“मित्रम् Mitram”
Sanskrit dainikam संस्कृत दैनिकम्
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 20.07.9114 : रविवार: Ravivaar: [28.09.2014 AD Sunday] .
अंक [Edition]: 162.07.9114
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 Varzaat. 'Mitram' Bhaarate Prathamam Sanskrit Samaacaar Patram.
[India's the oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper since: 1919 AD originally Edited & Published by
Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.]
*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraaan MangalYaanena presitaa: manabhaawanaa: ca.
[The Indian "Mars Orbiter" started sending photos of the Marsian surface, which looked nice in red.]
** Bhaaratavarza: Vishve sarve deshesu unnata:, trayo roope:
[India is one of the most developed countries of the World, in 3 ways]:
[1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
[India is the largest Democratic country: all say.]
[2] Nirvaacan kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa:, falam 48 horaayamev sampannam.
Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
[In Conducting Elections, 1 billion voters: Result announced within 48 h.
Who conducts such elections this way in the World!!!] .
Pashyataam, SR-Adhaxasya nirvaacanasya ga0Ianaa katidivase bhavati? Tathaa ken saadhanen. Ki` idam hastebhyaa bhavati athavaa ElekTronik-upakara0Iebhi:?
[Look, in how many days the counting of votes is completed in the election of US President? By which device? Is it carried out manually or by some electronic devices?]
[3] UpagrahaSthaapane: [Launching Satellites]:
Prathamam CandraYaanam, [First Chandra Yaan].
Dweeteeyam MangalaYaanam [Then Mangal Yaan, 'Mars Orbiter']
Tadaa..... Next....
1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:
** Afgaan deshase Yavanaakrama0Iapoorvasthit Bamiyaan Parwatashrinkhalaayaam dwe 53m, 35m uccaBuddhaPratime TaliwanaJanaa: DayanaamaaiT-VizfoTakebhi: bhagnakritwaa dharaasaayee kritwanta:. Kecan kathayati ekaPratimaaPunarnirmaanakara0Ieeyam. Parantu Islaamajanaa: adyatu moortibhanjakaa:, pashyatam tezaam Iraak deshasya Masul xetraKaaryaa0Ii Girijaagharezu.
[The two 53m and 35 m tall Buddha Statues built in King- Ashoke Period in the Bamiyan Mountain Range were dynamighted by Taliwan people. Some say at least one of them be restored. But Islamists are Statues-breakers, look what they did in the Churches in Masul areas of Iraq.]
** VrihadPrateexaaPascaat AdhyaxPadasya dwau PratyaasiSahaSaasanaKaaryam 'Shaantidivase' abhawat. Bhavatu anena AfagaanaJanaanam Janatantrajanya prashastaMargam.
[The long awaited "Power Sharing Deal" between the 2 contesters of Presidentship clinched on the 'Peace day'. Let this pave the way for everlasting democracy for Afgaanistaan and its people.]
2. Iraak:[Iraq]:
** BagadaadaNagaramadhye LaxaadhikaJanaa: sammelanam kritawanta:, kathitwanta: videshi SRA virodhe.
[In the Central Baghadad, a large rally was held against the "Occupier" US which was lead by Shiaa Leader.]
** Iraak deshe adhunaa SRA, Fraans, Bartaaniyaa deshaa: IS janopari Vimaanen VizfoTakaa: paatayanti IS virodhe. Anya Janaanaam upyogaay te khaadya-saamagrim ca paatayanti.
[US, France and UK iare bombarding IS and dropping food articles for the use of sufferers.]
*** Adya vayam "Saralikrit Sanskritam" paThizyaava:.
3. Adhunaa anekaa: kathayanti yat Sanskritam saralam na taThaa puraatanam. Aam! Sanskritam puraatanam parantu saralam.
[Now a days it is said that Sanskrit is an ancient language and difficult to learn.]
SaralikritSanskritam [SimplexSanskrit]
Sanskritam => Gyaanam
[Sanskrit => Knowledge]
Lekhaka: Pt Dr Deva Dutta Sharmaa
[By: Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma]
Atra [Here and there in squire brackets English is written.] madhye yatra tatra Aangl-Bhaazaalikhitam asti.
