Sunday, 31 August 2014

Sanskrit dainikam संस्कृत दैनिकम् Sri:22.06.9114

“मित्रम्  Mitram
Sanskrit dainikam  संस्कृत दैनिकम्
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 22.06.9114 सोमवार: Somavaar: [01.09.2014 AD Monday] .
अंक [Edition]: 138.06.9114
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, athawaa Sri: 9019 Varzaat
[Since: 1919 AD by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma,
India's oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper.]

***    Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
**      Hya: teej Vratam, Mahaadevasya Paarvati saha Vivaahasweekritidivasa:.
          Adya Shri Ga0Iesha Caturthee, Vinaayakasya Janmadivasa:. Bharatasya MahaaraazTra Pradeshe Ga0Ieshostava: mahaaparva:.
          [Yesterday ladies carry a Fasting Vrat which is  celebreted throughout the world on the acceptance of Lord Shiva to marry with Paarvati.
          Today Ganesh Chaturthi, the Birthday of Lord Ganesh is being celebrated in the world, particularly in Maharastra Province of India,]              

**      Bhaaratavarza: Vishve sarve deshesu unnata:, dwe roope yathaa:
          [India is the most developed country of the World, in 2 Ways.]
          [1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
          [India is the largest Democratic country: all say.]
          [2] Nirvaacan kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa:, falam 48 horaayamev sampoor0Iam.
          Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
          [In Conducting Elections, 1 billion voters: Result announced within 48 h.
          Who conducts such elections this way in the World!!!] .
          Pasyataam SR-Adhaxasya nirvaacanasya ga0Ianaa katidine bhawati?
          Look, in how many days the counting of votes is completed in the election of US President.]

**      Ekaanabhigya nawayuvakasya haste UP samaan vrihat praantasya Saasanam katham bhave~t, yat 5 anya praantaan samaanaasti? Ata: Uttar Pradeshasya 5 bhagam kara0Ieeyam.
          [The command of a large Praant like UP equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young  Person or any body. Thus UP should be divided in 4 /5 parts.]

1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:

**      Nav Afagaanistaan  Adhyax: Sri: 22.06.9114 divase swa padagrahanam kara0Ieeyam..
          [New Afghan President is to take office on September 2, 2014.]

**      IEC 14516 matapatraan punaraawalokita:.
          [ IEC say 14516 Ballot Papers are audited.] 

**       Sri: 01.04.9114 divase Afagaan deshe Adhyaxasya kincidhinsaa (~ 50 hataa:) evam aashaa saha Nirvaacanamabhavat yatra 130 Laxaat, 70 Lax janaa: matadaanam kritwanta:.
          Adhyaxasya Pratyaasi: [Prsidencial Candidates]:

(1)     Abdulla Abdulla, poorva Videsh Mantri.
(2)     Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai, poorva Vitta Mantri.
2.      Iraak:[Iraq]:
          Iraak deshe adhunaa US desha: IS janaanaam Vimaanen VizfoTakaa: paatayanti IS virodhe. Janaanaam upyogaay te khaadya-saamagrim ca paatayanti.
          [US is bombarding IS and dropping food articles for the use.]          
***    Adya vayam "Saralikrit Sanskritam" paThizyaava:.                 
          [From this day of 16th August 2014 after a day of celebration of 68th Independence day of India (from the British Rule, with unique weapon of 'Satyagrah', Satya-Ahinsha  first time in the World under the Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi); a new topic of "Sanskrit Lessons" is being started for benifits of the lovers of Sanskrit, which is not simply a language but is a "Treasure of Knowledge".]

          Sanskrit PaaTha: -1  [Sanskrit Lesson - 1]
1.      Adhunaa anekaa: kathayanti yat Sanskritam saralam na        taThaa puraatanam. Aam! Sanskritam puraatanam parantu                                              saralam.
          [Now a days it is said that Sanskrit is an ancient language and difficult to learn.]

