Sunday, 5 October 2014

भोजपुरी bho
मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 24.07.9114 बियफे Beefe [Date: 02.10.2014 AD Thursday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
अंक Ank: 187.07.9114.
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]

*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार  Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News
*** Aaj MahaaAsTamee ke vrat aa Poojaa ha je samooce Sansaar me` Sanaatanaarya log manaavelan.
[Today is the Great 8th Day of the fight of Mother Gurgaa with a Demon. All Sanatanaryas throughout the world celebrate and fast for the cause.]
** Aaj Mahaan Sanaatanaarya Mahaatmaa Gaanghi ke Janam Din ha. Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi  aaj poore Bhaarat me` 'Swacchataa Abhiyaan' calawale haa.

** BJP Dilli me` Coonaaw se kaahe bhagatiyaa? [Why BJP is afraid of election in Delhi?]
Inciaan [Incheon]: UccaPrakaash [High lights]:
Sri:22.07.9114 din-12 Padak [01.10.2014 day-12 Medals]:
1. Padak Talikaa me` upar ke 5 desh 12 dinan me` jeetal sab G ke 72.2 %, sab S ke 66.8 %, sab B ke 52.1 % aa sab B-Maan ke 73% le lele.
2. Upar ke 5 Sthaan tak Padak Taalikaa me` kawano antar naikhe: Gold-won aadhaar hokhe caahe B-M (Bronze Equivalent) aadhaar. Baakir 6m Sthaan se duno me` baRaa farak baa, jaise ki neece dekhi`:

Desh,[Country]   B-M Sthaan  G-won Position,Official
Bhaaratl India 6 9
U. Koriaa N. Korea 7 6
ThaailaenD Thailand 8 7
Hong Kong Cin China 10 11
Malayesiaa Malysia 11 14
Vietnaam Vietnam 12 20
KaTaar Qatar 14 8

Ø Consideing all Medals > Consideing Top medal

Gold: Position desh G  S      B        Padak B-MSthaan

1 Cin China 131 90 73 294 777 1          30.78
2 d. Koriaa, s.Korea 62 61 66 189 436 2          17.27
3 Jaapaan, Japan 39 63 59 161 341 3          13.51
4 Kajaakastaan, Kazakh 20 17 29 66 143 4             5.67
5 Iraan, Iran 15 11 14 40 96 5             3.80

Upar ke sab 252   205         203
Kul ke % 72.2   66.8 52.1 72.9%

>>>> Hope the Asian Games Authority will consider this aspect.

** SRA Siriaa pa Hawaai hamalaa suru ka delas. Ee kaa SRA ke Siriaa pa aakraman naa kahaai je hajaaro km se aa ke laRaai suru ka delan. [US started Air Attach on Syria, sa it had attached on Iraq, Libya, Yugolavia etc. US is habitual of such attacks on other country on.]
** Iraani Adhyax Hasan Rauhaani SRS me` kahalan: Pascim madhya-poorva ke ego Atankian ke ADDaa banaa dele baa.
[ Iran Pres Hasan Rauhani said in UNO: Wests have made Midle-East a heaven for terrorists.]

2. Yukren [Ukraine]:
** Sudhaar: [A Correction]: DNR aa LNR Janatantra aapan Saamil Supreme Soviet [Member of Parliament] ke 2 Navambar 2014AD ke Coonaaw kare ke tay kailasaa. [DNR and LNR have declared to conduct jointly  election of the Members of their Supreme Soviet, MPs on the 2nd November 2014AD]

** Yukren ke Aghosit Yuddha ke samaapat hokhalaa ke baado kaalhu ego eSkool ke praangan me` dhamaakaa bhail je se 3, 4 aadmi mar gailan.
[Even after termination of the Undeclared war between Pres Poreshenko and E. Yukren, 3 to 4 persons were killed in a firing in the compound of a school in Donetsk.]

** DNR aa LNR ke Supreme Soviet ke Janpratinidhi [Peoples Deputy] ke Minsk Samjhautaa ke praavadhaan maany naikhe. [The DNR Supreme Soviet in an Extra ordinary Session on Sunday 21.09.2014 is preparing a counter Proposal calling for the complete withdrawal of Junta troops from Donbass.]

4. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** SR ke saath ab UK, aa Fraanso Hawaai Hamalaa kare laagal baa. [UK and France has also joined US air strike on IS.]

3. Siriaa [Syria]
** Iraak hokhe caahe, Siriaa, Libiaa caahe Yukren sab jagah ke laRaai ke jaR me` eke desh baa, je aapan ullu seedhaa kar rahal baa. Sab deshan ke ee jaane ke caahi`.
[Be it the fights in Iraq or Syria, Libya or Ukraine, in each case there is only one country which is fulfilling her own selfish gain. All countries should know this.]

** Siria me` 4 tarah ke laRaai hotaa: al- Assad ke Siriaa ke Sanikan ke, Saasan Virodhi US samarthit Islaamik virodhian ke aa  Islaamik State ke laRaakuan ke beec."
[Syria is suffering from 3 cornered "Undeclared War" UW:
(a) Al-Assad Saasan aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(b) ISIS / IS aa    US samarthit Islaamik group
(c) ISIS / IS aa Al-Assad Saasan
(d) US Siriaa pa
>>> Eh caaro LaRaai me` Issai logan ke haani hotaa. [In this 4 cornered fights the ral sufferer is Isaai log.]
Baakir Al- Assad Saasan me` je kaafi had tak Samaajvaadi rahe, Isaai log Theeke rahan. Baaki US ke Obamaa ji pa ta Rus-virodh ke bhoot sawaar baa; ta ab Isaai logan ke durdashaa ke, ke jimmedaar baa?

3. Libiaa [Libya]:
** Iraak hokhe caahe, Siriaa, Libiaa caahe Yukren sab jagah ke laRaai ke jaR me` eke desh baa, je aapan ullu seedhaa kar rahal baa. Sab deshan ke ee jaane ke caahi`.
[Be it the fights in Iraq or Syria, Libya or Ukraine, in each case there is only one country which is fulfilling her own selfish gain. All countries should know this.]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’  lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool'  ke uddes auru aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'International  Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the above google link.
Whatever is written here have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 02.10.14

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