1. Prakkathanam [Introduction]:
Vishve adhunaa Sanskritasya prayoge hraasyam. Sri: 9091 Varse Vishve sambhavata: 50 000 janaa: Sanskritam avadan, parantu Sri: 9101 Varshetu etat 14 000 maatra abhavat. Katham? Socneeyam.
Sambhavata: iti kathanam yat ‘Sanskritam maatra ekam bhaazaa’ agyaanamev, yat etat ‘Gyaanasya bhan0Iaara:’.
Yat, prathama-axarasya gyaanen idam gyaayate; gamyataam "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com sthaane.
Ataeva Devanaagari Lipi prathamam gyaatavyam Dwiteeya Anucchede.
[In the World, the use of Sanskrit is reducing. In 1991AD possibly 50 000 persons were using Sanskrit but it reduced to 14 000 persons in 2001 AD.
Why? This is a matter of thinking.
Possibly due to ignorance, Sanskrit is considered simply as a language, where as it is a treasure of knowledge refer the book “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” at www.scribd.com
This will be clear by learning the very 1st letter of Devanagari Script in which Sanskrit is normally written on the above link. Firstly we shall go to learn Devanagari Script in the next Paragraph-2.]
>>> Anucchedaaan 2 - 5 janya pashyataam poorvaDivasasya PosTam. [For Paragraphs: 2 to 5, please refer previous Posts.]
6. Atha Saral SanskritaBhaazaa:
[Now Simple Shanskrit Language]:
6.1 > Sanskrite ko~pi Shabda: kutramapi gamizyati vaakye. Nimne udaahara0Iam:
[In Ssnskrit a word may be written at any place, only an adjective should preseed the respective noun or pronoun. An example is given below]:
Raama: aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a mango.]
Aamram Raama: khaadati.
Khaadati Raama: aamram.
Raama: madhuram aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a sweet mango.]
Raama: khaadati madhuram aamram.
Madhuram aamram khaadati Raama:. [all mean the same]
6.2 Sanskrit vaakye vartmaan kaale kriyaa na aavasyakam. Sandarva gyaatwaa Bhoot kaake ca Kriyaa na aavashyakam[Unlike English, in Sanskrit a verb is not essencial in present tense. Even in Past tense verb is not needed in a sentence once you know that the talk is about Past.]
Mama janani atra asti. = Mama janani atra. [My mother is here.]
Hya: mama maataa atra aaseet. = Hya: mama maataa atra. [Yesterday my mother was here.]
6.3 [ Making question (Inerrogative), or negative sentenses are very easy. No need of positioning words, no adding 'do' etc as in English.]:
Aham vidyaalayam gacchaami. = I go to the school.
Ki` aham vidyaalayam gacchaami? = Do I go to the school?
vidyaalayam na gacchaami.= I do not go to the school.
Na gacchaami aham vidyaalayam. Vidyaalayam aham na gacchaami. >> [All are ok. Isn't easy?]
6.4 Kriya Lingaparivartane Sanskrite na parivartati.
[As in English, the verbs do not change with Gender change of subject.]
Raama: khaadati. Seetaa khaadati. [Ram eats. Sita eats.]
Saa akhaadat. Sa: akhaadat. [She ate. He ate.]
6.5 ShabdaRoopa: tathaa dhaatuRoopa:
[Declanation of Words and Verbs:
*** [In 'Saralikrit Sanskrit', 'Modern Sanskrit' one may use initiallly only Singular and plural forms avoiding Dual forms.]
*** Anucched: 6.5 Shabdaroopam, 6.6 Sanyogam, Sandhi, Samaas gamyataam poorva divasasya PaaThezu.
[For details of Para: 6.5: Shabda roop and 6.6: Sanyog, Sandhi and Samaas >> Look at the previous days Posts]
6.7 Saralikrit Sanskritam: [Simplex Sanskrit]:
6.7.1 [After knowing the above, let us talk in Sanskrit.]
Etad gyaatwaa vayam Sanskritam paThaama:. [One need not do translation in Sanskrit. Some nearest word by word English > Sanskrit are shown below at **.
** Etad [= the above] gyaatwaa [=after knowing]
vayam [let us ] Sanskritam paThaama: [study Sanskrit].
6.7.2 [Wecome, please be seated here on the chair.]