5.      Sanskritasya Samvardhane AtyadhikaMahatwapoor0Ia- Vicaaraa:
5.1    Ko~pi bhaazaa yatra tatra prayogena samvardhati, na tu          kliztaSaahityen.
5.2    Abhigyaanshaakuntalam, Raghubansham, Shekspiar       mahodayasya kritim adhunaa ke paThanti?
          ‘Praayogika` Bhaazaa` janaa: ‘Bhaazaa’ manyante, yen   anekaan kaaryaa0Ii sampaadayante, yatha;
                                                                                                                         Vyaapaara-kaaryaa0Ii [Business affairs],
                                                                                                                         dainik-kaaryaa0Ii [Day to Day work],
                                                                                                                          Vaigyaanik-kaaryaa0Ii [Scientific work],                                                                          
                                                                                                                       Nyaayik-kaaryaa0Ii aadi [Judicial  work etc]

5.3                                                                                                                  Bhaarate UPA Saasanen Vidyaalaye Sanskrit paThan                                                        paaThanam swaicchikamakarot.
          Ata: na ko~pi Sanskritam paThitumicchati Bhaarate.
          Adhunaa Bhaarate Nutan NDA-Saasanam aagata:.          Pashyataam adhunaa ki` karizyati.

>>>    Anucchedaaan 1 - 5 janya pashyataam  poorvaDivasasya PosTam. [For Paragraphs: 1 to 5, please refer previous Posts.]

6.                                                                                                                  Atha Saral SanskritaBhaazaa:
          [Now Simple Shanskrit Language]:
6.1    > Sanskrite ko~pi Shabda: kutramapi gamizyati vaakye.                   Nimne udaahara0Iam:
                                                                                                                           [In Ssnskrit a word may be written at any place, only an                                                   adjective should preseed the respective noun or pronoun.                                          An example is given below]:
          Raama: aamram khaadati. =  [Ram eats a mango.]
          Aamram Raama: khaadati.
                                                                                                                       Khaadati Raama: aamram.
                                                                                                                      Raama: madhuram aamram khaadati. = [Ram eats a sweet                                                    mango.]
          Raama: khaadati madhuram aamram.
                                                                                                                        Madhuram aamram khaadati Raama:. [all mean the same]

6.2    Sanskrit vaakye vartmaan kaale kriyaa na aavasyakam. [Unlike English, in Sanskrit a verb is not essencial in present tense.]
         Mama janani atra asti. = Mama janani atra.

6.3                                                                                                                  [ Making question (Inerrogative), or negative sentenses are                                                    very easy. No need of positioning words, no adding 'do' etc                                           as in English.]:
Aham vidyaalayam gacchaami. = I go to the school.
Ki` aham vidyaalayam gacchaami? = Do I go to the school?
Aham vidyaalayam na gacchaami.= I do not go to the school.
Na gacchaami aham vidyaalayam. Vidyaalayam aham na gacchaami. >> [All are ok. Isn't easy?] 

6.4  Kriya Lingaparivartane Sanskrite na parivartati.
          [Just as in English, the verbs do not change with Gender change of subject.]
          Raama: khaadati. Seetaa khaadati. [Ram eats. Sita eats.]
          Saa akhaadat. Sa: akhaadat. [She ate. He ate.]                               
6.5    ShabdaRoopa: tathaa dhaatuRoopa:
          [Declanation of Words and Verbs:
To indicate Number, Person and Case: Each Sanskrit word generally has 3*8 = 24 forms.
Similarly each Verb in Sanskrit has 9*10 = 90 forms.
Although these are formermed very methodically and very Scientifically, for a common man it makes the language very tough. 
>> In view of this it is suggesyed to make optimumal use of Shabda-Roop by combining the words using:

(a) Sanyog: Simple combination of 2 or more words.                      Falam aanay. = Falamaanay.  [Please bring fruit.]
Griham aagaccha. = Grihamaagaccha. [Come to the house.]

