Saturday, 16 August 2014

मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक
Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 05.06.9114  Shuk [Date: 15.08.2014 AD Friday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 Varsa se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
अंक Ank: 138.06.9114.
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]

*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार  Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
*** Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi Laal Kilaa pa Tirangaa JhanDaa faharawalan. Uu kahalan ki: 'Aaie Bhaarat me` banaaie', je se sagaro 'Made in India' dikhe, 'Unnat Kaareegari', '0-DefekT aa 0 - Paryaavaran Pradoosan se Nirmaan', 'Swacch Saucaalay', 'Swaccha Bhaarat' ke banaai`.  'Sab Bhaarateey ke ego Baenk Khaataa  DeviT CaarD aa 1 laakh Rs   ke Vimaa ke saath'.
[PM Narendra Modi of India raised the Tricolour Flag at Red Squire, Delhi. He said: 'Come, Make in India', (popularise in the World) 'Made in India', 'Skill development', 'Manufacturing with 0-defect, 0-effect on environment', 'Swaccha Bhaarat, 'Swaccha Saucaalay' and many other things. A Bank Account to all Indians with a Devit Card and Rs 1 lakh Insuranse Policy.]

** Bhaarat ke CPI atanaa bhaagataa ki NDA-GOI ab CPI se monitaring naikhe kare ke caahat. [NDA GOI do not like to monitor CPI as the latter is increasing exorbitantly.'.]
*** NDA Sarkaar ke
उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak  ['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI]
= - 21.1 % [on 15.08.14]
'Performance: Previous day = - 17.4 % pichalaa din.
Aadhaar Matraa [Base Value at start of BJP GOI] = + 10.2 %  (by UPA-2 GOI)
Patan [Degradation in] BJP GOI = 31.3% [by 15.08.2014] by BJP-NDA
=> - 3200*31.3/100 => - 1001.4 Points
: out of + 3200 P Lax Bindu [Target Points]

>> Bhaarat ke FE tejee se ghatataa. CPI  ta aisan  baD*a gail ki ab CPI se ee Sarkaar monitTaringe naa kari [FE of India is depleting at very Fast. CPI is flying high which NDA GOI is just leaving away.]

>> दाम बढ़त नइखे, ओकरा के बढ़ावल जाता daam baD*at naikhe, okaraa ke baD*aawal jaataa.
Ee bahut dukh ke baat baa, kaahe ki Bhaarat ke sab log abahi`o aashaa lagawale baaRan nayakaa sarkaar se ki अच्छे दिन आएँगे "Acche din aaye`ge".

>> [Prices are not increasing, prices are being increased by BJP-NDA GOI, rel Maal-bhaaRaa aa Diesel-tel ke bhaav 21.05.9114 se baD*aa baD*aa ke.]

>> BJP-NDA Bhaarat Sarkaar ke BajaT ke baad "Upalabdhi darshak" khaatir nayakaa Binduan sahit kul 3200 P Aadhaar Bindu caalu kail gail Purnima AzaaD*a Sri: 29.04.9114, Sri: 15.05.9114 aa Sri: 21.05.9114 ke parivartan kail gail je se ab:
परिवर्तित लक्ष बिन्दु Parivartit Lax Bindu baa: 3200 P [The Revised Target Point:3200 P]
*1. Inflation, 2. New 100 Cities
3. Manf. Indst + Agro Ind. + Insurance, 5. Edu (L + 5H)
6. Health, 7. Rail Fare, 8.Recogn. of Bhojpuri,
9. Division of UP,
11. Budget Pts: River Linking, GDP Growth 5.5%,   Price Escalation < SB Intt., Constitutional Pts.  Uniform Civil Code,  Art 370,  Call back,
Redn in Resv., Elected PM and CMs,

13. GDP growth, 15. HDI,
16. Sports. Eh Binduan ke roj naa navinikaran hoi, jekar kul Point baa:
[Considering the 2014-15 Budget of India , the New Basic Points for monitering the Performance Rating of BJP-NDA GOI: Date 17.07.2014]:
[1] Inflation = (CPI +FPI*4)/2 > 50 Points
= June 2014: (139.9 +109.56*4)/2
>> (1.399 +1+.0956*4)/2 = 1.391>> - 39.1 %   >>> - 39.1 P