Swaagatam, upavizataam atra aasane. [for a known or unknown respectable person]
** Swaagatam [Welcome] upavizataam [please be seated] atra [here] aasane [on the chair]. [
6.7.3 [Please take the sweet and water.]
Jalam grihyataam kincit madhuram ca.
** Jalam [=water] grihyataam [take] kincit (some) madhuram [sweets] ca [too].
6.8 Sarvanaam saha Vaakyaan.[Sentences with Pronouns.]:
6.8.1 Anya Puruz, Vartamaan kaale [Third Person present sentense.]
Sa: falam khaadati. Saa falam khaadati.
[He takes fruit. She takes fruit. (falam = fruit)
Ravi falam khaadati. Lataa falam khaadati.
[Ravi takes fruit. Lata takes fruit.]
Te falam khaadanti. [male or female]
[They take fruit.]
6.8.2 Madhyam Puruz, Vartamaan [Second person present tense]
Tvam fala` khaadasi. [male or female], falam = fala` but not at the end of a sentense.
[You take fruit.]
Yuiyam fala` khaadatha.
[You all take fruit.]
6.8.3 Uttam Puruz, Vartamaan kaal [1st Person Present Tense]
Aha` fala` khaadaami. Vaya` fala` khaadaama:.
Aham falam khaadaami. Vayam falam khaadaama:.
I take fruit. We take fruit.
** Dweevacanam na likhitamatra. [Only Singular and Plural forms are written here, also Sanskrit has Dual forms as well.
>>> Kri [to do] dhaatu aneka roope0Ia bhavati, Yathaa:
Sa: kaarya` karoti. [He does a job.] Sa: kaaryaa0Ii karoti. [jobs]
Te kaarya` kurvanti. [They do a work.]
6.8.4 Tva` kaarya` karosi. [You do a job.]
Yuiya` kaarya` kurutha.Yuiya` [You all do a job.]
Aha` kaarya` karomi. Vaya` kaarya` kurma:.
** [One can add Kri forms with any nown >> to make it a Verb.]
Upari 'kaarya` noun is made a Verb by adding 'kri' forms after it.
'Kri' dhaatu roop atra: [full form of 'Kri' dhaatu (to do)are shown here with Dual also]:
Singular Dual Plural
Sa: karoti. [He does] Tau kuruta:. Te koorwanti. [They do.]
Tva` karosi. [You do] Yuvaa` kurutha:. Yuiya` kurutha. [You do]
Aha` karomi. [I do] Aavaa` koorva:. Vaya` koorma:. [We do]
6.8.5 Pashyataam 'As' dhaatu roop atra: [full form of 'As' dhaatu (to be) are shown here with Dual forms also in present tense.]:
>>> Pashyataam poorve divasPaaThaan, 6.8.7 Paryantam.
6.9 Kecan SanskritaVaakyaani: [Some Sanskrit sentences.]:
6.9.1 "Adhunaa [Now] vaya` [we] aapa0ia` [to the market] gamizyaama: [shall go], ki` tvamapi [Do you too] agantumicchasi? [like to go?]", aha` [I] Taanyaa` [to Tanya] kathitam [said]. >>> [word / phrase wise English also shown here.for understanding. Other wise they look like]:
"Adhunaa vaya` aapa0Ia` gamiszyaama:, ki` tvamapi gantumicchasi?", aha` Taanyaa` kathitam.
["Now, we shall go to the market, do you too like to go?", I said to Tanya.
Saa akathayat, "Aam, ahamapi gantumicchaami."
She said, "Yes, I too wish to go."
6.9.2 [Hope to get the result of the Presidential election of Afaghanistan on 21.09.2014. Let us write in Sanskrit.]
Aashaa koorma: yat Afgaanistaana Adhyaxasya nirvaacanasya falam Sri: 13.07.9114 divase aagamizyati. Athavaa:
Aashaa karomi:- AfgaanaadhyaxaNirvaacanFalam Sri: 13.07.9114 divase aagamizyati.
6.9.3 [On 19.09.2014 AD Incheon 17th Asian Games stared.]
'Inciaan 17tama: EsiaaKriRaa:' praarabhat Sri: 11.07.9114 divase.
[Here 45 countries of the Continent Asia where 4.5 billion people live, play together as family members. Excellent!]
