Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 04.04.9114 Ma`gar [Date: 17.06.2014 AD Tuesday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 Varsa se [From: 02.12.2013 AD]
Ank: 080.04.9114 Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome, All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]
*** Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Braajil me` Sri: 29.03.9114 se FIFA 'Vishva Kap' shuru bhail.
* ArjanTinaa jital Bosniaa-Harzagobinaa 2 - 1 = 1 gol se
* Braajil jitalas Kroesiaa 3-1 = 2 gol se.
* Cili jitalas AsTreliaa 3 -1 = 2 gol se.
* France jital Honduras 3 - 0 =3 gol
* Garmani jital Portugaal ke 4 - 0 = 4 gol
* ITali jitalas InglainD 2 - 1 =1 gol se
* KosTaa rikaa jitalas Urugue 3 -1 = 2 gol se
* Kolambiaa jital Grees 3 - 0 = 3 gol se
* Maixkiko jitalas Kaimaroon 1- 0 =1 gol se.
* NadarlainD jitalas Spe~n 5-1 = 4 gol se. Spe~n 'Vishva KhilaaRi' ha.
* Sa`yukt RasTra jeetal Ghana 2 -1 = 1 gol se
* SwitjarlainD jital EkwaDor 2 -1 = 1 gol se
[Brazil FIFA 'World Cup' has started on 12.06.2014:
* Argentina wins Bosniaa-Harzagobinaa 2 - 1 = 1
* Brazil wins Croetia by 3-1 = 2
* Chile wins Autralia 3 -1 = 2
* Columbia wins Greece 3 - 0 = 3
* Costa Rica wins Urugue 3 -1 = 2
* France wins Honduras 3 -0 = 3
* Germany wins Porugal 4 - 0= 4
* Iran and Nigeria draw 0 - 0 = 0
* Italy wins England 2 - 1 = 1
* Maxico wins Cameroon by 3 -1 = 2
* Nertherland wins Spain by 5 -1 = 4. Spain is World Champian.]
* Switzerland wins Equador 2-1 = 1
* US wins Ghana 2 -1 = 1]
Auru Neece dekhi` [Please see below also]
** Boing 777, MH 370 Hawaai Jahaaj ke Gaayab bhailaa ke 100 dinan ke baad:
Aajo 100 din ke baado sab durghaTanaagrat logan ke uupar waai Jahaaj ke aakaashe me` pahaaRa TuTalaa ke baado kaahe log USA auru Russia ke khabar pa dhyaan naa de ke khaali Astreliaa ke baat maan ke daxini Hind Mahaasaagare me` khoj karataa?
Kaa duno SR auru Rus ke khabar galat hoi jekaraa anusaar ee Hawaai Jahaaj AF-Paak seemaa pa utaral rahe?
[After 100 days vanishing of Boeing 777, MH 370 Airplane with 239 people:
Even after 100 days of vanishing of the plane why people do not pay heed of the news of US and Russia, instead on the suggesion of Australia search operation was carried on in the South Indian Ocean.
How could both US and Russian news be wrong in which they indicated that the plane has landed somewhere on the Af-pak boarder?]
** Afgaanistaan me` PresiDent ke dusrkaa baar ke coonaav kuch hinshaa, auru aashaa ke saath ho gail, je me` karib 70 Laakh log aapan matdaan delas jabki sab matdaataa karib 130 laakh baaRan.
[Second round of election is completed in Afghanistan for the election the President in which about 70 laakh voted out of total about 130 lakhmatdaan delan out of total 130 Lakh.]
** Kaalhu Rus Yukren ke gas del band ka delas jab Kiev fajire Somaar tak USD 1.95 billion ke bhugtaan naa kailas auru oopar se seemaa pa kaRaai ka delas. Ab gas khaatir Yukren ke pooraa baaki USD 4.5 billion eke saath gas ke daam debe ke hoi, auru saath me` 1 maheenaa ke bayaanaa.
