Friday, 30 January 2015

26.11.9114 Global Bhojpuri 30.01.2015

मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 26.11.9114 शुक Shuk[Date: 30.01.2015 AD Friday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ सलोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansar kke Sab Bhojpuria logan ke auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English is in [...]. Bhojpuri is an International Language.]      
अंक Ank: 283.11.9114.

***      कुछ ख़ास समाचार  Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
1.    Yuresiaa [Euresia]:
1.1    Bharat [India]:
>>>  Aaj Sri: 26.11.9114 ke feru Bhaarat ke “Sarkaari Upakraman” ke BIP-NDA Saasan be`ce` ke suru ka diaail, jekaraa ke hajaaro, laakho deshbhakt log aapa khoon paseenaa bahaa ke, aa budhi-vicaar-val se banavalan; jaise “Coal India Ltd”. Kaa ehi se hoi Bhaarat ke unnati!!! Ee Publik ke dhan ke looTal baRaa aasaan laagataa. Eeho BhrasTa  raajneetie ha.  
[From today 30.01.2015 BIP-NDA GOI has started butchering the “Public Undertakings” built by 100s of thousands of the dedicated deshbhaktas with their hard labour and intelligence. This has started with the selling of “Coal India Ltd” to private parties, instead of bringing FDI, what has this started!!! Easy way of looting Public Properties. This is also called Corrupt Practice.]   
>>>   VSS Dilli Coonaaw 9114: [MLA Election in Delhi on 7.2.2015]:          
>>                   Kiran  <> Kejri  
              BJP <> AAP
>>>     Baap re Baap, Gajab ho gail, eh desh ke kaa hoi!!! [Strange!!!]
Ø Bhaarat me` Poor0Ia-Bahumat Sarkaar ke ee kaa bhail?
[What has happened to the Government of India having absolute majority.]
Ø AaTh, 8 Maheenaa me` khaali 6 - 7 % Upalabdhi? [Only 6-7% Performance in 8 onths?]
Ø Ab baaki 4 Maheenaa me`baaki 60 – 65 % kaise hoi Upalabdhi? [How to achieve the balance 60-70 % within 4 months to meet the yearly Target?]
Dilli ke Aam Aadmio jaagrook baaRan: [But the Common Persons of Delhi are alert.]

Dilli MLA 'Coonaaw-Pahile ke 19.01.2015 ke, aa Kiran Vedi ke BJP-CM ke naav pa coonaaw ke` da`gal me` utarlaa ke baad ke anumaanit nateejaa' (+ - 5%, kawano apratyaasit ghaTanaa choR ke) : 
['Prepoll estimated Results' of Delhi MLA dt. 19.01.2015 and on 24.01.15 after entry of Kiran Vedi as BJP-CM (+ - 5% except       some   unexpected happening
                Anumaan, Estimate-1 Anum, Est-2 Anum, Est-3  24.01.15%  Anu.Est.-4 
            BJP:…            31,                   21,                   28                    41                    29
            AAP:...            34,                 45,                37                   50               36
            Congress:       4,                     3,                     3                      7                      4
            Dusar:             1,                     1,                     2                      2                      1
            Total Seats:   70,                   70,                   70.                   100                  70
Laagataa ki Kiran Vedi ji ke BJP-CM Pratyaasi ke roop me`ailaa pa Anu. Esat.- 4 se ta eehe pataa calataa ki inkaa ailaa se haalat me` kawano antar naikhe.

>>>      PaarTian ke Coonaaw Ghosanaapatra: [Manifesto of Election of Parties]:
            **  Congress Party Manifesto:
1.      Electricity: @ Rs 1.5 / unit; shall  weave water and Power reform to counter BJP and AAP.
2.      25h functioning of art diagnostics in all hospitals, 4th Phage Metro with student-concession.         
3.      Old age pension= Rs 2000, prioroties for poor and maginiseds.
            **     BJP Manifesto:
No Ghoshanaa Patra, [only some Vision Document will be released. When? After election. ]
**     AAP Manifesto:
1.      Pukka housing for all residence of Delhi JJ Clustures within 5 yrs. No demolition till till the residents of that slum is provided housing.
2.      Big changes without big spending.
3.      Final document will encompass promises on water, power, health, education, trade, Swaraj, Lokpal etc as discussed since Dec 2014 in “Delhi Diagologues”.
4.      Full Statehood for Delhi.
5.      An Ultra Mega Project for cheap electric power.
6.      20% Solar power.
7.      Public toilets 2 lakh.
8.      Delhi will be made a Business Hub.
>>>            Most Delhiites say: No Manifesto => No commitment >> No Vote.