[3] Manufacturing Indstr + Agro-Indstr + (Insurance)
= WPI based > 50 Points
= 181.7 May 2013 = - 81.7%   >>> - 81.7 P

[2] New Cities=10 Points /city for 4years =!0*100/4 >250 P
May 2014 = 0 >>> 0 P

[4] Petrol + Diesel*4 + LPG*5= 70 + 80 + 400  
multiplying factors are due to public perception > 500 P
= (-1.69 +5)/70 -0.5*4/80 - 16.5*5/400
= 0.0473-0.025- 0.205 = >>> -18.3 P >>> - 18.3

[5]* Education = (L+ 5H)/2, L= literacy, H= higher >100 P
Edu, No.of Univ, Inst in Top 100 = (L=H*10)/2
= (74.04 + 0*10)/ 2
= (74-0)/2 = >>> +37 >>> +37 P

[6] *Health = Life Expectancy 85 yr = 100 > 100 P
= 66*100%/85 = +77.6 >>> +77.6 P

[7] Rail Fare + Freight * 4 , % + or - > 100 P
Rail Fare + Freight * 4 , % + or - >>> -14.2 – 6.5*4 = - 40.2P
>>> - 40.2 P

[8] *Recognition of Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Bundelkhandi ...
within 2 Parliament Sessons >> 10 P each = 50 > 50 P
= 0 P >>> 0 P

[9] *Division of UP in 4 or 5 Parts in 2 sessions >> 50 P > 50 P = >>> 0P

[11] *2014 Budget related Points:
1. River Linking = 50 P
2. GDP growth, 5.5% = 50 P
3. Escalation Redn <4% = 50 P
4. Education 5IITs: 50, 5 IIMs: 30,
4 Agro Res. Inst: 20 = 100P, total > 250 P
>>> 0 P

[12] *Constitutional Points:
1.Uniform Civil Code = 30 P
2. Kasmir - Art. 370 =20 P
3. Power of Call Back MP, MLA = 50 P
4. Redn. fo reservational = 50 P
5. Elected PM and CMs = 150 P, total > 300 P
>>> o P

[13] Others:   > 200 p
>>> - 149 P

(a) Electric Supply x h/24h = (1- x)100 % >>> 100 Points
Av suply = - 70 %  >>> - 70 P

[b]BJP-NDA GOI brought back 2300 persons from Iraq out of total over 10 000 stranded persons jekaraa ke 26.06.2014 ke baad 13 dinan me` le aawe ke caahi`<> naahak 15 din jaadaa laagal.
>> (2300 +280)/(13) 1000  >>> + 19.8 P

(c) Election in Delhi not declared >>> - 10
>>> -10 P
1m Potato Rs/kg 15 April end > 30 June end = +100 %
Onion 20 > 40 = + 100 %
Bottle gourd: 20 > 40 = + 100 %
Cabbage 20 > 40 = 100 %
Capsicum 20 > 80 = 400 %
Tomato 15 > 50 = 333 %

>> Sabjian ke bhaaw baD*al [Av. Increase in Vegetables prices] = (100+100+100+100+ 400 +333)/6
= 188.8% >>> -88.8 % >>> - 88.8 P

[14] Total Points for monitoring Performance rating >>2000 Points
Cumulative Points = -39.1- 81.7 +0- 18.3-40.2-149 + 37 + 77.6
= - 328.3 P + 114 P
=-214.3 P
>> - 214.3*100%/2000 = -10 .73 %   >>> - 10.73 %

>> This (- 10.7 % ) may be treated as the base when  [4]  - 18.3 and [7] -40.2  are removed => -214.3 + 58.8 = - 155.8 P
= - 155.8 *100%/ 2000 = >>> - 5.2 % is Base % Value
on 16.07.2014 at Base point -328.3 P

Corresponding to Base Point = - 155.8 P, out of early target of 2000 Points.

