Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 026.03.9114 Somaar [Date: 09.06.2014 AD Monday]
Ank: 072.03.9114 Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome, All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri. and all lovers.
English in […]]
*** Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
* ** AAP ke 3 Din ke raasTreey Adhivesan:
[Three Day National Conference of AAP]:
‘Teen Dinan ke AAP ke raasTreey Kaaryakaarini ke Adhivesan’ Dilli me` aaj Sri: 25.3.9114 ke khatam ho gail.
Adhivesan ke baad Sri Arvind Kejriwaal auru Sri Prashaant Bhusan pres confarens me` khaas ka ke kahalan ki:
(a) AAP ke Sri: 9114 LS Coonaav me` acchaa fal milal, kahe ki eh Modi hawaa me` Sansad me` AAP Janam lelas. Dillio me` sab jagah AAP 2raa sthaan pa rahal.
(b) AAP se desh ke logan ke bahut aashaa baa, eh se ekar Booth Leval se raasTreey star tak punargaThan hoi.
(c) AAP Sri Narendra Modi, BJP ke Kendreey Saasan pa ailaa ke Badhaai auru shubhakaamanaa delas.
** FIFA Word Cup Brazil: Neece dekhi` [Pl. See below:]
** Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa: [Recognition of Bhojpuri]:
Uttar-Poorab Dilli ke MP Sri Manoj Tiwaary jee jab ego Bhojpuri ke geet gaawat Lok Shabhaa me` ailan, ta baRaa neek laagal.
Ab jab Bhaarat se UPA II ke akarmanya "baa`Ta aur Raaj kara" waalaa Saasan khatam ho gail; ta aaj ke Sri Narendra Modi ji ke BJP, NDA ke Saasan se bhojpurialog (www.bhojpurialog.blogspot.com), anurodh karataaran ki Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, jekaraa ke 20 KaroRo se jaadaa log Sansaar ke darjano desan me` auru bisian citian me` bolelan, ke Samvidhaan ke AaThawi` Suci me` saamil ka ke maanyataa diaawal jaaya.
[When Sri Manoj Tiwary, MP,BJP NE Delhi entered into Lok Shabha singing a Bhojpuri song, it was thrilling and jubilant to all bhojpuria.
Now when the non-working discriminatory UPA Govt. is finished, and the Govt. of Sri Narendra Modi, BJP, NDA has aquired the reign of India, the bhojpurialog (www.bhojpurialog.blogspot.com) request the Government of India to recognise Bhojpuri Language spoken by over 200 million people spread in dozens of countries and over 20 cities of the World, by including it in the 8th Shedule of the Constitution, along with other similar languages like Rajasthaani and others.]
*** UP ke 5 Bhaag: [5 Parts of UP]:
Ego navasikhuaa ke haa`th me` UP aisan baRahan praant, je 5 dusar praantan ke baraabar baa, de del gail baa. Kaa ego aadami pa dos del Theek baa!
[The command of a large Praant like UP, equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young Person. Should we blame the person!]
UP ke jab tak 4 yaa 5 bhaag me` baa`Tal naa jaai, ee`haa ke samasyaa ke samaadhaan naa hoi. Eehe sab dekh ke Smt Mayaavati ke UP-Sarkaar UP ke baa`T ke 5 Praant banaave khaatir UP ke Vidhaan Shabhaa se bll paas karwaa ke Kendra Sarkaar ke paas prastaav bhejale rahi; je pa UPA- Sarkaar sutal rahal.
[Unless UP is divided into 4, 5 parts, the problem of UP can not be solved. Considering these Mayavati- Govt. of UP passed a bill in the Assembly of UP for its division in 5 parts on which the non-working UPA Govt. continued to sleep.]
