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“मित्रम् Mitram”
Sanskrit dainikam संस्कृत दैनिकम्
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 25.06.9114 वार: गुरूवार: Guruvaar: [04.09.2014 AD Thursday] .
अंक [Edition]: 140.06.9114
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, athawaa Sri: 9019 Varzaat
[Since: 1919 AD by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma,
India's oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper.]
*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** Bhaaratavarza: Vishve sarve deshesu unnata:, dwe roope yathaa:
[India is the most developed country of the World, in 2 Ways.]
[1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
[India is the largest Democratic country: all say.]
[2] Nirvaacan kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa:, falam 48 horaayamev sampoor0Iam.
Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
[In Conducting Elections, 1 billion voters: Result announced within 48 h.
Who conducts such elections this way in the World!!!] .
Pasyataam SR-Adhaxasya nirvaacanasya ga0Ianaa katidine bhawati?
Look, in how many days the counting of votes is completed in the election of US President.]
** Ekaanabhigya nawayuvakasya haste UP samaan vrihat praantasya Saasanam katham bhave~t, yat 5 anya praantaan samaanaasti? Ata: Uttar Pradeshasya 5 bhagam kara0Ieeyam.
[The command of a large Praant like UP equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young Person or any body. Thus UP should be divided in 4 /5 parts.]
1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:
** Afgaanistaan deshasya nutan Adhyaxasya nirvaacanasya ki` abhawat, na ko~pi jaanaati. Idam nirvaacanam kidrishi!!
UN kathayati yadaa Abdullaa Abdullaa mahodaya: nirvaacanasya falam vahizkaroti, tadaa iti 'dukhdaai', parantu te Matpatraan Punaraawalokana kaarye vyavadhaanam na karizyanti. Prateete idam kaaryam na samaaptam varsha paryantam.
[What happened to the Election of the new President of Afghanistan, no one knows. What an election!!
UN says the withdrawal of Abdulla Abdulla from the election result is 'regrettable', however they will keep on the Audit of ballots.]
** Afghaanistaane adhunaa puna: taalibaani kaaryam praarabhata.
** IEC 14516 matapatraan punaraawalokita:.
[ IEC say 14516 Ballot Papers are audited.]
** Sri: 01.04.9114 divase Afagaan deshe Adhyaxasya kincidhinsaa (~ 50 hataa:) evam aashaa saha Nirvaacanamabhavat yatra 130 Laxaat, 70 Lax janaa: matadaanam kritwanta:.
Adhyaxasya Pratyaasi: [Prsidencial Candidates]:
(1) Abdulla Abdulla, poorva Videsh Mantri.
(2) Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai, poorva Vitta Mantri.
2. Iraak:[Iraq]:
Iraak deshe adhunaa US desha: IS janaanaam Vimaanen VizfoTakaa: paatayanti IS virodhe. Janaanaam upyogaay te khaadya-saamagrim ca paatayanti.
[US is bombarding IS and dropping food articles for the use.]
*** Adya vayam "Saralikrit Sanskritam" paThizyaava:.
[From this day of 16th August 2014 after a day of celebration of 68th Independence day of India (from the British Rule, with unique weapon of 'Satyagrah', Satya-Ahinsha first time in the World under the Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi); a new topic of "Sanskrit Lessons" is being started for benifits of the lovers of Sanskrit, which is not simply a language but is a "Treasure of Knowledge".]
Sanskrit PaaTha: -1 [Sanskrit Lesson - 1]
1. Adhunaa anekaa: kathayanti yat Sanskritam saralam na taThaa puraatanam. Aam! Sanskritam puraatanam parantu saralam.
[Now a days it is said that Sanskrit is an ancient language and difficult to learn.]
SaralikritSanskritam [SimplexSanskrit]
Sanskritam => Gyaanam
[Sanskrit => Knowledge]
Lekhaka: Pt Dr Deva Dutta Sharmaa
[By: Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma]
Atra [Here and there in squire brackets English is written.] madhye yatra tatra Aangl-Bhaazaalikhitam asti.
