Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 02.12.9113
Etwaar [Date: 16.02.2014 AD Sunday]
75.9113 [ English
in […]] Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan
[Welcome, All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of
*** Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some
Special News]:
** Kawano vicittar kaam ke calate
agilaa haptaa Mitram global Bhojpuri ke prati naa aai. Mitram pariwaar eh
khaarit xama ma`gataa sab logan se.
[Due to some unavoidable
circumstances the next week the issues of 'Mitram global Bhojpuri' will not be
available. Please execue us for this.]
** Nepaal me` ago hawaai jahaaj ke
durghaTanaa ho gail je me` 18 log maral laagataaran.
[In a airplane accident in
Nepaal, 18 persons have lost their life, it appears.
** Bhaarat ke Sansad me`
[13.02.14AD] ke‘Telangaanaa Bill’ saamil
ka lel gail. BJP aur Co`gres dal eh pa khoob raajneeti ka rahal baaRan.
[In Indian Parliament ‘Telangana Bill’ is
introduced in the Parliament on 13.02.14.]
** Dilli ke Assembly me` Co`gres
aur BJP ke MLA Dilli Vidhaan Shabhaa me` [13.02.14 AD] ke CM ke maiko toR delan
aur Sabhaapati ke bolahi` naa delan, Ehi sab se "Dilli Janlokpaal
Bill" gir gail.
Ehi se Dilli ke Mukhya
Mantri ego Janasabaa me` kahlan ki uu jaataran aur aapan iateefaa Lt Governer
ke deve khaatir jaataaran. Ekar adhika`s log Theek samhajlan.
[ Due to the Pandemonium
created in Dlehi Assembly when mike of the CM was also broken and the Speaker
was not allowed to speak. Later Delhi CM, Arvind Kejariwal in a Public Meeting
decided to resign from his post of CM. He then submitted his resignation to the
Lt Governer of Delhi.]
** Karib sab xetra me` Sansaar me` Bhaarat ke sthaan 3.raa se 10.waa` baa;
baakir khel me` kaa haal baa, je me` 24 gha`Taa me` ago khelaaRi ke
Bhaaratratno diyaa gail? Baah re UPA Sarkaar!
Pichalaa Olympik me` Bhaarat
ke kaa Sthaan rahe?
Aajkal JaaRaa-Olympik Rus ke
Sochi me` calataa, ekaraa baad Bhaarat ke UPA Saasan ke kripaa se kekaraa ke
Bhaaratratna diaai?
** 'Soci JaaRaa Olympic 2014'
meDal Taili:
Sri: 01.12.9113:
AaThawaa` Din
["Sochi Winter Olympic
2014" Medal tally.
Date: 15.02.14: Eighth Day.]:
***1 > Germany 36 points
**2 > Russian Federation 33
*3 > Notherland 30 points
***1 laa sthaan pa Garmani Abahio 36 binduan ke
saath banal baa. [Germany with 36 Points is still at the Top.]
** 2 raa Sthaan pa Rusi Sangh 33 Binduan le ke
aa gail baa [Russian Ferderation climbed to the Second Position scoring
33 points.]
*3 raa Sthaan pa Netherland baa 30 binduan ke saath [Nerthanland is at Second position with 30
*4Tha Sthaan pa 29-29 Binduan le ke KainaaDaa aur USA baa
{Canada and USA are at 4th Position each with 29 Points.]
Sthaan Sootra :
Position Formula: Point
1Gold = 4B, 1Silver = 2 B, 1Bronge = 1B,
A tie between 2 = 0.5 of the Value.