Ab Sri Narendra Modi ke BJP Sakaar ke UP-Vibhaajan ke eh prastaaw ke jaldi se jaldi paas ka ke 5 nayaa Praant ke GaThan kare ke caahi`, taaki UP ke logan ke anginat samasyaa ke samaadhaan ho sake caahe uu:
[Now the Central Govt. of NDA- BJP headed by Sri Narendra Modi should act soon for the Division of UP in 5 parts to solve the problems of UP, be it]:
(a) Law & Ordar ke samasyaa hokhe, caahe
(b) Bijali, caahe [Electricity]
(c) Audyogik [Industrial]
(d) Shixaa [Education]
(e) Swaasthya [Health]
(f) Rojgaar [Employment]
(g) Aawaagaman [Transport]
(h) Vyaapaar [Business]
(i) Maha`gaai, caahe [Price rise]
(j) Kheti-baari ke samasyaa hokhe caahe auru kawano [Agricultural or any other]
** Aaj Sri: 25.03.9114 ke Nayakaa Andhra Pradesh (Seemaandhra) ke Mukhya Mantri ke roop me` TDP / NDA ke Sri Candra Baabu NaaeDu sapath grahan kailan Haedaraabaad me` je filhaal eh Praant ke Kendra rahi.
** Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad / Vistaarvaad:
Aaj Dharati pa Sri: 9100 sataabdio me` jab bahut log EDD, DD, DDD ke baat karataare anek deshan me` Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad ke DhiDhoraa piTat baD*al jaa taaran, khaas ka ke Yurop me`. Ee sab desh khaali Janatantra ke DhiDhoraa piTelan. Kab ee sab desh Maanavataa ke aisan kalank ke door kari; je me` dusar Vistaarvaadi desh sab saamil baaRan.
Yukren, Siriaa, Libiaa, Misr, Iraak aadi deshan ke samasyaa ekare calate baa.
[Monarchy and Imperialism / Expasionism:
Even in the 21st centuri on the Earth when many kalk about EDD, DD, DDD monaarchy and imperialism is flourishing in many countries, particularly in Europe.
Most of these countries do lip-service for Democracy. When this age old blot on Humanism is going to be abolished along with other Expansioniasts flourishing on rhe Earth.
The problems in countries like Ukraine, Syria. Lybia, Egypt, Iraq are the direct out come of these Isms.]
** Bhaarat me` "Common Civil Code":
Hokhahj` ke caahi` kawano Secular Sarkaar me` jadi uu VoTe-Bank ke anuyaayee naa hokhe.
[Is a must in a secular Govt. unless it is a follower of Vote-bank.]
** BJP "AarTikal: 370" ke haTaawe ke baat Theeke kartaa. Kaahe kawano Praant ke Bhaarat me` vishes sthaan caahi, jabaki surue me` ekaraa ke asthaai taur pa lagaawal gail rahe.
1. Yukren: [Ukraine]:
*** Yukren ke Duryodhan: [The Duryodhan of Ukraine]:
Yukren ke Duryodhan: Kaa Yukren ke nayakaa PeTro Pres jekar conTrolar baaRan Pascimi 4, 7 Maamaa log? Duryodhane jaian uu Danesk auru Luhansk xetran me` Jameeni auru Hawaai bombaari se sadhaaran janataa pa kahar Dhahale baaRan.
[Duryodhan of Ukraine: Is the new Pres Petro of Ukraine following Duryodhan controlled by his 4, 7 Western Maamaas? Just like Duryodhan he is bombing the common men, women, children in Danesk aur Luhansk regions by Artillary and Air.]
** Yukren me` Farvari 2014 me` kuch ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ Kyiv me` hallaa-gullaa, maar-peeT ka ke Yukren ke Cayanit Vidhi se sthaapit raasTrapati Yanukovich ke Kyiv choRa ke Rus me` saran lebe ke badhya kailan, kaahe ki Mr Yanukovich kawano khoon-kharaabaa naa caahat rahas. Fer ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ Kyiv me` aapan ego PM banaa ke Saasan kare lagalan.
Baakir daxini aur poorvi Yukren, jaha`waa Rusi bole vaalaa jaadaa rahan, eh Kyiv ke Sarkaar ke maanyataa naa delan.
Krimiyaa Yukren se Alag: Maarc 2014 AD:
Krimiyaa ke log Janamatasangrah ka ke Krimiyaa ke ego alag Swatantra desh ke ghosit kailan. Ee log Krimiyaa ke sab sarkaari kaaryaalayan ke apanaa adheen ka lelan.
