मित्रम् eMitram Sri:02.12.9113 Ravivaar:'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik eSamaacaar Patram’.
[16.02.2014 AD Sunday. 'An
Anglo-Sanskrit International Daily eNewspaper’.
Edition: 103.12 Sri: 9113]
Samaacaaraa: [Special News]:
** Ki`cit apratyaasit kaara0Iena eMitram
brakaashanam aagaami saptaahe na bhavizyati. Tadartham xamaayacanaa.
** Maanav > Manav > Man:
'Who looks good to all
beings, living or non-living':
Sanaatanaarya: [Original-developed
[Nature of men:
Helping others]
MaanavVikriti:- Aatanki,
Sa`haara: .
[Misguided men:
Terrorist destruction.]
Sarvaahaara, Saamyavaadi
[Cultured men: Sanaatanaarya:, good persons, Communists, Gandhians.]
** 'Soci Sheet Olympic 2014'
Sri: 01.12.9113:
AzTa Divasa:
["Sochi Winter Olympic
2014" Medal tally.
Date: 15.02.14: Eighth Day.]:
***1 > Germany 36 Bindu
**2 > Notherland 30
*3 > Canada, USA 29
***1 mam sthaane Germani 36 bindusah asti. [Germany with 36 Points is still at the Top.]
** 2 ya sthaane RusSangh 33 Bindusah aagata: [Russian
Ferderation climbed to the Second Position scoring 33 points.]
*3 ya sthaane Netherland 30 bindusah asti. [Nerthanland is at Second position with 30 points.]
*4Tha sthaane 28 Bindusah Norwe asti.
{Norway is at 4th Position with 28 Points.]
Sthaan Sootra :
Position Formula: Point
1Gold = 4B, 1Silver = 2 B, 1Bronge = 1B,
A tie between 2 = 0.5 of the Value.
Stha Desha: Swarn Rajat Ka`sya
Posi Country Gold Silver Bronze Point
1 Garmani 7, 3, 2, 36
2. Rus Sangham 4, 6, 5, 33
3. Netherlands 4, 4, 6, 30
4. Canada 4, 5, 3, 29
4. USA, 4, 3, 7, 29
5. Norwe 4, 3, 6, 28
6. Switzerland 5, 1. 1 23
7 Austria 2, 4, 0, 16
7 Sweden 1, 5, 2, 16
7. China P.Rep 3, 2, 0, 16
7 Poland 4 0, 0, 16
8 Belarus 3, 0,
1, 13
9. Japan, 1, 3, 1, 11
10 France 2, 0, 2, 10
11. Slovenia 1, 1, 3, 9
12 Italy 0, 2, 3, 7
12 South Korea 1 1, 1, 7
13 Czech Repblk 0, 2, 1, 5
13 Rep.of Korea,tie 1, 0, 1, 5
13. GB 1, 0, 1, 5
13 Latavia 0, 1, 3, 5
14 Slovakia 1 0, 0, 4
14. Finland 0, 2, 0, 4
15 Australia 0, 1, 1, 3
16 Croesia 0, 1, 0, 2
17 Kazakistaan 0, 0,
1, 1
17. Ukraine 0, 0, 1, 1
Suci antim nna ha. [The tally is not latest]
** Bhaaratasya 'Sansadeey
Raajatantre' ati sharmanaakpoor0Iam ghaTanaa: ghaTitaa:. Co`gres evam TDP
sadasyaa: Sansade ghaatak niyamviheenan kaaryaa0Ii kritwanta: sri: 28.11.9113
[In the history of Indian
'Parliamentary Democracy' many Congress and TDP party MPs did shameful and
illegal actions on 13.02.2004AD according to the Speaker Meeraa Kumaar.]
** Yaani Sansade aninaitikaan kaaryaa0Ii abhavan, tathaiva Dilli Vidhaan
Shabhayaam ca abhat. AAP dalaysa prastaavitam bhrazTaacaarvirodhi 'Janlokpaal
Vidheyak' virodhe Co`gres dala: tathaakathit-BJP sah vidheyak virodhe gata:.
Te Mukhya Mantri Arvind
Kejriwaal mahodayasya vaakyaprasaar yantram ca vicchedtavanta:. Vidheyakam
Pascaat ekaJanshabhayaam
Arvind Kejriwaal mahodaya: swa CM padaat nivrittamaan bhavitum kathita:. Tatpazcaat sa; swa padaat
nivrittanaartham patram Uparaajyapaalam dattawaan.
