Monday, 4 August 2014

Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 04.08.14

“मित्रम्  Mitram” Sanskrit dainikam
'Aangl-Sanskrit AntarrasTreeya dainik-eSamaacaar-Patram’,
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
Sri: 23.05.9114 Somvaar: [04.08.2014 AD Monday .
Edition: 118.05.9114]
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, athawaa Sri: 9019 Varzaat
[Since: 1919 AD by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma,
India's oldest Sanskrit Daily News paper.]

*** Visheza-Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** Kwacidapi Vishwe shaanti naasti, na Yurope, na Asiaa Mahaadeshe na ca Afrikaayaam, na Iraake, na Siriaa deshe, na, na Yukrene, na ca Libiaa deshe. Ezaam ashaantim ke?
Ee arbo Rs ke prasan baa, baakir uttar ta adhikaa`s logan ke maalume baa.
[In the World nowhere there is peace, neither in Europ, nor in Asia, nor in Africa; neither in Iraak, nor in Sirya, neither in Libya nor in Ukraine. Who are in the root of these disturbanec?
This is a Million $ Q, but the answer is known to most people.]

** Bhaarate Bihaar Pradeshe adhunaa Banaraajyam aagamizyati puna:.
[In Bihar Prant of India Jangal-raajya may come again.]

** Bharatavarza: Vishve  sarve deshesu unnata:, dwe roope yathaa:
[India is the most developed country of the World, in 2 Ways.]
[1] Bhaarata: vrihattama: Janatantra:, iti sarve kathyante.
[India is the largest Democratic country, all know]
[2] Nirvaacan Kaarye, 100 koTi matadaataa: falam 48 horaayamev sampoor0Iam.
Vishve ke sampannam karoti etadmatadaanam!!!
[In Conducting Elections, 1000 million voters: Result announced within 48 h.
Who conducts such elections in the World!!!] .

** Uttar Pradesha: adhunaa na vibhaajita: yat UP Vidhaan Shabhaa icchita: evam yat Kendra Saasanasya daayitva;.
[UP still not divided by the BIP - NDA Govt, as desired by UP Vidhaan Shabhaa.]:
Uttar Pradesha praantasya 5 Bhaagakara0Ieeyam, manye Traya: Sansadshabhaayaam. Idam kaaryam 2 ki` vaa 3 Sansad shabhaayaam kara0Ieeyam. Ab PaarliamenT ke ego satra samaapta hokhe ke baa, baakir eh khaatir shaayad kuchuo naikhe hot.
[Division of UP into 5 Parts is required to be done within 3 Sessions of the Parliyament, say. This should be done in 2 to 3 Parlamentary sessans. Kintu 1 Paarliaamentary Sesson is about to finish.]
Ekaanabhigya nawayuvakasya haste UP samaan vrihat praantasya Saasanam katham bhave~t, yat 5 anya praantaan samaanaasti?
[The command of a large Praant like UP equivalent to about 5 normal Praants of India, has gone to an inexperienced young  Person or any body.]

1. Afagaanistaan: [Afaghanistan]:

** Afgaan Adhyaxasya matapatra ga0Ianaayaam puna: awarodha:. Kaara0Ianivaaran pascaat matapatraga0Ianaa puna: bhavizyati.
[Afaghan Presidensial Election vote counting suspended 3rd time within 10 days. After removal of dispute over process, the Audit of the vote will be started.]

** Afagaan Adhyaxasya nirvaacan-falam kadaa aagamizyati, iti na kopi jaanaati.

** Adhyaxanirwaacanasya Matapatraanam avalokanam aarabhat. Awalokanam pragatisheelam.
[The Audit of the ballet papers in the Presidencial Election has began. The Audit is in progress.]

** Abdullah Abdullah mahodaya:, Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai mahodaya: ca US Saciv Kerri mahodayasya prastaawa: sweekritwantau yat pratyekam matapatram punaraavalokanam Afagaan deshasya Nirvaacanaadhikaariga0Ien bhavizyati. Tathaa antim pari0Iaamam sarvaabhyam maanya: bhavizyati.

** Sri: 01.04.9114 divase Afagaan deshe Adhyaxasya kincidhinsaa (~ 50 hataa:) evam aashaa saha Nirvaacanamabhavat yatra 130 Laxaat, 70 Lax janaa: matadaanam kritwanta:.

Adhyaxasya Pratyaasi: [Prsidencial Candidates]:
(1) Abdulla Abdulla, poorva Videsh Mantri.
(2) Asraf Ghaani Ahmadjaai, poorva Vitta Mantri.

2. InDonesiaa: [Indonesia]:
InDonesiaa deshasya navanirvaacit  Adhyaxa: Jokowi mahodayasya  tulanaa Taxin Sinaawaatraa saha na kara0Ieeyam.
[The naw Presidential of Indonesia, has his own Personality that can't be compared withTaxin Sinawatra.]
3. Yukren desa: {Ukraine:]
** Yukren deshe eka; raaxasa: poorva Yukrene swajanasya sa`haare  vyasta:, iti viDambanaa. Parantu padam praapya sa: raaxsa: padaandha:. Adhunaa tat raaxasa: sarve poorva Yukren janaanaam sa`harati.

** >1> Pascimi Shakuni Maatulaa: SR netritve samaye samaye vibhinna deshezu Mahaabhaarataan kurvanti:-
Anya deshe asthirataakarizyanti, swa swaarthasiddhi janya; yathaa Sjekoslovakiaa, Yugoslaaviyaa, Yukrena, Iraak, Libiaa, Siriyaa prabhriti: deshezu.
[The 'Shakuni Maternal Uncles of the Wests' lead by US start Mahabharats in many countries time and again:
to destabilize others for their own gains in Asia and Central Europe in countries like: Czeckolovakia, Yugoslaviya, Yukraine, Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc. <1<

4. Iraak:[Iraq]:
>1>... <1< Pashyataam etat cihne ca. [Look at this sign too]
** Iraak desha: satvara: vighaTizyati, iti adhunaa aneke kathayanti. [Many says now Iraq is about to break.]

** Iraaka: jwalati, anyatre IS Siriaa deshe pariwardhati.
[While Iraq is burning, IS is progressing in Syriya.]

** Adhunaa Uttari Iraake 'Kurdistaan Swatantra Xetram' swa swatantrataajanya janamatasangraham karizyati.
[Now in Northern Iraq 'Kurdistan Autonomous Region' prepare for referendum for their independence. ]
Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayogam sambhavam.
 [One may use either Roman or Devanaagari script here.] <br/>
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogkritwaa lekhitum paThitum ca pashyataam ‘AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool’-asya ‘Prathamam Paatham’ <

[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script one should look at the First Lesson of ‘‘International Bhojpuri eSkool” or "Prachalit Bhojpuri" given at]

>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaam  satyatam vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
Iti [The end]
Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam 04.08.14

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