Kyiv ke virodh pa ee log Rus me` mile ke nirnay le lelan eh se Rus aapan log ke bhej ke Krimiyaa ke Maarc 2014 AD me` Rus Sangh me` milaalelas.
“Danesk People’s Republik” DNR auru “Luhaansk People’s Repablik” LPR Kyiv se Alag:
Ab Yukren ke daxin poorvi Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran ke logo Krimiyaa ke tarah Janamatsangrah ka ke apanaa ke swatantra desh “Danesk People’s Republik” DNR auru “Luhaansk People’s Repablik” LPR ghosit ka delan.
Baaki Yukren: [Remnent Ukraine]:
Fer ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ je jabar dasti gair kaanooni tareekaa se Yukren ke Saasak ban gailan, poore Yukren me` nayaa PresiDenT ke coonaav kare ke ghosanaa kailan. Ee conaav ta bhail, baakir Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` Kyiv Sarkaar Coonaav naa karwaa sakal.
Eh coonaav me` Sri PeTro Poroshenko ke 52 % se jaadaa voTe milal aur uu Yukren ke PresiDenT ban gailan jekaraa ke pooraa pascimi deshan, EU, US aadi se maanyataa milal.
Baakir ee vastavikataa baa ki Kyiv-Saasan jadi Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` PresiDent ke coonaavo naa karawaa sakal, auru je eh coonaav se pahilahi Yukren se janamatsangrah ka ke swatantra ho gail rahan, ta~ ab Yukren ke saasan ke DNR auru LPR ke nireeh logan pa sthal auru Hawaai bambaari kahaa` tak Theek baa?
[This is a big Q for all rational and legitimate persons.]
** Yukren me` Mr PeTro Poroshenko nayaa raasTrapati banalan aur ghosanaa kailan ki uu EU me` saamil hoihe` auru desh me` shaanti kaayam karihe`. Baakir ohi ghaRi Donesk, Luhaansk ke rahbaasi xetran pa Hawaai hamalaa ka ke bhaari jaan maal ke xati kail gail.
Laagataa ki Yukren me` MahaaYukren shuru ho gail baa.
[After taking over as Pres of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, heavy fighting and killing of innocent people in DNR and LPR is going on by Ukranian military and air bombing.
Is this Mahaabhaarat or MahaaUkraine in which 7 Western Shakuni maamaas are working for Petro.
2. Siriaa [Syria]:
Siriaa me` Adhyax ke coonaav ke baad Ai-Assad ke 7 baris khaatir PresiDenT ghosit ka diaail.
[After the election Al-Assad was declared the president of Syria for 7 years.]
3. Sarbiaa auru Kasavo. [Serbia and Kosovo]
** Kaalhu Sri: 24.03.9114 ke Pristinaa ke najdeek Pawar Haus me` ego baRakaa dhamaakaa bhail.
Aaj Sri: 25.03.9114 ke Kasavo me` Coonaav hotaa. Dekhi` kaa hotaa?
[Yesterday on ther was a big blast in the main Power Plant near Pristina.
Today on 08.06.2014 Kosovo is going to hold its Parliamentary election again after unilateralyy declaring its independenc from Serbia in Sri: 9108. ]
4. Braajil FIFA Vishwa Cap: [Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup:
** Braajil ke Adhyax Dilmaa Rausselff kahali ki eh khel ke, naa hamni ke viruddha kaaryakram calataa auru ohi se Sao Paolo ke Bhoopaarpath ke kaam me` rukaawat daal ke haRataal karwaa ke.
[Brazil President Dilma Rousself denounced aa systematic compain against the tournament, nay against us; by causing work stoppage in sub-way by causing srike in Sao Paulo.]
** Vijayee Vijayee.... Rus [Winner is is is ... Russia]:
FIFA Adhyax Sepp Blaetter Rus ke naav dharalan je Sri: 9118 ke Vishva KaToraa ke sthaan hoi.
[FIFA President Sepp Blatter holds up the name of Russia as the 2018 Word Cup host.]