[Russia has stopped gas suply to Ukraine since they didn't pay USD !.95 Arab by today morning. Now for getting gas Ukraine has to full balance amount of about USD 4.5 Arab
and 1 months.]
** AAP netaa Sri Manish Sisodiya kahalan ki ee khabar ki kuvh AAP MLA, BJP ke saath mil ke sarkaar banh`ian > galat baa
[According to AAP netaa Sri Sisodiya, the Electricity problem of Delhi is artificially created so that the prices of electricity can be increased in Delhi.]
** Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad / Vistaarvaad:
Aaj Dharati pa Sri: 9100 sataabdio me` jab bahut log EDD, DD, DDD ke baat karataare anek deshan me` Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad ke DhiDhoraa piTat baD*al jaa taaran, khaas ka ke Yurop me`. Ee sab desh khaali Janatantra ke DhiDhoraa piTelan. Kab ee sab desh Maanavataa ke aisan kalank ke door kari; je me` dusar Vistaarvaadi desh sab saamil baaRan.
Yukren, Siriaa, Libiaa, Misr, Iraak aadi deshan ke samasyaa ekare calate baa.
[Monarchy and Imperialism / Expasionism:
Even in the 21st centuri on the Earth when many kalk about EDD, DD, DDD monaarchy and imperialism is flourishing in many countries, particularly in Europe.
Most of these countries do lip-service for Democracy. When this age old blot on Humanism is going to be abolished along with other Expansioniasts flourishing on rhe Earth.
The problems in countries like Ukraine, Syria. Lybia, Egypt, Iraq are the direct out come of these Isms.]
1. Yukren: [Ukraine]:
** Rus ab Yukren ke gais del band ka delas, jab Kiev samya ke miyaad pa USD 1.95 Arab ke bhugtaan samay pa naa kailas. seemaa pa.
[After Ukraine failed to meet dead line for the puyment of USD 1.95 billion and orderedbtonseal the boarder..]
*** Yukren ke Duryodhan: [The Duryodhan of Ukraine]:
Yukren ke Duryodhan: Kaa Yukren ke nayakaa PeTro Pres jekar conTrolar baaRan Pascimi 4, 7 Maamaa log, Duryodhane jaisan uu Danesk auru Luhansk xetran me` Jameeni auru Hawaai bombaari se sadhaaran janataa pa kahar Dhahale baaRan?
[Duryodhan of Ukraine: Is the new Pres Petro of Ukraine following Duryodhan controlled by his 4, 7 Western Maamaas? Just like Duryodhan he is bombing the common men, women, children in Danesk aur Luhansk regions by Artillary and Air.]
** Ee vastavikataa baa ki Kyiv-Saasan jadi Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` PresiDent ke coonaavo naa karawaa sakal, auru je eh coonaav se pahilahi Yukren se janamatsangrah ka ke swatantra ho gail, ta~ ab Yukren ke saasan ke DNR auru LPR ke nireeh logan pa sthal auru Hawaai bambaari kahaa` tak Theek baa?
[This is known to all that Kiev Govt. could not carry out election of the President in Crimea, Donesk and Luhansk region for the reasons known to all, and since these areas had done Referrendum based on the results of which they declared themselves free Crimea, DNR and LPR republics; how can Poryodhan impose himself on these regions?
This is a big Q for all rational and legitimate persons.]
Laagataa ki Yukren me` MahaaYukren shuru ho gail baa.
[Is this Mahaabhaarat or MahaaUkraine in which 4 -7 Western Shakuni maamaas are working for Petro.]
3. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** UK ke poorva PM Tauny Blear kahataare ki Iraak Sa`kaT me` UK ke dos naikhe (jadyapi Aangl-SR shantipoorna samaajvaadi Iraak pa WMD ke bahaanaa banaa ke aakraman ka dele): haasyaaspad!!
Uu Siriaa pa aakraman naa kailaa pa dukh jaahir karataaran: Maamaa ji ke ego auru galati baat.
Shakuni Maamaa log "Jiya auru jiye da~ " dosaro ke shaanti se.