>> -40 P + 74.4 P = + 34.4 P >> + 34.4P - 104.7 P = - 70.3
>> -70.3 -2 + 58.6 + 42.2 = + 28.5

[1] Inflation = (CPI +FPI*4)/2 > 50 Points
= June 2014: (139.9 +109.56*4)/2
>> (1.399 +1 +.0956*4)/2 = 1.391>> - 39.1 %   >>> - 39.1 P

14.08.2014: GOI: CPI inflation 7.96% (expected: 7.4 %), IIP 3.4 %(expected: 7.4 %). Although the core CPI barring Food and Fuel prices remained remained steady at 7.4 %, but rise in mostly Food prices particularly Vegetable resulted in total high inflation. Inview of this GOI says: now they will monitor with WPI instead of CPI. However, it is the CPI effects individuals.
CPI July 14:  143.70, June:141.20, May: 139.90  [2001 = 100]
FPI July 14: 113.29 ?
PPI July 14: 182.60, June: 181.70,
WPI: Primary: 20.1%, 14.9 %, Manufg 65 %
July 14: June 14: May 14:

Price escalation in June-July 14 of NDA Rule based on above formula = (1.4370 + 1 + 0.1329*4)/2 = 1.4843
>>> - 48.4 P

[2] New Smart Cities=10 Points /city for 4years =!0*100/4 >250 P
May 2014 = 0 >>> 0 P
In August 2014 some talk started.

[3] Manufacturing Indstr + Agro-Indstr + (Insurance)
= WPI based > 50 Points
= 181.7 May 2013 = - 81.7%   >>> - 81.7 P
14.08.2014: WPI: 5.19 % july, 5.43% June:
Est. WPI: June 14: 181.7 *1.0543 = 191.57
July 14: 191.57*1.0618 = 203.41.
>>> -103.41 P
PM announces to open a bank A/c with a Davit Card & Insurance of Rs 1 lakh on 15 th August 2014 >> + 20 P

>>> - 83.4 P

[4] Petrol + Diesel*4 + LPG*5= 70 + 80 + 400  
multiplying factors are due to public perception > 500 P
= (-1.69 +5)/70 -0.5*4/80 - 16.5*5/400
= 0.0473-0.025- 0.205 = >>> -18.3 P >>> - 18.3

[5]* Education = (L+ 5H)/2, L= literacy, H= higher >100 P
Edu, No.of Univ, Inst in Top 100 = (L=H*10)/2
= (74.04 + 0*10)/ 2
= (74-0)/2 = >>> +37 >>> +37 P

[6] *Health = Life Expectancy 85 yr = 100 > 100 P
= 66*100%/85 = +77.6 >>> +77.6 P

[7] Rail Fare + Freight * 4 , % + or - > 100 P
Rail Fare + Freight * 4 , % + or - >>> -14.2 – 6.5*4 = - 40.2P
>>> - 40.2 P

[8] *Recognition of Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Bundelkhandi ...
within 2 Parliament Sessons >> 10 P each = 50 > 50 P
= 0 P >>> 0 P
1st Parliament session of NDA: No talk. Expected to pass the bill in 3 session. NDA GOI to lose 1/3 rd marks per session, in case no action is taken.
No action >> -50/3 = -17 P >>> -17 P

[9] *Division of UP in 4 or 5 Parts in 2 sessions >> 50 P > 50 P = >>> 0P
1st Parliament session of NDA: No talk. Expected to pass the bill in 3 session. NDA GOI to lose 1/3 rd marks per session, in case no action is taken.
No action taken >> 50/3 = - 17 P >>> -17 P

[10] *2014 Budget related Points:
1. River Linking = 50 P
2. GDP growth, 5.5% = 50 P
3. Escalation Redn < 3.5 % SB interest = 50 P
4. Education 5IITs: 50, 5 IIMs: 30,
4 Agro Res. Inst: 20 = 100P, total > 250 P