** Braajil Sarbiaa ke 1-0 se antim garmaai me` jeetalas.
[Bazil beet Serbia 1-0 in final warm-up]
** Kaa $44 ke Itakeraao Khelapraa`gan Brajil auru Kroesiaa ke beec ke udghaaTan khel ke pahile pooraa ho jaai?
[Will the 400$ Itaquerao stadium be completed in time before opening game between Brazil and Croatia in Sao Paulo?]
** Jab rauaa Braajil ke saathe camakab, ta rauaa Vishva sTaar banab.
[In World Cup if you shine with Brazil, you are a star]
** Aaj tak karib 3 000 000 TikaT bikaa gail baa FIFA ke.
** Braajil me` Sri: 29.03.9114 ke Vishva Kap suru hokhe ke baa.
[Brazil World Cup is supposed to Kick off on 12.06.2014]
** Braajil ke Adhyaxaa Dilmaa Rousseff ke anusaar Braajil me` TV ke bikri me` 49 % ke baD*otri ho gail baa. Uu log TVe pa khel dekhi, baakir Braajil ke jeet hokhalaa pa sTaiDiam me` log jaai.
** Braajil me` Sri: 9114 ke FIFA Vishwa Cap Sao Paolo ke Arenaa Koronthians me` 10 dinan ke baad hokhe ke baa. Eh jagah ke pooraa kare khaatir nirmaan ke kaam jor pa baa.
AsTreliaa, Kroesiaa, Iraan auru Spe~n Braajil aagail baaRe.
[FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil: is going to be held in Arena Coronthians, Sao Paolo. This is going to start within 3 days and construction work are in full swing.
Australia, Croesia, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Cote d'Ivoire, England and Spain have arrived Brazil]
‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ kawano lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com ke uddes auru aadhaar par kaam karelaa. Ee paD*e khaatir dekhi` PaaTh-1 auru 2 uupar ke link par.
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
Aasaa karataani ki ekaraa ke rauaa pasand karab. Raauro salaah aamantrit baa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com. For reading this news paper, please see Path-1 and 2 at the above Google link. <br/>
Whatever are written here are collected from various sources which may or may not be true, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
Oraa gail [The End]
global bhojpuri 09.06.14
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 026.03.9114 Somaar [Date: 09.06.2014 AD Monday]
Ank: 072.03.9114 Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome, All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri. and all lovers.
English in […]]
*** Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
* ** AAP ke 3 Din ke raasTreey Adhivesan:
[Three Day National Conference of AAP]:
‘Teen Dinan ke AAP ke raasTreey Kaaryakaarini ke Adhivesan’ Dilli me` aaj Sri: 25.3.9114 ke khatam ho gail.
Adhivesan ke baad Sri Arvind Kejriwaal auru Sri Prashaant Bhusan pres confarens me` khaas ka ke kahalan ki:
(a) AAP ke Sri: 9114 LS Coonaav me` acchaa fal milal, kahe ki eh Modi hawaa me` Sansad me` AAP Janam lelas. Dillio me` sab jagah AAP 2raa sthaan pa rahal.
(b) AAP se desh ke logan ke bahut aashaa baa, eh se ekar Booth Leval se raasTreey star tak punargaThan hoi.
(c) AAP Sri Narendra Modi, BJP ke Kendreey Saasan pa ailaa ke Badhaai auru shubhakaamanaa delas.
** FIFA Word Cup Brazil: Neece dekhi` [Pl. See below:]
** Bhojpuri ke Maanyataa: [Recognition of Bhojpuri]:
Uttar-Poorab Dilli ke MP Sri Manoj Tiwaary jee jab ego Bhojpuri ke geet gaawat Lok Shabhaa me` ailan, ta baRaa neek laagal.
Ab jab Bhaarat se UPA II ke akarmanya "baa`Ta aur Raaj kara" waalaa Saasan khatam ho gail; ta aaj ke Sri Narendra Modi ji ke BJP, NDA ke Saasan se bhojpurialog (www.bhojpurialog.blogspot.com), anurodh karataaran ki Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, jekaraa ke 20 KaroRo se jaadaa log Sansaar ke darjano desan me` auru bisian citian me` bolelan, ke Samvidhaan ke AaThawi` Suci me` saamil ka ke maanyataa diaawal jaaya.
