Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Global Bhojpuri eSkool 24.06.14

AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
Ma`gar: Sri: 11.04.9114.  Suru Sri: 29.07.9113 se
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho,
   Tuesday: 24.06.2014 AD.  Started: 17.10.2013 AD ]

Sab premi logan ke Swaagat!! Rauaa Sansaar caahe Brahmaan0Ia me`  rahat hokhi`!!!
[Welcome all lovers!!
Where ever you may be living in the World or Universe!!! ]

*** Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
** Aaj ke Mahaabhaarat Yukren me` auru Iraak me`.
[Today's Mahabharat in Ukraine and in Iraq]

PaaTh-53: Jeeva: [Lesson- 52: Living things]:

1. Jeeva: [Living Thing]:
Jeeva auru Nirjeev me` antar kail baRaa dikkat baa, kaahe ki uu sab TreT je jeeva me` holaa; Nirjeevo me` holaa.
Ehi se aaj ke tathaa kathit Vaigyaanik Log jekaraa ke Nirjeev maanelan uu Sanskrit me` sajeeve yaane ki Jeeva waalaa maanal jaalaa.
[It is very difficult to distiguish between living and non-living things, since basically all the treats of what we now call living being, are found in non-living things as well
That is why what the presnt day call a non-living things may be a living thing in Sanskrit (Highly Cultured) language; nay Sanskrit is not mearly a language but it provides almost total learning.]

Dharati caahe Prithvi auru Sooraj caahe Soorya ke Sanskrit me` Sajeev maanal jaalaa; kaahe ki Prithvi hamani ke Maai ha auru Sooraj Pitaa auru inkare calate hamani sab Jeevan ke janam bhail baa auru Posano hotaa.
Je Maai janam deve uu nirjeev kaise hoi: ab aaj ke Vaigyaanik log  Prithvi ke Nirjeev kahas, jaisan ki Pascimi log aaj ke Vigyaan ke pahilahu` kahat rahas, ta ham Ha`salaa ke alaawe auru kaa kahi`?
[As for example: The Earth and the Sun is are not considered non-living things , since The Earth is our Mother and the Sun our Father from which we all living things are born as well as grow.
The Mother who bears us, how can herself be non-living as most Westerners say even before the advent of present Science, at this should we not simply laugh? ]

Theek aisahi`e Sooraj hamani ke Pitaa jaisan baaRan auru ehise sab Bhojpuria log caahe uu Sansaar me` kah`I rahat hokas, Soorya SazThi, Kaartik maheenaa ke din “Soorya Deva” ke Dubat kaal me` Kand, Mool, Fal, Fool, Pakwanna, dhoop, batti aadi se  soop jaisan bartan me` Arghya delan , deli, poojaa karelan, kareli.
[Similar is the case with the Sun, in the absence of which no living thing can survive. That is why most people in India worship the Setting Sun on the sixth day of the white fortnight of the month of Kartik every year remembering him as Grandpaa offering him all vegitarian eatables, cooked and uncooked.]

Ee sab log kaa moorakh baa, je apanaa Sooraj Baabaa ke poojaa karele?
[Are all these people fools, who worship his Grandappa, the Sun?]
Ehi tarah har kavano poojaa se pahile Prithvi, Dharati maai ke poojaa jaroori baa.
[Similarly before any worshiping, it is essential to worship the Earth, The Water-filled Pitcher, Ganesh ji, and Paarvati Maa.
Sanskrit Vyaakaran ke anusaar:
Soorya, the Sun > Puling, [Masculine]
Prithvi, the Earth > Shtriling, [Faminine]
Adhik jaankaari khaatir rauaa kitaab "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribbed.com pa dekh sakile.