[According to Mr Tony Blair Ex PM UK, Iraq Crisis is not UK fault (although Anlo-US invaded peaceful Soialistic Iraq on the pretex of the latter possessing WMD): Rediculous!!
He repents not invading Syria: Another faulty talk of Mama ji.
How can Shakuni Mamas " Live and let live" others in peace.]
** Iraak ke dusarkaa sabse baRahan Shahar Masul auru praant ke Al- Kaedaa samarthit SISI apanaa kabjaa me` ka lelas. Jai ho SRA!!
Ab ISIS Baghdaad ke ke paas aagai baa.
Iraq ke madat kare khaatir Iraan senaa bheje ke kahataa..
[The second largest Town of Iraq is captured by Al-Qaeda supported SISI on 11.06.2014. Now they are progressing towards Baghadad. Jai ho USA!! What has happened?
Now ISIS has come very close to Baghadat.
Iraq ke madat kare khaatir Iraan senaa bheje ke kahataa]
[One Shakuni Maamaa of West caused Mahabharat in India in Sri: 3900. Now 4-7 Shakuni Mamas are busy in the World for creating Mahaabhaarat. Pl. see below]:
Iraak me` kaa bhail: JhooTh-MooTh ke WMD ke naav pa ego shaantipoorna BaaTh dal ke Saddaam Husain ke marwaake Iraak me` Ee Maamaa log aapan camcaa Maaliki ke baiThaa delan Sri: 9103 me`; jaha`waa roj karib 30- 40 log aatankian ke sikaar holan.
Ab lee`, aaj SISI uu`haa ke Masul shahar aus Praanto pa kabjaa ka lelas auru Bagdaad ke paas aagail.
Eehe haalat Libiaa ke bhail. Ab Siriaa auru Yukren ke hotaa: "B`aaTa aur raaj kara", "Divide and Rule" ke kooTneeti je ee Maamaa log karataaran, SRA ke netritva me` aaj kal.
[One Shakuni Mama, Maternal-Uncle of the West caused Mahaabhaarat in India in 5200 AD, now 4-7 Mamas of the West lead by USA (the only country who used Atom Bomb so far) are causing 'Mahabharat' in most countries like: Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Ukraine ....]
>>> Ab dekhi` kaise SISI, Masul aur dusar Shaharan auru raajyan ke jeetataa, Baghadaado pa hamalaa bole ke caahataa. Ee sab Pacchimi Maamaa logan ke khel ha uu`haa aapan parbhaav jamaave khaatir, naa ta uu Mr Saddam Husein ke Socialistic Sarkaar ke kaahe jhooTh - mooTh ke WMD ke naav pa aapan saathian ke saath mil ke aakraman kailan?
4. Braajil FIFA Vishwa Cap: [Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup:
** Braajil me` aaj Sri: 29.03.9114 ke FIFA 'Vishva FuTbaul Kap' Geet, Naac auru camakat sundariyan ke saath suru bhail.
Braajil auru Kroesiaa ke beec khel bhail, je me` braajil 3-1 se jeetals.
[FIFA Brazil World Cup is Kick off on on 12.06.2014 Song and colorful dance of beauties.
In the First World Cup Match Brazil beat Croatia 3-1. ]
** Braajil me` Sri: 9114 ke FIFA Vishwa Cap Sao Paolo ke Arenaa Koronthians me` Sri: 29.03.9114 ke suru bhail.
[FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil: is inagurated in Arena Coronthians, Sao Paolo on 12.06.2014. ]
‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ kawano lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com ke uddes auru aadhaar par kaam karelaa. Ee paD*e khaatir dekhi` PaaTh-1 auru 2 uupar ke link par.
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
Aasaa karataani ki ekaraa ke rauaa pasand karab. Raauro salaah aamantrit baa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com. For reading this news paper, please see Path-1 and 2 at the above Google link.