[When Sri Manoj Tiwary, MP,BJP NE Delhi entered into Lok Shabha singing a Bhojpuri song, it was thrilling and jubilant to all bhojpuria.
Now when the non-working discriminatory UPA Govt. is finished, and the Govt. of Sri Narendra Modi, BJP, NDA has aquired the reign of India, the bhojpurialog (www.bhojpurialog.blogspot.com) request the Government of India to recognise Bhojpuri Language spoken by over 200 million people spread in dozens of countries and over 20 cities of the World, by including it in the 8th Shedule of the Constitution, along with other similar languages like Rajasthaani and others.]
*** UP ke 5 Bhaag: [5 Parts of UP]:
Ego navasikhuaa ke haa`th me` UP aisan baRahan praant, je 5 dusar praantan ke baraabar baa, de del gail baa. Kaa ego aadami pa dos del Theek baa!
[The command of a large Praant like UP, equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young Person. Should we blame the person!]
UP ke jab tak 4 yaa 5 bhaag me` baa`Tal naa jaai, ee`haa ke samasyaa ke samaadhaan naa hoi. Eehe sab dekh ke Smt Mayaavati ke UP-Sarkaar UP ke baa`T ke 5 Praant banaave khaatir UP ke Vidhaan Shabhaa se bll paas karwaa ke Kendra Sarkaar ke paas prastaav bhejale rahi; je pa UPA- Sarkaar sutal rahal.
[Unless UP is divided into 4, 5 parts, the problem of UP can not be solved. Considering these Mayavati- Govt. of UP passed a bill in the Assembly of UP for its division in 5 parts on which the non-working UPA Govt. continued to sleep.]
Ab Sri Narendra Modi ke BJP Sakaar ke UP-Vibhaajan ke eh prastaaw ke jaldi se jaldi paas ka ke 5 nayaa Praant ke GaThan kare ke caahi`, taaki UP ke logan ke anginat samasyaa ke samaadhaan ho sake caahe uu:
[Now the Central Govt. of NDA- BJP headed by Sri Narendra Modi should act soon for the Division of UP in 5 parts to solve the problems of UP, be it]:
(a) Law & Ordar ke samasyaa hokhe, caahe
(b) Bijali, caahe [Electricity]
(c) Audyogik [Industrial]
(d) Shixaa [Education]
(e) Swaasthya [Health]
(f) Rojgaar [Employment]
(g) Aawaagaman [Transport]
(h) Vyaapaar [Business]
(i) Maha`gaai, caahe [Price rise]
(j) Kheti-baari ke samasyaa hokhe caahe auru kawano [Agricultural or any other]
** Aaj Sri: 25.03.9114 ke Nayakaa Andhra Pradesh (Seemaandhra) ke Mukhya Mantri ke roop me` TDP / NDA ke Sri Candra Baabu NaaeDu sapath grahan kailan Haedaraabaad me` je filhaal eh Praant ke Kendra rahi.
** Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad / Vistaarvaad:
Aaj Dharati pa Sri: 9100 sataabdio me` jab bahut log EDD, DD, DDD ke baat karataare anek deshan me` Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad ke DhiDhoraa piTat baD*al jaa taaran, khaas ka ke Yurop me`. Ee sab desh khaali Janatantra ke DhiDhoraa piTelan. Kab ee sab desh Maanavataa ke aisan kalank ke door kari; je me` dusar Vistaarvaadi desh sab saamil baaRan.
Yukren, Siriaa, Libiaa, Misr, Iraak aadi deshan ke samasyaa ekare calate baa.
[Monarchy and Imperialism / Expasionism:
Even in the 21st centuri on the Earth when many kalk about EDD, DD, DDD monaarchy and imperialism is flourishing in many countries, particularly in Europe.
Most of these countries do lip-service for Democracy. When this age old blot on Humanism is going to be abolished along with other Expansioniasts flourishing on rhe Earth.
The problems in countries like Ukraine, Syria. Lybia, Egypt, Iraq are the direct out come of these Isms.]
** Bhaarat me` "Common Civil Code":
Hokhahj` ke caahi` kawano Secular Sarkaar me` jadi uu VoTe-Bank ke anuyaayee naa hokhe.