Atra Esiaa Mahaadeshasya 45 deshaa:, yatra 4.5 Arab janaa: nivanti, kriDanti pariwaarasamam. Shlaaghyam!
6.9.4 [Among various countries taking part in sports activities in Incheon, South Korea, the top 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions are occupied by China, S.Korea and Japan sofar after 5th days play.]
Koriaa daxin deshasya Inciaan nagare 17 Esiaa- KreedaaPratiyogitaayaam PadakTaalikaayaam sheersathaDeshezu 1mam, 2yam, 3 yaSthaane kramasha: Cin, daxin Koriaa, Jaapaana deshaa: aasan.
6.9.5 Prashna soocak vaakyaa:
[Interrogative Sentenses or Question Sentenses.]:
[Where is my bag?] Mama vastaa kutra asti?
Kutraasti mama vastaa?
[Did you see this?] Twamapasha:? Ki` twa` apashya:?
[If you found it, why didn't you tell me?]
Yadaa twa` praapta:, tadaa katham twam maam na akathaya:?
Praaptetu etat, twa` maa` katha` na kathita?
6.9.5 Sanskritam paThanam => SanskritPaThanam
> iti 'SaralikritSanskrite'.
Pashyataam prati shabdasya roopa` na aavashyakam atra.
MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraan MangalYaanena presitaa: manabhaawanaa: ca. >> Atra pratham vrihdshabde maatra antim shabde: 'citraan' vibhakti prayuktam. Apara` ca:
= Mangalala + Grah + Rakta + Dharaatal + Citraan (1)
= Mangalasya Grahasya raktasya dharaatalasya citraan (2) >> [Conventionally correct but sounds awakward and takes more space. We may also write the above as]:
Mangal Grahasya raktadharaatalasya citraan. [Normally written., but]: MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraan >[ difficult to read initially but very simple and compact after a bit of pracie.]
“Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni pustake www.mitramsanskritdainikam.blogspot.com
[ For more…go to the above link]
Aparam ca. [more...]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com. <
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at www.google.com]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam satyatam vidheyam3
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 28.09.14
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम् >>
Sanskritadivasaa: रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि सोम
मंगल वार
Sanskritamaasaa: चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
Sanskrit dainikam संस्कृत दैनिकम्
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 20.07.9114 : रविवार: Ravivaar: [28.09.2014 AD Sunday] .
अंक [Edition]: 162.07.9114
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 Varzaat. 'Mitram' Bhaarate Prathamam Sanskrit Samaacaar Patram.
[India's the oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper since: 1919 AD originally Edited & Published by
Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.]
*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraaan MangalYaanena presitaa: manabhaawanaa: ca.
[The Indian "Mars Orbiter" started sending photos of the Marsian surface, which looked nice in red.]
** Bhaaratavarza: Vishve sarve deshesu unnata:, trayo roope:
[India is one of the most developed countries of the World, in 3 ways]:
[1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
[India is the largest Democratic country: all say.]
[2] Nirvaacan kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa:, falam 48 horaayamev sampannam.
Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
[In Conducting Elections, 1 billion voters: Result announced within 48 h.
Who conducts such elections this way in the World!!!] .
Pashyataam, SR-Adhaxasya nirvaacanasya ga0Ianaa katidivase bhavati? Tathaa ken saadhanen. Ki` idam hastebhyaa bhavati athavaa ElekTronik-upakara0Iebhi:?
[Look, in how many days the counting of votes is completed in the election of US President? By which device? Is it carried out manually or by some electronic devices?]
[3] UpagrahaSthaapane: [Launching Satellites]:
Prathamam CandraYaanam, [First Chandra Yaan].
Dweeteeyam MangalaYaanam [Then Mangal Yaan, 'Mars Orbiter']
Tadaa..... Next....
1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:
** Afgaan deshase Yavanaakrama0Iapoorvasthit Bamiyaan Parwatashrinkhalaayaam dwe 53m, 35m uccaBuddhaPratime TaliwanaJanaa: DayanaamaaiT-VizfoTakebhi: bhagnakritwaa dharaasaayee kritwanta:. Kecan kathayati ekaPratimaaPunarnirmaanakara0Ieeyam. Parantu Islaamajanaa: adyatu moortibhanjakaa:, pashyatam tezaam Iraak deshasya Masul xetraKaaryaa0Ii Girijaagharezu.
