भोजपुरी bho
मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 21.06.9114 बियफे Beefe [Date: 21.08.2014 AD Thursday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
अंक Ank: 144.06.9114.
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]
*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Bhaarat ke CPI atanaa bhaagataa ki NDA-GOI ab CPI se monitaringe naikhe kare ke caahat.
[NDA GOI do not like to monitor CPI as the latter is increasing exorbitantly.'.]
*** NDA Sarkaar ke
उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak ['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI]
Ø - 836.6P/ 3200P = - 26.1 % as on 20.8.2014 AD in over 2.5 months NDA rulein over 2.5 months NDA rule
'Performance: Previous day = - 21.1 % as on 19.08.2014AD pichalaa din
Aadhaar Maatraa [Base Value at start of BJP GOI] = + 11.7 % (revised for Sports performance)
(by UPA-2 GOI)
Patan [Degradation in] BJP GOI = 26.1 + 11.7 % = 37.8 % [by 20.08.2014] by BJP-NDA
=> - 3200*37.8/100 => - 1209Points
: out of + 3200 P Lax Bindu [Target Points]
>>>> Eh 3200 me` (-)1209 Binduan ke Upalabdhi se ta laagataa ki NDA-GOI 4 Maheenaa peeche le gail.
[From the achievement of NDA-GOI of (-) 1050 out of 3200 Points, it appears that they have gone 4 Months bachwards.]
>> Bhaarat ke FE tejee se ghatataa. CPI ta aisan baD*a gail ki ab CPI se ee Sarkaar monitTaringe naa kari.
[FE of India is depleting at very Fast rate. CPI is flying high due to which which NDA GOI is just leaving CPI away.]
>> दाम बढ़त नइखे, ओकरा के बढ़ावल जाता daam baD*at naikhe, okaraa ke baD*aawal jaataa.
Ee bahut dukh ke baat baa, kaahe ki Bhaarat ke sab log abahi`o aashaa lagawale baaRan nayakaa sarkaar se ki अच्छे दिन आएँगे "Acche din aaye`ge".
>> [Prices are not increasing, prices are being increased by BJP-NDA GOI, rel Maal-bhaaRaa aa Diesel-tel ke bhaav 21.05.9114 se baD*aa baD*aa ke.]
*** AAP ke Dilli Saasan ke उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak: [Performance Rating of AAP in Delhi rule = + 1865 %]:
ð AAP GoD, Government of Delhi had worked for 49 days of their rule @ 18.65 times of the Targets.] AAP- Dilli Sarkaar 49 se din kaam kailas je me` aapan Lax ke 18.65 dar haasil kailas.
=> [Achieving over 2.5 years of their Target in just 49 days. This is certainly not possible without the Dedication, hard labor, devotion to the cause and Organisational capabilities of the AAP members, particularly Arvind ji.]
Eh se 2.5 Baris ke kaam AAP 49 se dinan me ka delas. Ee AAP Sadasyan aa khaas ka ke AAP netaa Arvind ji ke soojh-boojh, samarpan aa athak parishram se sambhaw bhail.
1. Yukren [Ukraine]:
** Kiev ke raaxas:
** Street fighting is going on in Donetsk: Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatseniuk is extremely pleased seeing the dying of people in Donetsk like a raxas. The Pres of Ukraine is only concerned how to take revenge for thoe who din't vote for him as he did proclaimed after winning; of course he is concerned with Mines and Minerals of Donbas, let the people die.
** Danetska Republik Sahaayataa Baahanan ke aa 'ReD Kross' ke logan ke suraxa ke jimmaa letaa. DNR ke Up PM kahalan.
[DNR guarantees the safety of Humaniterian Trucks. The Dy PM of DNR said: Danetsk Republik takes guarantee of the safety of Humaniterian Trucks and persons of Red Cross accompanying them.]
** Jab SkoTlaenD me` aapan swatantrataa khaatir Janamatasangrah ho sakelaa ta DANETSK aa LUHAANSK Xeran ke Mai 2014 AD ke Janamatasangrah ke fal ke Pacchimi desh kaahe naikhe maanat? Kaa SkoTlaenDi Janamatasangraho ke uuhe haal hoi je DNR aa LNR ke hotaa.
[When Scotland can go for Referendum for their freedom, why is the Referendum of DANETSK and LUGANSK Regions held in May 2014 not acceptable to Western countries? Will the Scottish Referendum have the same fate as Danetsk and Lugansk?]
