“मित्रम् Mitram” Sanskrit dainikam
Sri: 9019 Varzaat [Since:1919 AD by Pt Ambika Dutta Sharma ]
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’, Sri: 02.04.9114 Raviivaar:
[15.06.2014 AD Sunday. 'Anglo-Sanskrit International Daily eNewspaper’.
Edition: 077.04. Sri: 9114]
*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
*** Sanskrit - Samriddhi:
UPA Saasane Bhaarate Sanskritam "Mrit Bhaazaa" udghozitam. Mitram Sanskrit Samudaaya: PM Sri: Narendra Modi mahodayena, BJP - NDA Saasnen asya nivaara0iaaya praarthayate. Sanskritam na kevalam sahityamaatra, Sanskritam tu Gyaan - Vigyaanasya sro~tam ca.
Anekaa: Lok Shabhaa Sadasyaan ca Sanskrite sapathagrahanam kritwanta:, iti shlaaghyam. Idam pradarshayati yat Sanskritam kaaryasheelam ca.
*** Uttar Pradesha praantasya 5 Bhaagakara0Ieeyam:
[Division of UP into 5 Parts is required]:
Ekaanabhigya nawayuvakasya haste UP samaan vrihat praantasya Saasanam katham bhave~t, yat 5 anya praantaan samaanaasti?
[The command of a large Praant like UP equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young Person.]
Yadaa UP praantasya 4 athawaa 5 bhaage vibhaajan na bhawati, tadaa asya samasyaasamaadhaanam ca na bhavizsyati. Etaddriztwaa Smt Mayaavati UP-Saasana: UP praantasya vibhaajya 5 Praantaan kartum UP Vidhaan Shabhaayaa: prastaavam paarita:, tatha Kendra Saasan sameepe presita: ; parantu akarmanya UPA- Saasana: suptamev aasit.
[Unless UP is divided into 4, 5 parts, the problem of UP can not be solved. Considering these Mayavati- Govt. of UP passed a bill in the Assembly of UP for its division in 5 parts on which the non-working UPA Govt. continued to sleep.]
Adhunaa Bhaarate Sri Narendra Modi mahodayasya, BJP- NDA Saasana: aagata: ya: UP-Vibhaajanaprastaawasya sheeghratayaa sampaadanam kritwaa 5 nutan Praantaan gaThanam kara0Ieeyam, yata: UPsasya aga0Iit- samasyaanaam samaadhaan bhave~t.
[Now the Central Govt. of NDA- BJP headed by Sri Narendra Modi should act soon for the Division of UP in 5 parts to solve the problems of UP. The UP Governments proposal in this respect is lying with the Central Govt. since long.]
1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:
Hya: Sri: 01.04.9114 divase Afagaan deshe Adhyaxasya kincidhinsaa (~ 50 hataa: ) evam aashaa saha Nirvaacanamabhavat yatra 130 Laxaat, 70 Lax janaa: matadaanam kritwanta:.
Adhyaxasya Pratyaasi:
(1) Abdulla Abdulla, poorva Videsh Mantri.
(2) Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai, poorva Vitta Mantri.
Asya Falam sambhavat: Paxapascaat aagamizyati.
2. Yukren desa: {Ukraine:]
** Pascimi Shakuni Maatulaa: SR netritve samaye samaye vibhinna deshezu Mahaabhaarataan kurvanti:-
Anya deshe asthirataakarizyanti, swa swaarthasiddhi janya; yathaa Sjekoslovakiaa, Yugoslaaviyaa, Yukrena, Iraak, Libiaa, Siriyaa prabhriti:.
[The Shakuni Maternal Uncles of the Wests lead by US start Mahabharats in many countries time and again:
to destbilize others for their own gains in Asia and Central Europe in countries like: Czeckolovakia, Yugoslaviya, Yukraine, Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc.
** Rus deshsya dootaavaasasammukhe Yukren - Samarthit janaanaam hinsaatmakapradarshanen Rus kruddha:.
[Russia is angri against voilent protests in front of their Ambassy by pro- Ukraine men.
** Hya: Sri: 01.04.9114 divase ekazmin TV samaacaaraanusaare0Ia DNR / LPR xetre Yukren deshasya Sainik Vaayuyaana: aagnyaashre0Ia paatita:, yen sarve 49 janaa: hataa:.
[Yesterday on 14.06.2014 in DNR / LPR region a military Plane was shot down in which all 49 persons got killed, according to a TV news.]
** DNR evam LNR xetre adhunaa Yukeni Sthal evam Vaayu senaa janaanaam vizfotakavarzaakritwaa xetrau sa`harati.
Adhunaa NATO Sangha: Yukrene kaaryasheela: prateete.
RT.TV citraa - samvaadaanusaare0Ia Yukrena: adhunaa varjit Foforas VispfoTakaani ca DNR evam LPR xetre paatayati.
[In DNR and LNR areas Ukrainian forces are killing common people by land and air bombing. Now NATO looks more active in Ukraine.
According to RT.TV Ukraine is now dropping Phosphorus Bomb in DNR / LPR areas.]
2. Siriaa [Syria]:
** SR ISIS upari Vayuyaanen VizfoTakaan paatayitum shaknoti.
[US may carry on air strike on ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria with head quarter in Raqqa, Syria.]
** Adhuna Bashar Ai-Assad Siriaa deshasya 7 Varzaaya Adhyaxa: nirvaacanapascaat udghozita: .
Sa: Pascim deshaanaam na samarthita:.
[Today after the election Basher Ai-Assad is declared the President of Syria for 7 years period.
He is not supported by the Wests.]
4. Iraak:[Iraq]:
** Iraak desha: Vaayuyaanen Vizfotakaan diyalaa xetre paatita:, yena 7 Kurda Senaa: hataa:.
** Alkaedaa samarthitam ISIS adhunaa Bagdaad Nagarasya nikate yuddham karoti.
** Iraan desa; Iraak deshasya sahayataakartumicchati.
** Masul, Iraak ke sab se baRahan praant ke oopar Sri: 27.03.9114 ke Ai-Kaedaa samarthit ISIS kabjaa ka lelas: Jai ho SRA.
[Masul, the second largest city and State of Iraq is captured by ISIS, supported by Al-Quaeda: Jai ho USA.]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com. <
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at www.google.com]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam satyatam vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 15.06.14
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