1. Prakkathanam [Introduction]:
Vishve adhunaa Sanskritasya prayoge hraasyam. Sri: 9091 Varse Vishve sambhavata: 50 000 janaa: Sanskritam avadan, parantu Sri: 9101 Varshetu etat 14 000 maatra abhavat. Katham? Socneeyam.
Sambhavata: iti kathanam yat ‘Sanskritam maatra ekam bhaazaa’ agyaanamev, yat etat ‘Gyaanasya bhan0Iaara:’.
Yat, prathama-axarasya gyaanen idam gyaayate; gamyataam "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com sthaane.
Ataeva Devanaagari Lipi prathamam gyaatavyam Dwiteeya Anucchede.
[In the World, the use of Sanskrit is reducing. In 1991AD possibly 50 000 persons were using Sanskrit but it reduced to 14 000 persons in 2001 AD.
Why? This is a matter of thinking.
Possibly due to ignorance, Sanskrit is considered simply as a language, where as it is a treasure of knowledge refer the book “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” at www.scribd.com
This will be clear by learning the very 1st letter of Devanagari Script in which Sanskrit is normally written on the above link. Firstly we shall go to learn Devanagari Script in the next Paragraph-2.]
>>> Anucchedaaan 2 - 5 janya pashyataam poorvaDivasasya PosTam. [For Paragraphs: 2 to 5, please refer previous Posts.]
6. Atha Saral SanskritaBhaazaa:
[Now Simple Shanskrit Language]:
6.1 > Sanskrite ko~pi Shabda: kutramapi gamizyati vaakye. Nimne udaahara0Iam:
[In Ssnskrit a word may be written at any place, only an adjective should preseed the respective noun or pronoun. An example is given below]:
Raama: aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a mango.]
Aamram Raama: khaadati.
Khaadati Raama: aamram.
Raama: madhuram aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a sweet mango.]
Raama: khaadati madhuram aamram.
Madhuram aamram khaadati Raama:. [all mean the same]
6.2 Sanskrit vaakye vartmaan kaale kriyaa na aavasyakam. Sandarva gyaatwaa Bhoot kaake ca Kriyaa na aavashyakam[Unlike English, in Sanskrit a verb is not essencial in present tense. Even in Past tense verb is not needed in a sentence once you know that the talk is about Past.]
Mama janani atra asti. = Mama janani atra. [My mother is here.]
Hya: mama maataa atra aaseet. = Hya: mama maataa atra. [Yesterday my mother was here.]
6.3 [ Making question (Inerrogative), or negative sentenses are very easy. No need of positioning words, no adding 'do' etc as in English.]:
Aham vidyaalayam gacchaami. = I go to the school.
Ki` aham vidyaalayam gacchaami? = Do I go to the school?
vidyaalayam na gacchaami.= I do not go to the school.
Na gacchaami aham vidyaalayam. Vidyaalayam aham na gacchaami. >> [All are ok. Isn't easy?]
6.4 Kriya Lingaparivartane Sanskrite na parivartati.
[Just as in English, the verbs do not change with Gender change of subject.]
Raama: khaadati. Seetaa khaadati. [Ram eats. Sita eats.]
Saa akhaadat. Sa: akhaadat. [She ate. He ate.]
6.5 ShabdaRoopa: tathaa dhaatuRoopa:
[Declanation of Words and Verbs:
To indicate Number, Person and Case: Each Sanskrit word generally has 3*8 = 24 forms.
Similarly each Verb in Sanskrit has 9*10 = 90 forms.
Although these are formermed very methodically and very Scientifically, for a common man it makes the language very tough.
>> In view of this it is suggesyed to make optimumal use of Shabda-Roop by combining the words using:
(A) Sanyog: Simple combination of 2 or more words. Falam aanay. = Falamaanay. [Please bring fruit.]
Griham aagaccha. = Grihamaagaccha. [Come to the house.]
Rule: m + aa = maa, simply joining 2 words when 1st word has no vovel and 2nd one staarts with a vowel => Sanyog
(B) Sandhi: [Combining 2 or more words with certain changes at the end . While using Roman Script, the use of Caps for the 1st letter of each word, each word maintain its identity still forming a combined word.]
1. SwaraSandhi = Swarasya sandhi:
Look in 'SwaraSandhi', the cumbersome declenation of 'swara' as 'swarasya' is avoided by doing Samaas, compounding the 2 words; at the same time the 2 words keep their identity while using Romon script.
