Tuesday, 13 January 2015

08.11.9114 Global Bhojpuri 13.01.2015

ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक 
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 08.11.9114  मंगर Ma`gar [Date: 13.01.2015 AD Tuesday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ सलोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansar kke Sab Bhojpuria logan ke auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri, 
and all lovers. English is in [...]. Bhojpuri is an International Language.]      
अंक Ank: 267.11.9114.

*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार  Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
1. Asiaa, Yurop [Asia, Europ]:
** Bharat [India]:
>>> Dilli Coonaaw Nirvaacan Aayog se Ghosit:: Coonaaw: 07.02.2015 AD, Ginati: 10.02.2015,  Matpaatrataa:  21.01.2015 tak. [The dates of Delhi Election declared by the Election Commission: Date of Election: 07.02.2015 AD, Countin of Votes: 10.02.2015 AD, Last Date of Candidature: 21.01.2015.]

>>> Ab dilli Vidhaan Shabhaa khaatir tinkoni coonaaw ke laRaai hoi: BJP, AAP, aa Ko`gres ke beec.
[Now there will be triangular contest for Delhi Assembly: Between BJP, AAP and Congress party.]
>>> Bhaarat ke rakh rakhaaw aa unaati khaatir 2 Tho acchaa dal hokhe ke caahi`. Ehi se hamani ke Bhaarat ke log kahataani:
Dilli me` >>> PM Modi >>> CM Kejri.
BIP ke yogya Netaa NaMo KaepTtalisTik roop se Bhaarat ke rakh rakhaaw aa Unnati khaatir netaagiri karataran.
Ehee se hamanike Bhaarat ke log kahataani jaa:
Dilli me` >>> PM Modi >>> CM Kejri
>>> BJP ke 1 lkaa Coonaaw me`: 2 MP Sansad me` gail rahan.
>>> AAP ke 1 lkaa Coonaaw me`: 4 MP Sansad me` gailan.
BJP ke 1 Netaa baa: NaMo
Bhaarat me` Dher Netaa baaRan.
>>> Jaya ho! Bhaarat!!!

[ Therefore there must be two Good Parties in India for its proper Upkeep and  Develpment.  Ehee se The People of India say:
In Delhi >>> PM Modi >>> CM Kejri.
>>> In the 1st ever election of BJP: 2 MPs of BJP  could enter in Parliament.
>>> In the 1st ever election of AAP: 4 MPs of AAP could enter in Parliament.
BJP has 1 Leader >>>  NaMo
India has many Leaders.
>>> Jay ho! India!!!  ]

>>> NDA Bhaarat Saasan ke उपलब्धि दर्शक: 'Upalabdhi darshaka'
['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI]
Aaj, Sri: 9114 ke 10 Maheenaa ke ant me` उपलब्धि Upalabdhi
= 34.08-27.83% = + 6.25% .
[The Performance of NDA-GOI in over last 7 month GOI Rule
=  34.08-27.83% = + 6.25%.]

>>> AAP dal ke 49 din ke Dilli Sarkaar ke उपलब्धि = 11/18 = 61.11%  in 49 days => 61.1111* 220/49 => 274.37% in 7 month.

Saat Maheenan ke Saasan me` उपलब्धि:  BJP + 6.25% <> AAP 274.37%

>>> AAP ke Uplabdhi > 40,  BJP ke Upalabdhi = 40.
[AAP's Performance > 40, BJP's Performance =  1.
still some say AAP has no experience of Ruling!!!]

>>> J & K me` ab RaasTrapati Saasan lagaadiyaail. Kawano dal sarkaar naa banaa sakal, saikaRo karoRa kharcaa ka ke.
>>> Eehe ha "Sansadeeya Pra0Iaali".
[In I&K now President Rule is imposed. No party could form a government even after spending 100s of crores of rupees.
>>> This is the "Parliaamentary Democracy".]

** Yukren, Navarus aa Rus: [Ukraine, Novorossia and Russia]:
** Ek o~r Donbaas aa Rus xetra me` shaanti caahataa, ta dusr o~r Kiev tarah tarah se laRaai karataa.
[On the one hand Dobass and Russia is trying for peace, on the other hand Kiev ir preparing for fighting in different manner. ]
** Rus: [Russia]:
Rus Sri: 9120 se Antarraastreey Antarix Teesan, AAT ke vyaapaar ke kaam khaatir kiraayaa pa dee.
[Russia will rent International Space Station, ISS for commercial purposes on rent from 2020.]

** Braajil:[Brazil]:
Braajil me` sookhaa paRalaa se eh ber cini ke upaj kame hokhe ke laagataa:. Ee Braajil ke baRhan ghaaTaa ke baat baa. [Due to draught in Brazil, in this season the sugar production may suffer. This is the great crisis of Brazil.]

** Siriaa  aa Iraak [Syria and Iraq]:
>> Fraansisi Yahudi netaa: Siriaa aa Iraak ke laRaai ab Peris pahu`cal.
[A Jew Leader of France: Syria and Iraq war has  now reached Peris.]

>> Siriaa aa Iraak duno me` Maanavataa ke sa`haar bhail 2014AD me`. Maanavataa baRale ka`haa` baa eehaa`? Eh sab ke jimmedaar ke baa? Kaa ee Siriaa sarkaar ke jimmedari ha,  ki Iraaki Sarkaar ke, ki Isis, ki kawano videsha, aa ee SRS ke akarmanyataa ke calate bhail?
Ee ego baRhan Prashna baa, baakir baRaa mahatva waalaa baa, taaki logan ke jinagi aa Maanavataa  bace.
Rauaa log ekar uttar apane paai`, baakir ego Uttar khaatir "Global Bhojpuri ke eSkool' ke dekh sakile`.
[In 2014 both Syria and Iraq had heavy human losses. Where is Humanism here? Who are responsible for these? Is it Syrian government, is it Iraqi government, is it Isis, is it some foreign countries or is it due to inactiveness of UNO?
This is a very big Q, but very important to avoid future loss of life and Humanity.
You may yourself think, however for one answer you may go to "Global Bhojpuri eSkool"]

2. Afrikaa [Africa]:
** Libiaa, Misra aa Nigeriaa [Libya, Egypt and Nigeria]:
** Libian logan ke jinagi se unkar Netaa ke Pacchimi deshan se muavalaa ke baad Shaanti khatam ho gail.  [Libyans peaceful life is destroyed with killing of their Leader Gaddaafi by the Wests. ]

** d. Afrikaa, Naijeriaa ke 100ro logan ke muawalaa aa 1000ro ke dosaraa desh me` bhaage  khaatir dukh dikhawlas. [South Africa condemned the killing of about100s and fleeing 1000s in neighbour by Boko Haram.]

3. Amerikaa, Astreliaa [America, Austrelia]:
** Kyubaa-Venejuelaa [Cuba-Venezuela]:
Kyubaa aa Venejuelaa ke sambandh me` Sri: 9114 baris ke ant me` ego nayaa ghumaaw laagataa, SR ke Kyubaa pa se awarodh haTawalaa ke baad se.
[With the beginning of 2015, a shift in the relation between Cuba and Venezuela looks eminent after the release of sanctions on Cuba by US.]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’  lipi me` likh sakeni.[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke uddes aa aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the aim of 'International  Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the Google link. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
08.11.9114 Global Bhojpuri 13.01.2015

एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध   बियफे   शुक  शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन


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