eMitram Sri:25.01.9114 Guruvaar:
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik eSamaacaar Patram’.
[10.04.2014 AD Thursday.
'Anglo-Sanskrit International Daily eNewspaper’. Edition:
021.01 Sri: 9114]
VishizTa Samaacaaraa: [Special News]:
*** Bhaarate Sri:25.01.9114 divse 16
ZoDazam Nirvaacanam Dilli evam CanDigaD*a nagarau, Bihaar, Hariaanaa, Keral
praantezu bhavati adhunaa Matdaanam:
Bhaarate Sri:22.01.9114 divse 16
ZoDazam Nirvaacanam Aasaam evam Tripuraa
praantau sampannam. Matdaataa:
Aassam : 75 %
Tripuraa : 84 % shlaghyam.
** CPM netaa Sri Yecuri mahodaya:
kathita: yat AAP MaryaaditbharazTaacaarrahitjanatantram bhaarate
staapitumicchati, iti shlaaghyam. Parantu ati abhyaavaarikam ca.
[CPM leader Mr Yecuri says:
AAP is trying to bring ideal democracy in india, free from corruption, this is
very good. But it is very impractical. They will learn in due cource.]
** Saamraajyavaadideshaanaam
Xadma Yuddham
adhunaa Misra, Siriaa, Ukren, evam
anyadeshe rata:.
Poorve etaan Iraaq, Algeria. Leebiaa deshaan vinaztakritwanta:.
Proxy War of Imperialistic countries are continuing fast in Egypt, Syria,
Ukraine and other countries. This has already ruined
countries like Iraq,
Algeria, Libya]
1. 'Bhaarate Sri: 9114 LS
Saadhaara0Ia Nirvacanam.
[2014 AD LS General Election
of India]:
Sri: 18.12.9113 divase [05.03.2014] Bhaarateey
Nirvaacan Aayoga: [Election Commission of India] "Sri: 9114
Saadhaara0Ia Nirvaacana"-sya ghoz0Iaa Sri VS Sampat, Mukhya Nirvaacan
Adhikaari mahodayen krita:.
[The 2014 General Election of India will be held
in 9 steps between 09.04.2014 to 12.05.2014 and the result will be announced on
Election Commission has not put any restriction
on Opinion Polls.
Now 'Model Code of Conduct' is applied in India.]
1.1 Ko`ress dala: 125 Barzasya
** Co`gres dalen puna:
Bhaaratvibhaajanaartham Jataaraxa0Iam krita:.
[ Congress Party once again
divided India by providing Reservation to Jats in the name of bacward class.]
1.2 AAP,
Sarvasaadhaara0Iajanaanam dala:
1.5 Varzasya puraatan
AAP 1, 2, 3. 4.5,6,7,8, 9,10,11, 12, 13, 14 evam
15 Pratyaasinaam sucya: LS
424 pashyataam:
[The names of 1st, 2nd,3rd ,
4th 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th,
13th, 14th and 15th List
of candidates = 424 total after
dropping 15 are given below]:
Praant Praant Yog
AP 15
Arunacal 1
Assam 9
Bihar 38
ChattisgaD*a 1
Goa 2
Gujraat 19
J & K 3
JhaarkhanD 11
KarnaaTak 27
Kerala 15
Madhya Pradesh 28
Maharaastra 47
Manipur 2
Meghaalay 1
Mizoram 1
NaagaalainD 0
Orishaa 19
Panjaab: 11
Raajasthaan 32
Sikkim 1
Naadu 12
Tripuraa 2
Pradesh: 80
WB 4
UttaraakhanD 4
& N 1
& N 1
& D 1
Delhi 7
Cauk Aashutosh L-1
Del Ashish Khetan L-4
Col. D. Seharwat L-4
Delhi Jarnail Singh L-1
Gandhi L-2
NE Anand Kumar L-3
NW Raakhi Birlaa L-3
Laxdweep 0
Puduceri 1
Sakal LS AAP Pratyaasina:
= 425. [Total Candidates=425 which is not final]. Etaan antima haasti
Atra Aztapratishataadhikyam Shtriya: santi.
[More than 8 % in above are Ladies.
1.3 BJP, Bhaarteey Janataa Dal:
30 Varzasya puraatan dala:
* TDP adya Sri: 21.01.9114 divase NDA sa`yojita:.
