मित्रम् eMitram Sri:04.11.9113 Mangalvaar:
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik eSamaacaar Patram’.
[21.01.2014 AD Tuesday. 'An
Anglo-Sanskrit International Daily eNewspaper’.
Edition: 079.11 Sri: 9113]
VishizTa Samaacaaraa: [Special
** Dilli Mukhya Mantri Arvind
Kejriwala: Satyaagrahasya samaapanam, yadaa Uparaajyapaal kathita: yat ye dwe
Aaraxi janaa: kaaryam na krita:, tam awakaashame presita:.
[Delhi Mukhya Mantri
declared that the Demonstration is complete, since the Lt. Governer said that
he has sent the 2 concerned Polish personnel on leave.]
** Mahatma Gandhi mahodayasya
SURAAJ janya AAP Netaa Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister Dilli Satyaagrahe
Rel Bhavan sameepe hya: 04.11.9113 Ekaadash Vaadanaat swa 6 Mantri0Ia:
[Delhi Chief Minister Mr Arvind Kejriwal along with his 6 Ministers is
sitting on Satyagrah near Rail Bhavan since yesterday on 20.01.2014 for SURAAJ
of Mahatma Gandhi.]
** Adya Dilli Mukhya Mantri
Arvind Kejriwaal mahodaya: swa 6 Mantrisah Rel Bhavan sammukhe Pradarshanam Kendreey
Grih Mantri sammukhe kurvanti. The kathayanti yat Dilli Aaraxi, Dilli Janataa
prati uttardaayee naasti.
[Today Delhi CM Mr Arvind
Kejriwal sat on demonstration near Rail Bhavan against Central Home Minister,
Mr Susheel Kumar Shinde who refused to even transfer 3 / 4 Delhi Polish
officers who misbehaved with Dilli Law
Minister, and who refused to obey her to take action against those who intended
to burn a Bahu under the guise of the law; after which the bahu was burnt.]
Dilli Aaraxi ye Dilli
Mantrisah dhrizTataa kritwanta:, tezaam sthaanaantaram kara0Ieeyam. Parantu
Kendreey Grih Mantri Susheel Kr Shinde kinchit kartum na icchati.
** Co`gres dala: swa PM pratyaasi
udghoza0Iam Ajanataantrikam kathayati, janataa swa bhaavi PM mahodayasya
naamgyaatum adhikaaram na yacchanti Janatantre.
Janataa swayamev nir0Iam
[Congress Party says that
people have no right to know the name of their PM. They must vote for the
Congress Party first, who will do JoR-toR, Kharid-Farost of MPs and Make some
Thug, Corrupt person their PM.
God only save the Country
from such a system!
Sooner such system is thrown
away, it is better.]
1. Adhunaa “Ye anekvarzaat
raajneetyam rataa:, te sadaa raajneetim karizyanti": iti cintane
>> AAP kaara0Iameva.
[Now, the thinking:
"Those who are in politics, will continue to do so forever" is over.
>> Due to AAP.]
Adhunaa kalyaa0Iakaari 'Aam
Aadmi' saadaara0Ia shixitjanaa: ca raajneetikartumicchanti.
>> AAP kaara0Iameva.
[Now simple educated 'Aam
Aadmi', Common Men also think to enter into politics.
>> Due to
"Adhunaa Bhaarate
BhrazTaacaaram na?".
>> AAP kaara0Iameva.
[Now, no Corruption in
>> Due to AAP.]
** AAP = Aam Aadmi Party [AAP= Common Men's Party]
AAP aaj Bhaarat me` ee ka ke Dikhaa delas ki hajaaro KaroR Rupiaaa kharcaa
ke binaa:
:Election me` Aam Adamio ke jeet ho sakelaa.
[In india AAP has shown that even without spending thousands of Crores of
: One can win an election by honesty also,
even being a Common man.]
2. Ukren deshe sthiti
shaantisthitinaasti. Adhunaa janaa EU-e sammilitumicchaatyajya
[In Ukraine the situation is not yet normal. Nowpeople are demanding the
resignation of Goverment]
3. Mishra deshe adhunaa NavgaThit Samvidhaanopari janamatsangram
Janaa: NavSamvidhaanasya virodhe pradarznam karizyanti yatra Senaa
Egypt Referendum is in progress for adoptation
of the new Constitution. Many people are
demonstating against it, where permission is required
for the candidature of the President.]
4. Sudaan deshasya daxinpraante
[Sease-fire in the South
Sudam has started]
5. Thailaind deshe anekajanaa: 2.2.14 divasasya Coonaavavirodhe pradarza0Iam
kurvanti yadaa Sinaavatraa Mahodaye janaa: swa matadaanam karizyanti.
[In Thailand people
are going to vote for their new
PM, where present PM, Sinaawatraa's fate will
be decided.]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam
[One may
use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam
‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ www.google.com.
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at
the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” given at www.google.com]
Iti [The end]
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