Sthal Desh Swarn Rajat Ka`sya
Posi Country Gold Silver Bronze Point
1 Germany 7, 3, 2, 36
2. Russian Fedrsn 4, 6, 5, 33
3. Netherlands 4, 4, 6, 30
4. Canada 4, 5, 3, 29
4. USA, 4, 3, 7, 29
5. Norwe 4, 3, 6, 28
6. Switzerland 5, 1. 1 23
7 Austria 2, 4, 0, 16
7 Sweden 1, 5, 2, 16
7. China P.Rep 3, 2, 0, 16
7 Poland 4 0, 0, 16
8 Belarus 3, 0,
1, 13
9. Japan, 1, 3, 1, 11
10 France 2, 0, 2, 10
11. Slovenia 1, 1, 3, 9
12 Italy 0, 2, 3, 7
12 South Korea 1 1, 1, 7
13 Czech Repblk 0, 2, 1, 5
13 Rep.of Korea,tie 1, 0, 1, 5
13. GB 1, 0, 1, 5
13 Latavia 0, 1, 3, 5
14 Slovakia 1 0, 0, 4
14. Finland 0, 2, 0, 4
15 Australia 0, 1, 1, 3
16 Croesia 0, 1, 0, 2
17 Kazakistaan 0, 0,
1, 1
17. Ukraine 0, 0, 1, 1
Suci antim nna ha. [The tally is not latest]
** Coonav Aail aur fer 'Teesar Morcaa' aail laagataa, barsaati be`g jaisan je
, 'BJP aur Co`gres binaa FronT' ke ago dale ke jaisan.
[Third Front again at the
nook of Election!: as one party 'Non-BJP and Non-Congress', said JDU Leeder Sri
Sarad Yaadav.]
>>> Ekare ke saayad
AAP "JoR-toR' ke raajneeti kahelaa. [Possibly, due to this AAP says, it
the Politics of 'Make and Break'.]
** Co`gres aur BJP eke saath mil
ke AAP ke BhrazTaacaar Birodhi 'Janlokpaal Bill' ke aur eh tarah se Dilli ke Saasan ke giraaie
delan sa. Ab kaha`waa gail Co`gres ke Saampradaaikataa se door rahe ke baat?
[Congress Party joined
with Saampradaaik BJP to defeat 'Delhi
Janlokpal Bill'which was primarily against Corruption.]
** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' sab 20-25 karoR Bhojpuri se
piyaar karewalaa aur bolewaalaa logan se, je Sansaar ke beeso desan me` aur
Pa`co Mahaadesan me` failal baaRan, oh logan ke desan se, aur UNO se ekar
Maanyataa khaatir anurodh karaawe ke karataa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' requests all 250 million lovers and users of Bhojpuri
Language spread over 20 countries in 5
Continents to strive for its recognition as an International Language by their
Countries and by UNO.]
Aai`jaa hamni ke Sri:
06.12.9113 ke 'AntarraasTreey Maatri Bhaasaa Din, Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Maanyataa
khaatir' manaai`jaa.
[Let us observe
21.02.2014 as the 'International Mother Language Day' for the Recognition of
Bhojpuri Language.]
Hamni ke Bhaarat Sarkaar se Bhojpuri ke 8 vaa` Sedyule me` saamilit kare
ke, aur Sansaar ke sab desa, Sansthaa aur Asosiesano se ekar maanyataa kare
khaatir anurodh karataani.
[We request Government of
India for inclusion of Bhojpuri in the 8th Scedule, and the Governments of all
the Countries and all the Institutions, Associations and even Parties to get
the Recognition of Bhojpuri Language.]
Jai ho, Bhojpuri.
** Co`ngres, Log ke Aanhar maanele~?
[Does Congress thinks
everybody Blind?]:
Co`gres ke Smt Soniaa jee ke Demokraisi ke
anusaar VoTer logan Aanhar hoke unkar rrp, ‘really ruling person’ ke VoTe det
rahas, kaahe naa naav bataavas?
Sambidhaan ke khaami ke Theek kare ke badle,
Co`gres logan ke aanhaare me` rakhe ke caahataa!!
Kaab le !!!
1. 'Bhaarat Sri: 9114 Aam Coonaav'
[2014 General Election
of India]:
1.1 Co`ngres ParTi 125 Baris se
puraan dal:
Sri: 15.11.9113 [31.01.2014]
tak aapan MP Coonaav ke Pahila lisT nikaal delas.