[The two 53m and 35 m tall Buddha Statues built in King- Ashoke Period in the Bamiyan Mountain Range were dynamighted by Taliwan people. Some say at least one of them be restored. But Islamists are Statues-breakers, look what they did in the Churches in Masul areas of Iraq.]
** VrihadPrateexaaPascaat AdhyaxPadasya dwau PratyaasiSahaSaasanaKaaryam 'Shaantidivase' abhawat. Bhavatu anena AfagaanaJanaanam Janatantrajanya prashastaMargam.
[The long awaited "Power Sharing Deal" between the 2 contesters of Presidentship clinched on the 'Peace day'. Let this pave the way for everlasting democracy for Afgaanistaan and its people.]
2. Iraak:[Iraq]:
** BagadaadaNagaramadhye LaxaadhikaJanaa: sammelanam kritawanta:, kathitwanta: videshi SRA virodhe.
[In the Central Baghadad, a large rally was held against the "Occupier" US which was lead by Shiaa Leader.]
** Iraak deshe adhunaa SRA, Fraans, Bartaaniyaa deshaa: IS janopari Vimaanen VizfoTakaa: paatayanti IS virodhe. Anya Janaanaam upyogaay te khaadya-saamagrim ca paatayanti.
[US, France and UK iare bombarding IS and dropping food articles for the use of sufferers.]
*** Adya vayam "Saralikrit Sanskritam" paThizyaava:.
3. Adhunaa anekaa: kathayanti yat Sanskritam saralam na taThaa puraatanam. Aam! Sanskritam puraatanam parantu saralam.
[Now a days it is said that Sanskrit is an ancient language and difficult to learn.]
SaralikritSanskritam [SimplexSanskrit]
Sanskritam => Gyaanam
[Sanskrit => Knowledge]
Lekhaka: Pt Dr Deva Dutta Sharmaa
[By: Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma]
Atra [Here and there in squire brackets English is written.] madhye yatra tatra Aangl-Bhaazaalikhitam asti.
1. Prakkathanam [Introduction]:
Vishve adhunaa Sanskritasya prayoge hraasyam. Sri: 9091 Varse Vishve sambhavata: 50 000 janaa: Sanskritam avadan, parantu Sri: 9101 Varshetu etat 14 000 maatra abhavat. Katham? Socneeyam.
Sambhavata: iti kathanam yat ‘Sanskritam maatra ekam bhaazaa’ agyaanamev, yat etat ‘Gyaanasya bhan0Iaara:’.
Yat, prathama-axarasya gyaanen idam gyaayate; gamyataam "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com sthaane.
Ataeva Devanaagari Lipi prathamam gyaatavyam Dwiteeya Anucchede.
[In the World, the use of Sanskrit is reducing. In 1991AD possibly 50 000 persons were using Sanskrit but it reduced to 14 000 persons in 2001 AD.
Why? This is a matter of thinking.
Possibly due to ignorance, Sanskrit is considered simply as a language, where as it is a treasure of knowledge refer the book “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” at www.scribd.com
This will be clear by learning the very 1st letter of Devanagari Script in which Sanskrit is normally written on the above link. Firstly we shall go to learn Devanagari Script in the next Paragraph-2.]
>>> Anucchedaaan 2 - 5 janya pashyataam poorvaDivasasya PosTam. [For Paragraphs: 2 to 5, please refer previous Posts.]
6. Atha Saral SanskritaBhaazaa:
[Now Simple Shanskrit Language]:
6.1 > Sanskrite ko~pi Shabda: kutramapi gamizyati vaakye. Nimne udaahara0Iam:
[In Ssnskrit a word may be written at any place, only an adjective should preseed the respective noun or pronoun. An example is given below]:
Raama: aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a mango.]
Aamram Raama: khaadati.
Khaadati Raama: aamram.
Raama: madhuram aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a sweet mango.]
Raama: khaadati madhuram aamram.
Madhuram aamram khaadati Raama:. [all mean the same]
6.2 Sanskrit vaakye vartmaan kaale kriyaa na aavasyakam. Sandarva gyaatwaa Bhoot kaake ca Kriyaa na aavashyakam[Unlike English, in Sanskrit a verb is not essencial in present tense. Even in Past tense verb is not needed in a sentence once you know that the talk is about Past.]