[Is a must in a secular Govt. unless it is a follower of Vote-bank.]
** BJP "AarTikal: 370" ke haTaawe ke baat Theeke kartaa. Kaahe kawano Praant ke Bhaarat me` vishes sthaan caahi, jabaki surue me` ekaraa ke asthaai taur pa lagaawal gail rahe.
1. Yukren: [Ukraine]:
*** Yukren ke Duryodhan: [The Duryodhan of Ukraine]:
Yukren ke Duryodhan: Kaa Yukren ke nayakaa PeTro Pres jekar conTrolar baaRan Pascimi 4, 7 Maamaa log? Duryodhane jaian uu Danesk auru Luhansk xetran me` Jameeni auru Hawaai bombaari se sadhaaran janataa pa kahar Dhahale baaRan.
[Duryodhan of Ukraine: Is the new Pres Petro of Ukraine following Duryodhan controlled by his 4, 7 Western Maamaas? Just like Duryodhan he is bombing the common men, women, children in Danesk aur Luhansk regions by Artillary and Air.]
** Yukren me` Farvari 2014 me` kuch ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ Kyiv me` hallaa-gullaa, maar-peeT ka ke Yukren ke Cayanit Vidhi se sthaapit raasTrapati Yanukovich ke Kyiv choRa ke Rus me` saran lebe ke badhya kailan, kaahe ki Mr Yanukovich kawano khoon-kharaabaa naa caahat rahas. Fer ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ Kyiv me` aapan ego PM banaa ke Saasan kare lagalan.
Baakir daxini aur poorvi Yukren, jaha`waa Rusi bole vaalaa jaadaa rahan, eh Kyiv ke Sarkaar ke maanyataa naa delan.
Krimiyaa Yukren se Alag: Maarc 2014 AD:
Krimiyaa ke log Janamatasangrah ka ke Krimiyaa ke ego alag Swatantra desh ke ghosit kailan. Ee log Krimiyaa ke sab sarkaari kaaryaalayan ke apanaa adheen ka lelan.
Kyiv ke virodh pa ee log Rus me` mile ke nirnay le lelan eh se Rus aapan log ke bhej ke Krimiyaa ke Maarc 2014 AD me` Rus Sangh me` milaalelas.
“Danesk People’s Republik” DNR auru “Luhaansk People’s Repablik” LPR Kyiv se Alag:
Ab Yukren ke daxin poorvi Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran ke logo Krimiyaa ke tarah Janamatsangrah ka ke apanaa ke swatantra desh “Danesk People’s Republik” DNR auru “Luhaansk People’s Repablik” LPR ghosit ka delan.
Baaki Yukren: [Remnent Ukraine]:
Fer ‘Pascimi Samartit Log’ je jabar dasti gair kaanooni tareekaa se Yukren ke Saasak ban gailan, poore Yukren me` nayaa PresiDenT ke coonaav kare ke ghosanaa kailan. Ee conaav ta bhail, baakir Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` Kyiv Sarkaar Coonaav naa karwaa sakal.
Eh coonaav me` Sri PeTro Poroshenko ke 52 % se jaadaa voTe milal aur uu Yukren ke PresiDenT ban gailan jekaraa ke pooraa pascimi deshan, EU, US aadi se maanyataa milal.
Baakir ee vastavikataa baa ki Kyiv-Saasan jadi Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` PresiDent ke coonaavo naa karawaa sakal, auru je eh coonaav se pahilahi Yukren se janamatsangrah ka ke swatantra ho gail rahan, ta~ ab Yukren ke saasan ke DNR auru LPR ke nireeh logan pa sthal auru Hawaai bambaari kahaa` tak Theek baa?
[This is a big Q for all rational and legitimate persons.]
** Yukren me` Mr PeTro Poroshenko nayaa raasTrapati banalan aur ghosanaa kailan ki uu EU me` saamil hoihe` auru desh me` shaanti kaayam karihe`. Baakir ohi ghaRi Donesk, Luhaansk ke rahbaasi xetran pa Hawaai hamalaa ka ke bhaari jaan maal ke xati kail gail.
