Thursday, 18 May 2017

Donald Trump Sanatanarya Indeed. Infamous past USA Presidents मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम् 17.05.2017 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 07.03.9117

Donald Trump Sanatanarya Indeed. Infamous past USA Presidents  
 मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
17.05.2017 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 07.03.9117
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
आंग्ल-संस्कृतअंतर्राष्ट्रीय दैनिक-समाचारपत्रम् .
Budha बुधवार: [Wednesday]      अंक: 039.02.9117. 


विशेषवार्ता: VishezaVaartaa: [Special News]:
** Ka: kathita? "SRA 10 NikrizTatam Adhyaxaa:": 
Who said? "USA 10 Worst Presidents":
10. George W. Bush, DOB 1946, President 2001-2009. Adhyaxa:. 
> Public speaking gaffes and costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Janabhraanti kritvaa: Iraaka-deshe Akramanam, tathaa ati- vyayayasheelaAfgaanistaan Yuddham krita:.  
10. Richard Nixon, 1913 - 1994, President 1969 - 1974. Adhyaxa:. 
> Watergate Scandal and resignation. 'Waatarge~T SkaenDal' pascaat  tyaagapatram. 
9. Herbert Hoover, 1874 - 1964, President 1929 -1933.
> Poor communicator, fueled trade war and depression.
8. Willium Henry Harrison, 1717 -1841, 4.3.1841-1.4.1841.
> President for  ~1 month. Matra 1 maasaaya Adhyaxa:.
7. Ulisses S. Grant, 1822 -1885, President 1869 - 1877.
> Presided over graft and corruption. 
6. John Tayler, 1790 -1862, President 1841 - 1845.
> Defended slavery. Maanav-kraya-raxaka:
5. Millard FiIlmore, 1800 -1874, President 1850 -1853.
> Allowed slavery to spread. Maanav-kraya samvardhita:
4. Franclin Pierce, 1804 -1869, President 1853 -1857.
> Expansionist, causing Civil war. Vistaarvaadi, yena samaaje yuddhamabhawat.
3. Andrew Iohnson, 1808 - 1875, President 1865 - 1869.
> Survived impeachment. Mahaabhiyogaat nivrita:
2. Warren G Harding, 1865 -1923, President 1921 -1923. 
> Ineffectual and indecisive. Akaaryasheela:, Anir0Iaayaka:.
1. James Buchanan, 1701 -1868, President 1857 -1861.
> refused to challange the spread of slavery. Gulaamee ke viruddha aawaaj naa uThawale.
0. Barak H. Obama 2009 - 2017.
"Libiyaa evam Siriyaa deshaabhyaam"  "Assad avasyamev Padacyutam" kukhyaata:, yena  Lakhaan janaan aahataan, hataanaa, palaayitaan  shara0Iaarthee roope Yurop deshesu..
Infamous for "War for  resigm change in Libya" and Sirya of "Assad must go" fame; and creating Migrations of billions of people flooding Europe.
>> Mitram has nothing to do with the merits or demerits of the above past Presidents of USA, which is based on the opinions of somebody.  

** Rusa: SRA Russia USA 
* Rusa: aTTahaasam karoti, yadaa Tramp mahodaya: kathayati AmerikaasfooTati.
Etaan matra avijayee 'DemokraeT's' haasyaaspadKathanaani.
Russia laughhs when Trump says: USA apart on Russian involvment in last election.
All these as Democrats excecuse for losing the election.

* Lavrova Mahodayena sah melanaPascaat Patrakaaraan kathitavaan: 
"AtiSundaraMelanam" Lavarova Mahodayena sah Siriyaa sambandhee vaartaayaam.
"Vayam hatyaa evam mrityu varjitam", sa: kathitwaan. 
Yesterday, Sanatanarya President Donald Trump met  FM Lavrov in the Oval House of the WH and later said to reporters: "He had had a very very good meeting with Lavrov, with progress made on the issue of Syria.
"We are going to stop killings and deaths", the Sanatanarya added. > Sanatanarya indeed. 