>>>     Dilli Coonaaw: Nirvaacan Aayog se Coonaaw Ghosit: 07.02.2015 AD, VoT ke Ginati: 10.02.2015,  Matpaatrataa:  21.01.2015 tak.
            [The dates of Delhi Election declared by the Election Commission: Date of Election: 07.02.2015 AD, Counting of Votes: 10.02.2015AD, Last Date of Candidature: 21.01.2015.]
>>> NDA Bhaarat Saasan ke 240 dinan ke उपलब्धि: ~ 6.1%
AAP Dilli Saasan ke tulanaatmak 240 dinan ke उपलब्धि: 1865% 49 din me`
= 18.65*240 din/(6.1*49) din = 14 gunaa (BJP ke).
['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI in 240 days: ~ 6.1%
AAP Rule of 49 days Performance: 1865 % in 49 days
                                                                                                                                                                                    = 18.65*240day/(7.1*49) day = 14 times of BJP.]
"Sab Praant ek o~r, aa Dilli ek o~r"
["All Provinces on one hand, and Delhi on the other.]

>>>  BJP + Congress + SP + BSP + RJD +JDU sab ek o~r <> AAP dusar o~r.
1.2  Yukren, Navarus aa Rus: [Ukraine, Novorossia and Russia]:
**      LaRaai abahi`o caalu baa. Ego Troli bas pa golaabaari se Danbaas me` 2 log mu gailan.[The fight is still continuing. On firing on a trolley bus 2 persons got killed in Donbass.]
**      Ek o~r Donbaas aa Rus shaanti caahataa, ta dusar o~r Kiev tarah tarah se laRaai karataa.
          [ Donbass and Russia is trying for peace, on the other hand Kiev is preparing for fighting in different manners.]

1.3    Siriaa aa Iraak [Syria and Iraq]:
**        Iraaki Bal Purabi Diyalaa raajya ke fer apanaa adhikaar me` le lelas.
**        Sirian Sarkaari pratinidhi, Ai-Jaafari ke Rusi shaanti saelan safal bhail. Uu kahlan, Rusi mitra safal bhailan, dusar log asafal.
2.      Afrikaa [Africa]:
2.1       Dakhin Afrika Goraa-Kaalaa ke laRaakuan ke xamaa ka delas. [South Africa paroled the Apartheid squad leader.]  

3.      Amerikaa, Astreliaa [America, Austrelia]:
3.1       Jahaa` aadhunik MeDikal Saains kaam naa kare, uuhaa` Aayurveda kaam karelaa. Jaadaa khaatir khoj: AHA Ayurved.   
[Wherever the Modern Medical Science fails, Ayurveda may work. For more: AHA,]    
3.2       SRA [USA]:
            Muat Maal: Varjiniaa ke ego Maal ke kha`Rhar dekhalaa se laagataa ki    agilaa dasiyo barisan me` eehe haal hoi Dher aaj ke Maal sab ke.
[Seeing the dabries of a Mall in Verginia, it appears after decades many malls would have similar fate.]
            SRA me` pichalaa din bheesan barf ke toofaan aail jekar gati 110 km/h se             120 km/ h rahe. Niu York me` ta 'Emarjensi' ghosit kail gail.
3.3       Braajil: [Brazil]:
        Braajil ke Saao Paaolo Prant me` eh baris aisan sookhaa paRal baa jaisan             80 baris me` naa paRal rahe. [Sao Paolo state of Brazil is hit by the worst           draught since last 80 years.]
3.4       Kyubaa, SRA Sambandh: [Relation between Cubaa and USA]
            SR Adhyax Obamaa Kyubaa se pooraa sambandh banaawe ke kahln aa Hawaanaa me Dootaavaaso banaawe ke kahlan.
            Baakir Kyubaa ke FiDel KaasTro cuppi toRalan: "Ham SRS pa viswaas naa kari`". Ee akelaa uhe desh ha je Japan pa AeTam Bom calawalas, eh se sab ke saawadhaan rahe ke caahi`.
            [US Pres Obama ordered full scale deplomatic relation with their next door neighbor Cuba with opening of Ambassy in Hawana to end a Century old lul.]
            Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakeni.[One may use         either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke uddes aa aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the aim of 'International  Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the Google link. Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]            
                                    ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]                              
26.11.9114 Global Bhojpuri 30.01.2015

एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध   बियफे   शुक  शनीचर
Names of Months: चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन


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