Jagah jagah pa Raahul Gandhi
ji ralli aur Janshabhaa karataaran.
1.2 AAP, Aam Aadmi ParTi: 1
Baris puraan dal:
* Rohtak se 23.02.2014 se “JhaaRoo Calaao Abhiyaan”
suru hoi.
Jahaa` tak sambhav hoi AAP
sab BhrazTaacaari aur Bansbaadi logan ke lkilaaf aapan Pratyaasi khaRaa
Pahilaa 20 MP Pratyaasi ke
Sri: 02.12.9113 ke [16.02.2014AD]
aapan Pahilaa 20 MP ke Pratyaasian ke LisT nikaal delas, je me`:
AAP ke Sri
Aashutosh<> Sri Kapil Sibbal, Co`gres, Dilli;
Sri Kumaar Viswaas <>
Sri Raahul Gaandhj, Ameethi;
Ms Damaaniya <>
Sri Gadkari, BJP, Naagpur;
Baba Hardeva <>
Sri Mulaayam Singh, SP
Ms Medhaa PaTkar
<> Mumbai North
Sri Surender Dhaakaa
<> Bagpat…..aadi log baaran.
Sri Jarnail Singh
<> …… aadi
1.3 BJP, Bhaarteey Janataa PaarTi
30 Baris puraan dal:
BJP jagah jagah aaj tak 14
se jaadaa ralli aur Jansabhaa kaile baaRan.
BJP ke Pradhaan Mantri ummidwaar Sri Narendra Modi (NaMo) Impfaal, Manipur
Tamilnaadu, keral, UttaraakhaDa, Kolkaataa, Mumbai, Ahmadaabaad … me` Jansabhaa
1.4 BSP, Bahujan Samaaj PaarTi: Ago ralli aur Jansabhaa kaile baa aaj tak.
1.5 CPI, CommuniT PaarTi of India:
1.6 CPM, Communist PaarTi MaarxisT:
2. Seeria me` abahi`o laRaai
Senaa aur Virodhi logan ke saath calate baa..
[In Syria evan now fight
between the Military and opposition is continueing.]
3. ThailanD me` 02.02.14 AD ke
Coonaav ke baad ab shaanti bhail laagataa, baakir sab jagah coonaav naa ho
[In Thailand after the election on 02.02.2014 it
appears, there is some peace now, but the election could not be
Yukren: [Ukraine:]
Yukren ke janataa ab uuhaa` ke PresiDenT ke haTe
ke maa`g par aRal baaRe aur men roaD pa aagail baaRe. Khaali PM ke isteefaa se
naa cali, log kahataaran.
[People of Ukraine is now demanding for the
resignation of the President. People are now demonstrating on the main road..
Due to the demonstration Mr Alkovich, the PM of
Ukraine has already resigned. But demonstrators are not satisfied.]
5. Misra me` nayaa Sambidhaan par
janmatsangrah karvaavatiaa, jekaro ke kuch log
virodh karataa. Ee aisan baa ki nayaa sambidhaan ke anusaar ‘rrp’ ke coonaav se
pahile Senaa se anumodan jaruri baa.
Ab Misra ke Pradhaan Senadhyax apane PresiDenT
khaatir khaRaa hokhe ke caahataaran.
Egypt Referendum is to be done for the new Constitution,
but many people are opposing the same.
Now the Chief of Defence Mr Sisi himself wish
to stand for the Post of President.]
caahe ‘Devanaagari’ kawano lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may
use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri
eDainik' ago online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey
Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com
ke uddes auru aadhaar par kaam karelaa. Ee paD*e khaatir dekhi` PaaTh-1 auru 2
uupar ke link par.
Aasaa karataani ki ekaraa ke rauaa pasand karab.
Raauro salaah aamantrit baa.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri
eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of
'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' www.google+.com. For reading this news paper,
please see Path-1 and 2 at the above Google link.]
gail [The End]
global bhojpuri16.02.14
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