Laagataa ki Yukren me` MahaaYukren shuru ho gail baa.
[After taking over as Pres of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, heavy fighting and killing of innocent people in DNR and LPR is going on by Ukranian military and air bombing.
Is this Mahaabhaarat or MahaaUkraine in which 7 Western Shakuni maamaas are working for Petro.
2. Siriaa [Syria]:
Siriaa me` Adhyax ke coonaav ke baad Ai-Assad ke 7 baris khaatir PresiDenT ghosit ka diaail.
[After the election Al-Assad was declared the president of Syria for 7 years.]
3. Sarbiaa auru Kasavo. [Serbia and Kosovo]
** Kaalhu Sri: 24.03.9114 ke Pristinaa ke najdeek Pawar Haus me` ego baRakaa dhamaakaa bhail.
Aaj Sri: 25.03.9114 ke Kasavo me` Coonaav hotaa. Dekhi` kaa hotaa?
[Yesterday on ther was a big blast in the main Power Plant near Pristina.
Today on 08.06.2014 Kosovo is going to hold its Parliamentary election again after unilateralyy declaring its independenc from Serbia in Sri: 9108. ]
4. Braajil FIFA Vishwa Cap: [Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup:
** Braajil ke Adhyax Dilmaa Rausselff kahali ki eh khel ke, naa hamni ke viruddha kaaryakram calataa auru ohi se Sao Paolo ke Bhoopaarpath ke kaam me` rukaawat daal ke haRataal karwaa ke.
[Brazil President Dilma Rousself denounced aa systematic compain against the tournament, nay against us; by causing work stoppage in sub-way by causing srike in Sao Paulo.]
** Vijayee Vijayee.... Rus [Winner is is is ... Russia]:
FIFA Adhyax Sepp Blaetter Rus ke naav dharalan je Sri: 9118 ke Vishva KaToraa ke sthaan hoi.
[FIFA President Sepp Blatter holds up the name of Russia as the 2018 Word Cup host.]
** Braajil Sarbiaa ke 1-0 se antim garmaai me` jeetalas.
[Bazil beet Serbia 1-0 in final warm-up]
** Kaa $44 ke Itakeraao Khelapraa`gan Brajil auru Kroesiaa ke beec ke udghaaTan khel ke pahile pooraa ho jaai?
[Will the 400$ Itaquerao stadium be completed in time before opening game between Brazil and Croatia in Sao Paulo?]
** Jab rauaa Braajil ke saathe camakab, ta rauaa Vishva sTaar banab.
[In World Cup if you shine with Brazil, you are a star]
** Aaj tak karib 3 000 000 TikaT bikaa gail baa FIFA ke.
** Braajil me` Sri: 29.03.9114 ke Vishva Kap suru hokhe ke baa.
[Brazil World Cup is supposed to Kick off on 12.06.2014]
** Braajil ke Adhyaxaa Dilmaa Rousseff ke anusaar Braajil me` TV ke bikri me` 49 % ke baD*otri ho gail baa. Uu log TVe pa khel dekhi, baakir Braajil ke jeet hokhalaa pa sTaiDiam me` log jaai.
** Braajil me` Sri: 9114 ke FIFA Vishwa Cap Sao Paolo ke Arenaa Koronthians me` 10 dinan ke baad hokhe ke baa. Eh jagah ke pooraa kare khaatir nirmaan ke kaam jor pa baa.
AsTreliaa, Kroesiaa, Iraan auru Spe~n Braajil aagail baaRe.
[FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil: is going to be held in Arena Coronthians, Sao Paolo. This is going to start within 3 days and construction work are in full swing.
Australia, Croesia, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Cote d'Ivoire, England and Spain have arrived Brazil]
‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ kawano lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com ke uddes auru aadhaar par kaam karelaa. Ee paD*e khaatir dekhi` PaaTh-1 auru 2 uupar ke link par.
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
Aasaa karataani ki ekaraa ke rauaa pasand karab. Raauro salaah aamantrit baa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com. For reading this news paper, please see Path-1 and 2 at the above Google link. <br/>
Whatever are written here are collected from various sources which may or may not be true, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
Oraa gail [The End]
global bhojpuri 09.06.14
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