(b) Sandhi: [Combining 2 or more words with certain changes. With the use of Caps for the 1st letter of each word, each word maintain its identity still forming a combined word.]
Pustakaay + Aalaya = Pustakaalaya [Look 1 'a' has vanished, due to Sandhji.]
Ramaa + eesha = Ramesha  [much change]

(c) Samaas. [Compounding 2 words] \
Sundaram falam aanaya. = [Bring nice fruit.]
Sundarafalam aanaya.
[Look how the 2 words 'Sundaram falam' = Sundarafalam are Compounded in to 1 word as Sundarafalam which can be also written as]:
Sundaram falam aanaya = SundarFalam aanaya. = SundarFalamaanaya.
[The 3 words are combined to form 2 or even 1 word by using Samaas and Sanyoga.
>>> These will be clear by examples.]
6.5.1 Shabda roopa> 'Nara' [man]         > Sarve puling akaaraantaShabdaanaam roopaa: evamev bhavizyanti yathaa nimne likhitam.
[The declenation of all Sanskrit Masculine words ending with 'a' will be similar as given below]:
1 vacan [Singular]        dwivacan [Dual]          vahuvacan[plural]
[1] nara:     [man]         narau [2 men]              naraa: [many men]
[2] naram   [to a man]           ,,                           naraan [to men]
[3] nare0Ia [by, with,   naraabhyaam               narai: [ by, men]
[4] naraaya[for a man]          ,,                           narebhya: [for men]
[5] naraat   [from]                  ,,                                    ,,        [from men]
[6] narasya [of a man]          narayo:                naraa0Iaam[of men]
[7] nare      [in]              ,,                                    naresu        [in men]
[8] he! nara [O nara!             he naru                he nara:     [ O men!]

Exactly the same way the different forms of all other Masculine words ending with 'a' just mathematically without any exception, like:
Ram => Raama, dev => deva [god], swaana [dog], vrixa [tree], baanara [monkey], soorya [sun], eeshwara [God], vrizabha [bull] etc
“Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum gamyataam etadnaamni pustake
[ For more…go to the above link]                                                       
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
 [One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ <

[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at]

>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam  satyatam vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]  
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 31.08.14

मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
शुक्र  वार  रवि सोम मंगल बुध  बृहस्पति  गुरू शुक्र  शनि     
 चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन

वार रवि सोम मंगल बुध  बृहस्पति  गुरू शुक्र  शनि  चैत्र वैशाख ज्येष्ठ आषाढ़ श्रावण भाद्रपद भादो
आश्विन कार्तिक अग्रहायण पुष माघ फ़ाल्गुन

Global Bhojpuri 01.09.14

भोजपुरी bho
मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 22.06.9114  सोमवार Somaar [Date: 01.09.2014 AD Monday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
अंक Ank: 155.06.9114.
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]

*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार  Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
*** Bhaarat ke NDA Sarkaar ke 100 dinan ke Upalabdhi: [Performance of NDA-GOI during 1st 100 days]:
PM Narendra Modi ego karmaTha aadmi hawan. Samooce desh ke log eh aashaa me` baa ki eh lokapriya Sarkaar ke ailaa pa Bhaarat me` jaRa se sab logani ke unnati hoi. [PM Narendra Modi is a hard working person. People are hopeful for basic development of all in India.]

PM Narendra Modi ke 100 dinan ke kaam-dhaam se laagataa ki uu apanaa uddesh me` aage baD*al jaataare aur safalataa milabe kari. [From the 100 days work of the NDA-GOI it looks that the Government will definately achieve its goal.]

Eehaa` kuch baat samajal muskil baa ki okaraa peeche kaa uddesh baa; jaise: [ It is difficult to understand the aim of some actions of the government, such as]:
(a) Plaaning Kamissan ke kaam rokal. Plaaning Kamissan ke binaa poore desh ke Sarvaangeen Vikaash pa prashna cinha laag sakelaa.
(b) Dilli Vidhaan Shabhaa ke bhang naa kare ke peeche kaa joR-toR ke raajneeti Theek laagataa? Aisan kaam se ta BhrasTaacaar auru baD*ee aa AAP ke kathan  pa jor milataa.