>>> 0 P

[11] *Constitutional Points:
1.Uniform Civil Code = 30 P
2. Kasmir - Art. 370 =20 P
3. Power of Call Back MP, MLA = 50 P
4. Redn. fo reservational = 50 P
5. Elected PM and CMs = 150 P, total > 300 P
>>> o P
Cumulative till june 2014 above all Points [1, 2,3.5,6,7,8,9,10,11] >>> +28.5 P
Cumulative [ 1,2,3, 5 to 11] till july 15 August  2014 all Points:  - 48.4+ 0 - 83.4 + 37 + 77.6 - 42.2 - 17 - 17 + 0  = -79.2   >> -93.4 P >>> -93.4 P

[4] Petrol + Diesel*4 + LPG*5= 70 + 80 + 400  
multiplying factors are due to public perception > 500 P
= (-1.69- 1.09 +5)/70 - (0.5+0.5)4/80 - 16.5*5/400
= 0.0317-0.05- 0.205 = >>> -22.3 P >>> - 22.3 P
Delhi: Petrol price: Premium : Rs/l: Normal:
Date: 10.07.14: 83.03, 73.55
Petrol Prices reduced by Rs 1.89 to 2.38 av. by Rs 2.14

=> (-2.14-1.69 -1.09 + 5)/70 -0.025 - 0.205 = 0.062-.025-0.205 =
- 0.1677 >>> - 16.8 % >>> -16.8 P

[12] Trade Deficit in April 2014 = - 10.5 bln USD Base Value.
Trade deficite 16.7.2014 = -11.76328 bln USD
>  -11.76328 + 10.5 => -1.26328 * 10 P at 10 P /bln USD
= -12.6 P >>> -12.6 P
Export: bln USD 13.920 in May 14
Import:..............8.027 in May 14
Exprt balance: + 5.893 in May 14, =>13.920/5.893 => + 236.2 % is the Base value at the beginning of BJP-NDA govt.
Export: bln USD 26.480 in June 14, 80.112 in April-June 14.
Import: 38.243........ 113.196..............
Exprt balance: - 11.763........ - 33.084..............
Cumulative May+June 14 exprt balance:
=  (13.920 + 26.480) - (8.027+38.243)= +40.4 -46.27 = -5.87 mln UDS
July 14:
Export: 27.72760 bln USD July, 26.47972 blnUSD June
Import: 39.95623 38.243
Trade Deficit: 12.22863 bln USD July,

Growth in Trade balance = = - 46.27/40.4  = -114.5 %
Growth In May + June + July >> -12.229 -11.763 - 5.893 =  -29.885 bln USD
>> -29.885 *10 P = -298.8 P @10/bln$ >>> -298.8 P

[13] FE Reserve:
On 30.05.2014 = 450 kb Base Value by Congress GOI = + 450 P
On 25.07.2014: 385 kb, > - 65 kb at 1 kb = 1P
=> -65 kb = -65 P >>> - 65P
0n 09.08.2014: 320.56 - 0.5735kb > 319.99 - 450 =  - 130.01
>>> -130.0P
FE Reserve:  17.464 bln $ - 17.3579 = + 0.1061 bln $   july 14

6[14] Others:   > 200 p
>>> - 136 P

(a) Electric Supply x h/24h = 0.7 * 12 *100% / 24
= 35 %    => -65  %   >>> - 65 P
Estimated: about 70 % villages electrified
Av. Supply h = 12 h /d = x
[b] BJP-NDA GOI brought back 3700 persons from Iraq out of total over
10 000 stranded. >> No more monitoring.

(c) Election in Delhi not declared >> - 10
>> -10 P
On 05.08.2014 SC of India considering the plee of AAP asked GOI why Delhi Assembly shouldn't be dessolved, why should citigen pay MLA when they do not  do any work.....SC next hearing is on 9th Sept. 2014.