Whatever are written here are collected from various sources which may or may not be true, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
Oraa gail [The End]
global Bhojpuri 17.06.14
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 04.04.9114 Ma`gar [Date: 17.06.2014 AD Tuesday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 Varsa se [From: 02.12.2013 AD]
Ank: 080.04.9114 Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome, All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]
*** Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Braajil me` Sri: 29.03.9114 se FIFA 'Vishva Kap' shuru bhail.
* ArjanTinaa jital Bosniaa-Harzagobinaa 2 - 1 = 1 gol se
* Braajil jitalas Kroesiaa 3-1 = 2 gol se.
* Cili jitalas AsTreliaa 3 -1 = 2 gol se.
* France jital Honduras 3 - 0 =3 gol
* Garmani jital Portugaal ke 4 - 0 = 4 gol
* ITali jitalas InglainD 2 - 1 =1 gol se
* KosTaa rikaa jitalas Urugue 3 -1 = 2 gol se
* Kolambiaa jital Grees 3 - 0 = 3 gol se
* Maixkiko jitalas Kaimaroon 1- 0 =1 gol se.
* NadarlainD jitalas Spe~n 5-1 = 4 gol se. Spe~n 'Vishva KhilaaRi' ha.
* Sa`yukt RasTra jeetal Ghana 2 -1 = 1 gol se
* SwitjarlainD jital EkwaDor 2 -1 = 1 gol se
[Brazil FIFA 'World Cup' has started on 12.06.2014:
* Argentina wins Bosniaa-Harzagobinaa 2 - 1 = 1
* Brazil wins Croetia by 3-1 = 2
* Chile wins Autralia 3 -1 = 2
* Columbia wins Greece 3 - 0 = 3
* Costa Rica wins Urugue 3 -1 = 2
* France wins Honduras 3 -0 = 3
* Germany wins Porugal 4 - 0= 4
* Iran and Nigeria draw 0 - 0 = 0
* Italy wins England 2 - 1 = 1
* Maxico wins Cameroon by 3 -1 = 2
* Nertherland wins Spain by 5 -1 = 4. Spain is World Champian.]
* Switzerland wins Equador 2-1 = 1
* US wins Ghana 2 -1 = 1]
Auru Neece dekhi` [Please see below also]
** Boing 777, MH 370 Hawaai Jahaaj ke Gaayab bhailaa ke 100 dinan ke baad:
Aajo 100 din ke baado sab durghaTanaagrat logan ke uupar waai Jahaaj ke aakaashe me` pahaaRa TuTalaa ke baado kaahe log USA auru Russia ke khabar pa dhyaan naa de ke khaali Astreliaa ke baat maan ke daxini Hind Mahaasaagare me` khoj karataa?
Kaa duno SR auru Rus ke khabar galat hoi jekaraa anusaar ee Hawaai Jahaaj AF-Paak seemaa pa utaral rahe?
[After 100 days vanishing of Boeing 777, MH 370 Airplane with 239 people:
Even after 100 days of vanishing of the plane why people do not pay heed of the news of US and Russia, instead on the suggesion of Australia search operation was carried on in the South Indian Ocean.
How could both US and Russian news be wrong in which they indicated that the plane has landed somewhere on the Af-pak boarder?]
** Afgaanistaan me` PresiDent ke dusrkaa baar ke coonaav kuch hinshaa, auru aashaa ke saath ho gail, je me` karib 70 Laakh log aapan matdaan delas jabki sab matdaataa karib 130 laakh baaRan.
[Second round of election is completed in Afghanistan for the election the President in which about 70 laakh voted out of total about 130 lakhmatdaan delan out of total 130 Lakh.]
** Kaalhu Rus Yukren ke gas del band ka delas jab Kiev fajire Somaar tak USD 1.95 billion ke bhugtaan naa kailas auru oopar se seemaa pa kaRaai ka delas. Ab gas khaatir Yukren ke pooraa baaki USD 4.5 billion eke saath gas ke daam debe ke hoi, auru saath me` 1 maheenaa ke bayaanaa.
[Russia has stopped gas suply to Ukraine since they didn't pay USD !.95 Arab by today morning. Now for getting gas Ukraine has to full balance amount of about USD 4.5 Arab
and 1 months.]