** Co`gres dala: swa PM pratyaasi
udghoza0Iam ajanataantrikam kathayati, janataa: swa bhaavi PM mahodayasya
naamgyaatum adhikaaram na Janatantre.
Janataa: swayamev nir0Iam
karizyanti Sri: 9114 nirvaacane.
[Congress Party says that
people have no right to know the name of their PM candidate. They must vote for
the Congress Party first, who will do JoR-toR, Kharid-Farost of MPs and Make
some Thug, Corrupt person their PM; who will carry on his/ her BhzTaacaar
business for next 5 years.
God only save the Country
from such a so called Parliamentary-Democracy!
Sooner such system is thrown
away, it is better.]
'Satyam Janatantram' Prithivyaam EDD, evam swa deshe ca.
[Bring 'Real Democracy' EDD
and in your country]
1. 'Bhaarate Sri: 9114
[2014 General Election
of India]:
1.1 Co`ngres: 125 Varzapuraatan
[Congress: Over 125 year
old party]
Sri: 15.11.9113 divase swa
LS Pratyaasina: Prathamam suci pradarshayat.
Yatra tatra Janshabhaan
[On 31.01.2014 announced
their 1st List of MP Candidates. They are holding Rallies here and there.]
1.2 AAP, 'Aam Aadmi ParTi' 1 Varza
[AAP, 'Aam Aadmi Party', a 1
year old party.]
Sri: 15.11.9113 divase [31.01.2014] swa LS sadasyaanaam Prathamam sucim
pradarshitam. MaharazTra Pradeshasya sarve 48 LS sthaanan, Mumbai nagaraat Meeraa Sanyaal (Bainkar),
Mayank Gaandhi (Samaaj Sudhaaraka:) yatra sta:
Gujraat Prantasya sarve 26
LS sthaanaat,
Dilli nagarasya 6 LS
Hariyaanaa prantasya sarve
10 LS sthaanaat,
UP Praantasya sarve 80 LS
staanaat pratyaasi bhavizyanti.
Bhaarate 20 Praantezu, AAP
pratyaasina: LS 300 kivaa 350 sthaane
1.3 BJP, 'Bhaarteey Janataa PaarTi'
30 Varza puraatandala:
BJP yatra tatra 12 sthaanesu
Jansabhaan krita:.
BJP Pradhaan Mantri pratyaasi Sri Narendra Modi (NaMo) mahodaya:
Kolkaata nagare Janashabha kritwaan.
1.4 BSP, 'Bahujan Samaaj PaarTi'
naamni dala: ekjanashabhaam krita:.
: Sambhavata: BSP 'Triteey
dala Sangathan'-e gamizyati.
1.5 CPI, 'CommuniT PaarTi of India'
naamni dala:
: Sambhavata: CPI 'Triteey
dala Sangathan'-e gamizyati.
1.6 CPM, 'Communist PaarTi
MaarxisT' naamni dala:
: Sambhavata: CPM 'Triteey
dalaSangathan'-e gamizyati.
2. Yukren dese janaa: swa
RaazTrapaim virodhe pradarshanam kurvanti.
Sri Alkovic, YukrenPradhaanMantri swa padam tyaktam. Parantu
pradarshanakaaraka: pradarshane rata:.
[In the Ukraine, now people are demanding the resignation
of the President, although Mr Alkovich, PM of
Ukraine has resigned due to the demonstration.
3. Mishra deshe NavgaThit Samvidhaanopascaat janamatsangramabhavat..
Janaa: NavSamvidhaanasya virodhe pradarznam kritwanta: yatra Senaa
Egypt Referendum was done for adoptation of the new Constitution.
Many people were
demonstating against the same.]
4. Sudaan deshasya daxinpraante
[Sease-fire in the South
Sudam has started]
5. Thailaind deshe 2.2.14
divasasya Nirvaacanpascaat shaanti. Parantu Pradashan kaara0Ie yatra tatra
nirvaacanam na abhavat.
[In Thailand after 02.02.14
voting some peace has appeard. but due to demonstrations at places voting could
not be done]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam
[One may
use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam
‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com.
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at
the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” given at www.google.com]
Iti [The end]
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