BJP-NDA GOI's action in this respect is questionable. - 2 P / d will be added to the Performance of GOI on this account till Delhi Assembly is dissolved.
>>  -24-2P >>> -26 P

(d) Khaaye-piye ke daam, Fooding Price in June end, Rs/kg, 17.7.14 on 3rd Colmn., Present Price, % change
1. Rice: 30, 33, 10
2. Atta: 20, 25, 25
3. Rahar daal: 85, 105, 24
4. Canaa daal: 65, 75, 15
5. Mastrd oil, l: 85, 110, 29
6. Comn.Salt: 20, 25, 25
7. Sugar: 38, 38, 0
8. Milk, l: 36, 38, 5.6
Total 379, 449, 18.5
>> Cerials + noon tel ke harahari bhaaw [Av. Cerials Prices]
>> +18.6 %

Haraahari Sabjian ke bhaav: [Av. Vegetables prices]:
9. Potato 20, 40, 100
10. Onion 30, 40, 33
11. Bottle gourd 20, 40, 100
12. Cabbage 25, 40, 60
13. Capsicum 20, 80, 300
14. Tomato 15, 70. 433
Total: 130, 320, 146
> Sabjian ke harahari bhaaw[Av. Vegetables prices]: = 250 %
>> Sab bhojan samagrian ke harahari bhaaw[Av. eatables prices]: (449+320)/(379+130) = 769 /509 = 151.0% >> + 51.0%
>>> - 51.0 P

GOI Index for Food articles: 249.7 in June 14 at Base 2004-05=100.
<> Khaadya ceejan ke haraahari bhaaw: [Av. eatables prices]:
FAO FPI June: 206.0

[15] Total Points for monitoring Performance rating >>3200 Points
Cumulative Points =
= - 675 P  on 15.08.2014,  previous = 456.7 P on 14.08.14.
>> - 675 P/3200 P = - 17.4 % [ still - ive growing]
Ø - 21.1 % is the Performance Rating BJP-NDA GOI as on 15.08.2014AD in over 2.5 months rule

Corresponding to Base Value = - 360 P on 01.08.14, out of target of + 3200 Points.
= (+5.893 * 10P + 65 P + 105.6) / 3200 P = + 335.1 / 3200
 = + 10.5 % Base Value in May 2014, say by Congress Govt.

Performance Rating of AAP in Delhi rule = + 1865 %
ð AAP GoD, Government of Delhi had worked for 49 days of their rule @ 18.65 times of the Targets
** AAP ke saporTar log poore Bhaarat me` baaRan.
Dilli pa AAP ke jor debahi` ke caahi`, baakir dusar praantano me` coonaaw me` jadi tagaRaa pratyaasi hokhe ta oh me` jaroor bhaag lebe ke caahi`.

** AAP me` deexaa lebe khaatir karib 30000 darkhaast aail.
[AAP receives 31000 applications for 2 month internship.]

1. Yukren [Ukraine]:
** Rus ab 1 baris tak EU, US aa AsTreliaa se khaadya saamagrian ke aayaat pa rok lagaa delas.
[Tit for tat, Russiaa has banned food from EU, Australia and US for year.]

** SRS  ke anusaar Poorabi Yukren me maral logan ke sankhyaa dugunaa gail.  Aa karib 3 Laakh logan ke ghar choR ke bhaage ke paral.
[UNO said over 2000 persons were killed in E. Ukraine. About 300 000 people had to leave their home. ]

** SR ke HolliwooD ke STeven Seegal Krimiaa me` Sri: 29.05,9114 ke DNR khaatir jalasaa kailan.
[Hollywood Steven Seagal performed in Crimea on 10.08.2014 for DNR   Donetsk People's Republic and LNR.]

** Maskwaa 2000 t Sahaataa Saamagri  karib 280 Trak me` Donbaas DNR /LNR bhejalas reD kros ke dekh-rekh me`, baakir Yukren ekaraa ke shak ke najar se dekhataa aa seemaa pa Trakan ke rokiyo sakelaa..
[Moscow sent 2000 t Humanitarian Aids to Donbas DNR /LNR under Red Cross, ICRC in about 280 trucks jekaraa ke Ukraine may stop at the boarder.]