Bhaarta Sarkaar ke उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak'
['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI]
Ø 457.6 P /5000 P = 9.15 % as on 31.8.2014 AD in about 100 day of NDA Rule.
>>> The Performance of NDA-GOI has gone down by: (35.16-9.15)%
= 26.1%
'Performance: Previous day = 20.4 % as on 30.08.2014AD pichalaa din
Aadhaar Maatraa [Base Value at start of BJP GOI] = 35.16 %  (with 5000 Total Pointa: by UPA-2 GOI in May/ June 2014.
Patan [Degradation in] BJP GOI = 35.16 % - 9.15 % = 26.1 % [by 31.08.2014]
=> - 5000 P *26.1/100 => - 1305 Points
: out of + 5000 P Lax Bindu [Target Points]
>>>> Eh 5000 me` (-) 1305 Binduan ke Upalabdhi se ta laagataa ki NDA- GOI 3 Maheenaa peeche le gail desh ke, baaki pracaar bahut hotaa aa desh ke haushalaa buland baa.
[From the achievement of NDA-GOI of (-) 1305 out of 5000 Points, it appears that they have gone 3 Months bachwards after May 2014 when the took over. Still people are ethusiastic about the progress. This is good, but the GOI should look into and must take appropriate ramedial measures.]

>> Bhaarat ke FE tejee se ghatataa. [FE of India is depleting at very Fast rate. ]

>> दाम बढ़त नइखे, ओकरा के बढ़ावल जाता daam baD*at naikhe, okaraa ke baD*aawal jaataa.
Ee bahut dukh ke baat baa, kaahe ki Bhaarat ke sab log abahi`o aashaa lagawale baaRan nayakaa sarkaar se ki अच्छे दिन आएँगे "Acche din aaye`ge".
>> [Prices are not increasing, prices are being increased by BJP-NDA GOI, rel Maal-bhaaRaa aa Diesel-tel ke bhaav 21.05.9114 se baD*aa baD*aa ke.]

*** AAP ke Dilli Saasan ke उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak: [Performance Rating of AAP in Delhi rule = + 1865 %]:
ð AAP GoD, Government of Delhi had worked for 49 days of their rule @ 18.65 times of the Targets.] AAP- Dilli Sarkaar  49 se din kaam kailas je me` aapan Lax ke 18.65 dar haasil kailas.
=> [Achieving over 2.5 years of  their Target in just 49 days. This is certainly not possible without the Dedication, hard labor, devotion to the cause and Organisational capabilities of the AAP members, particularly Arvind ji.]
Eh se 2.5 Baris ke kaam AAP 49 se dinan me ka delas. Ee AAP Sadasyan aa khaas ka ke AAP netaa Arvind ji ke soojh-boojh, samarpan aa athak parishram se sambhaw bhail.

** Kawano TV ke khabar ke anusaar AAP leader Kumar Viswaas ke BJP ke or se CM ke pad del jaat rahe, jadi uu BJP dal me` aajaite tab.
SCo ke kahalao pa Modi Sarkaar Dilli Vidhan Shabhaa bhang ka ke Coonaav karwaawe ke naikhe caahat, khaali joR-toR ke BhrasTa raajneeti hotaa, eh se ta~ eehe saaf laagataa,
[ Accordingb to an som TV news AAP Leader Kumar Viswaas was offerred the post of CM of Delhi, in case he joins BJP. Even after questioning by SC, PM Modi's Govt. is not dessolving Delhi Assembly, which depicts the Motive of BJP NDA -GOI.]

1. Yukren [Ukraine]:
** Adhyax Putin Poorabi Yukren ke ego alag raajya banaawe khaatir Diskas kare ke kahalan. Uu eeho kahalan ki Pacchimi desh Yukren ke "takhtaa palaT" se banal raaj ke saath detaare (je AntarraasTreey niyaman ke viruddha baa). Jab kehu saamane aa ke goli calaawe ta~ kaa log khaali goli kaate rahas!! Sab ke aapan raxaa kare ke adhikaar baa.
[ Russiaa can not stand aside when people are shot dead almost at 'point blank'. Every body has right to defend her / himself. EU is backing a "coop d' etat" in Ukraine. President Putin proposed to discuss for the 'Statehood' for them.]

