sinemaa, emel par sambaad aadan-pradaan, laakho` geet, sangeet, jok, vyang, ViDiO par naac-gaanaa ke roop me`, aur Tee Vee Cainalan ke roop me`, je me` ‘Mahua Cainal’ aur ‘Hamaar Tee Vee’ ke naav le jaa sakela, aur je ‘Patrakaaritaa’ ke jariye sansaar me` Bhojpuri Saahitya ke pracaar prasaar 24x7 ke roop kare me` laagal baaD*an.
9. [Bhojpuri, a Modern Literature:
Today we can say with proud that ‘Bhojpuri Literature is one of the Modern Literature of the world whose Audio-Visual-Literature is fast developing. All these are possible due to hundreds of Bhojpuri cinemas, millions of Email and SMS communications, songs, music, jokes, criticisms, dances-songs on videos, and 24x7 TV Chanel like ‘Mahua TV’, ‘Hamar TV’ are also engaged as News Channels, Bhojpuri Media and in Journalism. All these are busy in the development and spreading of Bhojpuri literature @ 24x7.]
Bhojpuri ke lokapriyataa ke calte aaj Daxin Bhaarat ke Dher saare sinemaa sab ke dhaRalle se Bhojpuri me` Dab kail jaa rahal baa.
Ee sab “Aadhunik Bhojpuri Saahitya ke roope Ta~ ha~”.
[In view of the popularity of Bhojpuri Cinema and heavy demand now a days many South Indian pictures are being dubbed in Bhojpuri and shown in TV Chanel.
All these are now “The different forms of Modern Bhojpuri Literature”.]
Bhojpuri ke aadhunik bhaasaa hokhe ke calte ‘tathaa kathit Saahitya’ ke naav par ham okaraa ke AaThvi`- Navvi` Sataabdi me` ta~ naa le jaa sakilaa.
[Since Bhojpuri is a modern language we can’t take her to 8th and 9th Cenuri in the name of ‘The so called Literature’ of the ‘Old School’.]
Saahitya ke puraan jariya, jaise kitaab-kaagaj par pen se lekhan aadi ke aaj InTarneT ke jamaanaa me` kaa mahatva rah gail baa? Aur www, ‘sansaar bhar-ke-makaR jaal’ me` Bhojpuri kavano Saahitya se peeche naikhe.
[In the modern era of www, world-wide-web and internet, what is the importance of the old means of presentation of literature like writing books on paper with pen? And Bhojpuri is not behind any one in www.]
Lekin eh sab roop me` Bhojpuri ke vikaas me Bhaarat Sarkaar ke kavano yogdaan naikhe. Ee katanaa saram ke baat baa?
[But in all these methods of development of Bhojpuri, the role of the Government of India is hardly visible. What a shameful situation.]
Jadi Bhaarat Sarkaar ee sab jaanio ke abahi`yo ‘Bhojpuri’ ke Sambidhaan ke AaThvi` Suci me` naa saamil kari, ta~ Sarkaar khaatir baRa saram ke baat hoi.
[Even after knowing all these, in case Government of India do not include ‘Bhojpuri’ in the Eighth Shedule of the Constitution, then it will create a very shameful situation for the Government.]
10. Aadhunik Bhojpuri [Modern Bhojpuri]
Aaj Bhojpuri khali gaawal-bajaawal, geet-weet, saas-bahu, caahe culha-caukaa bhar naikhe rah gail, Bhojpuri saahitya me` aaj bahut kaamkaaji log saamil ho gail baaRan; uu caahe kawano vyaapari hokhas, caahe shixak, Thikedaar hokhas caahe proffesar, caahe vaigyaaik hokhas caahe khetihar, caahe injiniar hokhas caahe Daaktar kulhi log Bhojpurie me` batiaawelan. Aur ee log Bhojpurie me` likhabo karelan; baakir email aur www par.