** AAP netaa Sri Manish Sisodiya kahalan ki ee khabar ki kuvh AAP MLA, BJP ke saath mil ke sarkaar banh`ian > galat baa
[According to AAP netaa Sri Sisodiya, the Electricity problem of Delhi is artificially created so that the prices of electricity can be increased in Delhi.]
** Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad / Vistaarvaad:
Aaj Dharati pa Sri: 9100 sataabdio me` jab bahut log EDD, DD, DDD ke baat karataare anek deshan me` Raajtantra auru Saamraajyavaad ke DhiDhoraa piTat baD*al jaa taaran, khaas ka ke Yurop me`. Ee sab desh khaali Janatantra ke DhiDhoraa piTelan. Kab ee sab desh Maanavataa ke aisan kalank ke door kari; je me` dusar Vistaarvaadi desh sab saamil baaRan.
Yukren, Siriaa, Libiaa, Misr, Iraak aadi deshan ke samasyaa ekare calate baa.
[Monarchy and Imperialism / Expasionism:
Even in the 21st centuri on the Earth when many kalk about EDD, DD, DDD monaarchy and imperialism is flourishing in many countries, particularly in Europe.
Most of these countries do lip-service for Democracy. When this age old blot on Humanism is going to be abolished along with other Expansioniasts flourishing on rhe Earth.
The problems in countries like Ukraine, Syria. Lybia, Egypt, Iraq are the direct out come of these Isms.]
1. Yukren: [Ukraine]:
** Rus ab Yukren ke gais del band ka delas, jab Kiev samya ke miyaad pa USD 1.95 Arab ke bhugtaan samay pa naa kailas. seemaa pa.
[After Ukraine failed to meet dead line for the puyment of USD 1.95 billion and orderedbtonseal the boarder..]
*** Yukren ke Duryodhan: [The Duryodhan of Ukraine]:
Yukren ke Duryodhan: Kaa Yukren ke nayakaa PeTro Pres jekar conTrolar baaRan Pascimi 4, 7 Maamaa log, Duryodhane jaisan uu Danesk auru Luhansk xetran me` Jameeni auru Hawaai bombaari se sadhaaran janataa pa kahar Dhahale baaRan?
[Duryodhan of Ukraine: Is the new Pres Petro of Ukraine following Duryodhan controlled by his 4, 7 Western Maamaas? Just like Duryodhan he is bombing the common men, women, children in Danesk aur Luhansk regions by Artillary and Air.]
** Ee vastavikataa baa ki Kyiv-Saasan jadi Krimiyaa, Danesk auru Luhaansk Xetran me` PresiDent ke coonaavo naa karawaa sakal, auru je eh coonaav se pahilahi Yukren se janamatsangrah ka ke swatantra ho gail, ta~ ab Yukren ke saasan ke DNR auru LPR ke nireeh logan pa sthal auru Hawaai bambaari kahaa` tak Theek baa?
[This is known to all that Kiev Govt. could not carry out election of the President in Crimea, Donesk and Luhansk region for the reasons known to all, and since these areas had done Referrendum based on the results of which they declared themselves free Crimea, DNR and LPR republics; how can Poryodhan impose himself on these regions?
This is a big Q for all rational and legitimate persons.]
Laagataa ki Yukren me` MahaaYukren shuru ho gail baa.
[Is this Mahaabhaarat or MahaaUkraine in which 4 -7 Western Shakuni maamaas are working for Petro.]
3. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** UK ke poorva PM Tauny Blear kahataare ki Iraak Sa`kaT me` UK ke dos naikhe (jadyapi Aangl-SR shantipoorna samaajvaadi Iraak pa WMD ke bahaanaa banaa ke aakraman ka dele): haasyaaspad!!
Uu Siriaa pa aakraman naa kailaa pa dukh jaahir karataaran: Maamaa ji ke ego auru galati baat.
Shakuni Maamaa log "Jiya auru jiye da~ " dosaro ke shaanti se.