** Adhuna Vishwa Shaanti-Samriddhi hetu yatkincidSambhavam, kara0Ieeyam. 
For the shake of World Peace and Development whatever possible, should be done. All are hopeful towards Sanatanarya Donald Trump, who would certainly develop USA, maintaining "World Peace at all Cost"

** Hya: 04.03.9117 divase praata: u.Koriyaa AntaraMahaadesheeyaPraxepaashtam caalita: Pascimee taTaat ya: Saagare RusaNikate 800km calanaat patitam.
Yesterday morning on 14.05.2017  N. Korea test fired a ballistic missile from its West Coast which fell into the sea near Russia after 800 km.

 ** Many said in past: South Korea is a developed country.
What a development it is for a country who couldn't protect herself!!!  
ODC: "Overall Development of a Country": "DeshaSarvaangeenUnnati:":-
Cin China: ODC: 11m Sthaanam 11th Rank 
Rus Russia: ODC: 17m Sthaanam 17th Rank 
u.Koriyaa N.Korea ODC: 18m Sthaanam 18th Rank 
SRA USA ODC: 22m Sthaanam 22nd Rank 
d.Koriyaa S.Korea  ODC: 37m Sthaanam 37th Rank 
Bhaarat India: ODC: 148m Sthaanam 148th Rank 

** From above it looks there is keen competetion for the ODC Rank between SRA and u.Korea; and
why S.Korea need prop-up from USA. and why USA likes to down u.Korea. 
Upari yatkincidLikhitamasti, tena prateete d.Koriyaa swa raxaaKarane asamartha:, ataeva 
saa swa suraxaa janya anya-deshopari nirbharaa.

=> USA, d.Koriyaa, BhaarataJanebhya: CinaRusa.KoriyaaJanai: adhikaSukhee.
People of China, Russia and u.Korea are happier than those of USA, d.Korea and India.

For 'The Scientific theory of Palmistry" and more go to the book entitled: "Palmistry as Science and Technology", Author: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma at 

(aparam ca, continued.)

***   "Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum: gamyataam etadnaamni sthaane
  [For more on Sanskrit…  go to the above link]

** "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" SanskritBhaazaayaa: 
prathamam dainikam Vishwe, Prakaashanam gata 98 Varzaat bhawati.

"Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" is the 1st Sanskrit daily newspaper of the World, published since last 98 years.

Apara` ca. [more...]
'Mitram': The Oldest Sanskrit Daily News Paper WW.
अत्र Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayoga` sambhavam.
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari Script here.]

Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipyam lekhitu` poorva-Prakaashanaan paThaneeyam, tathaa sthaane.
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script and again reading back the same correctly, one may go to the above link.]

>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaa` satyata` vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
'Mitram': Vishwe Prathama` Sanskrit dainikam, Prakaashanam: Gata 98 वर्षात् .
Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, आचार्य पण्डित अम्बिकादत्त शर्मा, Muzaffarpuram, 
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 वर्षात् .
Aadi Prakaashaka: Aacaarya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma, Gannipur, Muzaffarpur, India.
['Mitram': The oldest Sanskrit Daily Newspaper WW, since: 1919 CE, originally Edited & Published by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma from Muzaffarpur, India.]

इति Iti [The end]
17.05.2017 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 07.03.9117

मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्:

Apara` ca. [more...]

Sanskritadivasaa: names of 7 days in Sanskrit and English:
>> Pronunciation in English > संस्कृते उच्चारणम्  > [English] >>
Vaara: वार: [day],    
Ravivaara: रविवार: [Sunday],      Somavaara: सोमवार: [Monday], 
MangalaVaara: मंगलवार: [Tuesday],    Budha बुधवार: [Wednesday]       
Brihaspati, बृहस्पतिवार: [Thursday]   Guru गुरूवार: [Thursday]  
Shukra शुक्रवार: [Friday],     ShaniVaara: शनिवार: [Saturday]

अधुना   JyezTha Maasam <>  [May],    सृष्ट्याब्द: 1 972 949 117, न्यूने सृ. 03.9117.
... ...

मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्  


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