[Now a days, Bhojpuri is not only for singers, musitians, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, kitchen oven work, but many professionals use Bhojpuri; who may be a business man or a teacher, a contractor or a professor, a scientist or a farmer, an engineer or a physician or surgeon. All talk in Bhojpuri, and write also in Bhojpuri but mostly in email or on www.]
Aaj ke Bhojpuri ke neece udaahara0I del jaataa.
[Some examples of present Bhojpuri is vgiven below.]
10.1 Asali Janatantra: Suraaj
Lekhak: Da de da Sharmaa,
Raajnaitik Vishleshak
[Real Democracy: Suraaj
By : Dr DD Sharma,
A Political Analyst]
[For full English Verson of the Article one may Goto: google+]
Bahut log hamaraa se sahmat naa ho sakelan [ham akele naikhi`], baakir Ekaiswi` Sataabdi ke pahilaa cauThans A. Dee. me` [caahe
1 972 949 200 waa` Sataabdi ke pahilaa cauThans me`: ‘rig Ved’ ke anusaar] dharti par saayade karib aadhaa darjan desan me` Janatantra hokhe!
Ee naa bhulaai` ki Brahma0ID ke ‘IHLOK’ bhaag me` saayad hamni se jaadaa sivilaijD log hokhas, jadi hamni ke ‘Itarlok’ ke bisay me` naa baat kari`.
Hamni ke Suraaj: Asali Janatantra ke baat karataani jaa,
Je Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke sapanaa rahe,
Ek or, uu Demokraisi je Abraaham Linkon ke so`c rahe,
aur dosar or, jekaraa ke Ulyanov, Lenin samajhalan.
Hamni ke uu Demokraisi ke baat naikhi` karat je dharti ke adhikaans desan me` :Baa` ta~, aur Raaj kara~: ke paarTi-poliTiks karelaa aur aapan ullu sidha karelaa;
Ham okaro baat naikhi` karat je me` 30% log, 70% par Raaj karelaa, aur kahelaa ki bahumat ke Raaj baa;
Ekaraa ke bahumat ke Raaj kaise kahal jaa sakelaa?
Hamaraa shak baa ki rauaa log aisan karab!
Kaa rauaa aisan karab?
Kaa 30% ke bahumat Raaj rauaa ke aisan kare dee?
Ee ek Tho so`ce ke baat baa;
dheyan se so`cal jaay.
Mahaatmaa Mohandaas Karamcand Gaandhi aisan so`calan, aur oh tarah se karahu` ke so`calan, afasos! Uu aisan kar sakitan!!
Abraaham Linkon so`calan, Kaarl Maarxo so`calan aur bahut kuch 13 desan me` karib 60 baris tak kaibo kailan jahaa` ee dekhal gail ki uu`haa` karib 95% se 98% log, 100% khus rahan.
Lekin, dekhalaa par biswaas karhi` ke paRelaa.
Je ham dekhani: oh par biswaas kaini.
Bhaarat ke kuch ‘Jansanghi’, tab ke ek ati-daxinpanthi paarTi, jekar aaj ke Awataar ha~ BJP, uu log je sapano me` so`c naa sakat rahan ki ee saa`c h ho sakelaa ki uu log je kitaaban me`, patrika aur akhabaaran me` paD*le rahan, unkar sab gyaan, paD*aai aur bisawaas, khaali ek haptaa ke Soviet Yunion dekhalaa par dhwast ho jaai.
Aahcarya va bicitra!!
Ek aisan des dekh ke jahaa` 95% se 98% log, 100 % khus hokhas!
Uu log hamaraa se puchalan ki uu logan ke ee objarbhesan kahaa` tak sahi baa ‘Je uu dekhalan’? Eh Logan me` Bhaarat ke har kon ke log rahan, Kanyaa Kumaari se Kaasmir, aur Aasaam se Gujraat ke.
Ham kahani, “Eehaa` 95% se 98% log Satye bolelaa, khaali Saa`c”.