Mama janani atra asti. = Mama janani atra. [My mother is here.]
Hya: mama maataa atra aaseet. = Hya: mama maataa atra. [Yesterday my mother was here.]
6.3 [ Making question (Inerrogative), or negative sentenses are very easy. No need of positioning words, no adding 'do' etc as in English.]:
Aham vidyaalayam gacchaami. = I go to the school.
Ki` aham vidyaalayam gacchaami? = Do I go to the school?
vidyaalayam na gacchaami.= I do not go to the school.
Na gacchaami aham vidyaalayam. Vidyaalayam aham na gacchaami. >> [All are ok. Isn't easy?]
6.4 Kriya Lingaparivartane Sanskrite na parivartati.
[As in English, the verbs do not change with Gender change of subject.]
Raama: khaadati. Seetaa khaadati. [Ram eats. Sita eats.]
Saa akhaadat. Sa: akhaadat. [She ate. He ate.]
6.5 ShabdaRoopa: tathaa dhaatuRoopa:
[Declanation of Words and Verbs:
*** [In 'Saralikrit Sanskrit', 'Modern Sanskrit' one may use initiallly only Singular and plural forms avoiding Dual forms.]
*** Anucched: 6.5 Shabdaroopam, 6.6 Sanyogam, Sandhi, Samaas gamyataam poorva divasasya PaaThezu.
[For details of Para: 6.5: Shabda roop and 6.6: Sanyog, Sandhi and Samaas >> Look at the previous days Posts]
6.7 Saralikrit Sanskritam: [Simplex Sanskrit]:
6.7.1 [After knowing the above, let us talk in Sanskrit.]
Etad gyaatwaa vayam Sanskritam paThaama:. [One need not do translation in Sanskrit. Some nearest word by word English > Sanskrit are shown below at **.
** Etad [= the above] gyaatwaa [=after knowing]
vayam [let us ] Sanskritam paThaama: [study Sanskrit].
6.7.2 [Wecome, please be seated here on the chair.]
Swaagatam, upavizataam atra aasane. [for a known or unknown respectable person]
** Swaagatam [Welcome] upavizataam [please be seated] atra [here] aasane [on the chair]. [
6.7.3 [Please take the sweet and water.]
Jalam grihyataam kincit madhuram ca.
** Jalam [=water] grihyataam [take] kincit (some) madhuram [sweets] ca [too].
6.8 Sarvanaam saha Vaakyaan.[Sentences with Pronouns.]:
6.8.1 Anya Puruz, Vartamaan kaale [Third Person present sentense.]
Sa: falam khaadati. Saa falam khaadati.
[He takes fruit. She takes fruit. (falam = fruit)
Ravi falam khaadati. Lataa falam khaadati.
[Ravi takes fruit. Lata takes fruit.]
Te falam khaadanti. [male or female]
[They take fruit.]
6.8.2 Madhyam Puruz, Vartamaan [Second person present tense]
Tvam fala` khaadasi. [male or female], falam = fala` but not at the end of a sentense.
[You take fruit.]
Yuiyam fala` khaadatha.
[You all take fruit.]
6.8.3 Uttam Puruz, Vartamaan kaal [1st Person Present Tense]
Aha` fala` khaadaami. Vaya` fala` khaadaama:.
Aham falam khaadaami. Vayam falam khaadaama:.
I take fruit. We take fruit.
** Dweevacanam na likhitamatra. [Only Singular and Plural forms are written here, also Sanskrit has Dual forms as well.
>>> Kri [to do] dhaatu aneka roope0Ia bhavati, Yathaa:
Sa: kaarya` karoti. [He does a job.] Sa: kaaryaa0Ii karoti. [jobs]
Te kaarya` kurvanti. [They do a work.]
6.8.4 Tva` kaarya` karosi. [You do a job.]
Yuiya` kaarya` kurutha.Yuiya` [You all do a job.]
Aha` kaarya` karomi. Vaya` kaarya` kurma:.
** [One can add Kri forms with any nown >> to make it a Verb.]
Upari 'kaarya` noun is made a Verb by adding 'kri' forms after it.
'Kri' dhaatu roop atra: [full form of 'Kri' dhaatu (to do)are shown here with Dual also]:
Singular Dual Plural
Sa: karoti. [He does] Tau kuruta:. Te koorwanti. [They do.]