** Ab Novoajovask pa Novorussiaa ke jhanDaa faharaataa. Darjano Taenk shahar me` ghumataare sa jekaraa ke Kiev ke senaa choR gailan. [Now Novorussia flags are seen alround Novoazovsk. About adozen tanks abondon by Kiev forces are roaming in the town. ]

** Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin Navarusi Val ke khoob sarahale aa kahale ki uu log Ukraini Senaa ke rokie delan.  Kyiv ke Xertreeya swatantrataa khaatir baat karahi` ke caahi`. [Russian President Vladimir Putin appraciated the role of Novorussia Forces who had well intercepted the Kiev operations. He added Govt in Kiev must be compelled to negotiate regional autonomy.]

** Novorussiaa forsa ab Novoaajivask Bandargaah shahar pa laRaai karataa. [ Novorussia forces are now fighting in the Novoazovsk, a stratejik port city.]

2. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** Kurd log IS se tel-xetra ke choRaa lelan. [Kurds recaptured oil-fields from IS.]

** Iraak hokhe caahe, Siriaa, Libiaa caahe Yukren sab jagah ke laRaai ke jaR me` eke desh baa, je aapan ullu seedhaa kar rahal baa. Sab deshan ke ee jaane ke caahi`.
[Be it the fights in Iraq or Syria, Libya or Ukraine, in each case there is only one country which is fulfilling her own selfish gain. All countries should know this.]

3. Siriaa [Syria]
** Maskvaa SRA se kahalas ki uu aage ke kawano kaam kare ke pahile AntarrasTreey Niyamo pa vicaar kare.
[Moscow said to US that they should think about the  International laws first.]

** Iraak hokhe caahe, Siriaa, Libiaa caahe Yukren sab jagah ke laRaai ke jaR me` eke desh baa, je aapan ullu seedhaa kar rahal baa. Sab deshan ke ee jaane ke caahi`.
[Be it the fights in Iraq or Syria, Libya or Ukraine, in each case there is only one country which is fulfilling her own selfish gain. All countries should know this.]

** Ab IS pa rok lagaawe khaatir SR Siriaa pa aTTaek kare ke caahataa. [Now to stop IS US Siriaa pa attaxk kare ke caahataa.]

** Siria me` 3 naa 4 tarah ke laRaai hotaa: al- Assad ke Siriaa ke Saikan ke, Saasan Virodhi US samarthit Islaamik virodhian ke aa  Islaamk State ke laRaakuan ke beec."
[Syria is suffering from 3 cornered "Undeclared War" UW:
(a) Al-Assad Saasan aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(b) ISIS / IS aa    US samarthit Islaamik group
(c) ISIS / IS aa Al-Assad Saasan
(d) US Siriaa pa
>>> Eh caaro LaRaai me` Issai logan ke haani hotaa. [In this 4 cornered fights the ral sufferer is Isaai log.]
Baakir Al- Assad Saasan me` je kaafi had tak Samaajvaadi rahe, Isaai log Theeke rahan. Baaki US ke Obamaa ji pa ta Rus-virodh ke bhoot sawaar baa; ta ab Isaai logan ke durdashaa ke, ke jimmedaar baa?

4. Libiaa [Libya]:
** Libiaa ke PM Abdulla Al-Thinni apanaa pad se isteefaa de delan. [Liian PM has resigned from his post.]
** Iraak hokhe caahe, Siriaa, Libiaa caahe Yukren sab jagah ke laRaai ke jaR me` eke desh baa, je aapan ullu seedhaa kar rahal baa. Sab deshan ke ee jaane ke caahi`.
[Be it the fights in Iraq or Syria, Libya or Ukraine, in each case there is only one country which is fulfilling her own selfish gain. All countries should know this.]

** Benghaaji, Libiaa me` ego Virodhi Sansad aapan PM banaa delas.
[In Benghazi, Libya a rival Parliament announced another PM.]

** Libiaa ke Sansad Videshi logan ke hastaxep kare ke kahalan. Ehi se saayad Tripoli pa hawaai hamalaa caalu ho gail.
[Libyan Parliament voted for foreign intervention.]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’  lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke uddes auru aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Dekhi` PaaTh-1, 2, 3 … pa..
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'International  Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the above google link.
Whatever is written here have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 01.09.14

रवि सोम मंगल बुध  बृहस्पति  गुरू शुक्र  शनि एतवार सोमार  मंगर बुध      शुक  शनीचर