** Yukren ke 4 Maheenan ke waar me` Hajaaro maaral gailan, karib
700 000 ke ghar choR ke bhaage ke paral aa ab eh rifyujio pa rokeT calataa. Baakir Maasko kahala naa.
[In 4 month's Ukraine war 1000s killed over 700 000 displaced and now many refugees suffering in cross fires.]
Ego ciRai ke maarewaalaa Bhaai rahan, Aa dusar bhaai rahan
ohi ciRai ke bacaawe waalaa. Je bhailan: Gautam Buddha
Eehe halat Purabi Yukren ke baa, je me` kehu bam barasaawataa, ta kehu danaa paani detaa.
[ A bird was hit by a brother was dying. The other brother saved the bird who later became: Gautam Buddha]
[In light of above a question arises: Does E. Ukraine belongs to Kyiv's Purushenko, the killer? or to Moskwaa' Putin, the savier? Yr ans fill also find the difference between the West and The East, Vostok.
You judge yourself. When:]
2. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** Uttari Iraaki rifujee khaatir UK kuch Khaadya saamagri sahaayataa ke bhejalas.
>>> Baakir "Rusi 2000 t ke 280 Bahanan me` laadal Daketsk logan ke sahaayataa" saayad ego sab se baRahan sahaayataa hoi.
[UK has sent Food articles for Northern Iraq refugees.
>>> But "The 280 Truck loaded 2000 t Humaniterian Aid for Donetsk" may be the largest 1 time Aid ever provided.]
** IS / ISIS Islaam choR ke aapan 'Taalibaani Roop' dikhaie delas jeh tarah se uu katle-aam karataa Iraak me` aa Syria me`. Ehi se SRS aa InDonesiaa jaisan desh IS / ISIS pa pratibandh lagaa delas.
[IS / ISIS has shown its 'Talibani Face' by doing mascecre in Iraq and Syria. Therefore, UNO and Indonesia have banned IS / ISIS.]
** Masul Baa`dh pa IS se laRaai calataa. [Fighting on Masul Dam continues with IS]
** Ab US IS pa hawaai hamalaa pa bhiR gail baa, khaas ka ke Kurdistaan me`.
[Now US is on heavy Air Srikes on IS, particularly in Kurdistan.]
** Iraak me` ab nayaka PresiDent ego nayaa PM ke naamajad kailan: Haider Al-Abaadi ke. PM Maaliki ab padatyage ke kah delan. Ab dekhi` ee nayakaa PM Haider kaa karataare.
[The New President of Iraq nominated Mr Haider al-Abaadi who has to form his govt. in a month’s period. PM maliki has resigned from his post. let us see further result of this change.]
3. Siriaa [Syria]:
** 2003 AD se pahile Iraak me` karib 1.5 mln (5 %) Isaai log rahan aa ab 0.4 mln (1.3 %) baaRan. Ehi tarah Siriaa me` LaRaai se pahile 1.8 mln (10 %) Isaai log rahan, ab khaali 1.3 mln (1.3 %) isaai baaRan. Ehi se Isaai-bahul Western desh ab jagalan haa, caahe UK hokhe yaa US.
Ehi tarah ke laRaaian ka ka ke joR-jabardasti se anek deshan me` Islaam baD*al baa. Aaj kawano desh Isaai-desh naikhe bhale uu Isaai- bahul desh hokhe jaise UK, France, US ..., baaki Dher desh Islaami baa.
** Turki ke najdeek Uttari Siriaa ke Alleppo ke anek Shaharan pa je me` Akhtaarin aa Turkmaanbareho baa IS aapan kabjaa ka lelas al-Assad Virodhi Islaamik-militant se laR ke. [Near Turkey in Alleppo of North Syria a number of towns have been captured by IS, je pa pahile.
** Siria me` 3 tarah ke laRaai hotaa: al- Assad ke Siriaa ke Saikan ke, Saasan Virodhi US samarthit Islaamik virodhian ke aa Islaamk State ke laRaakuan ke beec. "
[Syria is suffering from 3 cornered "Undeclared War" UW:
(a) Al-Assad Saasan aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(b) ISIS / IS aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(c) ISIS / IS aa Al-Assad Saasan
>>> Eh teeno LaRaai me` Issai logan ke haani hotaa
Baakir Al- Assad Saasan me` je kaafi had tak Samaajvaadi rahe, Isaai log Theeke rahan. Baaki US ke Obamaa ji pa ta Rus-virodh ke bhoot sawaar baa; ta ab Isaai logan ke durdashaa ke, ke jimmedaar baa?