** Yukren me` eh ghari kuchuo niman naikhe ho~t, Kiev Sarkaar raxasi kaam karataa sab logan ke muaa muaa ke poorabi bhaag me`. Bhagawaane aisan raaxasan se log ke bacaa sakelan. Rus ta~ shaanti se baithale baa, aa UNO sutal baa.
[Nothing is happening good in Ukraine, as the Kiev Govt. appears like a Group of Criminals, raxasas killing people indescriminantly  in East Ukraine. Only God can save the people from such micreants sitting in Kyiv. But Russia is sitting tight, and UNO is sleeping.]

2. Turki Adhyax ke Coonaaw: [TurkeyPresidensial Election]:
** Iraak me` jaae se pahile IS Turki ke Rehanli shar me` aapan sthaan banawale rahe. Aa Turki aapan aa`kh mudale rahe kaahe ki ISIS Siriaa ke Adhax Assad ke khilaafe kaam karat rahe. Baakir ab ISIS Turkie logan pa visfoT karataa.
[Befor ISIS went to Iraq, they used to be in Reyhanli town, and turkey kept mum as ISIS were fighting with Syrian Pres Assad. But now ISIS is attacking the same town of Turkey.]

** Turki me`, je Siriaa, Iraak aa Yukren ke beec gheraail baa, Matdaan bhail Adhyax ke pad khaatir.
[Election  held on 10.08.2014 for electing President by direct voting first time  in Turkey which is sandwich between Iraqk, Syria and Ukraine.]

3. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** Iraak me` ab nayaka PresiDent ego nayaa PM ke bahaali khaatir naav kahlan: Haider Al-Abaadi ke. Ab dekhi` ee kaa karataare.
[The New President of Iraq nominated Mr Haider al-Abaadi who has to form his govt. in a month’s period.]

** UK ab TornaaDo jet Iraak me` bhejataa. [UK sending Tornado to assist Sinjar air drops.]
** Turki Irbil ke saath biaa, pacchimi sahaayakan ke saath. [Turkey is behind Erbil with Western supports.]
** SR ab Iraak ke IS virodhian pa Hawaai hamalaa shuru ka delas.
[US started Air Strikes on Iraqi Militants.]
** IS ke Dar se karib 40 000 Iraaki-Isaai log pahaaR pa chipal baaRe.
[About 40000 Christians of Iraq left home, are stranded in mountains, else get butchered.]

** Kurd aapan swatantrataa khaatir janamatsangrah kare ke caahataa. [Kurds prepare for voting for independence.]

4. Siriaa [Syria]:
** Turki ke najdeek Uttari Siriaa ke Alleppo ke anek Shaharan pa je me` Akhtaarin aa Turkmaanbareho baa IS aapan kabjaa ka lelas al-Assad Virodhi  Islaamik-militant se laR ke.

** Siria me` 3 tatah ke laRaai hotaa: al- Assad ke Siriaa ke Saasan ke, Saasan Virodhi US samarthit Islaamik Virodhian ke.  Islaamk State ke laRaakuan ke,

5. Libiaa [Libya]:
** Tripoli ke Pulish ke Pramukh maraa gailan.
[The chief of Tripoli Police  in Libyan was killed]

** Libian Netaa Karnal Gaddaafi ke nirdayataa se maar ke Obamaa ji kahalan ki ‘kaam pooraa hogail’. Baakir, baakir baakir …. Libiaa TuTataa, Iraako TuTataa, Yukreno TuTataa ….. Kaa Obamaa ji ke ‘kaam pooraa bhail’, je ohi Sansaar ke akelaa desh ke aguaa hawan je Japan me` Maanawataa ke uupar A0Iwaashtra calawalas?
[After butchering Libyan Leader Col. Gaddaafi mercilessly, Pres Obama declared ‘mission accomplished’. But but but …. The country Libya is breaking up, Iraq is breaking up, Ukraine is breaking up, … Is mission of Obama accomplished, representing the only country of the World who Nuked Japan killing the humanity itself?]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’  lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke uddes auru aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Dekhi` PaaTh-1, 2, 3 … pa..
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'International  Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the above google link.
Whatever is written here have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 15.08.1

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