Tva` karosi. [You do] Yuvaa` kurutha:. Yuiya` kurutha. [You do]
Aha` karomi. [I do] Aavaa` koorva:. Vaya` koorma:. [We do]
6.8.5 Pashyataam 'As' dhaatu roop atra: [full form of 'As' dhaatu (to be) are shown here with Dual forms also in present tense.]:
>>> Pashyataam poorve divasPaaThaan, 6.8.7 Paryantam.
6.9 Kecan SanskritaVaakyaani: [Some Sanskrit sentences.]:
6.9.1 "Adhunaa [Now] vaya` [we] aapa0ia` [to the market] gamizyaama: [shall go], ki` tvamapi [Do you too] agantumicchasi? [like to go?]", aha` [I] Taanyaa` [to Tanya] kathitam [said]. >>> [word / phrase wise English also shown here.for understanding. Other wise they look like]:
"Adhunaa vaya` aapa0Ia` gamiszyaama:, ki` tvamapi gantumicchasi?", aha` Taanyaa` kathitam.
["Now, we shall go to the market, do you too like to go?", I said to Tanya.
Saa akathayat, "Aam, ahamapi gantumicchaami."
She said, "Yes, I too wish to go."
6.9.2 [Hope to get the result of the Presidential election of Afaghanistan on 21.09.2014. Let us write in Sanskrit.]
Aashaa koorma: yat Afgaanistaana Adhyaxasya nirvaacanasya falam Sri: 13.07.9114 divase aagamizyati. Athavaa:
Aashaa karomi:- AfgaanaadhyaxaNirvaacanFalam Sri: 13.07.9114 divase aagamizyati.
6.9.3 [On 19.09.2014 AD Incheon 17th Asian Games stared.]
'Inciaan 17tama: EsiaaKriRaa:' praarabhat Sri: 11.07.9114 divase.
[Here 45 countries of the Continent Asia where 4.5 billion people live, play together as family members. Excellent!]
Atra Esiaa Mahaadeshasya 45 deshaa:, yatra 4.5 Arab janaa: nivanti, kriDanti pariwaarasamam. Shlaaghyam!
6.9.4 [Among various countries taking part in sports activities in Incheon, South Korea, the top 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions are occupied by China, S.Korea and Japan sofar after 5th days play.]
Koriaa daxin deshasya Inciaan nagare 17 Esiaa- KreedaaPratiyogitaayaam PadakTaalikaayaam sheersathaDeshezu 1mam, 2yam, 3 yaSthaane kramasha: Cin, daxin Koriaa, Jaapaana deshaa: aasan.
6.9.5 Prashna soocak vaakyaa:
[Interrogative Sentenses or Question Sentenses.]:
[Where is my bag?] Mama vastaa kutra asti?
Kutraasti mama vastaa?
[Did you see this?] Twamapasha:? Ki` twa` apashya:?
[If you found it, why didn't you tell me?]
Yadaa twa` praapta:, tadaa katham twam maam na akathaya:?
Praaptetu etat, twa` maa` katha` na kathita?
6.9.5 Sanskritam paThanam => SanskritPaThanam
> iti 'SaralikritSanskrite'.
Pashyataam prati shabdasya roopa` na aavashyakam atra.
MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraan MangalYaanena presitaa: manabhaawanaa: ca. >> Atra pratham vrihdshabde maatra antim shabde: 'citraan' vibhakti prayuktam. Apara` ca:
= Mangalala + Grah + Rakta + Dharaatal + Citraan (1)
= Mangalasya Grahasya raktasya dharaatalasya citraan (2) >> [Conventionally correct but sounds awakward and takes more space. We may also write the above as]:
Mangal Grahasya raktadharaatalasya citraan. [Normally written., but]: MangalaGrahaRaktaDharaatalacitraan >[ difficult to read initially but very simple and compact after a bit of pracie.]
“Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni pustake www.mitramsanskritdainikam.blogspot.com
[ For more…go to the above link]
Aparam ca. [more...]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com. <
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at www.google.com]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam satyatam vidheyam3
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 28.09.14
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम् >>
Sanskritadivasaa: रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि सोम
मंगल वार
Sanskritamaasaa: चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
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