4. Libiaa [Libya]:
** Kehoo kahataa Libiaa ego Khatam desh ha. Kaa ee sahi baa?
Aaj Libiaa me` je kuch hotaa, kaa okaraa me` SR ke haa`th naikhe? Eehe halat Iraak, Siriaa aa Yukreno ke baa je me` NaaTo desho saamil baa.
[Some say: Libya a failed state. Is it?
What is happening in Libya, isn't it the creation of US? The same is the case of Iraq or Syria, or even Ukraine in which NATO countries are also involved..]
** Libiaa ke Sansad Videshi logan ke hastaxep kare ke kahalan. Ehi se saayad Tripoli pa hawaai hamalaa caalu ho gail.
[Libyan Parliament voted for foreign intervention.]
** Tripoli ke log 3 rako Jumaa ke Dhamaakaa aa bam ke sun ke bhore bhore uThalan.
[Tripoli residents awoke and found thud and sound waves even on the 3rd Jumaa.]
** Libian Netaa Karnal Gaddaafi ke nirdayataa se maar ke Obamaa ji kahalan ki ‘kaam pooraa hogail’. Baakir, baakir baakir …. Libiaa TuTataa, Iraako TuTataa, Yukreno TuTataa ….. Kaa Obamaa ji ke ‘kaam pooraa bhail’, je ohi Sansaar ke akelaa desh ke aguaa hawan je Japan me` Maanawataa ke uupar A0Iwaashtra calawalas?
[After butchering Libyan Leader Col. Gaddaafi mercilessly, Pres Obama declared ‘mission accomplished’. But but but …. The country Libya is breaking up, Iraq is breaking up, Ukraine is breaking up, … Is mission of Obama accomplished, representing the only country of the World who Nuked Japan killing the humanity itself?]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke uddes auru aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Dekhi` PaaTh-1, 2, 3 … pa..
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the above google link.
Whatever is written here have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 21.08.14
मित्रम् ग्लोबल भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik
Sri: 21.06.9114 बियफे Beefe [Date: 21.08.2014 AD Thursday]
Suru Sri: 14.09.9113 se [Since: 02.12.2013 AD]
अंक Ank: 144.06.9114.
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब लोगन के.
Swaagat baa, Sansaar ke Sab Bhojpuri premi logan ke, auru sab Premi logan ke .
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri,
and all lovers. English in [...]]
*** कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Bhaarat ke CPI atanaa bhaagataa ki NDA-GOI ab CPI se monitaringe naikhe kare ke caahat.
[NDA GOI do not like to monitor CPI as the latter is increasing exorbitantly.'.]
*** NDA Sarkaar ke
उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak ['Performance rating’ of NDA GOI]
Ø - 836.6P/ 3200P = - 26.1 % as on 20.8.2014 AD in over 2.5 months NDA rulein over 2.5 months NDA rule
'Performance: Previous day = - 21.1 % as on 19.08.2014AD pichalaa din
Aadhaar Maatraa [Base Value at start of BJP GOI] = + 11.7 % (revised for Sports performance)
(by UPA-2 GOI)
Patan [Degradation in] BJP GOI = 26.1 + 11.7 % = 37.8 % [by 20.08.2014] by BJP-NDA
=> - 3200*37.8/100 => - 1209Points
: out of + 3200 P Lax Bindu [Target Points]
>>>> Eh 3200 me` (-)1209 Binduan ke Upalabdhi se ta laagataa ki NDA-GOI 4 Maheenaa peeche le gail.
[From the achievement of NDA-GOI of (-) 1050 out of 3200 Points, it appears that they have gone 4 Months bachwards.]
>> Bhaarat ke FE tejee se ghatataa. CPI ta aisan baD*a gail ki ab CPI se ee Sarkaar monitTaringe naa kari.
[FE of India is depleting at very Fast rate. CPI is flying high due to which which NDA GOI is just leaving CPI away.]
>> दाम बढ़त नइखे, ओकरा के बढ़ावल जाता daam baD*at naikhe, okaraa ke baD*aawal jaataa.
Ee bahut dukh ke baat baa, kaahe ki Bhaarat ke sab log abahi`o aashaa lagawale baaRan nayakaa sarkaar se ki अच्छे दिन आएँगे "Acche din aaye`ge".
>> [Prices are not increasing, prices are being increased by BJP-NDA GOI, rel Maal-bhaaRaa aa Diesel-tel ke bhaav 21.05.9114 se baD*aa baD*aa ke.]