Rule: 1 : deergha Sandhi:
Pustaka + atra = Pustakaatra
Rule: 1a. A word ending with 'a' + 'a' at the beginning of a word
= aa
Pustaka + Aalaya = Pustakaalaya => Rule:1b. a + aa = aa,
Lataa + atra = Lataatra => Rule: 1c. aa + a = aa
Ravi + Eendra = Raveendra: => Rule: 1d. i + ee = ee
Rule: 2. Gu0Ia Sandhi:
Ga0Ia + eesha = Ga0Iesh Rule: 2a. => a + ee = e
Ramaa + eesha: = Ramesha: [Looks much change, no! just see the rule.
Rule: 2b. aa + ee = e so simple
>>> With little bit practice, one can effortlessly muster Sandhi and Samaas. With Sandhi and Samaas Sanskrit becomes very easy and Compact too.
(c) Samaas. [Compounding 2 words]
Sundaram falam aanaya. = [Bring nice fruit.]
Sundarafalam aanaya.
[Look how the 2 words 'Sundaram falam' = Sundarafalam are Compounded in to 1 word as Sundarafalam which can be also written as]:
Sundaram falam aanaya = SundarFalam aanaya. = SundarFalamaanaya.
[The 3 words are combined to form 2 or even 1 word by using Samaas and Sanyoga.
>>> These will be clear by examples.]
6.5.1 Shabda roopa> 'Nara' [man]
> Sarve puling akaaraantaShabdaanaam roopaa: evamev bhavizyanti yathaa nimne likhitam.
[The declension of all Sanskrit Masculine words ending with 'a' will be similar as given below]:
Eka vacan [Singular] dwivacan [Dual] vahuvacan [plural]
[1] nara: [man] narau [2 men] naraa: [many men]
[2] naram [to a man] ,, naraan [to men]
[3] nare0Ia [by, with, naraabhyaam narai: [ by, men]
[4] naraaya[for a man] ,, narebhya: [for men]
[5] naraat [from] ,, ,, [from men]
[6] narasya [of a man] narayo: naraa0Iaam[of men]
[7] nare [in] ,, naresu [in men]
[8] he! nara [O nara! he naru he nara: [ O men!]
Exactly the same way the different forms of all other Masculine words ending with 'a' are made just mathematically without any exception, like:
Ram => Raama, dev => deva [god], swaana [dog], vrixa [tree], baanara [monkey], soorya [sun], eeshwara [God], vrizabha [bull] etc
Such words add op to about 30 % of all words.
6.5.2 Shabda roopa> 'Lataa' [Creaper, or a baby, girl, lady with such name]
> Sarve Shriling aakaaraantaShabdaanaam roopaa: evamev bhavizyanti yathaa nimne likhitam.
[The declension of all Sanskrit faminine words ending with 'aa' will be similar as given below]:
Eka vacan [Singular] dwivacan [Dual] vahuvacan [plural]
[1] lataa late lataa:
[2] lataam ,, ,,
[3] lataya lataabhaam lataabhi:
[4] lataye ,, lataabhya:
[5] latayaa ,, ,,
[6] latayaa latayo: lataanaam
[7] lataayaam ,, lataasu
[8] he late he late he lataa:
Exactly the same way the different forms of all other faminine words ending with 'aa' are made like:
Maalaa = [garland], sudhaa [nectar], vaalaa [girl], ambaa [mother] ....
Tippa0Iee: [note]: 'Maataa' na 'aa' aakaaraant shabda:. ['Maataa' is a form of the Shabda 'Maatri', similarly 'Pitaa' is a form of the verb named 'Pitri']
'Raama' and 'Lataa' nowns forms covers about 25 % + 15 % = 40 %of all words in Sanskrit.
“Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni pustake www.mitramsanskritdainikam.blogspot.com
[ For more…go to the above link]
Aparam ca. [more...]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com. <
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at www.google.com]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam satyatam vidheyam3
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 04.08.14
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
शुक्र वार रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि
चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
वार रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो
आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
“मित्रम् Mitram”
Sanskrit dainikam संस्कृत दैनिकम्
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 25.06.9114 वार: गुरूवार: Guruvaar: [04.09.2014 AD Thursday] .
