Monday, 3 February 2014

International Bhojpuri eSkool

 AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho
                                                          Ma`gar Sri: 19.11.9113 
Swaagat! Sab premi log.
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho, Tuesday: 04.02.2014 AD
Welcome! All lovers]

**      Khaas baat: [Special Matter]:
**      Bhojpuri ke sahi sthaan Sansaar ke 15 sabse                     Pracalit bhaazaa ke beec Sri: 9100. 
          Source: Ethnologue.
          [The position of Bhojpuri among the 15 most common languages of the world: 2000 AD]:   Language                   Speakers*, mln    Countries**
Sa`    Bhaasaa                                  Bolewaalaa         Desh Sa`
1.      Mandarin, Cini Chinese                  874             16
2.      Hindi, Bhaarat India                        366             17
3.      Angreji English                                341             104
4.      Speni          Spanish                        327 se 358          43
5.      Bangaali Bengali, India, B'des       207             9
6a.    Bhojpuri,                                 200 se 250          12
6.      Portugaali  Portugese           176                      33
7.      Rusi   Russian                          167                      30
8.      Japaani Japanese                  125                      26
9.      Garman German, Standard  100                      40
10.    Koriaai Korian                        78                        31
11.    Fransisi French                       77                        53
12.    Wu Cini Chinese , Cin            77                        1
13.    Javaani Javanese                   75                        4
14     Yue Cini Chinese                   71                        20
15.    Telagu, Bhaarat                      69                        7
Sa`ket: * Approximate numbers of native speakers.
          ** Number of countries with substantial speakers
          6a.    Number of Bhojpuri speakers is based on various sources like 'Times of India', IGNOU, New Delhi, The Hindu.

Uupar se ee pataa calataa ki Bhojpuri ke sthaan, Sansaar ke Bhaasaa sab me` 6, Chauaa` hokhe ke caahi`, baakir Bhaarat ke UPA Sarkaar kab tak sutal rahi, dekhi`?
          Unkare ghaaTaa hotaa.
          Saayad ekar  sreya BJP caahe AAP ke mili.
          [From above it is clear: The Position of Bhojpuri among the first 15 most common Languages should be 6th, but how long the UPA Govt. of India will be sleeping, let us see?
          They themselves are the losers.
          The Credit may go to BJP or AAP.

**      Kaahe Bhaarat ke 'UPA Sarkaar' aaj tak 'Bhojpuri bhaasaa' ke Sambidhaan ke Sedul-8 me` saamil kaile jadapi ekaraake bolewaalaa log Sansaar ke 12 se jaadaa desan me` je 5 Mahaadesan failal baa jahaa` ekaraa ke 20 karoR se 250 karoR log bolelan, je me` se adhikans log (karib 18 karoR se 230 karoR) Bharate me` rahelan? 
[Why Goverment of India has not included 'Bhojpuri Language' in the 8th Shedule of the Constitution of India so far; even when it is spoken by 200 million to 250 million people 12 countries spread over 5 Continents, where as majority of them (about 180 to 230 mln) live in India? ]

Ekar uttar khaas ka ke raajneetik baa. Bhojpuri ke           manyataa se kahi` 'Bhojpuri Land' naa banaaveke     paRe Bhaarat ke Pu UP, Pa Bihaar,  UPa JhaaRkhanD,       Ut Chattisgarh me` se kaat ke? Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar   ke ee dekhe ke caahi` ki 'Bhojpuria Log' atana choT         bicaarwaalaa naikhan.
Jehu hokhe, ghaaTaa ta UPA-2 ke hi` hoi, je aaj tak eh    baat ke laTakaa ke rakhalebaa.
[The answer of this is Political. Possibly, the recognition of Bhojpuri may raise the question of   formation of 'Bhojpuri Land' out of UP, Bihaar,            Jhaarkhand and ChattisgaD*. But Bhojpuri people are    do not think so, else they wouldn't have spread the      World over.
However, the main looser of such politics will be UPA-2 GOI, who have lingered the question so far.]


3. Bhojpuri Vyaakara0Ia
          3.1    Kaarak ke Cinha: Fer se [Sign of Cases]:
          3.1.1 Udaahara0Ia:
          No.   Sabda         Cinha          Use                      [Engalish
          1.      ghar            -                  Ee ghar ha. This is the house?]
          2.      ghar            -,                 Ghar jaa. [Go to the house.]
                                                          Ghar ke daam da.
                                                          [Give me the price of the                                                                        house.]
          3.      ghar se, jarie, saath     Ghar se saTal ghar.
                                                          Ghare ke saath me` rahab.
          4.      ghar ke, khaatir           Ghar khaatir penT da.
                                                          [Give me paint for the house.]
          5.      ghar            se                Uu ghar se alag baaRi. 
                                                          [She is separated from the                                                                       house.]
          6.      ghar            ke               Ghar ke aage. [In front of house]
                                                          Ghar ke daam da.
                                                          [Give me the price of the                                                                         house.]

          7.      ghar  e,  me`,                Uu ghare baa.
                                                          [He is at the house.]
                                                          Uu ghar me`  baa.
                                                          [He is in the house.]
                   3.2    Visesan ke roop: [Adjectives]
          3.2.1 Visesan caahe Bisesan ke Dher roop holaa                                            bhojpuri me`, alag alag pratyay lagaa ke. Jaise                                 neecawaa` dekhi`:
          Mool Bisesan                         Pratyay      Bisesan ke roop
          Laal kalam [red pen]             +ka    Lalkaa kalam [the red pen]
          piar ghar [yellow house]       +i       piari kameej [yellow shirt]   
                                                          +ki     piarki pen [The yellow pen]
                                                          +ka    piarka aam
                                                                   [the yellow mango]
          gor [white]                              +ki     gorki laiki[the white girl]
                                                          +ka    gorka laika [the white boy]
          Gorki                                       +o     gorkio [the white too]
          Kariaa [black]                         +ka    kariakka kapaRaa [cloth]
                                                          +ki     kariakki gaay [the black cow]
          Kariakki                                  +0     kariakkio [the black one too]
          Auru baa.....
.         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eSkool ke Praacaarya: devadoot S. [The Principal of eSkool: devadoot S.]
                        AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool ke Uddes:
            (‘InBeS’ kahi` caahe ‘InBho’ eke baat baa.)
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aur Sanskriti se prem karelan, aur ee sabhan ke aur jaadaa sikhe aur baD*aawe ke caahelan. Bhojpuri ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti aur dosar Profesan me` Sansaar me` leek se haT ke gyaanvardhan kare ke uddes rakhelan.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture and other Profession also aimed without sticking to the conventional methods.]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ me` se kawano lipi me` likh sakile.  Sab log dekhi` .[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri. This is for the Notification of all.]
Maanav ke dharmo ke log alag alag mat mataantar banaa ke badnaam ka dele baa, kekar kekar naav lee`? Baakir, 'OlD is Gold' aur golD = SanatanaaryaDharma jaldi gandaa naa hokhe.
[The Dharma of Manav (=Man in short) is also polluted by advent of many religions, but the ‘Old is Gold = SanaatanaaryaDharma’ which is not polluted so easily.]
Oraa gail. [The End]   

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