[According to Mr Tony Blair Ex PM UK, Iraq Crisis is not UK fault (although Anlo-US invaded peaceful Soialistic Iraq on the pretex of the latter possessing WMD): Rediculous!!
He repents not invading Syria: Another faulty talk of Mama ji.
How can Shakuni Mamas " Live and let live" others in peace.]
** Iraak ke dusarkaa sabse baRahan Shahar Masul auru praant ke Al- Kaedaa samarthit SISI apanaa kabjaa me` ka lelas. Jai ho SRA!!
Ab ISIS Baghdaad ke ke paas aagai baa.
Iraq ke madat kare khaatir Iraan senaa bheje ke kahataa..
[The second largest Town of Iraq is captured by Al-Qaeda supported SISI on 11.06.2014. Now they are progressing towards Baghadad. Jai ho USA!! What has happened?
Now ISIS has come very close to Baghadat.
Iraq ke madat kare khaatir Iraan senaa bheje ke kahataa]
[One Shakuni Maamaa of West caused Mahabharat in India in Sri: 3900. Now 4-7 Shakuni Mamas are busy in the World for creating Mahaabhaarat. Pl. see below]:
Iraak me` kaa bhail: JhooTh-MooTh ke WMD ke naav pa ego shaantipoorna BaaTh dal ke Saddaam Husain ke marwaake Iraak me` Ee Maamaa log aapan camcaa Maaliki ke baiThaa delan Sri: 9103 me`; jaha`waa roj karib 30- 40 log aatankian ke sikaar holan.
Ab lee`, aaj SISI uu`haa ke Masul shahar aus Praanto pa kabjaa ka lelas auru Bagdaad ke paas aagail.
Eehe haalat Libiaa ke bhail. Ab Siriaa auru Yukren ke hotaa: "B`aaTa aur raaj kara", "Divide and Rule" ke kooTneeti je ee Maamaa log karataaran, SRA ke netritva me` aaj kal.
[One Shakuni Mama, Maternal-Uncle of the West caused Mahaabhaarat in India in 5200 AD, now 4-7 Mamas of the West lead by USA (the only country who used Atom Bomb so far) are causing 'Mahabharat' in most countries like: Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Ukraine ....]
>>> Ab dekhi` kaise SISI, Masul aur dusar Shaharan auru raajyan ke jeetataa, Baghadaado pa hamalaa bole ke caahataa. Ee sab Pacchimi Maamaa logan ke khel ha uu`haa aapan parbhaav jamaave khaatir, naa ta uu Mr Saddam Husein ke Socialistic Sarkaar ke kaahe jhooTh - mooTh ke WMD ke naav pa aapan saathian ke saath mil ke aakraman kailan?
4. Braajil FIFA Vishwa Cap: [Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup:
** Braajil me` aaj Sri: 29.03.9114 ke FIFA 'Vishva FuTbaul Kap' Geet, Naac auru camakat sundariyan ke saath suru bhail.
Braajil auru Kroesiaa ke beec khel bhail, je me` braajil 3-1 se jeetals.
[FIFA Brazil World Cup is Kick off on on 12.06.2014 Song and colorful dance of beauties.
In the First World Cup Match Brazil beat Croatia 3-1. ]
** Braajil me` Sri: 9114 ke FIFA Vishwa Cap Sao Paolo ke Arenaa Koronthians me` Sri: 29.03.9114 ke suru bhail.
[FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil: is inagurated in Arena Coronthians, Sao Paolo on 12.06.2014. ]
‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ kawano lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com ke uddes auru aadhaar par kaam karelaa. Ee paD*e khaatir dekhi` PaaTh-1 auru 2 uupar ke link par.
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
Aasaa karataani ki ekaraa ke rauaa pasand karab. Raauro salaah aamantrit baa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com. For reading this news paper, please see Path-1 and 2 at the above Google link.
Whatever are written here are collected from various sources which may or may not be true, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
Oraa gail [The End]
global Bhojpuri 17.06.14
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