अंक [Edition]: 140.06.9114
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, athawaa Sri: 9019 Varzaat
[Since: 1919 AD by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma,
India's oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper.]
*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** Bhaaratavarza: Vishve sarve deshesu unnata:, dwe roope yathaa:
[India is the most developed country of the World, in 2 Ways.]
[1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
[India is the largest Democratic country: all say.]
[2] Nirvaacan kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa:, falam 48 horaayamev sampoor0Iam.
Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
[In Conducting Elections, 1 billion voters: Result announced within 48 h.
Who conducts such elections this way in the World!!!] .
Pasyataam SR-Adhaxasya nirvaacanasya ga0Ianaa katidine bhawati?
Look, in how many days the counting of votes is completed in the election of US President.]
** Ekaanabhigya nawayuvakasya haste UP samaan vrihat praantasya Saasanam katham bhave~t, yat 5 anya praantaan samaanaasti? Ata: Uttar Pradeshasya 5 bhagam kara0Ieeyam.
[The command of a large Praant like UP equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young Person or any body. Thus UP should be divided in 4 /5 parts.]
1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:
** Afgaanistaan deshasya nutan Adhyaxasya nirvaacanasya ki` abhawat, na ko~pi jaanaati. Idam nirvaacanam kidrishi!!
UN kathayati yadaa Abdullaa Abdullaa mahodaya: nirvaacanasya falam vahizkaroti, tadaa iti 'dukhdaai', parantu te Matpatraan Punaraawalokana kaarye vyavadhaanam na karizyanti. Prateete idam kaaryam na samaaptam varsha paryantam.
[What happened to the Election of the new President of Afghanistan, no one knows. What an election!!
UN says the withdrawal of Abdulla Abdulla from the election result is 'regrettable', however they will keep on the Audit of ballots.]
** Afghaanistaane adhunaa puna: taalibaani kaaryam praarabhata.
** IEC 14516 matapatraan punaraawalokita:.
[ IEC say 14516 Ballot Papers are audited.]
** Sri: 01.04.9114 divase Afagaan deshe Adhyaxasya kincidhinsaa (~ 50 hataa:) evam aashaa saha Nirvaacanamabhavat yatra 130 Laxaat, 70 Lax janaa: matadaanam kritwanta:.
Adhyaxasya Pratyaasi: [Prsidencial Candidates]:
(1) Abdulla Abdulla, poorva Videsh Mantri.
(2) Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai, poorva Vitta Mantri.
2. Iraak:[Iraq]:
Iraak deshe adhunaa US desha: IS janaanaam Vimaanen VizfoTakaa: paatayanti IS virodhe. Janaanaam upyogaay te khaadya-saamagrim ca paatayanti.
[US is bombarding IS and dropping food articles for the use.]
*** Adya vayam "Saralikrit Sanskritam" paThizyaava:.
[From this day of 16th August 2014 after a day of celebration of 68th Independence day of India (from the British Rule, with unique weapon of 'Satyagrah', Satya-Ahinsha first time in the World under the Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi); a new topic of "Sanskrit Lessons" is being started for benifits of the lovers of Sanskrit, which is not simply a language but is a "Treasure of Knowledge".]
Sanskrit PaaTha: -1 [Sanskrit Lesson - 1]
1. Adhunaa anekaa: kathayanti yat Sanskritam saralam na taThaa puraatanam. Aam! Sanskritam puraatanam parantu saralam.
[Now a days it is said that Sanskrit is an ancient language and difficult to learn.]
SaralikritSanskritam [SimplexSanskrit]
Sanskritam => Gyaanam
[Sanskrit => Knowledge]
Lekhaka: Pt Dr Deva Dutta Sharmaa
[By: Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma]
Atra [Here and there in squire brackets English is written.] madhye yatra tatra Aangl-Bhaazaalikhitam asti.
1. Prakkathanam [Introduction]:
Vishve adhunaa Sanskritasya prayoge hraasyam. Sri: 9091 Varse Vishve sambhavata: 50 000 janaa: Sanskritam avadan, parantu Sri: 9101 Varshetu etat 14 000 maatra abhavat. Katham? Socneeyam.