Uu log ee kahe khatir chatpataa gailan ki:
Ee he sau Takaa ke baat baa, Da Sharmaa: Jahaa` 95% se 98 % log Satya bolelan, ta~ uuhaa` 95% se 98% log, 100% khuse hokhi.
Uu log ‘Satyameva Jayate’ jaanat rahan.
Uu`haa` Suraaj rahe. Demokraisi rahe.
‘Baa`T Baa`T ke raaj naa’.
Uu`haa` 25% se 30% log, baaki sab logan par Raaj naa karat rahan.
Bahumat, Alpmat ke Raaj naa,
PaarTi PoliTikso naa.
Bhaarat ke Graam Pancaayat Raaj me` kavano PaarTi PoliTiks naa hokhe. Log aapan man se apanaa kainDiDet ke cunelan, kavano PaarTi ke naa.
Mahatmaa Gaandhi aisan Graam Pancayatan ke caahat rahan.
:Asali Janatantra:
Asali Janatantra me` aadami aadami me` farak naa kail jaay.
Naa ta~ kehu Raaja hokhas, naa kehu Raani.
Naa kehu Prajaa.
Janataa ke Cunal log, janataa ke caakar holan, Sarkaar naa.
Sab sarkaar ke naukar log, Janatantra me` janataa ke naukar holan.
Sarkaari ohda par kaam karewaalaa sab log, des aur janataa ke naukar holan.
Tathaakathit ‘PaarliaamenTari Demokraci’ joR-toR par aadhaarit hokhelaa: Netaa, Raajaa caahe Raani ke seva khaatir; naa ki janataa ke sevaa khaatir.
Eh me` ee sab joR-toR ke kaam holaa, Netaa ke.
10.2 Bhaarat Sara0I dataa+ Praakritic Secular:
[India is a Selter for All and Naturally Secular]
Aadi kaal se Bhaarat me` alag alag samaaj aur bicaar, alag alag jaati aur mat, alag alag deshan ke logan ke saath saath khusi khusi rahe waalaa desh ha~.
[Since ages India is considered as a Selter for different societies, people of divers thoughts, coming from different countries living together happily.]
Udahara0I khaatir hamaraa saamne aaj ‘Hindustaan Taims’, Dilli ke 12.10.2013 ke akabaar rakhal baa, jekaraa anusaar sansaar se ab ‘Paarasi Samaaj’ saayad lupta ho sakela ‘Haarvaard Vishvavidyaalay’ ke ek sarve ke anusaar.
[As for example in front of me there is a copy of ‘Hindustan Times’, New Delhi of 12.10.2013, according to which the ‘Parsi Society’ is moving towards extinction according to a survey of Harvard University.]
Chetra [Area ] Paarsi log Parsi Pratisat %
Uttar Amerikaa 15500 13.3
[North America[
Baaki Amerikaa 2500 2.1
[Rest of America]
Yu Ke UK 5000 4.3
Astreliaa +
Niu ZealainD 3000 2.4
[Australia &
New Zealand]
Iraan [Iran (Persia)]
(puraan Paaras) 19500 16.7
Paakistaan 1766 1.5
Bhaarat [India] 69601 55.7
Kulhi [Total] 116867 100
• Ab Jadi uupar ke % ke aadhaar par dekhal jaav, ta~ ee kahal jaa sakelaa ki kavan des katanaa Secular baa; khaas kar ke Iraan ke aas paas ke desan ke dekhal jaay tab. Eehaa` Pakistaan ke haalat dayaneeya baa.
[On the basis of the percentage shown above, we may say that which country is how much Secular; particularly about Iran and its neighboring countries. Here the status of Pakistan is pitiable.]
• Aaj jadi ‘Paarsi Samaaj’ par dhyaan naa del jaai ta~,
ee Samaaj lupto ho sakelaa, jab ki ee log bahut milansaar, karmaTh aur audyogik hokhelan.