*** AAP ke Dilli Saasan ke उपलब्धि दर्शक 'Upalabdhi darshak: [Performance Rating of AAP in Delhi rule = + 1865 %]:
ð AAP GoD, Government of Delhi had worked for 49 days of their rule @ 18.65 times of the Targets.] AAP- Dilli Sarkaar 49 se din kaam kailas je me` aapan Lax ke 18.65 dar haasil kailas.
=> [Achieving over 2.5 years of their Target in just 49 days. This is certainly not possible without the Dedication, hard labor, devotion to the cause and Organisational capabilities of the AAP members, particularly Arvind ji.]
Eh se 2.5 Baris ke kaam AAP 49 se dinan me ka delas. Ee AAP Sadasyan aa khaas ka ke AAP netaa Arvind ji ke soojh-boojh, samarpan aa athak parishram se sambhaw bhail.
1. Yukren [Ukraine]:
** Kiev ke raaxas:
** Street fighting is going on in Donetsk: Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatseniuk is extremely pleased seeing the dying of people in Donetsk like a raxas. The Pres of Ukraine is only concerned how to take revenge for thoe who din't vote for him as he did proclaimed after winning; of course he is concerned with Mines and Minerals of Donbas, let the people die.
** Danetska Republik Sahaayataa Baahanan ke aa 'ReD Kross' ke logan ke suraxa ke jimmaa letaa. DNR ke Up PM kahalan.
[DNR guarantees the safety of Humaniterian Trucks. The Dy PM of DNR said: Danetsk Republik takes guarantee of the safety of Humaniterian Trucks and persons of Red Cross accompanying them.]
** Jab SkoTlaenD me` aapan swatantrataa khaatir Janamatasangrah ho sakelaa ta DANETSK aa LUHAANSK Xeran ke Mai 2014 AD ke Janamatasangrah ke fal ke Pacchimi desh kaahe naikhe maanat? Kaa SkoTlaenDi Janamatasangraho ke uuhe haal hoi je DNR aa LNR ke hotaa.
[When Scotland can go for Referendum for their freedom, why is the Referendum of DANETSK and LUGANSK Regions held in May 2014 not acceptable to Western countries? Will the Scottish Referendum have the same fate as Danetsk and Lugansk?]
** Yukren ke 4 Maheenan ke waar me` Hajaaro maaral gailan, karib
700 000 ke ghar choR ke bhaage ke paral aa ab eh rifyujio pa rokeT calataa. Baakir Maasko kahala naa.
[In 4 month's Ukraine war 1000s killed over 700 000 displaced and now many refugees suffering in cross fires.]
Ego ciRai ke maarewaalaa Bhaai rahan, Aa dusar bhaai rahan
ohi ciRai ke bacaawe waalaa. Je bhailan: Gautam Buddha
Eehe halat Purabi Yukren ke baa, je me` kehu bam barasaawataa, ta kehu danaa paani detaa.
[ A bird was hit by a brother was dying. The other brother saved the bird who later became: Gautam Buddha]
[In light of above a question arises: Does E. Ukraine belongs to Kyiv's Purushenko, the killer? or to Moskwaa' Putin, the savier? Yr ans fill also find the difference between the West and The East, Vostok.
You judge yourself. When:]
2. Iraak Sa`kaT: [Iraq Crisis]:
** Uttari Iraaki rifujee khaatir UK kuch Khaadya saamagri sahaayataa ke bhejalas.
>>> Baakir "Rusi 2000 t ke 280 Bahanan me` laadal Daketsk logan ke sahaayataa" saayad ego sab se baRahan sahaayataa hoi.
[UK has sent Food articles for Northern Iraq refugees.
>>> But "The 280 Truck loaded 2000 t Humaniterian Aid for Donetsk" may be the largest 1 time Aid ever provided.]
** IS / ISIS Islaam choR ke aapan 'Taalibaani Roop' dikhaie delas jeh tarah se uu katle-aam karataa Iraak me` aa Syria me`. Ehi se SRS aa InDonesiaa jaisan desh IS / ISIS pa pratibandh lagaa delas.
[IS / ISIS has shown its 'Talibani Face' by doing mascecre in Iraq and Syria. Therefore, UNO and Indonesia have banned IS / ISIS.]
** Masul Baa`dh pa IS se laRaai calataa. [Fighting on Masul Dam continues with IS]
** Ab US IS pa hawaai hamalaa pa bhiR gail baa, khaas ka ke Kurdistaan me`.
[Now US is on heavy Air Srikes on IS, particularly in Kurdistan.]