Dalasthiti neemne
Telangaanaa: LS: 8 > 9
VS: 47 > 72
Seemaandhraa LS: 5 > 20
VS: 15 > 160
Adhunaa NDA / BJP's sthiti
* Sri Rambilas Paaswaan mahodaya: swa LJP dalasya NDA dalsamoohe
samilitawaan Sri: 12.12.9113 divase. [27.02.2014AD].
1.4 BSP, Bahujan Samaaj PaarTi: kecan Jansabhaakrita.
Dilli nagaraat BSP
dalasya Pratyaasina:
Shakeel Saifi,
Sinemaakalaakaara: Poorva Dilli Nagaraat;
Saami Salmaani, Uttar-poorva
Dilli Nagaraat;
Sanjay Rai daxin Dilli
Narender Paandy 'Caandani
Cauk sthaanaat, Raajpaal Prajaapati, Pascim Dilli nagaraat.
Sarve Uttar Pradeshasya
Sarve LS
Dilli : 6
Uttar Pradeshe : 80
Raajasthaane : 6
CattisgaD*e : 8
1.5 CPI, "Bhaarateeya CommuniT
PaarTi" :
Keral: 4
1.6 CPM, "Communist PaarTi
Bihaar: 4 Ujiarpur,
Darbhangaa, W. Campaaran, KhagaRiaa
4, Panjaab: 3, Keral: 15
Sakal Pratyaasina: 94
!.7 Praanteeya Dalaa:
1.7.1 Samaajvadi PaarTi, SP
Sarve udghozitPratyaasi:
Uttar Pradeshasya :
MP : 6
: Bhind: Anita chudhari
: Rewa: Rajmani Patel
:Shahdol: Yogesh Kr
Vidisha Manoj Kr Yaadav
Bhopal: Shiv Mallik
Khajuraho: Siddhaarth Kushwaahaa
Mumbai: dKendra: Kashinaath Pasi
Uttar: Kamlesh Yadaw
UPoorva: Rais Sheikh
Sarve Pratyaasi : 31
1.7.2 Biju Janataa Dal: BJD
ORishaa: LS Pratyaasi:
Pratyaasi: 147
1.7.3 Tri0Ia Mool Co`gres, TMC
Pascim Bangaal:
1.7.4 DMK: Tamil Naadu: 39, Puduceri: 1
1.7.5 AIDMK: Tamil Naadu:39, Puduceri:1
2. Yukren
desa: {Ukraine:]
'Yukrenasya SwaghozitKivsaasanaaat' Donetsk,
Khaarkiv evam anyasthaanaanaam Saasanbhavanaani
Donetsk, Kharkiv, and other places many people have
aquired the government buildins from the
'Selfproclaimed expansionist Kiev
Government' working in the
interest of the Western Imperialistic countries.]
kathayati yat 150 Vyaktigat Amerikan Sainya Visheshgyaa:
adhunaa Yukrene santi.
claims that 150 Specialists American Private Military
group is present in Ukraine.]
3. Misra
nirvaacane sakal 5.3 KoTi janaa: bhavizyanti.
[The number of voters in the Presidencial
Election will be about 53 Million.]
Misra deshe Samraajyavaadideshaa: Chadma Yuddhe
rata: poorva RaasTrapati M. Mori mahodayam apadasthkritwaa, iti sarve jaananti.
[All know, in Egypt Expansionist and Imperialistic
countries are busy in proxy-war after removing the elected President M. Morsi.]
4. ThailanD [Thailand]:
ThailanDe adhunaa
Saasanvirodhpradashanen sthiti poor0Iatyaa asaamaanyam.
Thai Saasana: apadastha:.
Senaa nijkaarye vyasta:.
‘Students and Peoples
Network for Thailands Reform’, STR leader Suthep Thaungsuban mahodaya:
Shabhayaa: aagacchanti sma, tadaiwa Aagneyaashtren aahatawanta:
[The situation in Thailand
is completely abnormal due to anti-Governmet demonstrations. Thai Govt. resins.
Army is trying to manage.
The group from the ‘Students and Peoples Network for Thailands Reform’, STR
leader Suthep Thaungsuban were returning from a rally when the convoy was hit
by a gunfire.
Saasanvirodhe ‘People’s Democratic Reform Committee’, PDRC wants another
The care taker PM Yingluck Sinewatra, but people are talking againt her.]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam
[One may
use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam
‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com.
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at
the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” given at www.google.com]
Iti [The end]
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