[In case timely attension is not given to ‘Parse Society’, they may soon become extinct; although they are very social, hard working and industrious.]
10.3 Bhojpuri Sambandhi Adhikans DaaTaa Bekaar.
[Most Data about Bhojpuri is Unrealistic.]
Bhojpuri ke le ke adhikans DaaTaa, caahe uu Bhaarat Sarkaar ke hokhe, caahe dosar ke, ham sahi naa pawali`. Ekar ek khaas kaar0I neece del jaataa:
[Most data abaut Bhojpuri, whether they are from the Government of India, or from others, I didn’t found to be realistic. This is due to a particular factor given below:]
Ee`haa` ham ek udahara0I de taani jeh se ee samajh me` aa jaai ki adhikans Sarkaari DaaTaa kaahe sahi naa hokhe.
[Here is an example which shows how most of the Data related to Bhojpuri provided by the Government of India are far from being correct.]
Hamaar “Maatri bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~”; baad me` ham Hindi, Sanskrit, Bajjikaa, English, Bengaali aadi bhaasaa ek ke baad ek sikhani.
[My “Mother tongue is Bhojpuri” later on, I learnt Hindi, Sanskrit, Bajjika, English, Bhojpuri etc. one after another.]
Ham caahat rahi` ki hamaar ‘Maatri bhaasaa Bhojpuri’ sab jagah likhal jaay, baakir ‘Sarkaari Faaram me` ta~ Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke kahi` naave naa rahe’; eh se sab jagah hamaar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Hindi’ likhaa gail.
[I wished that everywhere my ‘Mother tongue should be written as Bhojpuri’, but in the ‘Government formats’ there was no trace or choice to indicate ‘Bhojpuri’, due to this everywhere my ‘Mother tongue’ had to be recorded as Hindi.]
>>> Eehe haalat karoRo Bhojapuriaa logan ke Bhaarat me` baa, aur unkar ‘Maatri bhaasaa’ Deefault me` ‘Hindi’ ho jaalaa. Eh se karoRo log jekar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~, okar Maatri Bhaasaa Sarkaari kaagajan me` ‘Hindi’ likh del jaa laa’ aajo; je ek dam sahi naikhe.
>>> [Similar problem was and is being faced by millions of Bhojpuri people, and their ‘mother tongue’ is recorded in Government documents as ‘Hindi’, which are not at all correct.]
‘maikro sarve’:
Ham tab Agast 2013 me` ek ‘maikro sarve’ ee jaane khaatir kaini ki Bhojpuri jaane waalaa log katanaa baaRan.
[‘micro survey’:
Then in August 2013, a ‘micro survey’ was carried out just to find how many people know Bhojpuri.]
‘Eh ‘maikro sarve’ me` ham khaali uu logan se jekar Maatri Bhaasaa Bhojpuri ha~, unke se puchali` ki Sarkaari kaagajaatan me` unkar ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ kaa likhal baa, ta~ pataa calal ki 112 logan me` se:
(a) khaali 2 aadmi ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Bhojpuri’,
(b) 12 aadmi ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’, ‘Urdu’
(c) Baaki 98 logan ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Hindi’
[In this ‘micro survey’ I contacted only those persons who knew Bhojpuri as First Language and asked, “What were their Mother tongue in the Government Documents”. Then I came to know that out of total 112 persons:
(a) only 2 persons’ Mother tongue was ‘Bhojpuri’.
(b) 12 persons had Mother tongue ‘Udhu’.
(c) The Mother tongue of the rest 98% persons was ‘Hindi’]
Uupar ke ‘maikro sarve’ ke risalt:
(a) Bhojpuri Bhaasi = 1.79 %
(b) Urdu Bhaasi = 10.71 %
(c) Hindi Bhaasi = 87.50%
[The result of the above ‘micro survey’:
(a) Bhojpuri speaking persons = 1.79 %
(b) Urdu = 10.71 %
(c) Hindi speaking persons = 87.50 % ]
Sahi rijalt:
Upar ke 112 aadmi me` se sab ke ‘Maatri Bhaasaa’ ‘Bhojpuri’ rahe, saaf pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri bolewaalaa log 100 % hokhe ke caahi`.