Sambhavata: iti kathanam yat ‘Sanskritam maatra ekam bhaazaa’ agyaanamev, yat etat ‘Gyaanasya bhan0Iaara:’.
Yat, prathama-axarasya gyaanen idam gyaayate; gamyataam "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com sthaane.
Ataeva Devanaagari Lipi prathamam gyaatavyam Dwiteeya Anucchede.
[In the World, the use of Sanskrit is reducing. In 1991AD possibly 50 000 persons were using Sanskrit but it reduced to 14 000 persons in 2001 AD.
Why? This is a matter of thinking.
Possibly due to ignorance, Sanskrit is considered simply as a language, where as it is a treasure of knowledge refer the book “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” at www.scribd.com
This will be clear by learning the very 1st letter of Devanagari Script in which Sanskrit is normally written on the above link. Firstly we shall go to learn Devanagari Script in the next Paragraph-2.]
>>> Anucchedaaan 2 - 5 janya pashyataam poorvaDivasasya PosTam. [For Paragraphs: 2 to 5, please refer previous Posts.]
6. Atha Saral SanskritaBhaazaa:
[Now Simple Shanskrit Language]:
6.1 > Sanskrite ko~pi Shabda: kutramapi gamizyati vaakye. Nimne udaahara0Iam:
[In Ssnskrit a word may be written at any place, only an adjective should preseed the respective noun or pronoun. An example is given below]:
Raama: aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a mango.]
Aamram Raama: khaadati.
Khaadati Raama: aamram.
Raama: madhuram aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a sweet mango.]
Raama: khaadati madhuram aamram.
Madhuram aamram khaadati Raama:. [all mean the same]
6.2 Sanskrit vaakye vartmaan kaale kriyaa na aavasyakam. Sandarva gyaatwaa Bhoot kaake ca Kriyaa na aavashyakam[Unlike English, in Sanskrit a verb is not essencial in present tense. Even in Past tense verb is not needed in a sentence once you know that the talk is about Past.]
Mama janani atra asti. = Mama janani atra. [My mother is here.]
Hya: mama maataa atra aaseet. = Hya: mama maataa atra. [Yesterday my mother was here.]
6.3 [ Making question (Inerrogative), or negative sentenses are very easy. No need of positioning words, no adding 'do' etc as in English.]:
Aham vidyaalayam gacchaami. = I go to the school.
Ki` aham vidyaalayam gacchaami? = Do I go to the school?
vidyaalayam na gacchaami.= I do not go to the school.
Na gacchaami aham vidyaalayam. Vidyaalayam aham na gacchaami. >> [All are ok. Isn't easy?]
6.4 Kriya Lingaparivartane Sanskrite na parivartati.
[Just as in English, the verbs do not change with Gender change of subject.]
Raama: khaadati. Seetaa khaadati. [Ram eats. Sita eats.]
Saa akhaadat. Sa: akhaadat. [She ate. He ate.]
6.5 ShabdaRoopa: tathaa dhaatuRoopa:
[Declanation of Words and Verbs:
To indicate Number, Person and Case: Each Sanskrit word generally has 3*8 = 24 forms.
Similarly each Verb in Sanskrit has 9*10 = 90 forms.
Although these are formermed very methodically and very Scientifically, for a common man it makes the language very tough.
>> In view of this it is suggesyed to make optimumal use of Shabda-Roop by combining the words using:
(A) Sanyog: Simple combination of 2 or more words. Falam aanay. = Falamaanay. [Please bring fruit.]
Griham aagaccha. = Grihamaagaccha. [Come to the house.]
Rule: m + aa = maa, simply joining 2 words when 1st word has no vovel and 2nd one staarts with a vowel => Sanyog
(B) Sandhi: [Combining 2 or more words with certain changes at the end . While using Roman Script, the use of Caps for the 1st letter of each word, each word maintain its identity still forming a combined word.]
1. SwaraSandhi = Swarasya sandhi:
Look in 'SwaraSandhi', the cumbersome declenation of 'swara' as 'swarasya' is avoided by doing Samaas, compounding the 2 words; at the same time the 2 words keep their identity while using Romon script.