** Iraak me` ab nayaka PresiDent ego nayaa PM ke naamajad kailan: Haider Al-Abaadi ke. PM Maaliki ab padatyage ke kah delan. Ab dekhi` ee nayakaa PM Haider kaa karataare.
[The New President of Iraq nominated Mr Haider al-Abaadi who has to form his govt. in a month’s period. PM maliki has resigned from his post. let us see further result of this change.]
3. Siriaa [Syria]:
** 2003 AD se pahile Iraak me` karib 1.5 mln (5 %) Isaai log rahan aa ab 0.4 mln (1.3 %) baaRan. Ehi tarah Siriaa me` LaRaai se pahile 1.8 mln (10 %) Isaai log rahan, ab khaali 1.3 mln (1.3 %) isaai baaRan. Ehi se Isaai-bahul Western desh ab jagalan haa, caahe UK hokhe yaa US.
Ehi tarah ke laRaaian ka ka ke joR-jabardasti se anek deshan me` Islaam baD*al baa. Aaj kawano desh Isaai-desh naikhe bhale uu Isaai- bahul desh hokhe jaise UK, France, US ..., baaki Dher desh Islaami baa.
** Turki ke najdeek Uttari Siriaa ke Alleppo ke anek Shaharan pa je me` Akhtaarin aa Turkmaanbareho baa IS aapan kabjaa ka lelas al-Assad Virodhi Islaamik-militant se laR ke. [Near Turkey in Alleppo of North Syria a number of towns have been captured by IS, je pa pahile.
** Siria me` 3 tarah ke laRaai hotaa: al- Assad ke Siriaa ke Saikan ke, Saasan Virodhi US samarthit Islaamik virodhian ke aa Islaamk State ke laRaakuan ke beec. "
[Syria is suffering from 3 cornered "Undeclared War" UW:
(a) Al-Assad Saasan aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(b) ISIS / IS aa US samarthit Islaamik group
(c) ISIS / IS aa Al-Assad Saasan
>>> Eh teeno LaRaai me` Issai logan ke haani hotaa
Baakir Al- Assad Saasan me` je kaafi had tak Samaajvaadi rahe, Isaai log Theeke rahan. Baaki US ke Obamaa ji pa ta Rus-virodh ke bhoot sawaar baa; ta ab Isaai logan ke durdashaa ke, ke jimmedaar baa?
4. Libiaa [Libya]:
** Kehoo kahataa Libiaa ego Khatam desh ha. Kaa ee sahi baa?
Aaj Libiaa me` je kuch hotaa, kaa okaraa me` SR ke haa`th naikhe? Eehe halat Iraak, Siriaa aa Yukreno ke baa je me` NaaTo desho saamil baa.
[Some say: Libya a failed state. Is it?
What is happening in Libya, isn't it the creation of US? The same is the case of Iraq or Syria, or even Ukraine in which NATO countries are also involved..]
** Libiaa ke Sansad Videshi logan ke hastaxep kare ke kahalan. Ehi se saayad Tripoli pa hawaai hamalaa caalu ho gail.
[Libyan Parliament voted for foreign intervention.]
** Tripoli ke log 3 rako Jumaa ke Dhamaakaa aa bam ke sun ke bhore bhore uThalan.
[Tripoli residents awoke and found thud and sound waves even on the 3rd Jumaa.]
** Libian Netaa Karnal Gaddaafi ke nirdayataa se maar ke Obamaa ji kahalan ki ‘kaam pooraa hogail’. Baakir, baakir baakir …. Libiaa TuTataa, Iraako TuTataa, Yukreno TuTataa ….. Kaa Obamaa ji ke ‘kaam pooraa bhail’, je ohi Sansaar ke akelaa desh ke aguaa hawan je Japan me` Maanawataa ke uupar A0Iwaashtra calawalas?
[After butchering Libyan Leader Col. Gaddaafi mercilessly, Pres Obama declared ‘mission accomplished’. But but but …. The country Libya is breaking up, Iraq is breaking up, Ukraine is breaking up, … Is mission of Obama accomplished, representing the only country of the World who Nuked Japan killing the humanity itself?]
Eehaa` ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakeni.
[One may use either ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script here.]
'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' ego online global Dainik Samaacaar Patra ha~, je 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke uddes auru aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Dekhi` PaaTh-1, 2, 3 … pa..
Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`.
['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is an online global daily news paper, which is based on the aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. For reading this news paper, please see Paath-1, 2, 3…at the above google link.
Whatever is written here have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themselves.]
ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 21.08.14
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