[Correct Result:
The mother tongue of all the 112 persons were ‘Bhojpuri’, accordingly the number of Bhojpuri speaking persons should have been 100 %.]
Baakir ee sarve se pataa calal ki jaadaa se jaadaa 2 % log Bhojpuri bole waalaa baaRan.
[But this survey shows that the Bhojpuri speaking persons were hardly 2 %.]
Eh se ham kah sakataani ki Bhaarat Sakaar ke Bhojpuri khatir kawano DaaTaa ke kawno arath naikhe.
Ekar asal kaara0I eehe baa ki Bhaarat Sarkaar aaj tak Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa naikhe dele. Ekar niraakara0I Bharat Sarkaar ke jaldi se jaldi kare ke caahi`.
[Due to this it can be said that there is no meaning of any Government Data related to Bhojpuri.
The main cause of this is non-recognition of Bhojpuri by the Government of India. Ramadial action must be taken by Government of India without further loss of time]
Ee he ha~ Bhaarat ke adhikans DaaTaa ke roop!
[Such is the status of most Indian Data.]
Ekare calte Sarkaari dastaabejan ke anusaar Bhaarat me` Bhojpuri jaane waalaa logan ke sankhyaa karib 4 karoR batawal jaalaa, je ekdam sahi naikhe. Jadi kulhi Bhojpuri bole waalaa logan ke anumaan lagaawal jaay [Maatri Bhaasaa + dosar Bhojpuri jaane waalaa log], ta~ sahi me` ee sankhyaa 20 karoR se 25 karoR ho sakelaa, Bhaarat se baahar Bhojpuri bole waalaa logan ke le ke.
[Due to this, according to Government documents the number of people knowing Bhojpuri is about 40 million. However, the total number of persons speaking Bhojpuri in India [Mother tongue or First lanuage and Second language] is estimated as 200 million to 250 million including persons outside India.]
‘Taims auf Indiaa’ ke anusaar Bhojpuri bole waalaa log 20 karoR ho sakelaa, jaisan ki uupar likhal gail baa.
[According to ‘The Times of India’, the number of persons speaking Bhojpuri can be 200 million, something as stated above.]
Ta~ Bhaarat Sarkaar ke DaTa ke ka maane bhail?
[Now what is the meaning of the Data of the Government of India?]
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke Bhojpuri se Sauteli Maai jaisan Ristaa:
Bhojpuri ke Bharate me` sarkaar se maanyata naikhe, aur ekara ke Hindi ke ek bhaag maan lel gail baa. Ehi se Bhojpuri ke Sansaaro me` kavano sthaan naikhe. Ee sab ke jaR me` Bhaarat Sarkaar ke Bhojpuri khatir sautelaa byavhaar baa. Eh tarah se Bhaarat sarkaar Bhojpuri ke baD*aawe ke badle sapres karatiaa. Bhaarat Sarkaar ke jan hit me` aapan rawaiyaa badle ke caahi`.
[Step motherly Treatment of Government of India towards Bhojpuri:
In India Bhojpuri is not recognised by the Government and it is taken as a part of Hindi. Due to this itself, Bhojpuri has no place in the world also. The root cause of all these is the step motherly treatment of the Government of India towards Bhojpuri. Instead of trying to develop Bhojpuri, Government of India is supressing her. In the interest of people government of India must change her attitude.]
Oraai naa. [Non-ending]

Rauaa logan ke
sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome.]
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes'
khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115, 11.03.9116 ke PosT pa dekhee`.
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go to the
post dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD, 01.06.2016 AD.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail. [The End]
30.03.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 20.06.2016
>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`:
>> dinan ke naav: एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर
>> Maheenan ke naav: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
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