[In Sanskrit the Sun is maculine and the Earth faminine unlike English etc, or unlike modern Science.
For more detail you may go to the book "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at www.scribbed.com]

1.1 Jeeva ke Prakaar: [Type of Living Things]:
Car [Self movable, automobile] auru Acar [Stationary]

Car [Movable Animal]: Ego jagah se dusar jagah apane calelaa,  car [automobile, look at why do we call a man-made automobile as a 'car' ]

Pashu, Paxi, saa`p, keeRaa, makkhi, piloo, singh, billi, bakari, bhe`Ra, bhaaloo, baagh, makaRi, girgiT,

[Animal, bird, snake, insect, fly, catterpillar, lion, cat, goat, sheep, bear, tigar, spider, gecco, bacteria]

Ee Car sab jaTil ceejan ke khaa ke saadhaaran ceej nikaalelan apanaa deh se. Jaise adhikaa`s jaTil ceej ke bhojan ke baad ee okaraa ke moTaa moTi mukhya roop se neece likhal ceej nikaalelan apanaa deh se:

(a) Caarban Dai OxaiD
(b) Paani
(c) Yuriaa, Yurik Amla

[Animals intake Complex things and from them generally produce simple things like:

(a) Carbon di oxide
(b) water
(c) Urea or uric acid.

Dusar or Acar sab saadhaaran ceejan ke le ke okaraa se jatil ceej banaavelan. Ee mukhya roop se lebelan:

(a) Caarban Dai OxaiD, hawaa se
(b) Paani, jaR se maaTi me` se
(c) Ghaam, shakti ke roop me` Sooraj se

Auru mukhya roop se banaavelan:

(d) Glukoj: Ego KaarbohaiDreT

[On the other hand, plants take simple things and convert them into Complex things. They take:

(a) Carbon di oxide, from air
(b) Water, from soil through roots
(c) Sun light, from the sun

And produce:

(d) Glukoj, ego CaarbohaiDreT [Glucose, a carbohydrate]

Uupar se pataa calataa ki Car auru Acar duno khaae waalaa auru banaawe waalaa hawan.

[Thus both Car (Animals) and Acar (Plants) are Producers as well as Consumers as shown above. Of course they are complementary io each other. This contrary to the common beleive that Animals are Consumers and Plants are Producers.]

1.2 Aadmi, Maanav or Man ke Utpatti:
[Development of Mankind or Man]:

Aadmi ekbaaek naikhe ban gail, ekar Utpatti jaane khaatir hamani ke poorvaj log je pataa lagawale baa, okaraa ke pahile jaane ke caahi`:
Bhaarateey Shaashtran me` jagah jagah Dasaavataar auru 84 - Avataar ke baat prasiddha baa. Eehaa` ham dashaavataar ke sa`xep me` likhataani je se saaf ho jaai ki Aadmi ke utpatti dheere dheere bhail baa:

1.2.1 Matsyaavataar:  [Birth of Fish-god:
> Showing that the "First Living Thing" was born in water, fish being the best representive of water born creatures.  

1.2.2 Koormaavataar: [Tortoise - god]:
>> Development of legs to walk on land as well.

1.2.3 Varaahaavataar: [ Pig - god]:
>>> Who lives on land but loves muddy water as well.

1.2.4 Nrisinghaavataar: [A Man with under developed head having the mind like the mind of the most developed animal like a Lion]:
>>>> Who walks erect as a Man and looks like a Man.

1.2.5 Baaman Bhagwaan: [A Piggmi Man]:
>>>>> Whose mind is well developed with lot of good   thoughts ]

Bas aaj ke Paath Khatam. [Today's Lesson finished]

Oraa gail [Finished]
Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S.]
email: devadoot05@gmail.com
'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes:
(‘InBeS’ kahi` caahe ‘InBho’ eke baat baa.)
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya auru Sanskriti se prem karelan. Bhojpuri ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti aur dosar Profesan me` Sansaar me` leek se haT ke gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is an eSkool for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture and other Professions also aimed without sticking to the conventional methods.]

Hamni ke Bhojpuri ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ me` se kawano lipi  me` likh sakile.
 Ee sab logan ke jaankaari khaatir likhal jaataa`.
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri.
 This is for the Notification of all.]

Maanav ke dharmo ke log alag alag mat mataantar banaa ke badnaam ka dele baa, kekar kekar naav lee`? Baakir,
'OlD is Gold' = Sanaatanaarya
je jaldi gandaa naa hokhe.
[The Dharma (= the way of living together) of Maanav > Manav > Man in short is also polluted by advent of many religions, but the ‘Old is Gold = Sanaatanaarya: Who looks good to all beings, living & non-living’
Starting SrizTyaabd: 1 972 949 113.11.25
which is not polluted so easily.]_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Oraa gail. [The End]
Global Bhojpuri eSkool 24.06.14

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