Rule: 1 : deergha Sandhi:
Pustaka + atra = Pustakaatra
Rule: 1a. A word ending with 'a' + 'a' at the beginning of a word
= aa
Pustaka + Aalaya = Pustakaalaya => Rule:1b. a + aa = aa,
Lataa + atra = Lataatra => Rule: 1c. aa + a = aa
Ravi + Eendra = Raveendra: => Rule: 1d. i + ee = ee
Rule: 2. Gu0Ia Sandhi:
Ga0Ia + eesha = Ga0Iesh Rule: 2a. => a + ee = e
Ramaa + eesha: = Ramesha: [Looks much change, no! just see the rule.
Rule: 2b. aa + ee = e so simple
>>> With little bit practice, one can effortlessly muster Sandhi and Samaas. With Sandhi and Samaas Sanskrit becomes very easy and Compact too.
(c) Samaas. [Compounding 2 words]
Sundaram falam aanaya. = [Bring nice fruit.]
Sundarafalam aanaya.
[Look how the 2 words 'Sundaram falam' = Sundarafalam are Compounded in to 1 word as Sundarafalam which can be also written as]:
Sundaram falam aanaya = SundarFalam aanaya. = SundarFalamaanaya.
[The 3 words are combined to form 2 or even 1 word by using Samaas and Sanyoga.
>>> These will be clear by examples.]
6.5.1 Shabda roopa> 'Nara' [man]
> Sarve puling akaaraantaShabdaanaam roopaa: evamev bhavizyanti yathaa nimne likhitam.
[The declension of all Sanskrit Masculine words ending with 'a' will be similar as given below]:
Eka vacan [Singular] dwivacan [Dual] vahuvacan [plural]
[1] nara: [man] narau [2 men] naraa: [many men]
[2] naram [to a man] ,, naraan [to men]
[3] nare0Ia [by, with, naraabhyaam narai: [ by, men]
[4] naraaya[for a man] ,, narebhya: [for men]
[5] naraat [from] ,, ,, [from men]
[6] narasya [of a man] narayo: naraa0Iaam[of men]
[7] nare [in] ,, naresu [in men]
[8] he! nara [O nara! he naru he nara: [ O men!]
Exactly the same way the different forms of all other Masculine words ending with 'a' are made just mathematically without any exception, like:
Ram => Raama, dev => deva [god], swaana [dog], vrixa [tree], baanara [monkey], soorya [sun], eeshwara [God], vrizabha [bull] etc
Such words add op to about 30 % of all words.
6.5.2 Shabda roopa> 'Lataa' [Creaper, or a baby, girl, lady with such name]
> Sarve Shriling aakaaraantaShabdaanaam roopaa: evamev bhavizyanti yathaa nimne likhitam.
[The declension of all Sanskrit faminine words ending with 'aa' will be similar as given below]:
Eka vacan [Singular] dwivacan [Dual] vahuvacan [plural]
[1] lataa late lataa:
[2] lataam ,, ,,
[3] lataya lataabhaam lataabhi:
[4] lataye ,, lataabhya:
[5] latayaa ,, ,,
[6] latayaa latayo: lataanaam
[7] lataayaam ,, lataasu
[8] he late he late he lataa:
Exactly the same way the different forms of all other faminine words ending with 'aa' are made like:
Maalaa = [garland], sudhaa [nectar], vaalaa [girl], ambaa [mother] ....
Tippa0Iee: [note]: 'Maataa' na 'aa' aakaaraant shabda:. ['Maataa' is a form of the Shabda 'Maatri', similarly 'Pitaa' is a form of the verb named 'Pitri']
'Raama' and 'Lataa' nowns forms covers about 25 % + 15 % = 40 %of all words in Sanskrit.
“Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni pustake www.mitramsanskritdainikam.blogspot.com
[ For more…go to the above link]
Aparam ca. [more...]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com. <
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at www.google.com]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam satyatam vidheyam3
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 04.08.14
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
शुक्र वार रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि
चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
वार रवि सोम मंगल बुध बृहस्पति गुरू शुक्र शनि चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो
आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन
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